Even if Biden wins, it doesn’t matter.

I do not think this is hyperbole. We have been seeing this trend for four years, E.O. after E.O.
Yeah, um, Barack Obama governed by executive fiat more than any President in US history. And that is a fact.

He signed more Presidential Memorandums than any President ever, and he did it for two reasons:
  1. They are not numbered, catalogued, and archived like Executive Orders are
  2. So he could tell his blind followers, "I signed less EO's than any modern President"
All President Trump did was rollback the endless illegal and unconstitutional actions of Barack Obama. That's it. That's all he's used them for. So if you're appalled at the number of Executive Orders by Trump, you better do some research and understand it is all because of Barack Obama.

You sir - Are full of CRAP

Trump just rolled back Obama's assnine EOs
We are doomed anyway, regardless. Too many Americans are traitors to what the USA stands for and there is no unity any more. We are NOT the "united" states of america.
Hell, we should just split the country in half. East States and West States. West is blue. East is mainly red. 1 Potus for each side. We are too divided now and will never return to what the founding fathers thought would last forever. The fall of Rome is now the fall of the USA.
Naw, we'd have to send them blue bitches welfare.

Yah, that means we can save money and not send the red bitches their welfare. That's a savings of over 50%. I can go for that.
Whatever chinaman.
We're not that divided if you get rid of the cults of personality. On issues, Americans are somewhat congruent.

I laugh
I think GT makes a good point. We're driven into opposite corners by a flawed election process that radicalizes the division.

We take ourselves different directions because we want different things.

At one point we all wanted the USA to be better every day, we simply had different ideas on how to get there.

Now, one side wants the US to be great,
the other side wants to gut it and start over.

Hard to compromise those two positions.
The point is, the two sides have been driven into diametrically opposed positions because of our election system. Our system encourages radicalized opposition and discourages consensus. And consensus is what we need, now, more than anything.

I disagree one side wants to be left alone the other side wants to mandate we accept every ridiculous thing
I think you're overstating what this election says about the state of our society, and missing an obvious lesson. What Trump has shown us is just how susceptible we are to populism, especially when it's driven by an unscrupulous demagogue. This is why I always cringe at the modern liberal's worship of "democracy". Most voters are ignorant and easily fooled. We need less democracy, not more.

Less democracy? Really? Like what exactly?

To begin with, stop encouraging everyone to vote. People who are not well-informed shouldn't vote.

Many people are celebrating the fact we had such a high voter turnout this time. Yet this is the single most fucked up Presidential election in my lifetime. Do you think that's mere coincidence?

Beyond that, we need to understand that the "will of the people" isn't the same as the "will of the majority". Government that respects the will of the people, respects the will of ALL the people, not just the 51% who voted for the current leadership. It's this idea that the majority has a legitimate right to run roughshod over the will of the minority that drives the fear and anger currently undermining our society.

To begin with, stop encouraging everyone to vote. People who are not well-informed shouldn't vote.

How the hell are you going to determine who is well-informed enough to vote? Who's going to make that call?

I'm certainly not saying there should be any rules restricting who can vote. I'm just saying we should stop glamorizing voting as a noble act, or a duty. We should stop encouraging idiots to vote. They should stay home and watch TV.

Many people are celebrating the fact we had such a high voter turnout this time. Yet this is the single most fucked up Presidential election in my lifetime. Do you think that's mere coincidence?

Fucked up? How so? By what metric?


Beyond that, we need to understand that the "will of the people" isn't the same as the "will of the majority". Government that respects the will of the people, respects the will of ALL the people, not just the 51% who voted for the current leadership. It's this idea that the majority has a legitimate right to run roughshod over the will of the minority that drives the fear and anger currently undermining our society.
And your solution is to only allow the well-informed people to vote?
See above. I didn't say that.

LOL, in this country I don't know that we have that many well-informed people. So are you actually calling for the will of the minority (well-informed people) to run roughshod over the will of the majority (the rest of us idiots)? I guess I'm not well-informed enough to see where you're coming from. IOW: WTF dude?
No. I'm saying the government shouldn't facilitate anyone running roughshod over anyone else. This is why it's so important for there to be strict limits on government power. It shouldn't matter, to most people, who is running the government because the government shouldn't have much power to impact our lives. The more power government does have to impact our lives, the more important it will be to have your guy in office - and the more threatening it will be if someone you disagree with takes over.
What this election has told us, in multiple ways, is that our country has fundamentally changed and that breaks my heart.

The Republicans are entrenched. They are likely to retain control of the senate, added to their House, and retained state legislatures. They have the courts. They will control redistricting after the census and we can expect continued gerrymandering to further marginalize Democrat voting blocks, leading to more districts where a minority of the voters controls a majority of the seats. Not unique to Republicans, but increasingly utilized by them.

The Democrats have still, somehow missed the mark. Again. They can’t seem to get a message to the people that unifies. Maybe this is because Biden is not strong candidate, and Trump carries the power of the incumbency into the election. There are some bright spots, retaining seats in Texas, tight margins in some key red states.

If Trump wins, I see a further dismantling of our nation’s democratic infrastructure and a continued decline in our image and effectiveness abroad. I see complete politicization of our departments, from tiny VOA to DoJ, and entire civil service where personal loyalty is demanded over competency and professionalism. When Trump talks about reorganizing military leadership, is he attempting to politicize the military? I do not think this is hyperbole. We have been seeing this trend for four years, E.O. after E.O.

If Trump wins, and continues his assault on long established unwritten rules of behavior and social norms what will we see coming out of this? When society agrees to an unwritten set of norms and our leaders hold to it, our institutions function smoothly even with bumps and potholes. But when those potholes become so extreme they threaten the structure and people can no longer navigate, we are forced to create laws or rules we never thought would be needed. Example: media resorting to fact checking, because the volume of disinformation and political lies exceeds the ability of our society to handle, and it is coming from our leadership. I fear, if Trump is re-elected further attacks on truth, on facts, and on genuine journalism.

But Trump doesn’t need to win for this. It is already rolling down on us. If Biden wins, a huge segment of America voted for Trump. Huge! And that is dismaying and unsettling, to me, because I see this election as not about which candidate to elect, but as who we are as a country and who we want to be going forward.

If Biden wins, what, at best will happen? A rollback of EO’s? Competent people making decisions? Rebuilding the integrity and professionalism of our battered institutions: DoJ, State Department, EPA, CDC, VOA,....

If Trump wins, there is nothing to stop him from using his offfice to go after his “enemies“, every person who has ever criticized, spoken up, or gone against him and firing those who won’t do it. I think this, coming from the top of our leadership, is an existential crisis. If Biden wins....maybe the Republicans can create a better party, without Trump.

I read, somewhere, that an alarming number of people no longer feel democratic principles are so important, and that a strong (authoritarian) leader might even be preferred to the messiness and uncertainties of democratic systems. I'm trying to find links to this, because I wonder if it plays into sentiments driving our country today.

Trump won 2016 by very narrow margins. 2020 will be the same, who ever wins. Will the people win?
Look, voting for Trump boils down to one thing: stupidity. That said, I agree Biden isn’t a strong candidate. The Dems definitely could have done better. The fact of the matter, however, is that it is basic common sense that Biden is the better candidate. Not so much because of his merits (that are definitely there) but because of how god awful Trump is in comparison. I’m sick of this false equivalency bullshit people have about Trump and who is running against. Obviously Trump is far worse.
We are doomed anyway, regardless. Too many Americans are traitors to what the USA stands for and there is no unity any more. We are NOT the "united" states of america.
Hell, we should just split the country in half. East States and West States. West is blue. East is mainly red. 1 Potus for each side. We are too divided now and will never return to what the founding fathers thought would last forever. The fall of Rome is now the fall of the USA.
Naw, we'd have to send them blue bitches welfare.

Yah, that means we can save money and not send the red bitches their welfare. That's a savings of over 50%. I can go for that.
So you want to get rid of the new deal?

A progressive tax system ?
What this election has told us, in multiple ways, is that our country has fundamentally changed and that breaks my heart.

The Republicans are entrenched. They are likely to retain control of the senate, added to their House, and retained state legislatures. They have the courts. They will control redistricting after the census and we can expect continued gerrymandering to further marginalize Democrat voting blocks, leading to more districts where a minority of the voters controls a majority of the seats. Not unique to Republicans, but increasingly utilized by them.

The Democrats have still, somehow missed the mark. Again. They can’t seem to get a message to the people that unifies. Maybe this is because Biden is not strong candidate, and Trump carries the power of the incumbency into the election. There are some bright spots, retaining seats in Texas, tight margins in some key red states.

If Trump wins, I see a further dismantling of our nation’s democratic infrastructure and a continued decline in our image and effectiveness abroad. I see complete politicization of our departments, from tiny VOA to DoJ, and entire civil service where personal loyalty is demanded over competency and professionalism. When Trump talks about reorganizing military leadership, is he attempting to politicize the military? I do not think this is hyperbole. We have been seeing this trend for four years, E.O. after E.O.

If Trump wins, and continues his assault on long established unwritten rules of behavior and social norms what will we see coming out of this? When society agrees to an unwritten set of norms and our leaders hold to it, our institutions function smoothly even with bumps and potholes. But when those potholes become so extreme they threaten the structure and people can no longer navigate, we are forced to create laws or rules we never thought would be needed. Example: media resorting to fact checking, because the volume of disinformation and political lies exceeds the ability of our society to handle, and it is coming from our leadership. I fear, if Trump is re-elected further attacks on truth, on facts, and on genuine journalism.

But Trump doesn’t need to win for this. It is already rolling down on us. If Biden wins, a huge segment of America voted for Trump. Huge! And that is dismaying and unsettling, to me, because I see this election as not about which candidate to elect, but as who we are as a country and who we want to be going forward.

If Biden wins, what, at best will happen? A rollback of EO’s? Competent people making decisions? Rebuilding the integrity and professionalism of our battered institutions: DoJ, State Department, EPA, CDC, VOA,....

If Trump wins, there is nothing to stop him from using his offfice to go after his “enemies“, every person who has ever criticized, spoken up, or gone against him and firing those who won’t do it. I think this, coming from the top of our leadership, is an existential crisis. If Biden wins....maybe the Republicans can create a better party, without Trump.

I read, somewhere, that an alarming number of people no longer feel democratic principles are so important, and that a strong (authoritarian) leader might even be preferred to the messiness and uncertainties of democratic systems. I'm trying to find links to this, because I wonder if it plays into sentiments driving our country today.

Trump won 2016 by very narrow margins. 2020 will be the same, who ever wins. Will the people win?
Look, voting for Trump boils down to one thing: stupidity. That said, I agree Biden isn’t a strong candidate. The Dems definitely could have done better. The fact of the matter, however, is that it is basic common sense that Biden is the better candidate. Not so much because of his merits (that are definitely there) but because of how god awful Trump is in comparison. I’m sick of this false equivalency bullshit people have about Trump and who is running against. Obviously Trump is far worse.

70 Million voters believe that President Trump has been spectacular.
Who knows how many millions more, that simply do not vote.
I think you're overstating what this election says about the state of our society, and missing an obvious lesson. What Trump has shown us is just how susceptible we are to populism, especially when it's driven by an unscrupulous demagogue. This is why I always cringe at the modern liberal's worship of "democracy". Most voters are ignorant and easily fooled. We need less democracy, not more.

Less democracy? Really? Like what exactly?

To begin with, stop encouraging everyone to vote. People who are not well-informed shouldn't vote.

Many people are celebrating the fact we had such a high voter turnout this time. Yet this is the single most fucked up Presidential election in my lifetime. Do you think that's mere coincidence?

Beyond that, we need to understand that the "will of the people" isn't the same as the "will of the majority". Government that respects the will of the people, respects the will of ALL the people, not just the 51% who voted for the current leadership. It's this idea that the majority has a legitimate right to run roughshod over the will of the minority that drives the fear and anger currently undermining our society.

To begin with, stop encouraging everyone to vote. People who are not well-informed shouldn't vote.

How the hell are you going to determine who is well-informed enough to vote? Who's going to make that call?

Many people are celebrating the fact we had such a high voter turnout this time. Yet this is the single most fucked up Presidential election in my lifetime. Do you think that's mere coincidence?

Fucked up? How so? By what metric?

Beyond that, we need to understand that the "will of the people" isn't the same as the "will of the majority". Government that respects the will of the people, respects the will of ALL the people, not just the 51% who voted for the current leadership. It's this idea that the majority has a legitimate right to run roughshod over the will of the minority that drives the fear and anger currently undermining our society.

And your solution is to only allow the well-informed people to vote? LOL, in this country I don't know that we have that many well-informed people. So are you actually calling for the will of the minority (well-informed people) to run roughshod over the will of the majority (the rest of us idiots)? I guess I'm not well-informed enough to see where you're coming from. IOW: WTF dude?
High voter turnout

Oh you mean the 8 million dead people who voted
This election should tell you Americans don’t like Trump, but that Democrat policies like ending fossil fuels, destroying industry, defunding the police, reparations, taxpayer subsidized college, erasing student debt on the backs of taxpayers, taxpayer subsidized healthcare for everyone including illegals, giving Iran money, etc.. aren’t popular with Americans. If you thought you were winning on the issues you couldn’t be more wrong.
If Americans didnt like Trump then why did more minorities vote for the President this election cycle?
What this election has told us, in multiple ways, is that our country has fundamentally changed and that breaks my heart.

The Republicans are entrenched. They are likely to retain control of the senate, added to their House, and retained state legislatures. They have the courts. They will control redistricting after the census and we can expect continued gerrymandering to further marginalize Democrat voting blocks, leading to more districts where a minority of the voters controls a majority of the seats. Not unique to Republicans, but increasingly utilized by them.

The Democrats have still, somehow missed the mark. Again. They can’t seem to get a message to the people that unifies. Maybe this is because Biden is not strong candidate, and Trump carries the power of the incumbency into the election. There are some bright spots, retaining seats in Texas, tight margins in some key red states.

If Trump wins, I see a further dismantling of our nation’s democratic infrastructure and a continued decline in our image and effectiveness abroad. I see complete politicization of our departments, from tiny VOA to DoJ, and entire civil service where personal loyalty is demanded over competency and professionalism. When Trump talks about reorganizing military leadership, is he attempting to politicize the military? I do not think this is hyperbole. We have been seeing this trend for four years, E.O. after E.O.

If Trump wins, and continues his assault on long established unwritten rules of behavior and social norms what will we see coming out of this? When society agrees to an unwritten set of norms and our leaders hold to it, our institutions function smoothly even with bumps and potholes. But when those potholes become so extreme they threaten the structure and people can no longer navigate, we are forced to create laws or rules we never thought would be needed. Example: media resorting to fact checking, because the volume of disinformation and political lies exceeds the ability of our society to handle, and it is coming from our leadership. I fear, if Trump is re-elected further attacks on truth, on facts, and on genuine journalism.

But Trump doesn’t need to win for this. It is already rolling down on us. If Biden wins, a huge segment of America voted for Trump. Huge! And that is dismaying and unsettling, to me, because I see this election as not about which candidate to elect, but as who we are as a country and who we want to be going forward.

If Biden wins, what, at best will happen? A rollback of EO’s? Competent people making decisions? Rebuilding the integrity and professionalism of our battered institutions: DoJ, State Department, EPA, CDC, VOA,....

If Trump wins, there is nothing to stop him from using his offfice to go after his “enemies“, every person who has ever criticized, spoken up, or gone against him and firing those who won’t do it. I think this, coming from the top of our leadership, is an existential crisis. If Biden wins....maybe the Republicans can create a better party, without Trump.

I read, somewhere, that an alarming number of people no longer feel democratic principles are so important, and that a strong (authoritarian) leader might even be preferred to the messiness and uncertainties of democratic systems. I'm trying to find links to this, because I wonder if it plays into sentiments driving our country today.

Trump won 2016 by very narrow margins. 2020 will be the same, who ever wins. Will the people win?
Look, voting for Trump boils down to one thing: stupidity. That said, I agree Biden isn’t a strong candidate. The Dems definitely could have done better. The fact of the matter, however, is that it is basic common sense that Biden is the better candidate. Not so much because of his merits (that are definitely there) but because of how god awful Trump is in comparison. I’m sick of this false equivalency bullshit people have about Trump and who is running against. Obviously Trump is far worse.

70 Million voters believe that President Trump has been spectacular.
Who knows how many millions more, that simply do not vote.
Lol well good I’m glad you accept the actual counting of vote figures, which, by the way, shows Biden with close to 3 million more votes.
One thing to remember - the 60's happened.
Go back and look at old riot videos... look familiar? Yep.. buildings on fire...looting...cars on fire... huge protest marches and riots.
Then that leads us to the early 70s...and nothing was better. Then we had a President resign over cheating.
The country was VERY divided.
We got through it.
And here we are again.
Same thing.... riots...looting...huge protest etc. etc.
No matter who wins this election - we will lose. Neither side is going to accept the other.
2024 is what we can hope for, because by then Harris is President because either Biden is dead or his senility is so blatantly obvious that he resigns. And Harris will not win a primary. So at that point there will be two NEW candidates.
We can hope this has some calming effect.

But Trump doesn’t need to win for this. It is already rolling down on us. If Biden wins, a huge segment of America voted for Trump. Huge! And that is dismaying and unsettling, to me, because I see this election as not about which candidate to elect, but as who we are as a country and who we want to be going forward.
Yeah, this election was like an X-ray. The image returned is not a pretty picture. I can't help feeling the civil war is finally playing out its last echoes.
I first learned about politics when I was 9 after RFK was assassinated in 68. I remember the imagines of the Chicago Convention that year. When I was almost 11 the National Guard opened fire on unarmed student protesters in Ohio. I don't think this time is any worst than any other time. Except maybe 1840 -1860. We just need cooler heads to prevail.
Hun.....an assassination is not politics there is so much more.

Given how violent the dems current thugs anti-fa and BLM have been---you would have thunk that some of you easily manipulated by tales of the shooting of protestors of Ohio would have rethinking been their positions. See I am bit younger and wasn't born in 68 or earlier....but I see the violent PROTESTORS now and think you know the OHIO thugs were likely the same thing---rich white dem college students and blm morons who were probably being thugs and got shot which ended their antics long before they could take to burning down the cities as they are now.

If you READ history---every time socialists and communists have taken over or tried...they used their BROWN SHIRT VIOLENT THUGS to protest, riot, burn, and attack others----they never stop UNTIL they are shot. Shooting them keeps the brown shirt thugs from doing more damage---so in all likelihood, shooting the OHIO campus communists then just save the business and innocent people alot of grief. Wish they would have done this when the brown shirt dems were "protesting" statues and flags in the beginning.

RFK being assassinated moments after giving his victory speech after winning Calf and most likely the nomination of his party was not politics?

The innocent students who were killed on campus as they moved between classes were not violently protesting. The violence happened off campus. Firing live rounds at these students, those American Citizens, was payback for burning down the ROTC building, imo.

It was a turbulent time. We made it through.

He was shot by a crazy guy........officially.

The VIOLENCE happened off campus? WTH is wrong with you? You need a critical thinking history lesson BADLY.

1970's KENT STATE I think is what you are referring to--involving two violent groups SDS Students for Democratic Society (like the ANTI FA morons of today) and a BLACK POWER student group like the #BLM thugs of today. THE SDS leader called for members to kill off their parents while another member passed out flyers saying that they were going to napalm a dog starting by atleast 1968. 1969, the SDS charter was removed because of the violence of this a-hole organization.

By may of 1970----the thugs were calling for "Bringing the war home" and were upset that the ROTC building on campus was still standing. They were attacking both police and firemen with rocks and broken bottles (SOUND FAMILIAR)? Midnight of may 1, they started to attack police cars and vandalize store fronts. Police used tear gas to push the thugs back to campus. Like with the BLM thugs of today, businesses were threatened thereafter and told that if they didn't display antiwar signs that their businesses would be burned to the ground. By the time the national guard arrived at 10pm on May 2, the thugs had set the ROTC building on fire and were threatening to attack the cities water supply as well.

May 4, 2000 of the thugs showed up for one of their violent rallies-----even the national guard was out and told them no. The guard repeatedly over hours ordered them home. A curfew had been put in place and it had been assumed that martial law had been declared when it hadn't. The Guards tried to use tear gas to disperse them as the cops have now to no avail. The thugs continued to throw their rocks and attack screaming PIGS OFF CAMPUS as they sought to make the school grounds downtown PORTLAND of TODAY to give them a base to continue their attacks on the town and school both. Initially the guards used their bayonets to try to get the violent thugs to leave, most did but Eventually the National Guard opened fired on their remaining attackers as it should be.

The lib media has since tried to spin the story of those shot as just being innocent wee little students---but this not facts show.

1970's kent thugs are exactly the same type morons as the 2020 thugs----violent communists and violent black activists claiming that others are bad when it is actually them attacking others. Like the 1970s group-the 2020 group will not stop their attacks until they are fired upon and see several of their fellow idiots killed off for their actions. This is what history actually teaches but you failed the lesson.

Basically there is always the same type of college age thugs who feels a need to violently attack authority figures and it always seems to be the white college students and the idiotic black activists---who both happen to have a nasty habit of damanding others take care of them and a long history of drug/alcohol abuse. All other young adults are to busy working to support themselves so are thusly learning or have learnt basics like responsibility for your own actions and to support themselves so don't have the time or desire to be aholes to the rest of society.

The contributors of society are tired of putting up with the a-holes.
The Democrats have still, somehow missed the mark. Again.
Coyote, you're one of the few Demcorats that I honestly respect and feel like I can have a good conversation with.

:lol: maybe because I'm not a Democrat? I'm not registered with any party.

Dude...I’m not “registered” with any party either. But you and I both know I’m a “Republican”. And we both know that you are a “Demcorat”. :rolleyes:
I think you're overstating what this election says about the state of our society, and missing an obvious lesson. What Trump has shown us is just how susceptible we are to populism, especially when it's driven by an unscrupulous demagogue. This is why I always cringe at the modern liberal's worship of "democracy". Most voters are ignorant and easily fooled. We need less democracy, not more.

Less democracy? Really? Like what exactly?

To begin with, stop encouraging everyone to vote. People who are not well-informed shouldn't vote.

Many people are celebrating the fact we had such a high voter turnout this time. Yet this is the single most fucked up Presidential election in my lifetime. Do you think that's mere coincidence?

Beyond that, we need to understand that the "will of the people" isn't the same as the "will of the majority". Government that respects the will of the people, respects the will of ALL the people, not just the 51% who voted for the current leadership. It's this idea that the majority has a legitimate right to run roughshod over the will of the minority that drives the fear and anger currently undermining our society.

To begin with, stop encouraging everyone to vote. People who are not well-informed shouldn't vote.

How the hell are you going to determine who is well-informed enough to vote? Who's going to make that call?
I think he means literacy tests.
And BTW - "even if Biden wins, it doesn't matter"
That seems to imply it should be better with Biden.
Biden is a life long corrupt Washington Insider. How on EARTH is he supposed to make things better... meaning for US??
No way. He has spent waaay to many years enriching himself, his family and acquaintances. He is an EXAMPLE of what is wrong in Washington... certainly not a solution or change.
And Harris??? She is so far to the left she alienates her own party. The fuck she is going to bring people together.
What this election has told us, in multiple ways, is that our country has fundamentally changed and that breaks my heart.
It’s hard to know what the future holds, but I tend to think Coyote is correct. I think we’re seeing a significant shift under way. I think conservatism is starting to figure out how to fight the war against liberalism. Still a lot of work to be done, but some progress being made.
The Woke Lose
We are doomed anyway, regardless. Too many Americans are traitors to what the USA stands for and there is no unity any more. We are NOT the "united" states of america.
Hell, we should just split the country in half. East States and West States. West is blue. East is mainly red. 1 Potus for each side. We are too divided now and will never return to what the founding fathers thought would last forever. The fall of Rome is now the fall of the USA.
Naw, we'd have to send them blue bitches welfare.

Yah, that means we can save money and not send the red bitches their welfare. That's a savings of over 50%. I can go for that.
But we can have unchecked lawbreaking, crime and rioting while paying them during the day to sit home hiding in their basements from the lefty flu.
I think you're overstating what this election says about the state of our society, and missing an obvious lesson. What Trump has shown us is just how susceptible we are to populism, especially when it's driven by an unscrupulous demagogue. This is why I always cringe at the modern liberal's worship of "democracy". Most voters are ignorant and easily fooled. We need less democracy, not more.

Less democracy? Really? Like what exactly?

To begin with, stop encouraging everyone to vote. People who are not well-informed shouldn't vote.

Many people are celebrating the fact we had such a high voter turnout this time. Yet this is the single most fucked up Presidential election in my lifetime. Do you think that's mere coincidence?

Beyond that, we need to understand that the "will of the people" isn't the same as the "will of the majority". Government that respects the will of the people, respects the will of ALL the people, not just the 51% who voted for the current leadership. It's this idea that the majority has a legitimate right to run roughshod over the will of the minority that drives the fear and anger currently undermining our society.

To begin with, stop encouraging everyone to vote. People who are not well-informed shouldn't vote.

How the hell are you going to determine who is well-informed enough to vote? Who's going to make that call?

Many people are celebrating the fact we had such a high voter turnout this time. Yet this is the single most fucked up Presidential election in my lifetime. Do you think that's mere coincidence?

Fucked up? How so? By what metric?

Beyond that, we need to understand that the "will of the people" isn't the same as the "will of the majority". Government that respects the will of the people, respects the will of ALL the people, not just the 51% who voted for the current leadership. It's this idea that the majority has a legitimate right to run roughshod over the will of the minority that drives the fear and anger currently undermining our society.

And your solution is to only allow the well-informed people to vote? LOL, in this country I don't know that we have that many well-informed people. So are you actually calling for the will of the minority (well-informed people) to run roughshod over the will of the majority (the rest of us idiots)? I guess I'm not well-informed enough to see where you're coming from. IOW: WTF dude?
I say just make everyone show up with an ID in person...the dregs won't even be able to handle that.

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