Escaping Christianity

Then you're a coward for your religion.

I gave you a chance.
Stop being silly. You are the aggressor. If you want peace then stop being the aggressor.

I have peace.
Cmon, you're a coward. I challenged you twice, to make some peace. And you refused twice. You just wanna fight. And kill each of us...

But I won't let that happen... You use murder to make your religion.
I have peace already.

You’re the only one talking about killing.

You’re the only one fighting.

What? Really?


you are so distressed... You have no idea what you're saying. You believe in a religion that is based on murder, rape, and human trafficking.

And I'm wrong?
Of course you are. You don't have peace. You have worries. Otherwise we wouldn't be arguing.

But I gave you two chances.

I’m happy with you being the aggressor. I’ve got peace. You don’t. If you did, you wouldn’t be such an aggressor.
You don't
There's your problem. A lot of Baptists are hypocrites. :tomato:

I bet it's the white Baptist church, too. So double the hypocrites.

I always went to the Black Baptist church, way less hypocrites. :tomato:

No offense if someone's a devout Baptist, but it's true.

When do Baptists STFU? When they pass each other in the liquor store.

member: 54755"]
You know you're going to hell, right?

No. I am not sure about about any of the hell stuff.
i dont believe you ..... if you have been in church for yrs and then taught Sunday school as an adult you would feel the presence of God ..... me thinks you are an atheist trying to sway others with lies about your life ...

What have I said that is outrageous and unrealistic?
to me everything you said does not add up ...just my opinion . and your question about being unrealistic further verifies my opinion.
You know you're going to hell, right?

No. I am not sure about about any of the hell stuff.
i dont believe you ..... if you have been in church for yrs and then taught Sunday school as an adult you would feel the presence of God ..... me thinks you are an atheist trying to sway others with lies about your life ...

View attachment 276046[/QUOTE]

mowing / napping, wednesday evening - what did they give you for penance ... how big is your yard.

Is going to church compulsory? What the?-?

Officially, yes. It isn't really enforced.

According to the rules all teachers are required to attend church 4 times per week. (Sunday school, Sunday morning service, Sunday night service and Wednesday night service). The punishment for failing to attend is absolutely nothing.

Officially yes but it could be perceived as no depending on your personality.

That they're monitoring that is kinda screwy. Tell them you went to the Jehovah's Witnesses church 1 time and see what they say.

(Not if your livelihood depends on it)
Don’t tell me you believe he attends the free will baptist church.

Yes. I am making it all up so that..........................

mowing / napping, wednesday evening - what did they give you for penance ... how big is your yard.

Is going to church compulsory? What the?-?

Officially, yes. It isn't really enforced.

According to the rules all teachers are required to attend church 4 times per week. (Sunday school, Sunday morning service, Sunday night service and Wednesday night service). The punishment for failing to attend is absolutely nothing.

Officially yes but it could be perceived as no depending on your personality.

That they're monitoring that is kinda screwy. Tell them you went to the Jehovah's Witnesses church 1 time and see what they say.

(Not if your livelihood depends on it)
Don’t tell me you believe he attends the free will baptist church.

Lying shill?

Yes. I am making every bit of it up so that...........................................
Stop being silly. You are the aggressor. If you want peace then stop being the aggressor.

I have peace.
Cmon, you're a coward. I challenged you twice, to make some peace. And you refused twice. You just wanna fight. And kill each of us...

But I won't let that happen... You use murder to make your religion.
I have peace already.

You’re the only one talking about killing.

You’re the only one fighting.

What? Really?


you are so distressed... You have no idea what you're saying. You believe in a religion that is based on murder, rape, and human trafficking.

And I'm wrong?
Of course you are.

I’m happy with you being the aggressor. I’ve got peace. You don’t. If you did, you wouldn’t be such an aggressor.
You don't
Of course I do.

I’m happy with you being the aggressor. I’ve got peace. You don’t. If you did, you wouldn’t be such an aggressor.

mowing / napping, wednesday evening - what did they give you for penance ... how big is your yard.

Is going to church compulsory? What the?-?

Officially, yes. It isn't really enforced.

According to the rules all teachers are required to attend church 4 times per week. (Sunday school, Sunday morning service, Sunday night service and Wednesday night service). The punishment for failing to attend is absolutely nothing.

Officially yes but it could be perceived as no depending on your personality.

That they're monitoring that is kinda screwy. Tell them you went to the Jehovah's Witnesses church 1 time and see what they say.

(Not if your livelihood depends on it)
Don’t tell me you believe he attends the free will baptist church.

Yes. I am making it all up so that..........................
So that you can subordinate faith in God.
I have way too many questions to get to the bottom of your concerns. I am not necessarily doing what is in my own my best interest. There are other people involved in my situation. You have to remember. I don't believe in the invisible and silent God that lives in the cave where only the holy men are allowed to go. When the holy men come back from the cave to tell me stuff with a serious, convincing and sincere face it appears suspicious to me. Why can't I go in the cave too?

If God has nothing to say to me then I am under no obligation to play by His rules. Just because He tells you the rules doesn't men He shares that information with everyone. Most of us are left relying on faith or guesswork. That just isn't for me anymore. If God wants something from me then I will give Him anything He asks.

I have way too many questions to get to the bottom of your concerns. I am not necessarily doing what is in my own my best interest. There are other people involved in my situation. You have to remember. I don't believe in the invisible and silent God that lives in the cave where only the holy men are allowed to go. When the holy men come back from the cave to tell me stuff with a serious, convincing and sincere face it appears suspicious to me. Why can't I go in the cave too?

If God has nothing to say to me then I am under no obligation to play by His rules. Just because He tells you the rules doesn't men He shares that information with everyone. Most of us are left relying on faith or guesswork. That just isn't for me anymore. If God wants something from me then I will give Him anything He asks.

K. The temple curtain tore in half, top to bottom.

Who are these people, who are these 'holy men' who think they are the only ones who get to talk to God? Where did you learn this?

Hear it all the time. "God wants this." "God wants that." "God is leading me here." "The Holy Spirit impressed upon me to do such and such." All kinds of people hear from God. The dishonesty is nauseating. At least in the ancient days the Holy men backed up their manipulation with violence.

Ever notice in the Old Testament that people were killed for going into the Holy of Holies? They were killed by "God". (wink wink) People in the Old Testament who disobeyed God were killed by God. Hint: Moses was God. Why did Moses leave Egypt? For killing a man. Any reason to believe he didn't kill Nadab and Abihu? Nowadays the random psychotic liars who claims God speaks to them doesn't back it up by killing people. If I am not going to be killed by you then why should I listen to you?

You're a lying atheist shill POS. Your lies are obvious.
If your cause is so noble,why do you have to lie? :dunno:
I am even better at being a Christianity than the people that believe it to be true
You think more of yourself than you ought.

You are in no position to judge how "good you are" at pretending to be a Follower of Christ.

How about you? Can you decide for me how well I am doing? You are right. It is always better to have an unbiased opinion.

I was hired at an ultra conservative Christian school so I would way I did pretty good.

You would not have lasted over 6 mos/1 year at the ones I know of.

You're perpetuating a fraud. In no way can that be good.
I have way too many questions to get to the bottom of your concerns. I am not necessarily doing what is in my own my best interest. There are other people involved in my situation. You have to remember. I don't believe in the invisible and silent God that lives in the cave where only the holy men are allowed to go. When the holy men come back from the cave to tell me stuff with a serious, convincing and sincere face it appears suspicious to me. Why can't I go in the cave too?

If God has nothing to say to me then I am under no obligation to play by His rules. Just because He tells you the rules doesn't men He shares that information with everyone. Most of us are left relying on faith or guesswork. That just isn't for me anymore. If God wants something from me then I will give Him anything He asks.

I have way too many questions to get to the bottom of your concerns. I am not necessarily doing what is in my own my best interest. There are other people involved in my situation. You have to remember. I don't believe in the invisible and silent God that lives in the cave where only the holy men are allowed to go. When the holy men come back from the cave to tell me stuff with a serious, convincing and sincere face it appears suspicious to me. Why can't I go in the cave too?

If God has nothing to say to me then I am under no obligation to play by His rules. Just because He tells you the rules doesn't men He shares that information with everyone. Most of us are left relying on faith or guesswork. That just isn't for me anymore. If God wants something from me then I will give Him anything He asks.

K. The temple curtain tore in half, top to bottom.

Who are these people, who are these 'holy men' who think they are the only ones who get to talk to God? Where did you learn this?

Hear it all the time. "God wants this." "God wants that." "God is leading me here." "The Holy Spirit impressed upon me to do such and such." All kinds of people hear from God. The dishonesty is nauseating. At least in the ancient days the Holy men backed up their manipulation with violence.

Ever notice in the Old Testament that people were killed for going into the Holy of Holies? They were killed by "God". (wink wink) People in the Old Testament who disobeyed God were killed by God. Hint: Moses was God. Why did Moses leave Egypt? For killing a man. Any reason to believe he didn't kill Nadab and Abihu? Nowadays the random psychotic liars who claims God speaks to them doesn't back it up by killing people. If I am not going to be killed by you then why should I listen to you?

You're a lying atheist shill POS. Your lies are obvious.
If your cause is so noble,why do you have to lie? :dunno:

My cause? lol
Is going to church compulsory? What the?-?

Officially, yes. It isn't really enforced.

According to the rules all teachers are required to attend church 4 times per week. (Sunday school, Sunday morning service, Sunday night service and Wednesday night service). The punishment for failing to attend is absolutely nothing.

Officially yes but it could be perceived as no depending on your personality.

That they're monitoring that is kinda screwy. Tell them you went to the Jehovah's Witnesses church 1 time and see what they say.

(Not if your livelihood depends on it)
Don’t tell me you believe he attends the free will baptist church.

Yes. I am making it all up so that..........................
So that you can subordinate faith in God.

You caught me. Did I accomplish it yet? or should I keep on working on it? The reason I ask is because my next task is to conquer Africa and funnel all the gold and diamonds into my personal vault in Tennessee.

Before I do all that I have to subordinate faith in God within the United States first. I was hoping I was almost done with that one. My to do list is so long I don't think I will ever be finished.

After I get all the diamonds, gold and such I am going to rid all of Europe (except Russia) of socialist thought. Don't even get me started on Australia. I am totally not ready for that one yet.

For now I am trying to stay totally focused on subordinating faith in God within the United States. Thanks for spoiling the plan their ding.
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I am even better at being a Christianity than the people that believe it to be true
You think more of yourself than you ought.

You are in no position to judge how "good you are" at pretending to be a Follower of Christ.

How about you? Can you decide for me how well I am doing? You are right. It is always better to have an unbiased opinion.

I was hired at an ultra conservative Christian school so I would way I did pretty good.

You would not have lasted over 6 mos/1 year at the ones I know of.

You're perpetuating a fraud. In no way can that be good.

It is so discouraging when you guys so brilliantly figure out my secret plot.

I feel like the atheist in the video here. It is so frustrating when us atheists are exposed for our true motives.

I am even better at being a Christianity than the people that believe it to be true
You think more of yourself than you ought.

You are in no position to judge how "good you are" at pretending to be a Follower of Christ.

How about you? Can you decide for me how well I am doing? You are right. It is always better to have an unbiased opinion.

I was hired at an ultra conservative Christian school so I would way I did pretty good.

You would not have lasted over 6 mos/1 year at the ones I know of.

You're perpetuating a fraud. In no way can that be good.

It is so discouraging when you guys so brilliantly figure out my secret plot.

I feel like the atheist in the video here. It is so frustrating when us atheists are exposed for our true motives.

I feel like the atheist in the video here. It is so frustrating when us atheists are exposed for our true motives.

is there no alternative to remain in your church as an atheist, is that your interpretation of the 1st century ... if you still have one.
Officially, yes. It isn't really enforced.

According to the rules all teachers are required to attend church 4 times per week. (Sunday school, Sunday morning service, Sunday night service and Wednesday night service). The punishment for failing to attend is absolutely nothing.

Officially yes but it could be perceived as no depending on your personality.

That they're monitoring that is kinda screwy. Tell them you went to the Jehovah's Witnesses church 1 time and see what they say.

(Not if your livelihood depends on it)
Don’t tell me you believe he attends the free will baptist church.

Yes. I am making it all up so that..........................
So that you can subordinate faith in God.

You caught me. Did I accomplish it yet? or should I keep on working on it? The reason I ask is because my next task is to conquer Africa and funnel all the gold and diamonds into my personal vault in Tennessee.

Before I do all that I have to subordinate faith in God within the United States first. I was hoping I was almost done with that one. My to do list is so long I don't think I will ever be finished.

After I get all the diamonds, gold and such I am going to rid all of Europe (except Russia) of socialist thought. Don't even get me started on Australia. I am totally not ready for that one yet.

For now I am trying to stay totally focused on subordinating faith in God within the United States. Thanks for spoiling the plan their ding.
I think you should keep working it. :thup:
BreezeWood You are on permanent ignore for repeating your same old boring accusations. So don't bother to quote me or try to draw my attention to your crap.

try growing up r ... running away is a poor solution.

What part of "not listening to you any more" didn't penetrate your completely-undeserved conceit?
What part of "not listening to you any more" didn't penetrate your completely-undeserved conceit?

sorry sissy, this thread is about the realization of the forged 4th century christian bible and the false messiah religion they created to deceive future generations searching for the truth and the true interpretation of the 1st century events - the religion of antiquity.

However, I do have a lot of concern for those he's lying to, and for his own soul and family in the process. Nothing good can come from this situation

that is the reason for this thread for the op to stop lying to the children about a forged christian bible and the false messiah religion they have had the revelation to see clearly and can no longer serve its devious purpose.

Nothing good can come from this situation ...

its whether the good is strong enough to survive the evil tidings - in this thread from the purposefully deceived.

Sorry, pussy, but NO thread is about your "It's OLD, so it must be bad, and look how smart I sound!" repetitions.

No wonder people keep dismissing you from their notice.
Sorry, pussy, but NO thread is about your "It's OLD, so it must be bad, and look how smart I sound!" repetitions.

No wonder people keep dismissing you from their notice.

sissy, it's a forgery, the christian religion written in the 4th century with a madeup messiah that does not reflect the events of the 1st century ... that is what this thread is about except the op now is an atheist rather than maintaining their faith which the true 1st century being secular still applies as the correct decision - op is a looser all the way around.

now you know -

there is no notice for a false religion and those that practice it only repercussions from their errant ways, everyone is forced to deal with - you.

Pussy, parroting "4th century, 4TH CENTURY!" yet again isn't going to suddenly make you sound intelligent this time when it didn't in every single other post you've ever made.

Accept that you're a one-trick post with nothing meaningful to say, and that everyone knows it and laughs at you, and move on. I'd be more likely to look for religious wisdom from the homeless guy on the street shouting, "The end is nigh!" at the buildings than I would from you. Maybe YOU should go look to him for respect, because you're not getting it here.
There's your problem. A lot of Baptists are hypocrites. :tomato:

I bet it's the white Baptist church, too. So double the hypocrites.

I always went to the Black Baptist church, way less hypocrites. :tomato:

No offense if someone's a devout Baptist, but it's true.

When do Baptists STFU? When they pass each other in the liquor store.

I'm thinking the real problem here is that a lot of HUMANS are hypocrites, and that's why God tells us not to look to them at all.
try growing up r ... running away is a poor solution.

What part of "not listening to you any more" didn't penetrate your completely-undeserved conceit?
What part of "not listening to you any more" didn't penetrate your completely-undeserved conceit?

sorry sissy, this thread is about the realization of the forged 4th century christian bible and the false messiah religion they created to deceive future generations searching for the truth and the true interpretation of the 1st century events - the religion of antiquity.

However, I do have a lot of concern for those he's lying to, and for his own soul and family in the process. Nothing good can come from this situation

that is the reason for this thread for the op to stop lying to the children about a forged christian bible and the false messiah religion they have had the revelation to see clearly and can no longer serve its devious purpose.

Nothing good can come from this situation ...

its whether the good is strong enough to survive the evil tidings - in this thread from the purposefully deceived.

Sorry, pussy, but NO thread is about your "It's OLD, so it must be bad, and look how smart I sound!" repetitions.

No wonder people keep dismissing you from their notice.
Sorry, pussy, but NO thread is about your "It's OLD, so it must be bad, and look how smart I sound!" repetitions.

No wonder people keep dismissing you from their notice.

sissy, it's a forgery, the christian religion written in the 4th century with a madeup messiah that does not reflect the events of the 1st century ... that is what this thread is about except the op now is an atheist rather than maintaining their faith which the true 1st century being secular still applies as the correct decision - op is a looser all the way around.

now you know -

there is no notice for a false religion and those that practice it only repercussions from their errant ways, everyone is forced to deal with - you.

Pussy, parroting "4th century, 4TH CENTURY!" yet again isn't going to suddenly make you sound intelligent this time when it didn't in every single other post you've ever made.

Accept that you're a one-trick post with nothing meaningful to say, and that everyone knows it and laughs at you, and move on. I'd be more likely to look for religious wisdom from the homeless guy on the street shouting, "The end is nigh!" at the buildings than I would from you. Maybe YOU should go look to him for respect, because you're not getting it here.
Pussy, parroting "4th century, 4TH CENTURY!" yet again isn't going to suddenly make you sound intelligent this time when it didn't in every single other post you've ever made.

your audience is as bland as your unsolicited post, it is you who has an insatiable desire to make a fool of yourself - as well your phony 4th century forged messiah religion as is the discussion of this thread you seem unable to comprehend.

the true events of the 1st century was the reaffirmation of the religion of antiquity as prescribed by the Almighty which narly a poster in this thread has the least amount of understanding than their own selfish motives reflected by the corrupt christian religion.
I am even better at being a Christianity than the people that believe it to be true
You think more of yourself than you ought.

You are in no position to judge how "good you are" at pretending to be a Follower of Christ.

How about you? Can you decide for me how well I am doing? You are right. It is always better to have an unbiased opinion.

I was hired at an ultra conservative Christian school so I would way I did pretty good.

You would not have lasted over 6 mos/1 year at the ones I know of.

You're perpetuating a fraud. In no way can that be good.

It is so discouraging when you guys so brilliantly figure out my secret plot.

I feel like the atheist in the video here. It is so frustrating when us atheists are exposed for our true motives.

I feel like the atheist in the video here. It is so frustrating when us atheists are exposed for our true motives.

is there no alternative to remain in your church as an atheist, is that your interpretation of the 1st century ... if you still have one.

Yes. I could remain there as an atheist. I have no interpretation of the 1st Century. I never had one.
Cmon, you're a coward. I challenged you twice, to make some peace. And you refused twice. You just wanna fight. And kill each of us...

But I won't let that happen... You use murder to make your religion.
I have peace already.

You’re the only one talking about killing.

You’re the only one fighting.

What? Really?


you are so distressed... You have no idea what you're saying. You believe in a religion that is based on murder, rape, and human trafficking.

And I'm wrong?
Of course you are.

I’m happy with you being the aggressor. I’ve got peace. You don’t. If you did, you wouldn’t be such an aggressor.
You don't
Of course I do.

I’m happy with you being the aggressor.eie I’ve got peace. You don’t. If you did, you wouldn’t be such an aggressor.

You're the heina in the grand course of things.
You steal your religion from Sumer and Babylon. And bully everybody to believe you.

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