Ethics Complaint Filed Against McCarthy, Gowdy

I'm suggesting to my Congresswoman that this new investigation be called Benghazigate.
It' probably wouldn't be anythingate if obama hadn't tried blaming it on a video.
Not a very ennobling comment to make to the family's; of the dead

Well I can tell you that Democrats are upset because by revealing that this was a hatchet job, truly disgraces those who died. We thought it was all about them only to find they are dead puppets manipulated to make a candidate look bad.

BUT the Hildebeast and the Obumanation LIED about the CAUSE (A video?..LOLOLOLOL!!!) AND they lied about HELP NOT BEING close by...THAT KILLED those 4 men! But, hell, we can spin it so it looks like they are only trying to NAIL the MURDEROUS BITCH... But let's forget about the e-mail scandals, and the Clinto Family CRIME Foundation, and the DONORS to that, the 181 DONORS that looked to her as Sec. of State to further the agendas of thos donors... OR WHO got into her private server, and as as TODAY, we find that she had a SECOND PRIVATE SERVER as backup, with ALL her e-mail, or at least 90+% of them stored in a cloud!!!!!

Second IT firm agrees to give Clinton’s server data to FBI

McClatchy DC ^ | October 6th, 2015 | By Greg Gordon and Anita Kumar


Hillary Clinton hired a Connecticut company to back up her emails on a “cloud” storage system, and her lawyers have agreed to turn whatever it contains over to the FBI, a personal familiar with the situation said Tuesday.

The disclosure came as a Republican Senate committee chairman, Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, also asked the firm to turn over to the committee copies of any Clinton emails still in its possession.

There were conflicting accounts as to whether the development could lead to recovery of any of Clinton’s more than 31,000 personal emails, which she said she deleted from her private server upon turning over her work-related emails to the State Department, at its request, in December 2014.

Congressional Republicans have voiced skepticism as to whether the 30,940 business emails that the Democratic presidential candidate handed over represented all of those related to her position as secretary of state. The FBI is separately investigating whether Clinton’s arrangement put classified information at risk but has yet to characterize it as a criminal inquiry.

Datto Inc., based in Norwalk, Conn., became the second data storage firm to become entangled in the inquiry into Clinton’s unusual email arrangement, which has sparked a furor that has dogged her campaign. In August, Clinton and the firm that had managed her server since June 2013, Colorado-based Platte River Networks, agreed to surrender it for examination by the FBI.

WHAT???? No cartoons.....Vigilante must have taken his Ensure.



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