Ending health insurance for 13 million to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy?

NEVER FORGET: On December 20, 2017 Republicans took health care away from 13 million Americans.

You lose...spin it however you like. I guess that is sort of a consolation prize for the losers. I smile to think of the depression and puzzlement in the House Democrat Cloakroom.
"Man that guy keeps on winning..and never loses any supporters..what gives?"
Dope thinks one legislative achievement is “ winning”
And he is losing supporters.
He’s already lost most of the independents that were crazy enough to vote for this con artist.
NEVER FORGET: On December 20, 2017 Republicans took health care away from 13 million Americans.

You lose...spin it however you like. I guess that is sort of a consolation prize for the losers. I smile to think of the depression and puzzlement in the House Democrat Cloakroom.
"Man that guy keeps on winning..and never loses any supporters..what gives?"
Dope thinks one legislative achievement is “ winning”
And he is losing supporters.
He’s already lost most of the independents that were crazy enough to vote for this con artist.

the first fucking piece of major legislation in a year ain't winning, but let them keep their heads up his ass where the air is cutoff.
Oh the old estimates.....Show me a correct CBO Estimate
Then show me how the 13 million are losing it. I want to see categories, not just some random bs

NO, NO........I, for one, don't want you to be smarter....Stay dumb; we need folks like you to laugh at and convince our kids why an education is important lest they wind up as a moron like you.....

(If you weren't such an idiot, you'd look up data yourself and avoid showing the idiot that you are......LOL)
You just repeat shit, you don't even know about the 13 million.
Those are people who don't want to buy but are forced too....that's not the same as losing coverage, they just don't want to pay for it. Why do you hate freedom so much?

and yeah, show me a CBO report that was correct....it cant be that hard to find can it?
And he is losing supporters.
He’s already lost most of the independents that were crazy enough to vote for this con artist.

Now where have I heard this lying propaganda intended to demoralize Trump supporters before? Oh I remember...BEFORE last election in every organ of the Marxist press! Wasnt true then...not true now. But you took comfort from the propaganda then and you do still.
Wouldn't it be better to just accept reality and admit you have been a loser for a year now?


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NEVER FORGET: On December 20, 2017 Republicans took health care away from 13 million Americans.

You lose...spin it however you like. I guess that is sort of a consolation prize for the losers. I smile to think of the depression and puzzlement in the House Democrat Cloakroom.
"Man that guy keeps on winning..and never loses any supporters..what gives?"
Dope thinks one legislative achievement is “ winning”
And he is losing supporters.
He’s already lost most of the independents that were crazy enough to vote for this con artist.

Tax bill
Obamacare mandate buh bye
Moving embassy to Jerusalem
Wall prototypes already built
MS 13 being crushed
ISIS is almost dead
The world knows we're not joking
Harsher sanctions on N Korea, with China's help!!!!
Finding out even more bad stuff about the Iran deal
That's just off the top of my head

The train is moving........and it's beautiful.
And he is losing supporters.

Keep talking. I have enjoyed this more than you know for almost two years now. All the lies and propaganda...Trump plows right through them. YOU can regurgitate the media and elite lines...but the rest of us Americans have been ignoring them since...well since before we elected Trump.
You are the laughing stock today you were on June 15 2010 when this bit of propaganda was printed for you to parrot.

And he is losing supporters.
He’s already lost most of the independents that were crazy enough to vote for this con artist.

Now where have I heard this lying propaganda intended to demoralize Trump supporters before...oh I remember...BEFORE last election in ever organ of the Marxist press! Wasnt true then...not true now.

View attachment 167041

View attachment 167042
I know these polls, are such a joke....it's unreal. They keep trying the same shit. They never talk about policies and facts. ever!
Hearing the GOP and the Dump is depriving 13 mil of health insurance gives the DEPLORABLES erections.
House Republicans Don’t Know Some Very Basic Facts About The Tax Bill They Wrote
It took us 18 tries to find a GOP congressman who could tell us the individual income tax brackets

House Republicans Don't Know Some Very Basic Facts About The Tax Bill They Wrote | HuffPost

They should have called me and asked!

Standard Deduction Before: 6350 for single and 12,700 for joint returns
Standard deductions thanks to trump: 12,000 for single and 24,000 for joint returns

Woo Hoo....every tax filer will benefit from this. Especially the lower income ones.

The new tax brackets according to forbes are...


Woo hoo.
Quit relying on Democrats to fix the dumbass shit your party does.

Oh we'll fix it. You wont like it...but that will just make it sweeter to fix. :)
When it comes time to find spending cuts you will discover Democrats dont hate deficits at all. But we will do it anyway.

Bush tax cuts: UNFUNDED
Bush two quagmire wars: UNFUNDED
Massive expansion to Medicare: UNFUNDED

What have Republicans funded?

The Democrats funded the ACA.

The Republicans just passed massive unfunded tax cuts.

Next we should pass a balanced budget amendment that forces tax cut to avoid deficits.

And he is losing supporters.

Keep talking. I have enjoyed this more than you know for almost two years now. All the lies and propaganda...Trump plows right through them. YOU can regurgitate the media and elite lines...but the rest of us Americans have been ignoring them since...well since before we elected Trump.
You are the laughing stock today you were on June 15 2010 when this bit of propaganda was printed for you to parrot.

View attachment 167044
Lies and propaganda?
Sums up perfectly how the Trump administration rolls and their accomplices, Fox, Breitbart and Gateway Pundit.
5.5 lies per day every day. Documented.
The only thing that will shut you assholes up is for the Dems to take back the House and Senate next year which they are favored to do.
NEVER FORGET: On December 20, 2017 Republicans took health care away from 13 million Americans.

You lose...spin it however you like. I guess that is sort of a consolation prize for the losers. I smile to think of the depression and puzzlement in the House Democrat Cloakroom.
"Man that guy keeps on winning..and never loses any supporters..what gives?"
Dope thinks one legislative achievement is “ winning”
And he is losing supporters.
He’s already lost most of the independents that were crazy enough to vote for this con artist.

Tax bill
Obamacare mandate buh bye
Moving embassy to Jerusalem
Wall prototypes already built
MS 13 being crushed
ISIS is almost dead
The world knows we're not joking
Harsher sanctions on N Korea, with China's help!!!!
Finding out even more bad stuff about the Iran deal
That's just off the top of my head

The train is moving........and it's beautiful.

More pollution. More occupational injuries & deaths, More illnesses & deaths due to increased pollution, more added to the deficit, Higher premiums due to elimination of mandate, ISIS was already dying, The world knows we are a joke, NK is playingh Trump like a fiddle, Trump insults our allies about the Iran deal, Our children doomed to a more difficult future, A new tax on universities likely to raise tuition, More racism, More bigotry, More hate, more lies broadcast from the White House, No wall, no infrastructure bill, no real jobs bill, defunding of health care for children, Breaking a promise to Dreamers, Giving our National Monuments to the mining industry, Allowing the trashing of the Arctic reserve, Making Middle Class pay for cuts to the wealthy, Corps can do business outside our borders tax free, Handing of Pacific trade agreement to China, Two campaign members indicted, etc etc etc
House Republicans Don’t Know Some Very Basic Facts About The Tax Bill They Wrote
It took us 18 tries to find a GOP congressman who could tell us the individual income tax brackets

House Republicans Don't Know Some Very Basic Facts About The Tax Bill They Wrote | HuffPost

They should have called me and asked!

Standard Deduction Before: 6350 for single and 12,700 for joint returns
Standard deductions thanks to trump: 12,000 for single and 24,000 for joint returns

Woo Hoo....every tax filer will benefit from this. Especially the lower income ones.

The new tax brackets according to forbes are...

View attachment 167047

Woo hoo.
Wow, those 7 brackets are so much simpler than the 7 we had before! Simplification, baby. Simplification.
Should we just say it...as it has said so many times before? OK..

Trump passed a tax cut and we are all gonna die...women, blacks and transexuals will be resurrected and killed again!!!!!!

It means our country will be deeper on debt and put back on that same path when Bush put in his tax cuts. It starts a countdown to another horrible recession.

Maybe now Democrats could come up with a nice list of spending cuts to prevent that? I am sure Trump will consider them. No? You mean they prefer debt?

YOU just spent 1.5 trillion with no way to pay for it.

It's your problem. You fix it.

Quit relying on Democrats to fix the dumbass shit your party does.
whew, better than the 10 trillion obummer racked up.
NEVER FORGET: On December 20, 2017 Republicans took health care away from 13 million Americans.

You lose...spin it however you like. I guess that is sort of a consolation prize for the losers. I smile to think of the depression and puzzlement in the House Democrat Cloakroom.
"Man that guy keeps on winning..and never loses any supporters..what gives?"
Dope thinks one legislative achievement is “ winning”
And he is losing supporters.
He’s already lost most of the independents that were crazy enough to vote for this con artist.

Tax bill
Obamacare mandate buh bye
Moving embassy to Jerusalem
Wall prototypes already built
MS 13 being crushed
ISIS is almost dead
The world knows we're not joking
Harsher sanctions on N Korea, with China's help!!!!
Finding out even more bad stuff about the Iran deal
That's just off the top of my head

The train is moving........and it's beautiful.

More pollution. More occupational injuries & deaths, More illnesses & deaths due to increased pollution, more added to the deficit, Higher premiums due to elimination of mandate, ISIS was already dying, The world knows we are a joke, NK is playingh Trump like a fiddle, Trump insults our allies about the Iran deal, Our children doomed to a more difficult future, A new tax on universities likely to raise tuition, More racism, More bigotry, More hate, more lies broadcast from the White House, No wall, no infrastructure bill, no real jobs bill, defunding of health care for children, Breaking a promise to Dreamers, Giving our National Monuments to the mining industry, Allowing the trashing of the Arctic reserve, Making Middle Class pay for cuts to the wealthy, Corps can do business outside our borders tax free, Handing of Pacific trade agreement to China, Two campaign members indicted, etc etc etc
Should we just say it...as it has said so many times before? OK..

Trump passed a tax cut and we are all gonna die...women, blacks and transexuals will be resurrected and killed again!!!!!!

It means our country will be deeper on debt and put back on that same path when Bush put in his tax cuts. It starts a countdown to another horrible recession.

Maybe now Democrats could come up with a nice list of spending cuts to prevent that? I am sure Trump will consider them. No? You mean they prefer debt?

YOU just spent 1.5 trillion with no way to pay for it.

It's your problem. You fix it.

Quit relying on Democrats to fix the dumbass shit your party does.
whew, better than the 10 trillion obummer racked up.
Typical Trumpette blaming Obama for the effects of the Bush recession.
Should we just say it...as it has said so many times before? OK..

Trump passed a tax cut and we are all gonna die...women, blacks and transexuals will be resurrected and killed again!!!!!!

It means our country will be deeper on debt and put back on that same path when Bush put in his tax cuts. It starts a countdown to another horrible recession.

Maybe now Democrats could come up with a nice list of spending cuts to prevent that? I am sure Trump will consider them. No? You mean they prefer debt?

YOU just spent 1.5 trillion with no way to pay for it.

It's your problem. You fix it.

Quit relying on Democrats to fix the dumbass shit your party does.
whew, better than the 10 trillion obummer racked up.
Typical Trumpette blaming Obama for the effects of the Bush recession.

so obummer couldn't stimulate the country by your own admittance.
The only thing that will shut you assholes up is for the Dems to take back the House and Senate next year which they are favored to do.

I am tired of hearing your lies. Arent you tired of regurgitating them? If nothing the press says comes true how do you keep believing them? Self delusion?




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