Ending health insurance for 13 million to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy?

This is one of my favorites. Haha. Bet he regrets that :)

Nobody is ending health insurance for 13M people, you damn liar

Senate Republicans have proposed eliminating the ACA’s requirement that all Americans have health insurance or pay a penalty. By getting rid of this, the CBO estimates 13 million fewer people would have insurance a decade from now.

Arent you used to losing yet?
Losing our country to a bloviated ignorant Trump?

No Never. I am not going to see our military heroes dissed, our country's reputation overseas trashed & our citizens suffer because some dumbass ignorant fucks elected Trump as President. I am fighting against you retarded fucks tooth & nail. With pen & with my vote & more if nit came down to it. I love my country. I love my children & grandchildren, I will not sit idly by & watch you assholes destroy their future through your gross ignorance.

You can go fuck yourselves & explain it to your children when they discover what a total assholes their parents were to vote Trump.

LOL! You are fighting against him with lies, ignorance and absolute partisan crap. We all can see you're nothing but a bitter Corporate Whore supporter who doesn't care about truth or anything else except "getting" Trump. You'd do better to create a new account and start over. It's what your sort does.
That is giving people a choice instead of forcing them to buy a for-profit product.

What an IDIOT.........eliminate the mandate, and the money for subsidies will NOT be there....

Eliminate the subsidies and MILLIONS of people cannot purchase anything.....

Your ilk will have to live with the anger of those without HC insurance......Sure, go for it and see what happens.

You are dumber than a box of rocks....
You're dumber than a bag of rocks

It is spending and only spending that causes deficits. it is borrowing and only borrowing that causes debt
Deficit spending incurs debt.

Only the disingenuous right wing, never gets it.

Now you are getting it

SPENDING cause deficits.
It's clear that you are one of Trump's poorly educated. Spending more money than you take in causes a deficit. The first 7 words in that sentence is crucial to understanding what causes decicits. And Trump wants to spend while reducing income via tax cuts....just like George Bush did. That's about as elementary as I can make it.
And it is the SPENDING that causes the deficits.

That statement is purely nonpartisan.

And FYI I didn't vote for Trump.

This isn't a difficult concept to understand. Revenue does not cause deficits. A reduction in revenue does not cause deficits.

SPENDING in excess of revenue causes deficits.

That is the only thing that causes deficits.

You people think that all government spending is somehow sacrosanct. I hate to tell you this but it's not. We could end deficits tomorrow but you people and the idiots you vote for don't have the testicular fortitude to do it

You're all over the place. Spending does not necessarily cause deficits. You can spend until you are blue in the face; but, as long as your income exceeds or is equal to your spending, you'll never see a deficit.

So when you reduce income by cutting taxes
That's a stupid thing to do. Or it could be part of a larger strategy to kill off MEDICARE , Social security and all the programs Republicans have been trying to get rid of for decades. .including the recent OBAMACARE.

I've said many times that spending in excess of revenues causes deficits.

Excuse the fuck out of me if I assumed you were intelligent enough to realize that. It won't happen again
Provide is in Article 1,Section 8.

Provide certainly is in there, but you may have to read the words after provide to get the full grasp.
Provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States.

Only the right wing never gets it.

Ontop of that the federal government has supremancy over the states. Between the general welfare and the fact that it has supremancy means that they can and must do these things.

No other developed first world nation on earth has this many idiots wanting to turn their own country into a third world shit hole.

No other developed first world nation on earth has this many idiots wanting to turn their own country into a third world shit hole.

But enough about our liberals.
Provide is in Article 1,Section 8.

Provide certainly is in there, but you may have to read the words after provide to get the full grasp.
Provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States.

Only the right wing never gets it.

Ontop of that the federal government has supremancy over the states. Between the general welfare and the fact that it has supremancy means that they can and must do these things.

No other developed first world nation on earth has this many idiots wanting to turn their own country into a third world shit hole.

No other developed first world nation on earth has this many idiots wanting to turn their own country into a third world shit hole.

But enough about our liberals.
It is the right wing that want to give up health care for the poor so the rich can get richer faster.

If you didn't spend all your money on weed, you'd have money to pay for your own healthcare.......
Provide certainly is in there, but you may have to read the words after provide to get the full grasp.
Provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States.

Only the right wing never gets it.

Ontop of that the federal government has supremancy over the states. Between the general welfare and the fact that it has supremancy means that they can and must do these things.

No other developed first world nation on earth has this many idiots wanting to turn their own country into a third world shit hole.

No other developed first world nation on earth has this many idiots wanting to turn their own country into a third world shit hole.

But enough about our liberals.
Provide certainly is in there, but you may have to read the words after provide to get the full grasp.
Provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States.

Only the right wing never gets it.

Ontop of that the federal government has supremancy over the states. Between the general welfare and the fact that it has supremancy means that they can and must do these things.

No other developed first world nation on earth has this many idiots wanting to turn their own country into a third world shit hole.

No other developed first world nation on earth has this many idiots wanting to turn their own country into a third world shit hole.

But enough about our liberals.
It is the right wing that want to give up health care for the poor so the rich can get richer faster.

If you didn't spend all your money on weed, you'd have money to pay for your own healthcare.......
How about infrastructure and the debt.
Quit relying on Democrats to fix the dumbass shit your party does.

Oh we'll fix it. You wont like it...but that will just make it sweeter to fix. :)
When it comes time to find spending cuts you will discover Democrats dont hate deficits at all. But we will do it anyway.

Really? When have democrats come up with spending cuts?
Provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States.

Only the right wing never gets it.

Ontop of that the federal government has supremancy over the states. Between the general welfare and the fact that it has supremancy means that they can and must do these things.

No other developed first world nation on earth has this many idiots wanting to turn their own country into a third world shit hole.

No other developed first world nation on earth has this many idiots wanting to turn their own country into a third world shit hole.

But enough about our liberals.
Provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States.

Only the right wing never gets it.

Ontop of that the federal government has supremancy over the states. Between the general welfare and the fact that it has supremancy means that they can and must do these things.

No other developed first world nation on earth has this many idiots wanting to turn their own country into a third world shit hole.

No other developed first world nation on earth has this many idiots wanting to turn their own country into a third world shit hole.

But enough about our liberals.
It is the right wing that want to give up health care for the poor so the rich can get richer faster.

If you didn't spend all your money on weed, you'd have money to pay for your own healthcare.......
How about infrastructure and the debt.

If you didn't spend all your money on weed, you'd have money to pay for your own healthcare.......

How about infrastructure and the debt

You smoke enough weed to pay for the infrastructure AND the debt?

Shit. No wonder why you need healthcare. You probably have a huge tumor in your lung.
Ontop of that the federal government has supremancy over the states. Between the general welfare and the fact that it has supremancy means that they can and must do these things.

No other developed first world nation on earth has this many idiots wanting to turn their own country into a third world shit hole.

No other developed first world nation on earth has this many idiots wanting to turn their own country into a third world shit hole.

But enough about our liberals.
Ontop of that the federal government has supremancy over the states. Between the general welfare and the fact that it has supremancy means that they can and must do these things.

No other developed first world nation on earth has this many idiots wanting to turn their own country into a third world shit hole.

No other developed first world nation on earth has this many idiots wanting to turn their own country into a third world shit hole.

But enough about our liberals.
It is the right wing that want to give up health care for the poor so the rich can get richer faster.

If you didn't spend all your money on weed, you'd have money to pay for your own healthcare.......
How about infrastructure and the debt.

If you didn't spend all your money on weed, you'd have money to pay for your own healthcare.......

How about infrastructure and the debt

You smoke enough weed to pay for the infrastructure AND the debt?

Shit. No wonder why you need healthcare. You probably have a huge tumor in your lung.
Nothing but diversion, how Intellectually bankrupt.
No other developed first world nation on earth has this many idiots wanting to turn their own country into a third world shit hole.

But enough about our liberals.
No other developed first world nation on earth has this many idiots wanting to turn their own country into a third world shit hole.

But enough about our liberals.
It is the right wing that want to give up health care for the poor so the rich can get richer faster.

If you didn't spend all your money on weed, you'd have money to pay for your own healthcare.......
How about infrastructure and the debt.

If you didn't spend all your money on weed, you'd have money to pay for your own healthcare.......

How about infrastructure and the debt

You smoke enough weed to pay for the infrastructure AND the debt?

Shit. No wonder why you need healthcare. You probably have a huge tumor in your lung.
Nothing but diversion, how Intellectually bankrupt.

Dude....do I have to say it?
Put down the bong!
House Republicans Don’t Know Some Very Basic Facts About The Tax Bill They Wrote
It took us 18 tries to find a GOP congressman who could tell us the individual income tax brackets

House Republicans Don't Know Some Very Basic Facts About The Tax Bill They Wrote | HuffPost

They should have called me and asked!

Standard Deduction Before: 6350 for single and 12,700 for joint returns
Standard deductions thanks to trump: 12,000 for single and 24,000 for joint returns

Woo Hoo....every tax filer will benefit from this. Especially the lower income ones.

The new tax brackets according to forbes are...

View attachment 167047

Woo hoo.
Wow, those 7 brackets are so much simpler than the 7 we had before! Simplification, baby. Simplification.

you can keep you doctor
Provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States.

Only the right wing never gets it.

Ontop of that the federal government has supremancy over the states. Between the general welfare and the fact that it has supremancy means that they can and must do these things.

No other developed first world nation on earth has this many idiots wanting to turn their own country into a third world shit hole.

No other developed first world nation on earth has this many idiots wanting to turn their own country into a third world shit hole.

But enough about our liberals.
Provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States.

Only the right wing never gets it.

Ontop of that the federal government has supremancy over the states. Between the general welfare and the fact that it has supremancy means that they can and must do these things.

No other developed first world nation on earth has this many idiots wanting to turn their own country into a third world shit hole.

No other developed first world nation on earth has this many idiots wanting to turn their own country into a third world shit hole.

But enough about our liberals.
It is the right wing that want to give up health care for the poor so the rich can get richer faster.

If you didn't spend all your money on weed, you'd have money to pay for your own healthcare.......
How about infrastructure and the debt.

He'll get infrastructure done.....I cant wait to see the democrats demand union labor and other shit and Trump says.....naaaaaaaah......
This is yet another example of how pathetic the Republican Party has become. Trump was already this pathetic.

Ending the mandate will cause 13 million to no longer be insured. The Republicans will save the money that would be spent on health insurance subsidies. Where do they think these people will get healthcare? Using the system without paying. More children on CHIP ( If Republicans decide to renew it at current levels). Who pays for that? We do.

Trump & the Republicans want to save money by reducing the number signing up for health insurance on the exchanges.

Chickenfuck Trump cut the enrollment period & reduced the outreach to help people get insurance. The same practice these pathetic assholes use to depress the vote.

Republicans keep to their traditions: Keep handing rich people & corporations money & making the middle class pay for it.

Ryan said SS, Medicare & Medicaid is next. After adding a trillion to the deficit, they will cry about debt & blame it on these programs.

The fact is that Republicans suck big slimy moose dick.,

Lying again, Commie Bastard?

Not on person has healthcare cut, you lying fuck. Not a single one.

If you criminal vermin no longer hold a gun to the head of the poor to force them to buy the product of the health care companies that George Soros and other leading Communist looters control, that will not PREVENT anyone from still buying if they choose. It just stops you scumbags from FORCING them to.

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