Escaping Christianity

try growing up r ... running away is a poor solution.

What part of "not listening to you any more" didn't penetrate your completely-undeserved conceit?
What part of "not listening to you any more" didn't penetrate your completely-undeserved conceit?

sorry sissy, this thread is about the realization of the forged 4th century christian bible and the false messiah religion they created to deceive future generations searching for the truth and the true interpretation of the 1st century events - the religion of antiquity.

However, I do have a lot of concern for those he's lying to, and for his own soul and family in the process. Nothing good can come from this situation

that is the reason for this thread for the op to stop lying to the children about a forged christian bible and the false messiah religion they have had the revelation to see clearly and can no longer serve its devious purpose.

Nothing good can come from this situation ...

its whether the good is strong enough to survive the evil tidings - in this thread from the purposefully deceived.

Sorry, pussy, but NO thread is about your "It's OLD, so it must be bad, and look how smart I sound!" repetitions.

No wonder people keep dismissing you from their notice.
Sorry, pussy, but NO thread is about your "It's OLD, so it must be bad, and look how smart I sound!" repetitions.

No wonder people keep dismissing you from their notice.

sissy, it's a forgery, the christian religion written in the 4th century with a madeup messiah that does not reflect the events of the 1st century ... that is what this thread is about except the op now is an atheist rather than maintaining their faith which the true 1st century being secular still applies as the correct decision - op is a looser all the way around.

now you know -

there is no notice for a false religion and those that practice it only repercussions from their errant ways, everyone is forced to deal with - you.

Pussy, parroting "4th century, 4TH CENTURY!" yet again isn't going to suddenly make you sound intelligent this time when it didn't in every single other post you've ever made.

Accept that you're a one-trick post with nothing meaningful to say, and that everyone knows it and laughs at you, and move on. I'd be more likely to look for religious wisdom from the homeless guy on the street shouting, "The end is nigh!" at the buildings than I would from you. Maybe YOU should go look to him for respect, because you're not getting it here.
That's like saying the Nazis did it about 80 years ago. Let it go, it been so long...

No, the truth remains, and the followers should understand that truth. To prevent if from ever happening again. Do they teach you about the holy wars, the Crusades and the Inquisition?

I bet you won't be a fan after hearing about that. And if you are, you're a sadistic person. And heaven's no place for you.
What part of "not listening to you any more" didn't penetrate your completely-undeserved conceit?
What part of "not listening to you any more" didn't penetrate your completely-undeserved conceit?

sorry sissy, this thread is about the realization of the forged 4th century christian bible and the false messiah religion they created to deceive future generations searching for the truth and the true interpretation of the 1st century events - the religion of antiquity.

However, I do have a lot of concern for those he's lying to, and for his own soul and family in the process. Nothing good can come from this situation

that is the reason for this thread for the op to stop lying to the children about a forged christian bible and the false messiah religion they have had the revelation to see clearly and can no longer serve its devious purpose.

Nothing good can come from this situation ...

its whether the good is strong enough to survive the evil tidings - in this thread from the purposefully deceived.

Sorry, pussy, but NO thread is about your "It's OLD, so it must be bad, and look how smart I sound!" repetitions.

No wonder people keep dismissing you from their notice.
Sorry, pussy, but NO thread is about your "It's OLD, so it must be bad, and look how smart I sound!" repetitions.

No wonder people keep dismissing you from their notice.

sissy, it's a forgery, the christian religion written in the 4th century with a madeup messiah that does not reflect the events of the 1st century ... that is what this thread is about except the op now is an atheist rather than maintaining their faith which the true 1st century being secular still applies as the correct decision - op is a looser all the way around.

now you know -

there is no notice for a false religion and those that practice it only repercussions from their errant ways, everyone is forced to deal with - you.

Pussy, parroting "4th century, 4TH CENTURY!" yet again isn't going to suddenly make you sound intelligent this time when it didn't in every single other post you've ever made.

Accept that you're a one-trick post with nothing meaningful to say, and that everyone knows it and laughs at you, and move on. I'd be more likely to look for religious wisdom from the homeless guy on the street shouting, "The end is nigh!" at the buildings than I would from you. Maybe YOU should go look to him for respect, because you're not getting it here.
That's like saying the Nazis did it about 80 years ago. Let it go, it been so long...

No, the truth remains, and the followers should understand that truth. To prevent if from ever happening again. Do they teach you about the holy wars, the Crusades and the Inquisition?

I bet you won't be a fan after hearing about that. And if you are, you're a sadistic person. And heaven's no place for you.
You mean like Democrats should know the truth about their racist past?

The difference is Christians halted the expansion of the Ottoman Empires expansion into Europe. The Muslims were the aggressors. The Christians halted the Cathars communistic expansion into Europe. The Cathars were the aggressors.
I have peace already.

You’re the only one talking about killing.

You’re the only one fighting.

What? Really?


you are so distressed... You have no idea what you're saying. You believe in a religion that is based on murder, rape, and human trafficking.

And I'm wrong?
Of course you are.

I’m happy with you being the aggressor. I’ve got peace. You don’t. If you did, you wouldn’t be such an aggressor.
You don't
Of course I do.

I’m happy with you being the aggressor.eie I’ve got peace. You don’t. If you did, you wouldn’t be such an aggressor.

You're the heina in the grand course of things.
Cool story but I don’t attend a church.

But I really do appreciate your aggression towards me. It’s n keeping with the true colors of your heritage.
You think more of yourself than you ought.

You are in no position to judge how "good you are" at pretending to be a Follower of Christ.

How about you? Can you decide for me how well I am doing? You are right. It is always better to have an unbiased opinion.

I was hired at an ultra conservative Christian school so I would way I did pretty good.

You would not have lasted over 6 mos/1 year at the ones I know of.

You're perpetuating a fraud. In no way can that be good.

It is so discouraging when you guys so brilliantly figure out my secret plot.

I feel like the atheist in the video here. It is so frustrating when us atheists are exposed for our true motives.

I feel like the atheist in the video here. It is so frustrating when us atheists are exposed for our true motives.

is there no alternative to remain in your church as an atheist, is that your interpretation of the 1st century ... if you still have one.

Yes. I could remain there as an atheist. I have no interpretation of the 1st Century. I never had one.

Yes. I could remain there as an atheist. I have no interpretation of the 1st Century. I never had one.

Escaping Christianity ...

remaining a theist (metaphysical) and helping others in your congregation with your above resolve is not an option - how could you not have an interpretation of the 1st century - did you believe in the ludicrous trinity as an example to unravel the obvious contradictions of the errant messiah religion.

I could remain there as an atheist.

who's kidding who - from one extreme to another, commendable your examination of christianity have you actually said what that is.

Escaping Christianity ...

remaining a theist (metaphysical) and helping others in your congregation with your above resolve is not an option - how could you not have an interpretation of the 1st century - did you believe in the ludicrous trinity as an example to unravel the obvious contradictions of the errant messiah religion.

I could remain there as an atheist.

who's kidding who - from one extreme to another, commendable your examination of christianity have you actually said what that is.

You keep making references to 1st Century and 4th Century like everybody knows what you are referencing.

I am guessing you are comparing the church in the book of Acts in comparison to the Roman Catholic Empire. That still doesn't tell me what your opinion on the matter is. Can you start a thread comparing "1st century" and "4th century" as you use the terms?

You are making an assumption that we live inside your brain. We don't. I really don't feel like I can converse with you until I understand your use of these terms. Please understand. I do not understand your use of these terms.
Escaping Christianity ...

remaining a theist (metaphysical) and helping others in your congregation with your above resolve is not an option - how could you not have an interpretation of the 1st century - did you believe in the ludicrous trinity as an example to unravel the obvious contradictions of the errant messiah religion.

I could remain there as an atheist.

who's kidding who - from one extreme to another, commendable your examination of christianity have you actually said what that is.

You keep making references to 1st Century and 4th Century like everybody knows what you are referencing.

I am guessing you are comparing the church in the book of Acts in comparison to the Roman Catholic Empire. That still doesn't tell me what your opinion on the matter is. Can you start a thread comparing "1st century" and "4th century" as you use the terms?

You are making an assumption that we live inside your brain. We don't. I really don't feel like I can converse with you until I understand your use of these terms. Please understand. I do not understand your use of these terms.
You keep making references to 1st Century and 4th Century like everybody knows what you are referencing.

christianity, the messiah religion was written for its establishment by a state gov't.

Christianity in the 4th century was dominated in its early stage by Constantine the great and the First Council of Nicaea of 325, which was the beginning of the period of the First seven Ecumenical Councils (325–787), and in its late stage by the Edict of Thessalonica of 380, which made Nicene Christianity the state church of the Roman Empire.

they wrote the christian bible in the 4th century, nearly all 100 years - creating a religion using the 1st century without accreditation ... and licenses (forgeries) that never existed.

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

the above is an example of a christian bible forgery ... found throughout the entire book.

You are making an assumption that we live inside your brain.

not a valid statement v then again unlike you I stopped reading (verbatim) the christian bible after the forgeries in the first two pages gave me no other choice - you read without defference the whole book. there is a difference, it is you who is inside the brain of who you referenced as, we. too bad for you.
Let's get back go reality over here for a sec.

I understand what breezewood is saying. I also understand what vasuderatorrent is saying. I think they're saying they same thing, and having trouble understanding each other. I get it... breeze is kinda hard to understand sometimes. But if you try, you will see.

Regardless, our views are morally correct. What we need is to stop the religious folk from spreading their morally contagious disease.
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They killed everyone, raped all the women, tortured everyone, trafficked the children. To this day, the priests molest the children, and nobody belonging to the religion really cares or notices. They're allowed to do this. They get a little spank recently. But only recently. Does anyone realize what they have done in the past?

And this is what Christian religion is? I'd be embarrassed to believe in that...
Friggin murderous, sexual fiends.... That's what Christian religion is. And they make so much money from it. Same for all trinity religions.
They killed everyone, raped all the women, tortured everyone, trafficked the children. To this day, the priests molest the children, and nobody belonging to the religion really cares or notices. They're allowed to do this. They get a little spank recently. But only recently. Does anyone realize what they have done in the past?

And this is what Christian religion is? I'd be embarrassed to believe in that...

If you don't know the answer to that, then you are even more lacking in understanding than I previously thought.

Does it really need to be spelled out to you? Or are you just trolling?
They killed everyone, raped all the women, tortured everyone, trafficked the children. To this day, the priests molest the children, and nobody belonging to the religion really cares or notices. They're allowed to do this. They get a little spank recently. But only recently. Does anyone realize what they have done in the past?

And this is what Christian religion is? I'd be embarrassed to believe in that...

If you don't know the answer to that, then you are even more lacking in understanding than I previously thought.

Does it really need to be spelled out to you? Or are you just trolling?
Yes, it actually has to be spelled out to me.

I'm not trolling. I just can't see a decent reason to commit those sins. I only want to know why you would do that, and still follow and promote the religion. it makes no sense to me...
They killed everyone, raped all the women, tortured everyone, trafficked the children. To this day, the priests molest the children, and nobody belonging to the religion really cares or notices. They're allowed to do this. They get a little spank recently. But only recently. Does anyone realize what they have done in the past?

And this is what Christian religion is? I'd be embarrassed to believe in that...

If you don't know the answer to that, then you are even more lacking in understanding than I previously thought.

Does it really need to be spelled out to you? Or are you just trolling?
Yes, it actually has to be spelled out to me.

I'm not trolling. I just can't see a decent reason to commit those sins. I only want to know why you would do that, and still follow and promote the religion. it makes no sense to me...

You're trolling. Good night.
christianity, the messiah religion was
Escaping Christianity ...

remaining a theist (metaphysical) and helping others in your congregation with your above resolve is not an option - how could you not have an interpretation of the 1st century - did you believe in the ludicrous trinity as an example to unravel the obvious contradictions of the errant messiah religion.

I could remain there as an atheist.

who's kidding who - from one extreme to another, commendable your examination of christianity have you actually said what that is.

You keep making references to 1st Century and 4th Century like everybody knows what you are referencing.

I am guessing you are comparing the church in the book of Acts in comparison to the Roman Catholic Empire. That still doesn't tell me what your opinion on the matter is. Can you start a thread comparing "1st century" and "4th century" as you use the terms?

You are making an assumption that we live inside your brain. We don't. I really don't feel like I can converse with you until I understand your use of these terms. Please understand. I do not understand your use of these terms.
You keep making references to 1st Century and 4th Century like everybody knows what you are referencing.

christianity, the messiah religion was written for its establishment by a state gov't.

Christianity in the 4th century was dominated in its early stage by Constantine the great and the First Council of Nicaea of 325, which was the beginning of the period of the First seven Ecumenical Councils (325–787), and in its late stage by the Edict of Thessalonica of 380, which made Nicene Christianity the state church of the Roman Empire.

they wrote the christian bible in the 4th century, nearly all 100 years - creating a religion using the 1st century without accreditation ... and licenses (forgeries) that never existed.

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

the above is an example of a christian bible forgery ... found throughout the entire book.

You are making an assumption that we live inside your brain.

not a valid statement v then again unlike you I stopped reading (verbatim) the christian bible after the forgeries in the first two pages gave me no other choice - you read without defference the whole book. there is a difference, it is you who is inside the brain of who you referenced as, we. too bad for you.

We (vasuderatorrent and BreezeWood) are getting somewhere now. When you refer to 4th century you are referring to any religion based on the 66 book Bible that was authorized by the Council of Nicaea.

That totally includes the Roman Catholic Church, Protestants, modern evangelicals and almost all existing Christian organizations.

Am I understanding what you mean by 4th century? And do you further suggest "4th century" is bad?
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Escaping Christianity ...

remaining a theist (metaphysical) and helping others in your congregation with your above resolve is not an option - how could you not have an interpretation of the 1st century - did you believe in the ludicrous trinity as an example to unravel the obvious contradictions of the errant messiah religion.

I could remain there as an atheist.

who's kidding who - from one extreme to another, commendable your examination of christianity have you actually said what that is.

You keep making references to 1st Century and 4th Century like everybody knows what you are referencing.

I am guessing you are comparing the church in the book of Acts in comparison to the Roman Catholic Empire. That still doesn't tell me what your opinion on the matter is. Can you start a thread comparing "1st century" and "4th century" as you use the terms?

You are making an assumption that we live inside your brain. We don't. I really don't feel like I can converse with you until I understand your use of these terms. Please understand. I do not understand your use of these terms.
You keep making references to 1st Century and 4th Century like everybody knows what you are referencing.

christianity, the messiah religion was written for its establishment by a state gov't.

Christianity in the 4th century was dominated in its early stage by Constantine the great and the First Council of Nicaea of 325, which was the beginning of the period of the First seven Ecumenical Councils (325–787), and in its late stage by the Edict of Thessalonica of 380, which made Nicene Christianity the state church of the Roman Empire.

they wrote the christian bible in the 4th century, nearly all 100 years - creating a religion using the 1st century without accreditation ... and licenses (forgeries) that never existed.

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

the above is an example of a christian bible forgery ... found throughout the entire book.

You are making an assumption that we live inside your brain.

not a valid statement v then again unlike you I stopped reading (verbatim) the christian bible after the forgeries in the first two pages gave me no other choice - you read without defference the whole book. there is a difference, it is you who is inside the brain of who you referenced as, we. too bad for you.

I have no idea what you mean by 1st century since the only documents in which I have access to information about a first century church is the 4th century Bible.

What in the potato chips do you mean by "1st century"?

It is my assumption that the 1st century church doesn't currently exist and was lost with the passage of time. If that is the case then how could you possibly talk about it?
Escaping Christianity ...

remaining a theist (metaphysical) and helping others in your congregation with your above resolve is not an option - how could you not have an interpretation of the 1st century - did you believe in the ludicrous trinity as an example to unravel the obvious contradictions of the errant messiah religion.

I could remain there as an atheist.

who's kidding who - from one extreme to another, commendable your examination of christianity have you actually said what that is.

You keep making references to 1st Century and 4th Century like everybody knows what you are referencing.

I am guessing you are comparing the church in the book of Acts in comparison to the Roman Catholic Empire. That still doesn't tell me what your opinion on the matter is. Can you start a thread comparing "1st century" and "4th century" as you use the terms?

You are making an assumption that we live inside your brain. We don't. I really don't feel like I can converse with you until I understand your use of these terms. Please understand. I do not understand your use of these terms.
You keep making references to 1st Century and 4th Century like everybody knows what you are referencing.

christianity, the messiah religion was written for its establishment by a state gov't.

Christianity in the 4th century was dominated in its early stage by Constantine the great and the First Council of Nicaea of 325, which was the beginning of the period of the First seven Ecumenical Councils (325–787), and in its late stage by the Edict of Thessalonica of 380, which made Nicene Christianity the state church of the Roman Empire.

they wrote the christian bible in the 4th century, nearly all 100 years - creating a religion using the 1st century without accreditation ... and licenses (forgeries) that never existed.

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

the above is an example of a christian bible forgery ... found throughout the entire book.

You are making an assumption that we live inside your brain.

not a valid statement v then again unlike you I stopped reading (verbatim) the christian bible after the forgeries in the first two pages gave me no other choice - you read without defference the whole book. there is a difference, it is you who is inside the brain of who you referenced as, we. too bad for you.

I have no idea what you mean by 1st century since the only documents in which I have access to information about a first century church is the 4th century Bible.

What in the potato chips do you mean by "1st century"?

It is my assumption that the 1st century church doesn't currently exist and was lost with the passage of time. If that is the case then how could you possibly talk about it?
I have no idea what you mean by 1st century since the only documents in which I have access to information about a first century church is the 4th century Bible.

the true 1st century events, not those as portrayed by the forged 4th century christian bible and the false messiah religion they claim without accreditation.

the 1st century (events) were a reaffirmation of the spoken religion of antiquity, the triumph of good vs evil as prescribed by the Almighty - jesus was a more advanced example as a non sinner, religion of antiquity than noah both being mortal and on the same true path to the Everlasting.
Escaping Christianity ...

remaining a theist (metaphysical) and helping others in your congregation with your above resolve is not an option - how could you not have an interpretation of the 1st century - did you believe in the ludicrous trinity as an example to unravel the obvious contradictions of the errant messiah religion.

I could remain there as an atheist.

who's kidding who - from one extreme to another, commendable your examination of christianity have you actually said what that is.

You keep making references to 1st Century and 4th Century like everybody knows what you are referencing.

I am guessing you are comparing the church in the book of Acts in comparison to the Roman Catholic Empire. That still doesn't tell me what your opinion on the matter is. Can you start a thread comparing "1st century" and "4th century" as you use the terms?

You are making an assumption that we live inside your brain. We don't. I really don't feel like I can converse with you until I understand your use of these terms. Please understand. I do not understand your use of these terms.
You keep making references to 1st Century and 4th Century like everybody knows what you are referencing.

christianity, the messiah religion was written for its establishment by a state gov't.

Christianity in the 4th century was dominated in its early stage by Constantine the great and the First Council of Nicaea of 325, which was the beginning of the period of the First seven Ecumenical Councils (325–787), and in its late stage by the Edict of Thessalonica of 380, which made Nicene Christianity the state church of the Roman Empire.

they wrote the christian bible in the 4th century, nearly all 100 years - creating a religion using the 1st century without accreditation ... and licenses (forgeries) that never existed.

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

the above is an example of a christian bible forgery ... found throughout the entire book.

You are making an assumption that we live inside your brain.

not a valid statement v then again unlike you I stopped reading (verbatim) the christian bible after the forgeries in the first two pages gave me no other choice - you read without defference the whole book. there is a difference, it is you who is inside the brain of who you referenced as, we. too bad for you.

I have no idea what you mean by 1st century since the only documents in which I have access to information about a first century church is the 4th century Bible.

What in the potato chips do you mean by "1st century"?

It is my assumption that the 1st century church doesn't currently exist and was lost with the passage of time. If that is the case then how could you possibly talk about it?
I have no idea what you mean by 1st century since the only documents in which I have access to information about a first century church is the 4th century Bible.

the true 1st century events, not those as portrayed by the forged 4th century christian bible and the false messiah religion they claim without accreditation.

the 1st century (events) were a reaffirmation of the spoken religion of antiquity, the triumph of good vs evil as prescribed by the Almighty - jesus was a more advanced example as a non sinner, religion of antiquity than noah both being mortal and on the same true path to the Everlasting.
Where were these prescriptions recorded exactly?
Escaping Christianity ...

remaining a theist (metaphysical) and helping others in your congregation with your above resolve is not an option - how could you not have an interpretation of the 1st century - did you believe in the ludicrous trinity as an example to unravel the obvious contradictions of the errant messiah religion.

I could remain there as an atheist.

who's kidding who - from one extreme to another, commendable your examination of christianity have you actually said what that is.

You keep making references to 1st Century and 4th Century like everybody knows what you are referencing.

I am guessing you are comparing the church in the book of Acts in comparison to the Roman Catholic Empire. That still doesn't tell me what your opinion on the matter is. Can you start a thread comparing "1st century" and "4th century" as you use the terms?

You are making an assumption that we live inside your brain. We don't. I really don't feel like I can converse with you until I understand your use of these terms. Please understand. I do not understand your use of these terms.
You keep making references to 1st Century and 4th Century like everybody knows what you are referencing.

christianity, the messiah religion was written for its establishment by a state gov't.

Christianity in the 4th century was dominated in its early stage by Constantine the great and the First Council of Nicaea of 325, which was the beginning of the period of the First seven Ecumenical Councils (325–787), and in its late stage by the Edict of Thessalonica of 380, which made Nicene Christianity the state church of the Roman Empire.

they wrote the christian bible in the 4th century, nearly all 100 years - creating a religion using the 1st century without accreditation ... and licenses (forgeries) that never existed.

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

the above is an example of a christian bible forgery ... found throughout the entire book.

You are making an assumption that we live inside your brain.

not a valid statement v then again unlike you I stopped reading (verbatim) the christian bible after the forgeries in the first two pages gave me no other choice - you read without defference the whole book. there is a difference, it is you who is inside the brain of who you referenced as, we. too bad for you.

I have no idea what you mean by 1st century since the only documents in which I have access to information about a first century church is the 4th century Bible.

What in the potato chips do you mean by "1st century"?

It is my assumption that the 1st century church doesn't currently exist and was lost with the passage of time. If that is the case then how could you possibly talk about it?
I have no idea what you mean by 1st century since the only documents in which I have access to information about a first century church is the 4th century Bible.

the true 1st century events, not those as portrayed by the forged 4th century christian bible and the false messiah religion they claim without accreditation.

the 1st century (events) were a reaffirmation of the spoken religion of antiquity, the triumph of good vs evil as prescribed by the Almighty - jesus was a more advanced example as a non sinner, religion of antiquity than noah both being mortal and on the same true path to the Everlasting.

Where were these prescriptions recorded exactly? (second request)
Escaping Christianity ...

remaining a theist (metaphysical) and helping others in your congregation with your above resolve is not an option - how could you not have an interpretation of the 1st century - did you believe in the ludicrous trinity as an example to unravel the obvious contradictions of the errant messiah religion.

I could remain there as an atheist.

who's kidding who - from one extreme to another, commendable your examination of christianity have you actually said what that is.

You keep making references to 1st Century and 4th Century like everybody knows what you are referencing.

I am guessing you are comparing the church in the book of Acts in comparison to the Roman Catholic Empire. That still doesn't tell me what your opinion on the matter is. Can you start a thread comparing "1st century" and "4th century" as you use the terms?

You are making an assumption that we live inside your brain. We don't. I really don't feel like I can converse with you until I understand your use of these terms. Please understand. I do not understand your use of these terms.
You keep making references to 1st Century and 4th Century like everybody knows what you are referencing.

christianity, the messiah religion was written for its establishment by a state gov't.

Christianity in the 4th century was dominated in its early stage by Constantine the great and the First Council of Nicaea of 325, which was the beginning of the period of the First seven Ecumenical Councils (325–787), and in its late stage by the Edict of Thessalonica of 380, which made Nicene Christianity the state church of the Roman Empire.

they wrote the christian bible in the 4th century, nearly all 100 years - creating a religion using the 1st century without accreditation ... and licenses (forgeries) that never existed.

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

the above is an example of a christian bible forgery ... found throughout the entire book.

You are making an assumption that we live inside your brain.

not a valid statement v then again unlike you I stopped reading (verbatim) the christian bible after the forgeries in the first two pages gave me no other choice - you read without defference the whole book. there is a difference, it is you who is inside the brain of who you referenced as, we. too bad for you.

I have no idea what you mean by 1st century since the only documents in which I have access to information about a first century church is the 4th century Bible.

What in the potato chips do you mean by "1st century"?

It is my assumption that the 1st century church doesn't currently exist and was lost with the passage of time. If that is the case then how could you possibly talk about it?
I have no idea what you mean by 1st century since the only documents in which I have access to information about a first century church is the 4th century Bible.

the true 1st century events, not those as portrayed by the forged 4th century christian bible and the false messiah religion they claim without accreditation.

the 1st century (events) were a reaffirmation of the spoken religion of antiquity, the triumph of good vs evil as prescribed by the Almighty - jesus was a more advanced example as a non sinner, religion of antiquity than noah both being mortal and on the same true path to the Everlasting.
Where were these prescriptions recorded exactly?

The four gospels and the Book of Acts. I think the dude lives in a fantasy world. I am not expecting a scholarly answer at all.
You keep making references to 1st Century and 4th Century like everybody knows what you are referencing.

I am guessing you are comparing the church in the book of Acts in comparison to the Roman Catholic Empire. That still doesn't tell me what your opinion on the matter is. Can you start a thread comparing "1st century" and "4th century" as you use the terms?

You are making an assumption that we live inside your brain. We don't. I really don't feel like I can converse with you until I understand your use of these terms. Please understand. I do not understand your use of these terms.
You keep making references to 1st Century and 4th Century like everybody knows what you are referencing.

christianity, the messiah religion was written for its establishment by a state gov't.

Christianity in the 4th century was dominated in its early stage by Constantine the great and the First Council of Nicaea of 325, which was the beginning of the period of the First seven Ecumenical Councils (325–787), and in its late stage by the Edict of Thessalonica of 380, which made Nicene Christianity the state church of the Roman Empire.

they wrote the christian bible in the 4th century, nearly all 100 years - creating a religion using the 1st century without accreditation ... and licenses (forgeries) that never existed.

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

the above is an example of a christian bible forgery ... found throughout the entire book.

You are making an assumption that we live inside your brain.

not a valid statement v then again unlike you I stopped reading (verbatim) the christian bible after the forgeries in the first two pages gave me no other choice - you read without defference the whole book. there is a difference, it is you who is inside the brain of who you referenced as, we. too bad for you.

I have no idea what you mean by 1st century since the only documents in which I have access to information about a first century church is the 4th century Bible.

What in the potato chips do you mean by "1st century"?

It is my assumption that the 1st century church doesn't currently exist and was lost with the passage of time. If that is the case then how could you possibly talk about it?
I have no idea what you mean by 1st century since the only documents in which I have access to information about a first century church is the 4th century Bible.

the true 1st century events, not those as portrayed by the forged 4th century christian bible and the false messiah religion they claim without accreditation.

the 1st century (events) were a reaffirmation of the spoken religion of antiquity, the triumph of good vs evil as prescribed by the Almighty - jesus was a more advanced example as a non sinner, religion of antiquity than noah both being mortal and on the same true path to the Everlasting.
Where were these prescriptions recorded exactly?

The four gospels and the Book of Acts. I think the dude lives in a fantasy world. I am not expecting a scholarly answer at all.
The four gospels and the Book of Acts. I think the dude lives in a fantasy world. I am not expecting a scholarly answer at all.

not a valid statement v then again unlike you I stopped reading (verbatim) the christian bible after the forgeries in the first two pages gave me no other choice - you read without deference the whole book. there is a difference, it is you who is inside the brain of who you referenced as, we. too bad for you.

so you are scholarly by memorizing a book of forgeries ...

who's kidding who - from one extreme to another, commendable your examination of christianity have you actually said what that is.

you now claim to be an atheist - without the insight requested.

Where were these prescriptions recorded exactly? (second request)

the religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - as prescribed (demanded) by the Almighty. the means for admission to the Everlasting.

- the religion of antiquity is spoken, the parable of noah - when the last person of either good or evil perishes those remaining will be judged for admission to the Everlasting.

with noahs death the parable would have concluded where only evil would have remained - the Almighty gave humanity a second chance by fulfilling partially the parable by putting to death the already condemned before noah's death allowing for a second chance - the 1st century was a reaffirmation of the religion of antiquity as prescribed with the serious consequence of jesus's untimely death and the ensuing false christian messiah religion.

bringing to justice the crucifiers of jesus is the true legacy of the 1st century - not christianity.

for theists, the metaphysical.

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