Escaping Christianity

And look at me, I'm an atheist and have more morals than you.
Only a good man knows just how bad he is. A bad man has no clue.

Point in fact, you are an aggressor on the attack and you can’t see it.

In fact, you have rationalized in your head that you are doing good. You are literally no different than the people you hate.

Actually, you are seriously a bad man. Trying to make believe that you're a good man. I've tried to reach out to you more than once, and come to a mutual agreement to be friends, but you refused, and continue your vitriol.

So, I will not let you continue this bs... :)
Yes, you absolutely are speculating. Speculating without any basis whatsoever.
Just like you do.
No. I have evidence on my side.
You’ve never had any.
It’s called the Big Bang. Maybe you’ve heard of it. :lol:

Taz said he was speculating. Didn't you hear of big bang from Pope Francis :laugh:? He also confirmed evolution, so do you believe that, too?
Yes. I thought that was clear. God created existence and man arose from that creation. Just like ancient man recorded in Genesis.

Albeit not in the literal fashion you believe.
Just like you do.
No. I have evidence on my side.
You’ve never had any.
It’s called the Big Bang. Maybe you’ve heard of it. :lol:

Taz said he was speculating. Didn't you hear of big bang from Pope Francis :laugh:? He also confirmed evolution, so do you believe that, too?
So the pope francis says that God didn't create humans, he just created the process of evolution? And man did get evolved from apes. And from there we can gather that the universe was not created in 6-7 days. And that dinosaurs did walk the earth million of years before humans? And therefore genesis, as said in the OT, is incorrect?

Is that what he's promoting? Or is he saying something else?

I don't understand....
We like to keep it a secret to keep jackanapes out.
And look at me, I'm an atheist and have more morals than you.
Only a good man knows just how bad he is. A bad man has no clue.

Point in fact, you are an aggressor on the attack and you can’t see it.

In fact, you have rationalized in your head that you are doing good. You are literally no different than the people you hate.

Actually, you are seriously a bad man. Trying to make believe that you're a good man. I've tried to reach out to you more than once, and come to a mutual agreement to be friends, but you refused, and continue your vitriol.

So, I will not let you continue this bs... :)
I agree. I am a bad man. I never claimed to be a good man. I’m not delusional like you.

So please do believe anything you want about me.

But know this, you are the aggressor. This ends when your aggression ends.
I think it's much more likely that there was something before our universe than there was nothing at all, and that this was the first universe ever. Very unlikely. But it's all speculation.
Yes, you absolutely are speculating. Speculating without any basis whatsoever.
Just like you do.
No. I have evidence on my side.
You’ve never had any.
It’s called the Big Bang. Maybe you’ve heard of it. :lol:
No. I have evidence on my side.
You’ve never had any.
It’s called the Big Bang. Maybe you’ve heard of it. :lol:

Taz said he was speculating. Didn't you hear of big bang from Pope Francis :laugh:? He also confirmed evolution, so do you believe that, too?
So the pope francis says that God didn't create humans, he just created the process of evolution? And man did get evolved from apes. And from there we can gather that the universe was not created in 6-7 days. And that dinosaurs did walk the earth million of years before humans? And therefore genesis, as said in the OT, is incorrect?

Is that what he's promoting? Or is he saying something else?

I don't understand....
We like to keep it a secret to keep jackanapes out.
Genesis isn’t incorrect. Chapter 1 & 2 is the allegorical account of creation. God created existence and man arose from that creation.

It’s remarkably accurate. Ancient man knew 6000 years before science that the universe was created and that man arose from that creation.
Genesis isn’t incorrect. Chapter 1 & 2 is the allegorical account of creation. God created existence and man arose from that creation.

It’s remarkably accurate. Ancient man knew 6000 years before science that the universe was created and that man arose from that creation.

You believe what Pope Francis believes as he does not explain and generalizes what happened as science. You told me before that you never read Genesis, but now are claiming that "it's remarkably accurate." So, is it because Pope Francis in 2019 tells you to? In contrast to Francis, we have Apostle Peter as the first pope and he taught Genesis is literally correct.

"Knowing this first of all, that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires. They will say, “Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation.” For they deliberately overlook this fact, that the heavens existed long ago, and the earth was formed out of water and through water by the word of God, and that by means of these the world that then existed was deluged with water and perished." 2 Peter 3:3-6

"But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." 2 Peter 3:8

"Knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation. For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit." 2 Peter 1:20-21

Peter believed in Adam and Eve. Even Jesus believed in Adam and Eve. They weren't created from monkeys. Next, big bang is a theory and not experimental evidence. The problem with the big bang in regards to science is what existed before the big bang. We have to address the space and time; even quantum particles need space and time for them to move. Thus, we have Genesis to explain and that is God. Pope Peter learned about God and how God created the heavens and Earth from what was written already in his day, the OT. That includes Genesis. He also learned from Jesus, but he didn't learn big bang, cosmic inflation, nor dark matter, and the shat Pope Francis agreed to in 2019 :aug08_031:. You're not exactly a person who knows the Bible even though you base your faith from it.
Genesis isn’t incorrect. Chapter 1 & 2 is the allegorical account of creation. God created existence and man arose from that creation.

It’s remarkably accurate. Ancient man knew 6000 years before science that the universe was created and that man arose from that creation.

You believe what Pope Francis believes as he does not explain and generalizes what happened as science. You told me before that you never read Genesis, but now are claiming that "it's remarkably accurate." So, is it because Pope Francis in 2019 tells you to? In contrast to Francis, we have Apostle Peter as the first pope and he taught Genesis is literally correct.

"Knowing this first of all, that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires. They will say, “Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation.” For they deliberately overlook this fact, that the heavens existed long ago, and the earth was formed out of water and through water by the word of God, and that by means of these the world that then existed was deluged with water and perished." 2 Peter 3:3-6

"But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." 2 Peter 3:8

"Knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation. For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit." 2 Peter 1:20-21

Peter believed in Adam and Eve. Even Jesus believed in Adam and Eve. They weren't created from monkeys. Next, big bang is a theory and not experimental evidence. The problem with the big bang in regards to science is what existed before the big bang. We have to address the space and time; even quantum particles need space and time for them to move. Thus, we have Genesis to explain and that is God. Pope Peter learned about God and how God created the heavens and Earth from what was written already in his day, the OT. That includes Genesis. He also learned from Jesus, but he didn't learn big bang, cosmic inflation, nor dark matter, and the shat Pope Francis agreed to in 2019 :aug08_031:. You're not exactly a person who knows the Bible even though you base your faith from it.
I have explained to you what I believe.

God created existence and man arose from that creation.

Genesis tells us that God created existence and man arose from that creation.

What does the pope have to do with that? Nothing.
I have explained to you what I believe.

God created existence and man arose from that creation.

Genesis tells us that God created existence and man arose from that creation.

What does the pope have to do with that? Nothing.

This sounds like lying by denial and not refuting my claims such as you told me you didn't read Genesis. Just what have you read in the Bible? I've seen others trying to explain it to you including BreezeWood. What makes you think he believes in an eternal universe?

I've seen others try to explain Scripture to you. You spend a lot of time on the R&T forum, but do not talk Scripture. Furthermore, I said I went to a Catholic parochial school, but that doesn't mean I know Catholic dogma. Most Catholics are happy to explain their dogma except for you.
The Bible gl
You know you're going to hell, right?

No. I am not sure about about any of the hell stuff.

Just poking you buddy. I had a similar situation, and if I had a nickel for each time I was told I was going to hell, I would have a lot of nickels.

I kind of worry that I will lose all my friends and have to start all over. My entire social circle is Christian. Most of them will either be freaked out or pretend to be freaked out because they don't know what else to do. I have already talked to my wife. She isn't going anywhere. My kids are growing up soon anyways. I could lose them just because of the progress of time. My life will likely become worse but pretending to be perfect does some good but some harm. The harm it does to my quality of life outweighs the benefits I get from living a lie. I may keep pretending for a while longer just to make things easier. Who knows?
"Pretending to be perfect" never had it right in the first place.

You're a hypocrite and a false prophet. Get the hell out of the church and away from children.
And look at me, I'm an atheist and have more morals than you.

Look at you, you're an atheist who believes you have "more morals" simply because you said so.

This is what happens with a philosophy that encourages you to feel smart without ever requiring you to BE smart.
And look at me, I'm an atheist and have more morals than you.

Look at you, you're an atheist who believes you have "more morals" simply because you said so.

This is what happens with a philosophy that encourages you to feel smart without ever requiring you to BE smart.
Since you're obviously the smartest one here, how did kangaroos get to the ark from Australia?
The Bible gl
You know you're going to hell, right?

No. I am not sure about about any of the hell stuff.

Just poking you buddy. I had a similar situation, and if I had a nickel for each time I was told I was going to hell, I would have a lot of nickels.

I kind of worry that I will lose all my friends and have to start all over. My entire social circle is Christian. Most of them will either be freaked out or pretend to be freaked out because they don't know what else to do. I have already talked to my wife. She isn't going anywhere. My kids are growing up soon anyways. I could lose them just because of the progress of time. My life will likely become worse but pretending to be perfect does some good but some harm. The harm it does to my quality of life outweighs the benefits I get from living a lie. I may keep pretending for a while longer just to make things easier. Who knows?
"Pretending to be perfect" never had it right in the first place.

You're a hypocrite and a false prophet. Get the hell out of the church and away from children.

I love koshergrl. I am still the president of your fan club. I love what you said. It was wonderful.
And look at me, I'm an atheist and have more morals than you.

Look at you, you're an atheist who believes you have "more morals" simply because you said so.

This is what happens with a philosophy that encourages you to feel smart without ever requiring you to BE smart.
Since you're obviously the smartest one here, how did kangaroos get to the ark from Australia?

Did they take a hopper?
Look at you, you're an atheist who believes you have "more morals" simply because you said so.
No dummy, he says so, because he believes it. Duh. These are simple, English sentences, genius.
English really isn't your first language, is it?

you believe it because you FEEL it's true, not because it is true.

Like the retard in the corner who keeps saying "I'M SMORT!" Just because you say it and believe it doesn't make it true.
I have explained to you what I believe.

God created existence and man arose from that creation.

Genesis tells us that God created existence and man arose from that creation.

What does the pope have to do with that? Nothing.

This sounds like lying by denial and not refuting my claims such as you told me you didn't read Genesis. Just what have you read in the Bible? I've seen others trying to explain it to you including BreezeWood. What makes you think he believes in an eternal universe?

I've seen others try to explain Scripture to you. You spend a lot of time on the R&T forum, but do not talk Scripture. Furthermore, I said I went to a Catholic parochial school, but that doesn't mean I know Catholic dogma. Most Catholics are happy to explain their dogma except for you.
You are super confused and I don’t care enough to correct you.

I believe that God created existence and that man arose from that creation. And that that is exactly what Genesis chapters 1 & 2 tells us.
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