Ending health insurance for 13 million to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy?

Nobody is ending health insurance for 13M people, you damn liar

Senate Republicans have proposed eliminating the ACA’s requirement that all Americans have health insurance or pay a penalty. By getting rid of this, the CBO estimates 13 million fewer people would have insurance a decade from now.
Oh the old estimates.....Show me a correct CBO Estimate
Then show me how the 13 million are losing it. I want to see categories, not just some random bs.
They will run out & buy pieces of paper, drive up the market & say "My what a great job I did".

If that happens I will sell my pieces of paper to them and say "thanks bub...retirement will be nice at 55." Then I will spend their money in retirement.
Yes, they do. That revenue is being replaced with debt.

It is simple income redistribution.
You're dumber than a bag of rocks

It is spending and only spending that causes deficits. it is borrowing and only borrowing that causes debt
Deficit spending incurs debt.

Only the disingenuous right wing, never gets it.

Now you are getting it

SPENDING cause deficits.
It's clear that you are one of Trump's poorly educated. Spending more money than you take in causes a deficit. The first 7 words in that sentence is crucial to understanding what causes decicits. And Trump wants to spend while reducing income via tax cuts....just like George Bush did. That's about as elementary as I can make it.
And it is the SPENDING that causes the deficits.

That statement is purely nonpartisan.

And FYI I didn't vote for Trump.

This isn't a difficult concept to understand. Revenue does not cause deficits. A reduction in revenue does not cause deficits.

SPENDING in excess of revenue causes deficits.

That is the only thing that causes deficits.

You people think that all government spending is somehow sacrosanct. I hate to tell you this but it's not. We could end deficits tomorrow but you people and the idiots you vote for don't have the testicular fortitude to do it

You're all over the place. Spending does not necessarily cause deficits. You can spend until you are blue in the face; but, as long as your income exceeds or is equal to your spending, you'll never see a deficit.

So when you reduce income by cutting taxes
That's a stupid thing to do. Or it could be part of a larger strategy to kill off MEDICARE , Social security and all the programs Republicans have been trying to get rid of for decades. .including the recent OBAMACARE.
When you no longer have a mandate, young and healthy people drop insurance, leaving higher costs to insurers because only unhealthy people have insurance. The end result is premiums rising and/or insurers just dropping out.
All insurance is redistribution of wealth from lucky people to unlucky people; its the nature of the beast. And health insurance is a redistribution from healthy people to unhealthy people; it just one of these inescapable facts of life. This is why heritage foundation was promoting mandate in the 90's as personal responsibility.

No, you are wrong. Healthy people drop insurance because they dont need it. You look at healthy people like cows to be milked for the benefit of democrat voters. But they are individuals who would like to practice the freedom of making their own choices.
An no unhealthy people arent the only people with insurance. Wise people who have weighed the odds and decided it would be judicious to have insurance make up most of the insurance policy holders. I have had insurance all my life and never had to use it. I dont regret it. It was a smart decision though I am poorer for it. My kids and wife are all covered a well.
Real insurance is not a redistribution in any way shape or form. It uses actuarial tables to enable insurance companies to make a profit while still covering claims.

I get it. Those people never fall off a ladder, pick up a chronic illness, and we know for a fact young people NEVER EVER get cancer or have a hearty attack.
Quit relying on Democrats to fix the dumbass shit your party does.

Oh we'll fix it. You wont like it...but that will just make it sweeter to fix. :)
When it comes time to find spending cuts you will discover Democrats dont hate deficits at all. But we will do it anyway.
They will run out & buy pieces of paper, drive up the market & say "My what a great job I did".

If that happens I will sell my pieces of paper to them and say "thanks bub...retirement will be nice at 55." Then I will spend their money in retirement.
So you will know when to pull your money out because they will make an announcement.: "Stock market crashing in 5 days, pull your money now"

I have news, by the time you know it is collapsing it is too late because all the insiders have already bailed.
Quit relying on Democrats to fix the dumbass shit your party does.

Oh we'll fix it. You wont like it...but that will just make it sweeter to fix. :)
When it comes time to find spending cuts you will discover Democrats dont hate deficits at all. But we will do it anyway.

Bush tax cuts: UNFUNDED
Bush two quagmire wars: UNFUNDED
Massive expansion to Medicare: UNFUNDED

What have Republicans funded?

The Democrats funded the ACA.

The Republicans just passed massive unfunded tax cuts.
Quit relying on Democrats to fix the dumbass shit your party does.

Oh we'll fix it. You wont like it...but that will just make it sweeter to fix. :)
When it comes time to find spending cuts you will discover Democrats dont hate deficits at all. But we will do it anyway.

Bush tax cuts: UNFUNDED
Bush two quagmire wars: UNFUNDED
Massive expansion to Medicare: UNFUNDED

What have Republicans funded?

The Democrats funded the ACA.

The Republicans just passed massive unfunded tax cuts.

Next we should pass a balanced budget amendment that forces tax cut to avoid deficits.
No, you are wrong. Healthy people drop insurance because they dont need it

So, moron, what happens when "healthy" people get in a motorcycle accident and wind up in a coma???

Should we shoot them on the spot to save those mounting bills at the hospital?
Who pays for those years for that once healthy person?

Do healthy people ever become sick?
Should people be allowed to buy insurance AFTER they get sick?
Oh the old estimates.....Show me a correct CBO Estimate
Then show me how the 13 million are losing it. I want to see categories, not just some random bs

NO, NO........I, for one, don't want you to be smarter....Stay dumb; we need folks like you to laugh at and convince our kids why an education is important lest they wind up as a moron like you.....

(If you weren't such an idiot, you'd look up data yourself and avoid showing the idiot that you are......LOL)
Nobody is ending health insurance for 13M people, you damn liar

Senate Republicans have proposed eliminating the ACA’s requirement that all Americans have health insurance or pay a penalty. By getting rid of this, the CBO estimates 13 million fewer people would have insurance a decade from now.
Bit it is up to them instead of the government mandating they pay for it.
No, you are wrong. Healthy people drop insurance because they dont need it

So, moron, what happens when "healthy" people get in a motorcycle accident and wind up in a coma???

Should we shoot them on the spot to save those mounting bills at the hospital?
Who pays for those years for that once healthy person?

Do healthy people ever become sick?
Should people be allowed to buy insurance AFTER they get sick?
Should government make decisions for people? Sure.. people can buy insurance after they get sick. It just applies to problems they have after they bought it.
Bit it is up to them instead of the government mandating they pay for it.

No damn....STOP this bullshit......

Should people who do NOT want to purchase insurance ALSO sign off a "do not resuscitate" statement?

What happens when these folks who do not wish insurance get seriously sick?

Kill them on the spot for their poor choices?

Or do you idiots think that hospitals' E.Rs and hospital care is free?
Nobody is ending health insurance for 13M people, you damn liar

Senate Republicans have proposed eliminating the ACA’s requirement that all Americans have health insurance or pay a penalty. By getting rid of this, the CBO estimates 13 million fewer people would have insurance a decade from now.
Bit it is up to them instead of the government mandating they pay for it.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage helps do that.
Sure.. people can buy insurance after they get sick.

Yes, sure, because insurance companies are just too fucking dumb to know.

Go take a nap.....You're way too dumb to be part of this discussion....No offense, mind you.
Bit it is up to them instead of the government mandating they pay for it.

No damn....STOP this bullshit......

Should people who do NOT want to purchase insurance ALSO sign off a "do not resuscitate" statement?

What happens when these folks who do not wish insurance get seriously sick?

Kill them on the spot for their poor choices?

Or do you idiots think that hospitals' E.Rs and hospital care is free?
Before the Obamacare, I don't recall dead bodies littering our streets. Do you? There are charities and medicsaid and the patients can be held responsible for their care.
NEVER FORGET: On December 20, 2017 Republicans took health care away from 13 million Americans.

You lose...spin it however you like. I guess that is sort of a consolation prize for the losers. I smile to think of the depression and puzzlement in the House Democrat Cloakroom.
"Man that guy keeps on winning..and never loses any supporters..what gives?"

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