Europe's gas firms prime pipelines for hydrogen highway


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
"The hydrogen project - involving Italy's Snam SpA, Spain's Enagas S.A. and Germany's Open Grid Europe (OGE) among others – would rely on vast solar farms as far flung as the Sahara desert to create the energy needed to produce hydrogen from water.

That fuel would then be piped to Europe's industrial heartland along the existing web of natural gas pipelines – a 198,500 km (123,300 mile) network that, if untangled, could encircle the equator four times.
Politicians have recently accused Moscow of holding back supplies as gas prices climbed to record levels. ...

"I think it's a brilliant idea," Frans Timmermans, European Commissioner for Climate Action, told Reuters. Adapting existing natural gas networks to transport hydrogen is about 25% of the cost of building a new infrastructure for renewable energy, he hydrogen can be provided in huge quantities - the auto industry and home heating suppliers may also start to use it"

devastating news for Nigeria with snow , they tried to blackmail our Liberal order and now they are gonna eat gas and oil ) mini-nuclear-reactors and green hydrogen will defiantly kill Moscow´s empire !


"The hydrogen project - involving Italy's Snam SpA, Spain's Enagas S.A. and Germany's Open Grid Europe (OGE) among others – would rely on vast solar farms as far flung as the Sahara desert to create the energy needed to produce hydrogen from water.

That fuel would then be piped to Europe's industrial heartland along the existing web of natural gas pipelines – a 198,500 km (123,300 mile) network that, if untangled, could encircle the equator four times.
Politicians have recently accused Moscow of holding back supplies as gas prices climbed to record levels. ...

"I think it's a brilliant idea," Frans Timmermans, European Commissioner for Climate Action, told Reuters. Adapting existing natural gas networks to transport hydrogen is about 25% of the cost of building a new infrastructure for renewable energy, he hydrogen can be provided in huge quantities - the auto industry and home heating suppliers may also start to use it"

devastating news for Nigeria with snow , they tried to blackmail our Liberal order and now they are gonna eat gas and oil ) mini-nuclear-reactors and green hydrogen will defiantly kill Moscow´s empire !


Bush attempted Hydrogen power. Infrastructure built up and used for cars. Progs got rid of that when they got back into power. Parasites must be on the stage and look important.
Why dont you stupid libs just build nuclear power plants?

It makes much more sense
the real liberals have always been for nuclear power , why to you call the leftist - extremists for the Liberals ?

is a political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed and equality before the law.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but they generally support individual rights (including civil rights and human rights), democracy, secularism, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion and a market economy.[11] Yellow is the political colour most commonly associated with liberalism.
"The hydrogen project - involving Italy's Snam SpA, Spain's Enagas S.A. and Germany's Open Grid Europe (OGE) among others – would rely on vast solar farms as far flung as the Sahara desert to create the energy needed to produce hydrogen from water.

That fuel would then be piped to Europe's industrial heartland along the existing web of natural gas pipelines – a 198,500 km (123,300 mile) network that, if untangled, could encircle the equator four times.
Politicians have recently accused Moscow of holding back supplies as gas prices climbed to record levels. ...

"I think it's a brilliant idea," Frans Timmermans, European Commissioner for Climate Action, told Reuters. Adapting existing natural gas networks to transport hydrogen is about 25% of the cost of building a new infrastructure for renewable energy, he hydrogen can be provided in huge quantities - the auto industry and home heating suppliers may also start to use it"

devastating news for Nigeria with snow , they tried to blackmail our Liberal order and now they are gonna eat gas and oil ) mini-nuclear-reactors and green hydrogen will defiantly kill Moscow´s empire !


There are a lot of “ifs” and projections they are relying on there. Solar has an enormous front end cost, and is not economically efficient as the hardware breaks down and needs replacement after 15 years. Plus the huge costs of converting all the existing pipeline infrastructure, just means more costs. The article already admits that this “green hydrogen” costs five times more than normal. Do you really want your energy bill to cost more than your rent? Plus they can only blend in a small percentage into existing natural gas. Anything more, and it become extremely dangerous. Hydrogen cars are never going to happen either.

This is another stupid pipe dream from idiots obsessed with the Climate Change hoax narrative.
the real liberals have always been for nuclear power , why to you call the leftist - extremists for the Liberals ?
The topic here is energy - or lack thereof

Whatever libs choose to call themselves they are to blame for the current energy shortage
Of course it does to someone as stupid as you. Meltdowns fool.
During future winters when the euros are unnecessarily shivering in their homes it will be obvious that your side are the ones who are stupid

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