Escaping Christianity

christianity, the messiah religion was written for its establishment by a state gov't.

they wrote the christian bible in the 4th century, nearly all 100 years - creating a religion using the 1st century without accreditation ... and licenses (forgeries) that never existed.

the above is an example of a christian bible forgery ... found throughout the entire book.

not a valid statement v then again unlike you I stopped reading (verbatim) the christian bible after the forgeries in the first two pages gave me no other choice - you read without defference the whole book. there is a difference, it is you who is inside the brain of who you referenced as, we. too bad for you.

I have no idea what you mean by 1st century since the only documents in which I have access to information about a first century church is the 4th century Bible.

What in the potato chips do you mean by "1st century"?

It is my assumption that the 1st century church doesn't currently exist and was lost with the passage of time. If that is the case then how could you possibly talk about it?
I have no idea what you mean by 1st century since the only documents in which I have access to information about a first century church is the 4th century Bible.

the true 1st century events, not those as portrayed by the forged 4th century christian bible and the false messiah religion they claim without accreditation.

the 1st century (events) were a reaffirmation of the spoken religion of antiquity, the triumph of good vs evil as prescribed by the Almighty - jesus was a more advanced example as a non sinner, religion of antiquity than noah both being mortal and on the same true path to the Everlasting.
Where were these prescriptions recorded exactly?

The four gospels and the Book of Acts. I think the dude lives in a fantasy world. I am not expecting a scholarly answer at all.
The four gospels and the Book of Acts. I think the dude lives in a fantasy world. I am not expecting a scholarly answer at all.

not a valid statement v then again unlike you I stopped reading (verbatim) the christian bible after the forgeries in the first two pages gave me no other choice - you read without deference the whole book. there is a difference, it is you who is inside the brain of who you referenced as, we. too bad for you.

so you are scholarly by memorizing a book of forgeries ...

who's kidding who - from one extreme to another, commendable your examination of christianity have you actually said what that is.

you now claim to be an atheist - without the insight requested.

Where were these prescriptions recorded exactly? (second request)

the religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - as prescribed (demanded) by the Almighty. the means for admission to the Everlasting.

- the religion of antiquity is spoken, the parable of noah - when the last person of either good or evil perishes those remaining will be judged for admission to the Everlasting.

with noahs death the parable would have concluded where only evil would have remained - the Almighty gave humanity a second chance by fulfilling partially the parable by putting to death the already condemned before noah's death allowing for a second chance - the 1st century was a reaffirmation of the religion of antiquity as prescribed with the serious consequence of jesus's untimely death and the ensuing false christian messiah religion.

bringing to justice the crucifiers of jesus is the true legacy of the 1st century - not christianity.

for theists, the metaphysical.

I actually expected an explanation. I am officially disappointed and done trying to grasp this.

It is crystal clear that you have no basis whatsoever. You are incapable of pointing me to anything of substance. No website? No book? No people group that has passed on this oral tradition?

Even if you have something authentic later on, I will probably ignored it. This was your chance to explain yourself. You totally blew it. I am not even going to waste my time mocking you for parroting 1st century and 4th century like it has some intellectual basis. It clearly does not.

Are you 12 years old by chance?
I have no idea what you mean by 1st century since the only documents in which I have access to information about a first century church is the 4th century Bible.

What in the potato chips do you mean by "1st century"?

It is my assumption that the 1st century church doesn't currently exist and was lost with the passage of time. If that is the case then how could you possibly talk about it?
I have no idea what you mean by 1st century since the only documents in which I have access to information about a first century church is the 4th century Bible.

the true 1st century events, not those as portrayed by the forged 4th century christian bible and the false messiah religion they claim without accreditation.

the 1st century (events) were a reaffirmation of the spoken religion of antiquity, the triumph of good vs evil as prescribed by the Almighty - jesus was a more advanced example as a non sinner, religion of antiquity than noah both being mortal and on the same true path to the Everlasting.
Where were these prescriptions recorded exactly?

The four gospels and the Book of Acts. I think the dude lives in a fantasy world. I am not expecting a scholarly answer at all.
The four gospels and the Book of Acts. I think the dude lives in a fantasy world. I am not expecting a scholarly answer at all.

not a valid statement v then again unlike you I stopped reading (verbatim) the christian bible after the forgeries in the first two pages gave me no other choice - you read without deference the whole book. there is a difference, it is you who is inside the brain of who you referenced as, we. too bad for you.

so you are scholarly by memorizing a book of forgeries ...

who's kidding who - from one extreme to another, commendable your examination of christianity have you actually said what that is.

you now claim to be an atheist - without the insight requested.

Where were these prescriptions recorded exactly? (second request)

the religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - as prescribed (demanded) by the Almighty. the means for admission to the Everlasting.

- the religion of antiquity is spoken, the parable of noah - when the last person of either good or evil perishes those remaining will be judged for admission to the Everlasting.

with noahs death the parable would have concluded where only evil would have remained - the Almighty gave humanity a second chance by fulfilling partially the parable by putting to death the already condemned before noah's death allowing for a second chance - the 1st century was a reaffirmation of the religion of antiquity as prescribed with the serious consequence of jesus's untimely death and the ensuing false christian messiah religion.

bringing to justice the crucifiers of jesus is the true legacy of the 1st century - not christianity.

for theists, the metaphysical.

I actually expected an explanation. I am officially disappointed and done trying to grasp this.

It is crystal clear that you have no basis whatsoever. You are incapable of pointing me to anything of substance. No website? No book? No people group that has passed on this oral tradition?

Even if you have something authentic later on, I will probably ignored it. This was your chance to explain yourself. You totally blew it. I am not even going to waste my time mocking you for parroting 1st century and 4th century like it has some intellectual basis. It clearly does not.

Are you 12 years old by chance?
I will probably ignored it.

the spoken religion of antiquity is all there is, six words abandoned by all three desert religions, your not alone vasuder ...
They killed everyone, raped all the women, tortured everyone, trafficked the children. To this day, the priests molest the children, and nobody belonging to the religion really cares or notices. They're allowed to do this. They get a little spank recently. But only recently. Does anyone realize what they have done in the past?

And this is what Christian religion is? I'd be embarrassed to believe in that...

If you don't know the answer to that, then you are even more lacking in understanding than I previously thought.

Does it really need to be spelled out to you? Or are you just trolling?
Yes, it actually has to be spelled out to me.

I'm not trolling. I just can't see a decent reason to commit those sins. I only want to know why you would do that, and still follow and promote the religion. it makes no sense to me...

It's not something to be tagged as "funny". It's a real question.

Your religions have committed unbelievable sins. The worst torture and evil you can imagine... But those evils, made your religion become what it is today. And you were borne into those religions due to the evil they did, and forced to follow by birthright.

How can you deal with those truths in your religion? Or do you just ignore them?
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So apparently the Old Testament but only the account of Noah.

The Old Testament is a forgery written in the fourth century according to BreezeWood. Remember?
Did he say the OT is a forgery?
Well actually it is plagiarism. But the original wasn't written in 400 ac. It was written in about 4000-3000 bc, based on Sumerian and Assyrian and Babylonian texts.

The 2000 BC Jewish version was plagiarized from original Mesopotamian texts that actually said other very interesting things, that they left out.
I think he means the NT was written in 400 ac. Which is probably very close to true.
I doubt Jesus was alive, when they wrote the NT 400 years later.

I love Jesus! I follow his ideals. I don't follow his made-up religion.
Or the wars that it caused. And people who claimed victory and created future followers based on their non-righteous acts.
They killed everyone, raped all the women, tortured everyone, trafficked the children. To this day, the priests molest the children, and nobody belonging to the religion really cares or notices. They're allowed to do this. They get a little spank recently. But only recently. Does anyone realize what they have done in the past?

And this is what Christian religion is? I'd be embarrassed to believe in that...

If you don't know the answer to that, then you are even more lacking in understanding than I previously thought.

Does it really need to be spelled out to you? Or are you just trolling?
Yes, it actually has to be spelled out to me.

I'm not trolling. I just can't see a decent reason to commit those sins. I only want to know why you would do that, and still follow and promote the religion. it makes no sense to me...

It's not something to be tagged as "funny". It's a real question.

Your religions have committed unbelievable sins. The worst torture and evil you can imagine... But those evils, made your religion become what it is today. And you were borne into those religions due to the evil they did, and forced to follow by birthright.

How can you deal with those truths in your religion? Or do you just ignore them?

I gave your post a funny because I was thinking, "You've got to be kidding me." I honestly didn't think anyone could be that ignorant, to not understand the difference between mere RELIGION (empty or false) and genuine Christianity, truly following Jesus. That's why I thought (and still think) you were just trolling. I actually gave you the benefit of the doubt, but according to your own replies, I shouldn't have given you that much credit.

I didn't read all your posts, but based on a quick glance, it looks like most of the stuff you brought up was actions of the Catholic Church. First of all, I'm not Catholic. It is not my "religion." Second of all, I don't want to offend our Catholics here, but I believe that the Catholic church is corrupt, and has been corrupt for a very long time. Many of their teachings are in direct contradiction to the scriptures. Overall they are a mixture of Paganism and Christianity.

Any person or church can claim to be Christian. That means nothing if they are unregenerate and if they don't actually follow Jesus. Jesus clearly stated that there would be deception, wolves in sheep's clothing, and He said that you shall know them by "their fruits." Which means that when it comes to Christianity, you don't merely go by a person's words, but by their actions.

OBVIOUSLY things like pedophilia are as evil as it gets, and the complete opposite of what Christianity teaches. Let's look at what Jesus said about those who mislead or hurt children:

"It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble."
- Luke 17:2
Does that sound like Christianity teaches pedophilia? I mean, come on, I figured everyone, even the most hard-hearted and blind atheists understood that.
What about the Crusades or how we deal with people of other religions or unbelievers?

"If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.'
-Matthew 10:14​

As far as killing people/enemies, let's look at what Jesus had to say:

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."
- Matthew 5:43​

Now let's look at what God says is true religion:

"Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world."
- James 1:27
I could go on, but let me ask you this. Do you have a disagreement with the concept of loving your enemies? What about the teaching of shaking the dust off your feet and leaving town if someone doesn't want to hear the message? Do you have a disagreement with not harming children, with caring for orphans and widows?

If you're going to judge a particular faith (whether it's Christianity or any other faith), judge it by the actual teachings, and the words of the LEADER (in this case Jesus), not by corrupt men who claim to be Christian, or by corrupt churches who call themselves Christian, as I said before, ANYONE can claim to be a Christian.

Jesus said you will know them by their fruits.

If you don't like the teachings of Jesus, you're entitled to your opinion. What is NOT cool is to be dishonest, by conflating the actions of a corrupt church or corrupt individuals with actual Christianity. Btw, I can guess what your reply is going to be, I remember you from the DA days. I know your whole take on all this. I'm not interested in debating this with you, at least not right now. But if you continue to post silly posts, feigning ignorance, I will continue to respond with "funnies". Thanks for reading.
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They killed everyone, raped all the women, tortured everyone, trafficked the children. To this day, the priests molest the children, and nobody belonging to the religion really cares or notices. They're allowed to do this. They get a little spank recently. But only recently. Does anyone realize what they have done in the past?

And this is what Christian religion is? I'd be embarrassed to believe in that...

If you don't know the answer to that, then you are even more lacking in understanding than I previously thought.

Does it really need to be spelled out to you? Or are you just trolling?
Yes, it actually has to be spelled out to me.

I'm not trolling. I just can't see a decent reason to commit those sins. I only want to know why you would do that, and still follow and promote the religion. it makes no sense to me...

It's not something to be tagged as "funny". It's a real question.

Your religions have committed unbelievable sins. The worst torture and evil you can imagine... But those evils, made your religion become what it is today. And you were borne into those religions due to the evil they did, and forced to follow by birthright.

How can you deal with those truths in your religion? Or do you just ignore them?

I gave your post a funny because I was thinking, "You've got to be kidding me." I honestly didn't think anyone could be that ignorant, to not understand the difference between mere RELIGION (empty or false) and genuine Christianity, truly following Jesus. That's why I thought (and still think) you were just trolling. I actually gave you the benefit of the doubt, but based on your own replies, I shouldn't have given you that much credit.

I didn't read all your posts, but based on a quick glance, it looks like most of the stuff you brought up was actions of the Catholic Church. First of all, I'm not Catholic. It is not my "religion." Second of all, I don't want to offend our Catholics here, but I believe that the Catholic church is corrupt, and has been corrupt for a very long time. Many of their teachings are in direct contradiction to the scriptures. Overall they are a mixture of Paganism and Christianity.

Any person or church can claim to be Christian. That means nothing if they are unregenerate and if they don't actually follow Jesus. Jesus clearly stated that there would be deception, wolves in sheep's clothing, and He said that you shall know them by "their fruits." Which means that when it comes to Christianity, you don't merely go by a person's words, but by their actions.

OBVIOUSLY things like pedophilia are as evil as it gets, and the complete opposite of what Christianity teaches. Let's look at what Jesus said about those who mislead or hurt children:

"It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble."
- Luke 17:2
Does that sound like Christianity teaches pedophilia? I mean, come on, I figured everyone, even the most hard-hearted and blind atheists understood that.
What about the Crusades or how we deal with people of other religions or unbelievers?

"If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.'
-Matthew 10:14​

As far as killing people/enemies, let's look at what Jesus had to say:

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."
- Matthew 5:43​

Now let's look at what God says is true religion:

"Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world."
- James 1:27
I could go on, but let me ask you this. Do you have a disagreement with the concept of loving your enemies? What about the teaching of shaking the dust off your feet and leaving town if someone doesn't want to hear the message? Do you have a disagreement with not harming children, with caring for orphans and widows?

If you're going to judge a particular faith (whether it's Christianity or any other faith), judge it by the actual teachings, and the words of the LEADER (in this case Jesus), not by corrupt men who claim to be Christian, or by corrupt churches who call themselves Christian, as I said before, ANYONE can claim to be a Christian.

Jesus said you will know them by their fruits.

If you don't like the teachings of Jesus, you're entitled to your opinion. What is NOT cool is to be dishonest, by conflating the actions of a corrupt church or corrupt individuals with actual Christianity. Btw, I can guess what your reply is going to be, I remember you from the DA days. I know your whole take on all this. I'm not interested in debating this with you, at least not right now. But if you continue to post silly posts, feigning ignorance, I will continue to respond with "funnies". Thanks for reading.

You two used to go at it on DA. Remember those days? Heh heh.

Anyway. My thought on it s that you can't really define a faith by the workings of a minimal few who poison it. Though, it seems those who do poison it have all of the power. That's something else.
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They killed everyone, raped all the women, tortured everyone, trafficked the children. To this day, the priests molest the children, and nobody belonging to the religion really cares or notices. They're allowed to do this. They get a little spank recently. But only recently. Does anyone realize what they have done in the past?

And this is what Christian religion is? I'd be embarrassed to believe in that...

If you don't know the answer to that, then you are even more lacking in understanding than I previously thought.

Does it really need to be spelled out to you? Or are you just trolling?
Yes, it actually has to be spelled out to me.

I'm not trolling. I just can't see a decent reason to commit those sins. I only want to know why you would do that, and still follow and promote the religion. it makes no sense to me...

It's not something to be tagged as "funny". It's a real question.

Your religions have committed unbelievable sins. The worst torture and evil you can imagine... But those evils, made your religion become what it is today. And you were borne into those religions due to the evil they did, and forced to follow by birthright.

How can you deal with those truths in your religion? Or do you just ignore them?
Would you like to abolish religion, Ivan?
So apparently the Old Testament but only the account of Noah.

The Old Testament is a forgery written in the fourth century according to BreezeWood. Remember?
Did he say the OT is a forgery?
Well actually it is plagiarism. But the original wasn't written in 400 ac. It was written in about 4000-3000 bc, based on Sumerian and Assyrian and Babylonian texts.

The 2000 BC Jewish version was plagiarized from original Mesopotamian texts that actually said other very interesting things, that they left out.
The original accounts date back 6000 years ago and were passed down orally for thousands of years from generation to generation.

They all shared a common heritage and religion before the great migration from the cradle of civilization. Maybe you heard about it.
They killed everyone, raped all the women, tortured everyone, trafficked the children. To this day, the priests molest the children, and nobody belonging to the religion really cares or notices. They're allowed to do this. They get a little spank recently. But only recently. Does anyone realize what they have done in the past?

And this is what Christian religion is? I'd be embarrassed to believe in that...

If you don't know the answer to that, then you are even more lacking in understanding than I previously thought.

Does it really need to be spelled out to you? Or are you just trolling?
Yes, it actually has to be spelled out to me.

I'm not trolling. I just can't see a decent reason to commit those sins. I only want to know why you would do that, and still follow and promote the religion. it makes no sense to me...

It's not something to be tagged as "funny". It's a real question.

Your religions have committed unbelievable sins. The worst torture and evil you can imagine... But those evils, made your religion become what it is today. And you were borne into those religions due to the evil they did, and forced to follow by birthright.

How can you deal with those truths in your religion? Or do you just ignore them?

I gave your post a funny because I was thinking, "You've got to be kidding me." I honestly didn't think anyone could be that ignorant, to not understand the difference between mere RELIGION (empty or false) and genuine Christianity, truly following Jesus. That's why I thought (and still think) you were just trolling. I actually gave you the benefit of the doubt, but according to your own replies, I shouldn't have given you that much credit.

I didn't read all your posts, but based on a quick glance, it looks like most of the stuff you brought up was actions of the Catholic Church. First of all, I'm not Catholic. It is not my "religion." Second of all, I don't want to offend our Catholics here, but I believe that the Catholic church is corrupt, and has been corrupt for a very long time. Many of their teachings are in direct contradiction to the scriptures. Overall they are a mixture of Paganism and Christianity.

Any person or church can claim to be Christian. That means nothing if they are unregenerate and if they don't actually follow Jesus. Jesus clearly stated that there would be deception, wolves in sheep's clothing, and He said that you shall know them by "their fruits." Which means that when it comes to Christianity, you don't merely go by a person's words, but by their actions.

OBVIOUSLY things like pedophilia are as evil as it gets, and the complete opposite of what Christianity teaches. Let's look at what Jesus said about those who mislead or hurt children:

"It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble."
- Luke 17:2
Does that sound like Christianity teaches pedophilia? I mean, come on, I figured everyone, even the most hard-hearted and blind atheists understood that.
What about the Crusades or how we deal with people of other religions or unbelievers?

"If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.'
-Matthew 10:14​

As far as killing people/enemies, let's look at what Jesus had to say:

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."
- Matthew 5:43​

Now let's look at what God says is true religion:

"Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world."
- James 1:27
I could go on, but let me ask you this. Do you have a disagreement with the concept of loving your enemies? What about the teaching of shaking the dust off your feet and leaving town if someone doesn't want to hear the message? Do you have a disagreement with not harming children, with caring for orphans and widows?

If you're going to judge a particular faith (whether it's Christianity or any other faith), judge it by the actual teachings, and the words of the LEADER (in this case Jesus), not by corrupt men who claim to be Christian, or by corrupt churches who call themselves Christian, as I said before, ANYONE can claim to be a Christian.

Jesus said you will know them by their fruits.

If you don't like the teachings of Jesus, you're entitled to your opinion. What is NOT cool is to be dishonest, by conflating the actions of a corrupt church or corrupt individuals with actual Christianity. Btw, I can guess what your reply is going to be, I remember you from the DA days. I know your whole take on all this. I'm not interested in debating this with you, at least not right now. But if you continue to post silly posts, feigning ignorance, I will continue to respond with "funnies". Thanks for reading.
He’s just your typical militant atheist loser. Probably still lives at home with his parents.

Don’t be so hard on Catholics. We stopped the advance of the Muslim hordes and the communist hordes.
I doubt Jesus was alive, when they wrote the NT 400 years later.

I love Jesus! I follow his ideals. I don't follow his made-up religion.
He doesn’t follow yours. So he’s cool with that.

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