CDZ Endorsing State Retaliation

Yes, they wrote a bill to specifically target Disney. They have not even pretended that they were not, the sponsor of the bill said the 1 year time till it take effect gives Disney a year to rethink their dissent.
Also, this isn’t an executive decision. So why are people saying this DeSantis?
In 2012, the Obama administration was embroiled in a controversy over the accusation that they had instructed the IRS to target conservative political groups for special review of their tax exempt status. When the accusation became public, the Obama administration went into damage control mode, denying that it happened and trying paper over it and "move on" as best they could. Did they do it? Were they guilty of targeting political opponents for state persecution? Maybe. Probably. The point is, they knew it was wrong. Or, at the very least, they knew that voters would think it was wrong - even Democrat voters.

Do we still see it that way?

During the Trump administration, Republicans threatened to repeal section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act in response to social media companies that had been censoring right wing content. Many people, on both sides of the aisle, saw this as political retaliation, that it was Trump "punching back" at the tech companies who spoke out against him, who censored his, and others' posts. But even then, they knew that it was wrong to do so as a means of gaining political advantage, that we shouldn't allow our leaders to target political opponents for persecution. Even Republicans who supported the proposal seemed to recognize this and worked hard to rationalize the attack terms of legal principles. They claimed it was an unfair, special perk, that should have never been passed, that doing so now wasn't persecution against Facebook and Twitter, but a principled change to a flawed law. That they were fighting for freedom of speech, and not just getting revenge on political enemies.

Now we have Desantis and the Florida legislature. They seem ready to throw off the pretense altogether. They've been quite open that they are revoking laws perceived to be benefitting Disney as punishment for opposing a recently passed law. Regardless of the rationale offer for revoking the law, the intent was clear. It was Disney's stated intent to fight the law that prompted the legislative action.

My question is - are we ready to endorse that kind of government? Should we allow government, local, state, federal or whatever, to punish political opposition with legal action? Is it ok for our leaders to "punch back" via the power of the state?

Reminder - this is CDZ. Trolls will be reported.

No, for the short answer. But what should be remembered here, is this same group, although different people, tried to overthrow an election last year. A Congress friendly to that action, had no problem denying a former President a Supreme Court pick, after spending 8 years in unprecedented obstruction. Only to now use the court system to pass or repeal laws, against a majority of the country.

Now we have a conversation put forward by you, regarding an issue that same crowd decried on other issues that you state.

I'm in agreement with the pundits, that we are hearing the Swan Song of a dying white nationalist christian patriarchy.

What is happening in Florida, and Texas are examples of that fact. But we have decades of examples of how right wing culture wars have worked out in the end.

That being those that start them lose every time. It's not a matter of if, but win they lose this one. This isn't about using the states power as you suggest. That just legitimizes the conversation. There's nothing legitimate about whats going on.

This is about a failed ideology that was soundly rejected by an overwhelming majority of America in both 2018, and 2020 at the voting booth. American citizens have already spoken on these issues, and they reject what is currently being put forth by a radical Republican agenda. Which consists only of partisan culture war angst, to further divide the country, because they cannot win on anyother issue. They can't even win on that issue without gerrymandered districts, and voter suppression laws.

The radical right has endorsed this type of government for a long time. This didn't start with what is happening in Florida.
Nope. Where'd you get that idea? What does that have to do with the topic?

I think he did. Why? What does this have to do with anything?

What do you think? In general, should government have the power to penalize people for opposing them?
seems to work that way when the left does it.
No, for the short answer. But what should be remembered here, is this same group, although different people, tried to overthrow an election last year. A Congress friendly to that action, had no problem denying a former President a Supreme Court pick, after spending 8 years in unprecedented obstruction. Only to now use the court system to pass or repeal laws, against a majority of the country.

Now we have a conversation put forward by you, regarding an issue that same crowd decried on other issues that you state.

I'm in agreement with the pundits, that we are hearing the Swan Song of a dying white nationalist christian patriarchy.

What is happening in Florida, and Texas are examples of that fact. But we have decades of examples of how right wing culture wars have worked out in the end.

That being those that start them lose every time. It's not a matter of if, but win they lose this one. This isn't about using the states power as you suggest. That just legitimizes the conversation. There's nothing legitimate about whats going on.

This is about a failed ideology that was soundly rejected by an overwhelming majority of America in both 2018, and 2020 at the voting booth. American citizens have already spoken on these issues, and they reject what is currently being put forth by a radical Republican agenda. Which consists only of partisan culture war angst, to further divide the country, because they cannot win on anyother issue. They can't even win on that issue without gerrymandered districts, and voter suppression laws.

The radical right has endorsed this type of government for a long time. This didn't start with what is happening in Florida.
[death rattle intensifies]
Disney has alienated half the country because the President of Disney entertainment has two queer kids and wants them to feel better. It’s fine.

I think you far over estimate how many homophobic people there are in the country.

And those two "queer kids" as you call them are both adults. I do not think they give a care in the world what people like you think about them.
I think you far over estimate how many homophobic people there are in the country.

And those two "queer kids" as you call them are both adults. I do not think they give a care in the world what people like you think about them.
I do Not care what they do or don’t do. My point is she is going down the road because she believes the country has become more queer. Her words. So if that’s true then why is Disneys stock falling?
I do Not care what they do or don’t do. My point is she is going down the road because she believes the country has become more queer. Her words. So if that’s true then why is Disneys stock falling?

Isn't all of the stock market pretty much falling?

And Disney stocks are falling a bit more because they are being attacked openly by the state of Florida. Having a bill passes specifically to punish a specific company seems the kind of thing that would drive down stock price, but we do not know for sure since it has never been done before.
The left is pushing a teach VERY YOUNG children about sex and gender Cult Garbage. As a RESULT.............The Gov't of Florida Passed a Law to end it.

They were then attacked by the left and CORPORATIONS who said they had no right to do so.............Threatened legal action while taking money from the tax payers and the State via a 57 year old Tax cut program for jobs.

The people of the state via the LAW revoked this right to have to HELP PAY for an issue that is MORALLY WRONG. Most of the other businesses have no such FAVORED TAX POLICY............So they went into emergency session and said you WILL NOT DICTATE OUR POLICY IN SCHOOLS BECAUSE YOU ARE BIG BAD DISNEY.

They PASSED A LAW............that Removed TAX BREAKS........and now Disney had to pay like everyone else......Oh well. The PEOPLE VIA A 2/3RDS vote said NO to Disney getting PREFERRED TREATMENT in this state.

The state is under NO OBLIGATION to maintain the 57 year old easy street policy as they force the state to spend money to fight against Disney in the courts.
Disney has no standing in the courts because they do not have any children in grades K-3 or teachers of those grades.
So, you seem to be saying "yes", it's ok for the state to retaliate against someone, or some business, merely for opposing it.

That seems like a very dangerous power to grant to government. It would allow, for example, government to revoke the tax exempt status of churches fighting to change the laws on abortion. I could consider that an abuse of government. Everyone, businesses and churches included, has a right to campaign for changes to the law.
Bad example. The tax status of churches is guaranteed by the 1st Amendment..
Isn't all of the stock market pretty much falling?

And Disney stocks are falling a bit more because they are being attacked openly by the state of Florida. Having a bill passes specifically to punish a specific company seems the kind of thing that would drive down stock price, but we do not know for sure since it has never been done before.
Florida isn’t their only operation. Link that DeSantis drafted this bill. Or was it a legislator speaking for his constituents? Never? So the IRS scandal never happened? I see.
So the IRS scandal never happened? I see.

The IRS scandal was just that, a scandal. It was illegal and they were made to stop.

But now, a bill has been passed to do what was once a scandal and you all are cheering the change.

Good luck with that
The IRS scandal was just that, a scandal. It was illegal and they were made to stop.

But now, a bill has been passed to do what was once a scandal and you all are cheering the change.

Good luck with that
How is this bill breaking any law? If the citizens of Fla are outraged then vote out the legislators? What do you not understand about that. Obama remained popular post the IRS scandal. Most of America shrugged. Now I am shrugging. Disney? Oh well. Sucks to be you. Exit Florida. Like many businesses who left California.
How is this bill breaking any law?

Its not, that is the whole point. The state of Fla has now made it legal for the state to punish dissent. That is why this is so much worse than the IRS thing.

If the citizens of Fla are outraged then vote out the legislators? What do you not understand about that. Obama remained popular post the IRS scandal. Most of America shrugged. Now I am shrugging. Disney? Oh well. Sucks to be you. Exit Florida. Like many businesses who left California.

You are far too short sighted, this is about much more than Florida and Disney. This opens a whole new level of Government interference in our lives. The state of Florida has made punishing dissent legal and they will not be the last state to do so, this will not end well for our country.

But hey, at least you do not have to think that gay people are normal. Well, until your state makes it illegal to say that gay people are not normal.
How is this bill breaking any law? If the citizens of Fla are outraged then vote out the legislators? What do you not understand about that. Obama remained popular post the IRS scandal. Most of America shrugged. Now I am shrugging. Disney? Oh well. Sucks to be you. Exit Florida. Like many businesses who left California.
Democrats are just pissy because their tactic of weaponising Disney against Florida failed. Do any of them blink an eye when Elizabeth Warren tells the Biden Administration to use more authoritarian tactics to push their agendas through? No.
Its not, that is the whole point. The state of Fla has now made it legal for the state to punish dissent. That is why this is so much worse than the IRS thing.

You are far too short sighted, this is about much more than Florida and Disney. This opens a whole new level of Government interference in our lives. The state of Florida has made punishing dissent legal and they will not be the last state to do so, this will not end well for our country.

But hey, at least you do not have to think that gay people are normal. Well, until your state makes it illegal to say that gay people are not normal.
Voters of Florida. Just as the voters of California have made assault, homelessness, public defecation, snatch and grab a norm. Now some of the legislators are getting called out. The people vote in the legislators they don’t just appear. So obviously the majority of the people of Florida support this.
The people vote in the legislators they don’t just appear. So obviously the majority of the people of Florida support this.

And if the majority of the people of Georgia support kicking all the black people out of the state, you are good with that also?

And if the majority of the people of Illinois support not allowing any Christian owned company operate in the state, you are good with that also?

If all that mattered were what the majority of the people supported it would still be illegal for blacks to ride at the front of the bus in many states.

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