Eric Holder now writing laws too. Bans discrimination against transgenders

Oh. Too bad. Now we don't get to discriminate against transgender people. Damn! Pretty soon we won't get to discriminate against anybody.


Wow, so you think people with serious mental illness shouldn't be criticized and expected to get help?

Sorry, but people should be able to say as they damn well please. Fascist like you need to fuck off and take up up your ass some more.

Let's just say that LGBT is a mental illness. Should we criticize people for having a mental illness? Do you criticize people with schizophrenia or other forms of psychopathologies? Does that help or encourage them to seek help?

You are allowed to say what you please about LGBT people, and I'm allowed to call you out for the bigot you are. Beside the point, the government, under the Constitution, can not discriminate. It's called equal protection under the law.

Which is exactly why the "public accommodation" laws are unconstitutional, they don't provide for equal protection

That is another debate. One that I think the SCOTUS has already settled.
You are allowed to say what you please about LGBT people, and I'm allowed to call you out for the bigot you are. Beside the point, the government, under the Constitution, can not discriminate. It's called equal protection under the law.

So how can affirmative action exist?
And what does mental illness have to do with transgenders? Are you a mental; health professional? Could you illuminate us with your expertise in mental health?

Hey einstein. If you got balls but think you're a girl .... you're crazy.
According to mental health professionals, or you? and if it's just you, does your opinion count more than the opinions of the people who actually know what they're talking about?
Homosexuality was removed from the list of mental illness. No one has changed gender identity disorder it's still a disorder.
That would be hilarious if this backfired against liberals, some of their pets are so mentally diseased that literally their gender changes upon the time of day, so eric holder could wind up getting sued because he didn't use their made up pronoun or called them he when the mutant freak thought it was a she because it was 9:30AM
That would be hilarious if this backfired against liberals, some of their pets are so mentally diseased that literally their gender changes upon the time of day, so eric holder could wind up getting sued because he didn't use their made up pronoun or called them he when the mutant freak thought it was a she because it was 9:30AM
That's already a fact. Genderqueers or genderfluids change genders continuously. They demand the pronoun ze.
And what does mental illness have to do with transgenders? Are you a mental; health professional? Could you illuminate us with your expertise in mental health?

Hey einstein. If you got balls but think you're a girl .... you're crazy.
According to mental health professionals, or you? and if it's just you, does your opinion count more than the opinions of the people who actually know what they're talking about?
Homosexuality was removed from the list of mental illness. No one has changed gender identity disorder it's still a disorder.

So US citizens with a disorder aren't protected under the Constitution, is that what you're saying?
And what does mental illness have to do with transgenders? Are you a mental; health professional? Could you illuminate us with your expertise in mental health?

Hey einstein. If you got balls but think you're a girl .... you're crazy.
According to mental health professionals, or you? and if it's just you, does your opinion count more than the opinions of the people who actually know what they're talking about?
Homosexuality was removed from the list of mental illness. No one has changed gender identity disorder it's still a disorder.

So US citizens with a disorder aren't protected under the Constitution, is that what you're saying?
I was pointing out that Nosmoking was wrong when he said that gender identity disorder was no longer a mental disorder according to medical professionals.

People with mental disorders are protected under the constitution within the limitations imposed by the disorder.
And what does mental illness have to do with transgenders? Are you a mental; health professional? Could you illuminate us with your expertise in mental health?

Hey einstein. If you got balls but think you're a girl .... you're crazy.
According to mental health professionals, or you? and if it's just you, does your opinion count more than the opinions of the people who actually know what they're talking about?
Homosexuality was removed from the list of mental illness. No one has changed gender identity disorder it's still a disorder.

So US citizens with a disorder aren't protected under the Constitution, is that what you're saying?
I was pointing out that Nosmoking was wrong when he said that gender identity disorder was no longer a mental disorder according to medical professionals.

People with mental disorders are protected under the constitution within the limitations imposed by the disorder.

Ah-ha. My bad. I read too much into your response.

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