Escaping Christianity

They killed everyone, raped all the women, tortured everyone, trafficked the children. To this day, the priests molest the children, and nobody belonging to the religion really cares or notices. They're allowed to do this. They get a little spank recently. But only recently. Does anyone realize what they have done in the past?

And this is what Christian religion is? I'd be embarrassed to believe in that...

If you don't know the answer to that, then you are even more lacking in understanding than I previously thought.

Does it really need to be spelled out to you? Or are you just trolling?
Yes, it actually has to be spelled out to me.

I'm not trolling. I just can't see a decent reason to commit those sins. I only want to know why you would do that, and still follow and promote the religion. it makes no sense to me...

It's not something to be tagged as "funny". It's a real question.

Your religions have committed unbelievable sins. The worst torture and evil you can imagine... But those evils, made your religion become what it is today. And you were borne into those religions due to the evil they did, and forced to follow by birthright.

How can you deal with those truths in your religion? Or do you just ignore them?
Would you like to abolish religion, Ivan?
Now I'm Ivan? Dang. You have new names for me every week...

I want to abolish religions that have an apocalypse involved. Feeling that they have to kill or overcome anyone that doesn't believe. These are religions that are based on murder and imaginary afterlife. To get soldiers to die for the wealth and power for the ruler. They're not real. And humans suffer so much because of them...

And will continue to do so, until you all wake the fuck up... :)
You want to abolish religions. That’s fucked up and it definitely makes you an aggressor like the Muslims, Cathars and the other communists. You really are an Ivan.
You can have faith, and understand the realities and impossibilities of the universe.

It boggles my mind too. But i will not turn my hand against my fellow man, based on a disagreement of the universe. I will just love to discuss it.

That's faith. That's all we need.
Sure you will. That’s like Hitler saying he won’t invade Poland.

It’s really nice of you to tell us what you will allow us to keep.

Faith in nothing isn’t faith. It’s not a beautiful oblivion. You are empty inside. Swallow your pride. Your life is stale like sick ginger ale.
What part of "not listening to you any more" didn't penetrate your completely-undeserved conceit?
What part of "not listening to you any more" didn't penetrate your completely-undeserved conceit?

sorry sissy, this thread is about the realization of the forged 4th century christian bible and the false messiah religion they created to deceive future generations searching for the truth and the true interpretation of the 1st century events - the religion of antiquity.

However, I do have a lot of concern for those he's lying to, and for his own soul and family in the process. Nothing good can come from this situation

that is the reason for this thread for the op to stop lying to the children about a forged christian bible and the false messiah religion they have had the revelation to see clearly and can no longer serve its devious purpose.

Nothing good can come from this situation ...

its whether the good is strong enough to survive the evil tidings - in this thread from the purposefully deceived.

Sorry, pussy, but NO thread is about your "It's OLD, so it must be bad, and look how smart I sound!" repetitions.

No wonder people keep dismissing you from their notice.
Sorry, pussy, but NO thread is about your "It's OLD, so it must be bad, and look how smart I sound!" repetitions.

No wonder people keep dismissing you from their notice.

sissy, it's a forgery, the christian religion written in the 4th century with a madeup messiah that does not reflect the events of the 1st century ... that is what this thread is about except the op now is an atheist rather than maintaining their faith which the true 1st century being secular still applies as the correct decision - op is a looser all the way around.

now you know -

there is no notice for a false religion and those that practice it only repercussions from their errant ways, everyone is forced to deal with - you.

Pussy, parroting "4th century, 4TH CENTURY!" yet again isn't going to suddenly make you sound intelligent this time when it didn't in every single other post you've ever made.

Accept that you're a one-trick post with nothing meaningful to say, and that everyone knows it and laughs at you, and move on. I'd be more likely to look for religious wisdom from the homeless guy on the street shouting, "The end is nigh!" at the buildings than I would from you. Maybe YOU should go look to him for respect, because you're not getting it here.
That's like saying the Nazis did it about 80 years ago. Let it go, it been so long...

No, the truth remains, and the followers should understand that truth. To prevent if from ever happening again. Do they teach you about the holy wars, the Crusades and the Inquisition?

I bet you won't be a fan after hearing about that. And if you are, you're a sadistic person. And heaven's no place for you.

Yeah, uh, no.

First of all, there's a big difference between 80 years ago and 17 centuries ago.

Second of all, I didn't say anything about "It was a long time ago, let it go." You clearly did not understand the conversation you felt the need to butt into.

Every post Breeze ever puts up exists for no other purpose than for him/her/it to say, "4th century religion", which is to say, "Being old makes it invalid, and I'm just SURE this phrase makes me sound educated." My post was pointing out the mindless parroting.

Third, your assumption of "You're a believer, so you OBVIOUSLY don't know about all these things that the Internet told me were atrocities" is erroneous. I'm not only aware of the Crusades and the Inquisition, I feel safe in saying that I know far more about them than you do. Furthermore, I know better than to say, "People are stupid and evil, so that makes Christianity wrong", which therefore proves that I'm smarter than you are.
Let's get back go reality over here for a sec.

I understand what breezewood is saying. I also understand what vasuderatorrent is saying. I think they're saying they same thing, and having trouble understanding each other. I get it... breeze is kinda hard to understand sometimes. But if you try, you will see.

Regardless, our views are morally correct. What we need is to stop the religious folk from spreading their morally contagious disease.

Regardless, OUR views are morally correct, and what we need is to stop the religiophobic folk from spreading their immorally contagous disease.

See how hypocritical you are? No, I'm sure you don't.

Not only is it not your job to "stop" anyone from believing something based your personal assumption of an unproven moral superiority on your part, I am here to inform you that nothing you've said gives me any indication that I or anyone else would WANT your guidance.
They killed everyone, raped all the women, tortured everyone, trafficked the children. To this day, the priests molest the children, and nobody belonging to the religion really cares or notices. They're allowed to do this. They get a little spank recently. But only recently. Does anyone realize what they have done in the past?

And this is what Christian religion is? I'd be embarrassed to believe in that...

Thank you for sharing your pathological hatred of Christians, but I feel I must point out that we are not your group therapy session, and no one cares about or values your opinion in any way. "All evil is done by Christians! If there was no religious, all people would be kind, fluffy bunnies living in peace!"

Get help.
They killed everyone, raped all the women, tortured everyone, trafficked the children. To this day, the priests molest the children, and nobody belonging to the religion really cares or notices. They're allowed to do this. They get a little spank recently. But only recently. Does anyone realize what they have done in the past?

And this is what Christian religion is? I'd be embarrassed to believe in that...

If you don't know the answer to that, then you are even more lacking in understanding than I previously thought.

Does it really need to be spelled out to you? Or are you just trolling?
Yes, it actually has to be spelled out to me.

I'm not trolling. I just can't see a decent reason to commit those sins. I only want to know why you would do that, and still follow and promote the religion. it makes no sense to me...

"Christians are frigging murderous fiends! I'm not trolling, honest!"

You are Exhibit A to prove that one doesn't have to be religious to be a nasty, hate-filled piece of shit. Judging by you, removing Christianity from the equation does nothing to improve the quality of inferior humanity.
They killed everyone, raped all the women, tortured everyone, trafficked the children. To this day, the priests molest the children, and nobody belonging to the religion really cares or notices. They're allowed to do this. They get a little spank recently. But only recently. Does anyone realize what they have done in the past?

And this is what Christian religion is? I'd be embarrassed to believe in that...

If you don't know the answer to that, then you are even more lacking in understanding than I previously thought.

Does it really need to be spelled out to you? Or are you just trolling?
Yes, it actually has to be spelled out to me.

I'm not trolling. I just can't see a decent reason to commit those sins. I only want to know why you would do that, and still follow and promote the religion. it makes no sense to me...

It's not something to be tagged as "funny". It's a real question.

Your religions have committed unbelievable sins. The worst torture and evil you can imagine... But those evils, made your religion become what it is today. And you were borne into those religions due to the evil they did, and forced to follow by birthright.

How can you deal with those truths in your religion? Or do you just ignore them?

"It's a real question to ask, 'If you accept that Christianity is evil and makes people evil because I say so, then how can you be a Christian?' How could you think spewing deranged vitriol isn't sincere questioning?"

Consider the possibility, oh lunatic, that people aren't "ignoring truths" by ignoring you and your pathological religious bigotry. People usually avoid ranting deranged nutjobs.
I was raised in church, married a Christian, raised my kids in church and currently teach Bible at a Christian school. At the end of this school year (May 2020) I plan to resign as a teacher and stop attending church for one full year. At the end of that year I plan to have my name removed from the church role and afterwards make my atheism public. I love the philosphy, ethics and the culture surrounding Christianity. I just can't live a lie any more. It just can't be healthy. This invisible and silent God dude offers me nothing. I love the Bible and learn a lot from it but the God dude in that book either doesn't exist or has no interest in me. Church attendance is more burdensome than it used to be. I learn more from the Bible studying independently. Kindergarten might be fun for a 6 year old but is painfully boring to a 40 year old.

Any questions? I have lots more to say but I already feel like the post was too long.

Sounds like while you seem to be blaming Christianity, the real problem lies with you. I think you need to leave it and find yourself then go from there.
They killed everyone, raped all the women, tortured everyone, trafficked the children. To this day, the priests molest the children, and nobody belonging to the religion really cares or notices. They're allowed to do this. They get a little spank recently. But only recently. Does anyone realize what they have done in the past?

And this is what Christian religion is? I'd be embarrassed to believe in that...

If you don't know the answer to that, then you are even more lacking in understanding than I previously thought.

Does it really need to be spelled out to you? Or are you just trolling?
Yes, it actually has to be spelled out to me.

I'm not trolling. I just can't see a decent reason to commit those sins. I only want to know why you would do that, and still follow and promote the religion. it makes no sense to me...

It's not something to be tagged as "funny". It's a real question.

Your religions have committed unbelievable sins. The worst torture and evil you can imagine... But those evils, made your religion become what it is today. And you were borne into those religions due to the evil they did, and forced to follow by birthright.

How can you deal with those truths in your religion? Or do you just ignore them?

"It's a real question to ask, 'If you accept that Christianity is evil and makes people evil because I say so, then how can you be a Christian?' How could you think spewing deranged vitriol isn't sincere questioning?"

Consider the possibility, oh lunatic, that people aren't "ignoring truths" by ignoring you and your pathological religious bigotry. People usually avoid ranting deranged nutjobs.

I clearly spelled out to him that the atrocities he always brings up are in direct contradiction to the words of Jesus. I posted what "religion" is in the eyes of God. (James 1:27) He ignored everything I said, then tried to make it sound like I was saying something different. So I'm back to thinking he is either a) incredibly dense or b) a lying troll who hates Christianity with a passion. My guess is the latter. He's been doing this stuff for years.
sorry sissy, this thread is about the realization of the forged 4th century christian bible and the false messiah religion they created to deceive future generations searching for the truth and the true interpretation of the 1st century events - the religion of antiquity.

that is the reason for this thread for the op to stop lying to the children about a forged christian bible and the false messiah religion they have had the revelation to see clearly and can no longer serve its devious purpose.

Nothing good can come from this situation ...

its whether the good is strong enough to survive the evil tidings - in this thread from the purposefully deceived.

Sorry, pussy, but NO thread is about your "It's OLD, so it must be bad, and look how smart I sound!" repetitions.

No wonder people keep dismissing you from their notice.
Sorry, pussy, but NO thread is about your "It's OLD, so it must be bad, and look how smart I sound!" repetitions.

No wonder people keep dismissing you from their notice.

sissy, it's a forgery, the christian religion written in the 4th century with a madeup messiah that does not reflect the events of the 1st century ... that is what this thread is about except the op now is an atheist rather than maintaining their faith which the true 1st century being secular still applies as the correct decision - op is a looser all the way around.

now you know -

there is no notice for a false religion and those that practice it only repercussions from their errant ways, everyone is forced to deal with - you.

Pussy, parroting "4th century, 4TH CENTURY!" yet again isn't going to suddenly make you sound intelligent this time when it didn't in every single other post you've ever made.

Accept that you're a one-trick post with nothing meaningful to say, and that everyone knows it and laughs at you, and move on. I'd be more likely to look for religious wisdom from the homeless guy on the street shouting, "The end is nigh!" at the buildings than I would from you. Maybe YOU should go look to him for respect, because you're not getting it here.
That's like saying the Nazis did it about 80 years ago. Let it go, it been so long...

No, the truth remains, and the followers should understand that truth. To prevent if from ever happening again. Do they teach you about the holy wars, the Crusades and the Inquisition?

I bet you won't be a fan after hearing about that. And if you are, you're a sadistic person. And heaven's no place for you.

Yeah, uh, no.

First of all, there's a big difference between 80 years ago and 17 centuries ago.

Second of all, I didn't say anything about "It was a long time ago, let it go." You clearly did not understand the conversation you felt the need to butt into.

Every post Breeze ever puts up exists for no other purpose than for him/her/it to say, "4th century religion", which is to say, "Being old makes it invalid, and I'm just SURE this phrase makes me sound educated." My post was pointing out the mindless parroting.

Third, your assumption of "You're a believer, so you OBVIOUSLY don't know about all these things that the Internet told me were atrocities" is erroneous. I'm not only aware of the Crusades and the Inquisition, I feel safe in saying that I know far more about them than you do. Furthermore, I know better than to say, "People are stupid and evil, so that makes Christianity wrong", which therefore proves that I'm smarter than you are.
Every post Breeze ever puts up exists for no other purpose than for him/her/it to say, "4th century religion", which is to say, "Being old makes it invalid, and I'm just SURE this phrase makes me sound educated." My post was pointing out the mindless parroting.

no sissy, age is not a reason for validity for or against. the christian bible began to be written in the early 4th century and was completed at the centuries final years as the state religion of the roman empire and is a manufactured document complete with forgeries and false depictions as the inclusion of a messiah that are not reflective of the true events of the 1st century.

Christianity in the 4th century was dominated in its early stage by Constantine the great and the First Council of Nicaea of 325, which was the beginning of the period of the First seven Ecumenical Councils (325–787), and in its late stage by the Edict of Thessalonica of 380, which made Nicene Christianity the state church of the Roman Empire.

Third, your assumption of "You're a believer, so you OBVIOUSLY don't know about all these things that the Internet told me were atrocities" is erroneous. I'm not only aware of the Crusades and the Inquisition, I feel safe in saying that I know far more about them than you do. Furthermore, I know better than to say, "People are stupid and evil, so that makes Christianity wrong", which therefore proves that I'm smarter than you are

which therefore proves that I'm smarter than you are ...


no sissy, I'll be honest with you, your statement above only enhances you as simply being a dumb-as ... on steroids.
They killed everyone, raped all the women, tortured everyone, trafficked the children. To this day, the priests molest the children, and nobody belonging to the religion really cares or notices. They're allowed to do this. They get a little spank recently. But only recently. Does anyone realize what they have done in the past?

And this is what Christian religion is? I'd be embarrassed to believe in that...

If you don't know the answer to that, then you are even more lacking in understanding than I previously thought.

Does it really need to be spelled out to you? Or are you just trolling?
Yes, it actually has to be spelled out to me.

I'm not trolling. I just can't see a decent reason to commit those sins. I only want to know why you would do that, and still follow and promote the religion. it makes no sense to me...

It's not something to be tagged as "funny". It's a real question.

Your religions have committed unbelievable sins. The worst torture and evil you can imagine... But those evils, made your religion become what it is today. And you were borne into those religions due to the evil they did, and forced to follow by birthright.

How can you deal with those truths in your religion? Or do you just ignore them?

"It's a real question to ask, 'If you accept that Christianity is evil and makes people evil because I say so, then how can you be a Christian?' How could you think spewing deranged vitriol isn't sincere questioning?"

Consider the possibility, oh lunatic, that people aren't "ignoring truths" by ignoring you and your pathological religious bigotry. People usually avoid ranting deranged nutjobs.

I clearly spelled out to him that the atrocities he always brings up are in direct contradiction to the words of Jesus. I posted what "religion" is in the eyes of God. (James 1:27) He ignored everything I said, then tried to make it sound like I was saying something different. So I'm back to thinking he is either a) incredibly dense or b) a lying troll who hates Christianity with a passion. My guess is the latter. He's been doing this stuff for years.
Who carried out the crusades and the inquisitions? And the atrocities? Give me a quote that it wasn't the Christians.
You believe in a religion. Your religion is based on conquering everyone else... It's not based on being true, it's based on overwhelming others and consuming them.

Your religion is evil.

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