Ending health insurance for 13 million to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy?

No credit beyond a one percent growth rate.
GDP of 4.0 the reports are now! But you prefer 1.5%, I get it, it’s why trump won. Elections have consequences.
Projections. Only one percent growth credit in any budget projections as long as our debt keeps increasing.
yep just like the increase in debt. just a projection. so you have no clue. what we have history. you should learn it. it's called indicators. sort of like a poll you like so much. BTW, 10 trillion was added to the debt by obummer, where were you then?
He had to bail out the rich not blacks.

Why lower taxes to finance it?
to help the blacks he is getting them jobs. to do that he needs corporations to open up jobs, and to do that he is giving them a tax break to keep the jobs in the US rather than exporting them out of country. I believe to date even without the tax cut in place, but the anticipation of it, there is a 17 year low for blacks unemployed. hmmmm seems like you don't want the blacks to work.

You do know the rich got richer under obummer right? funny shit again, not a word out of your loser mouth.

What is the corporate tax rates for profits outside the US?
Nobody is ending health insurance for 13M people, you damn liar

Senate Republicans have proposed eliminating the ACA’s requirement that all Americans have health insurance or pay a penalty. By getting rid of this, the CBO estimates 13 million fewer people would have insurance a decade from now.

Wait...because they dont get beaten into submission by the IRS for not having health insurance that means they are ending health insurance?
I dont get fined for not having a car. Are the Republicans ending car ownership?

You are past stupid.
This is yet another example of how pathetic the Republican Party has become. Trump was already this pathetic.

Ending the mandate will cause 13 million to no longer be insured. The Republicans will save the money that would be spent on health insurance subsidies. Where do they think these people will get healthcare? Using the system without paying. More children on CHIP ( If Republicans decide to renew it at current levels). Who pays for that? We do.

Trump & the Republicans want to save money by reducing the number signing up for health insurance on the exchanges.

Chickenfuck Trump cut the enrollment period & reduced the outreach to help people get insurance. The same practice these pathetic assholes use to depress the vote.

Republicans keep to their traditions: Keep handing rich people & corporations money & making the middle class pay for it.

Ryan said SS, Medicare & Medicaid is next. After adding a trillion to the deficit, they will cry about debt & blame it on these programs.

The fact is that Republicans suck big slimy moose dick.,

You dumbass that isn't wha's happening, and if it so concerns you why don't you and every other dumb fk who hates Trump PAY FOR THEIR HEALTHCARE YOURSELF.......AND THEN MOVE THEM ITO YOUR HOMES........... jackasses. No understanding of economics whatsoever.

You idiots have been so lied to by that bastard you don't even know real information.

Letys compare economic ideas.

You: Hand rich people & corporations money & they will hire people & build shit.

Me: Rich people will spend little of what they extra they get. Corporations don't build shit or hire anyone unless there is a demand for the product.

That is economic fact.

You want to increase demsnd, put money ion the pockets of those that will spend all of it. The Lower & Middle Class.

This is why you are such a fucking moron. You dipsticks think you knoe economics. Funny Chit Buckwheat .
Hilarious. You should learn who’s paying taxes

It has nothing to do with who is paying taxes.

It has to do with a tax cut that hands money top people who will not spend most of it & then claim it creates jobs.

If the asswipian Republicans really wanted to create jobs, they would limit all tax rate reductions to the lower 2 tax brackets.
Nobody is ending health insurance for 13M people, you damn liar

Senate Republicans have proposed eliminating the ACA’s requirement that all Americans have health insurance or pay a penalty. By getting rid of this, the CBO estimates 13 million fewer people would have insurance a decade from now.

Wait...because they dont get beaten into submission by the IRS for not having health insurance that means they are ending health insurance?
I dont get fined for not having a car. Are the Republicans ending car ownership?

You are past stupid.

Really? If I don;t own a car does it mean a get a free ride when I need one?

You fucking assholes think you are so fucking smart & your are just as God damn stupid as a pile of horseshit in my front pasture.
Should we just say it...as it has said so many times before? OK..

Trump passed a tax cut and we are all gonna die...women, blacks and transexuals will be resurrected and killed again!!!!!!
Source: Marxist whiny baby loons
Nobody is ending health insurance for 13M people, you damn liar

Senate Republicans have proposed eliminating the ACA’s requirement that all Americans have health insurance or pay a penalty. By getting rid of this, the CBO estimates 13 million fewer people would have insurance a decade from now.

Arent you used to losing yet?
Should we just say it...as it has said so many times before? OK..

Trump passed a tax cut and we are all gonna die...women, blacks and transexuals will be resurrected and killed again!!!!!!

It means our country will be deeper on debt and put back on that same path when Bush put in his tax cuts. It starts a countdown to another horrible recession.
Really? If I don;t own a car does it mean a get a free ride when I need one?

Errr...you wouldnt consider buying yourself a car would you? Like any other adult who needs one? My 17 year old bought her own car while still in high school. And now she is graduated from college and pays her own medical insurance. Weird and wondrous happenings.
No serf in Czarist Russia was as helpless as you liberals have been made.
Should we just say it...as it has said so many times before? OK..

Trump passed a tax cut and we are all gonna die...women, blacks and transexuals will be resurrected and killed again!!!!!!

It means our country will be deeper on debt and put back on that same path when Bush put in his tax cuts. It starts a countdown to another horrible recession.

Maybe now Democrats could come up with a nice list of spending cuts to prevent that? I am sure Trump will consider them. No? You mean they prefer debt?
It has to do with a tax cut that hands money top people who will not spend most of it & then claim it creates jobs.

Oh really? And what will the rich do with all that money (their money by the way...not a handout like food stamps)? Dig a hole and hide it? Stuff it in a mattress where it will only create jobs for mattress manufacturers?
I'll tell you one thing the ultra rich will do. Spend it on TV ads demonizing Trump. It's what they have been doing anyhow.
Nobody is ending health insurance for 13M people, you damn liar

Senate Republicans have proposed eliminating the ACA’s requirement that all Americans have health insurance or pay a penalty. By getting rid of this, the CBO estimates 13 million fewer people would have insurance a decade from now.

Wait...because they dont get beaten into submission by the IRS for not having health insurance that means they are ending health insurance?
I dont get fined for not having a car. Are the Republicans ending car ownership?

You are past stupid.

Really? If I don;t own a car does it mean a get a free ride when I need one?

You fucking assholes think you are so fucking smart & your are just as God damn stupid as a pile of horseshit in my front pasture.
When you no longer have a mandate, young and healthy people drop insurance, leaving higher costs to insurers because only unhealthy people have insurance. The end result is premiums rising and/or insurers just dropping out.
All insurance is redistribution of wealth from lucky people to unlucky people; its the nature of the beast. And health insurance is a redistribution from healthy people to unhealthy people; it just one of these inescapable facts of life. This is why heritage foundation was promoting mandate in the 90's as personal responsibility.
Special pleading is a fallacy in this case.

Provide applies to the common defense and general welfare.
so post the quote in quotations. ready set go! again failure to do so proves I'm right again. as I have been so far.
LOL To provide is in the same sentence.
It is, and it isn't where you said it is. you need to learn how to read. but I still see you won't quote it. funny no confidence at all I see.
If the power to provide for the common defense is available, so is the power to provide for the general welfare.
still waiting. quote the quote to prove your claim danielson.
Nothing but diversion, right wingers.

Article 1,Section 8.

To pay the debt, and provide for the common defense and general welfare.
LOL To provide is in the same sentence.
It is, and it isn't where you said it is. you need to learn how to read. but I still see you won't quote it. funny no confidence at all I see.
If the power to provide for the common defense is available, so is the power to provide for the general welfare.
still waiting. quote the quote to prove your claim danielson.
Nothing but diversion, right wingers.

Article 1,Section 8.

To pay the debt, and provide for the common defense and general welfare.
Like I said, I don't take the right wing seriously because they have nothing but fallacy instead of any valid arguments.
Nobody is ending health insurance for 13M people, you damn liar

Senate Republicans have proposed eliminating the ACA’s requirement that all Americans have health insurance or pay a penalty. By getting rid of this, the CBO estimates 13 million fewer people would have insurance a decade from now.

Arent you used to losing yet?
Losing our country to a bloviated ignorant Trump?

No Never. I am not going to see our military heroes dissed, our country's reputation overseas trashed & our citizens suffer because some dumbass ignorant fucks elected Trump as President. I am fighting against you retarded fucks tooth & nail. With pen & with my vote & more if nit came down to it. I love my country. I love my children & grandchildren, I will not sit idly by & watch you assholes destroy their future through your gross ignorance.

You can go fuck yourselves & explain it to your children when they discover what a total assholes their parents were to vote Trump.
Should we just say it...as it has said so many times before? OK..

Trump passed a tax cut and we are all gonna die...women, blacks and transexuals will be resurrected and killed again!!!!!!

It means our country will be deeper on debt and put back on that same path when Bush put in his tax cuts. It starts a countdown to another horrible recession.

Maybe now Democrats could come up with a nice list of spending cuts to prevent that? I am sure Trump will consider them. No? You mean they prefer debt?

YOU just spent 1.5 trillion with no way to pay for it.

It's your problem. You fix it.

Quit relying on Democrats to fix the dumbass shit your party does.
When you no longer have a mandate, young and healthy people drop insurance, leaving higher costs to insurers because only unhealthy people have insurance. The end result is premiums rising and/or insurers just dropping out.
All insurance is redistribution of wealth from lucky people to unlucky people; its the nature of the beast. And health insurance is a redistribution from healthy people to unhealthy people; it just one of these inescapable facts of life. This is why heritage foundation was promoting mandate in the 90's as personal responsibility.

No, you are wrong. Healthy people drop insurance because they dont need it. You look at healthy people like cows to be milked for the benefit of democrat voters. But they are individuals who would like to practice the freedom of making their own choices.
An no unhealthy people arent the only people with insurance. Wise people who have weighed the odds and decided it would be judicious to have insurance make up most of the insurance policy holders. I have had insurance all my life and never had to use it. I dont regret it. It was a smart decision though I am poorer for it. My kids and wife are all covered a well.
Real insurance is not a redistribution in any way shape or form. It uses actuarial tables to enable insurance companies to make a profit while still covering claims.
It has to do with a tax cut that hands money top people who will not spend most of it & then claim it creates jobs.

Oh really? And what will the rich do with all that money (their money by the way...not a handout like food stamps)? Dig a hole and hide it? Stuff it in a mattress where it will only create jobs for mattress manufacturers?
I'll tell you one thing the ultra rich will do. Spend it on TV ads demonizing Trump. It's what they have been doing anyhow.

They will run out & buy pieces of paper, drive up the market & say "My what a great job I did".

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