Even republicans must admit how much of a trainwreck Trump’s re-election campaign has been

1) COVID infections for Trump and his closer inner circle. Let’s also not forget the three GOP senators. Do you notice how no prominent democrat has tested positive? Obviously we can’t rule out that happening, but a lot can be said at this point.

2) A disastrous debate which all the SCIENTIFIC polls show Trump lost.

3) A record loss in election polls for the last year

4) Lets not forget Melania hating on Christmas! I mean I personally don’t give a shit she said this, but can you imagine how republicans would have reacted if Michelle said that shit? Fox would never shut the fuck up about it. War on Christmas! Derp!

That exchange about law and order, and the Biden being part of the division, and lack of clamping down on looting, rioting, and burning after Ferguson, and not supporting the police.....

That right there.... ALONE.... Trump has my vote.

Well, you are in the minority either way. Trump could just randomly say “law and order” while rambling incoherently about nonsense and you people would still get sexually aroused lol

1) COVID infections for Trump and his closer inner circle. Let’s also not forget the three GOP senators. Do you notice how no prominent democrat has tested positive? Obviously we can’t rule out that happening, but a lot can be said at this point.

2) A disastrous debate which all the SCIENTIFIC polls show Trump lost.

3) A record loss in election polls for the last year

4) Lets not forget Melania hating on Christmas! I mean I personally don’t give a shit she said this, but can you imagine how republicans would have reacted if Michelle said that shit? Fox would never shut the fuck up about it. War on Christmas! Derp!

That exchange about law and order, and the Biden being part of the division, and lack of clamping down on looting, rioting, and burning after Ferguson, and not supporting the police.....

That right there.... ALONE.... Trump has my vote.

Well, you are in the minority either way. Trump could just randomly say “law and order” while rambling incoherently about nonsense and you people would still get sexually aroused lol

Yeah...... I can remember a thousand times being told I was the minority in 2016.

Funny.... I'm not quite as convinced this time, as I was last time, that I'm the minority.

Well you were last time because Hillary won the popular vote lol

No, because our country is not a Democracy. It is a representative republic. That means you have to have the support of a significant number of states. We are not country based on popularity among the ignorant. We are a republic.

Did you never even learn the pledge of allegiance?

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Doesn't say "and to the Democracy for which it stands". It says to the Republic. Because that is what we are.

Popular vote is utterly meaningless, and it should be.

Lol I’m just pointing out that you’re in the minority. You said all this for nothing.

Silly Billy, the commie clown....how is the recruitment and trolling of Trump supporters to switch to the marxist side working out for ya?

1) COVID infections for Trump and his closer inner circle. Let’s also not forget the three GOP senators. Do you notice how no prominent democrat has tested positive? Obviously we can’t rule out that happening, but a lot can be said at this point.

2) A disastrous debate which all the SCIENTIFIC polls show Trump lost.

3) A record loss in election polls for the last year

4) Lets not forget Melania hating on Christmas! I mean I personally don’t give a shit she said this, but can you imagine how republicans would have reacted if Michelle said that shit? Fox would never shut the fuck up about it. War on Christmas! Derp!

"You can do better than that Billy."
View attachment 396551
That’s not the line. That line is nowhere in that movie. That character’s name isn’t Billy, either. You’re welcome.
The bubble boys are nuts. disasters just top of mind. Each one campaign ending for anyone else.

1. President contracts covid and is admitted to the hospital
2. Presidents inner circle gets covid
3. Released tapes from Woodward - Trump admits lying all spring
4. Trumps taxes are released showing $750 paid
5. Trump makes a cocktail party joke of himself in debate
6. Trump asks Proud Boys to stand by
7. Trump campaign spending wasted on pyramid scheme to raise more money and fails. Now he’s way behind in money.
8. Erik forced to testify
9. Cohens book releases
10. Nieces book released
11. Top republican supportBiden
12. Military supports Biden.
13. Lincoln Project eats his lunch daily.

Bid deal.
Hey BillyBullshit.......@Billy000

What about it.

We got 2 extra senators in 2018.

And Trump just nominated his third Scotus Judge.

What you got ?

Come on Billybullshit Billy000

What you got ?

Besides a petrified piece of shit at the head of your ticket and a slut as his wingwoman.
Lol dude you really need therapy or something. You’re like obsessed with me.

I’m still trying to figure out why you think you personally accomplished anything lol.

The Democrats - not I - took the House in 2018 by a record net gain in the party’s history.

And the GOP cheated Garland out of a seat. I’m also not sure why it should be an accomplishment for Trump simply because a justice died. A goddamn chimpanzee could pick a new judge.
Kinda all we need right now, right?

Hitlery isn't Prez.
And that's a damn shame Instead we have a moron and idiot
Yep, YOU have Crazy Joe and the Blow Queen.
And you love a pussy grabbing tax cheat

No one, not even the lying NYT has said he cheated. When are you commies going to learn, following the LAW isn't cheating.

1) COVID infections for Trump and his closer inner circle. Let’s also not forget the three GOP senators. Do you notice how no prominent democrat has tested positive? Obviously we can’t rule out that happening, but a lot can be said at this point.

2) A disastrous debate which all the SCIENTIFIC polls show Trump lost.

3) A record loss in election polls for the last year

4) Lets not forget Melania hating on Christmas! I mean I personally don’t give a shit she said this, but can you imagine how republicans would have reacted if Michelle said that shit? Fox would never shut the fuck up about it. War on Christmas! Derp!

No. This is a cult. They really, truly, seriously don't see anything that Trump has not done well.

The walls of this bubble cannot be penetrated by reality.

Ignoring reality one day at a time.
Exactly. The country is a MESS four years into this embarrassing circus of a presidency.

The only ones making it into a circus are the liberal ring leaders.
You fools are the greatest show on earth with your idiocy.
Amen to that.
Hey BillyBullshit.......@Billy000

What about it.

We got 2 extra senators in 2018.

And Trump just nominated his third Scotus Judge.

What you got ?
What did the nation get? Inept leadership. Destruction of national institutions. Massive deficits. Divided population. Isolation from allies. Loss of credibility.



Only after the pandemic.

The population was divided before he was sworn in. You fuckers have been butthurt from day you lost.

Allies will stay allies, they need us.

The middle east accords have Trumps credibility above Obama who destroyed nations and their peoples.
We are at each other’s throats. Seriously. It’s getting more and more violent. Allies think we are a joke and no longer take us seriously. Our institutions have been made overtly political.

And for what?

It will get exponentially worse no matter who is president. Fact.
Bullshit. This president is making it worse ON PURPOSE.

Not really, but the MSM seems to enjoy stoking the fires.

1) COVID infections for Trump and his closer inner circle. Let’s also not forget the three GOP senators. Do you notice how no prominent democrat has tested positive? Obviously we can’t rule out that happening, but a lot can be said at this point.

2) A disastrous debate which all the SCIENTIFIC polls show Trump lost.

3) A record loss in election polls for the last year

4) Lets not forget Melania hating on Christmas! I mean I personally don’t give a shit she said this, but can you imagine how republicans would have reacted if Michelle said that shit? Fox would never shut the fuck up about it. War on Christmas! Derp!

That exchange about law and order, and the Biden being part of the division, and lack of clamping down on looting, rioting, and burning after Ferguson, and not supporting the police.....

That right there.... ALONE.... Trump has my vote.

Well, you are in the minority either way. Trump could just randomly say “law and order” while rambling incoherently about nonsense and you people would still get sexually aroused lol

1) COVID infections for Trump and his closer inner circle. Let’s also not forget the three GOP senators. Do you notice how no prominent democrat has tested positive? Obviously we can’t rule out that happening, but a lot can be said at this point.

2) A disastrous debate which all the SCIENTIFIC polls show Trump lost.

3) A record loss in election polls for the last year

4) Lets not forget Melania hating on Christmas! I mean I personally don’t give a shit she said this, but can you imagine how republicans would have reacted if Michelle said that shit? Fox would never shut the fuck up about it. War on Christmas! Derp!

That exchange about law and order, and the Biden being part of the division, and lack of clamping down on looting, rioting, and burning after Ferguson, and not supporting the police.....

That right there.... ALONE.... Trump has my vote.

Well, you are in the minority either way. Trump could just randomly say “law and order” while rambling incoherently about nonsense and you people would still get sexually aroused lol

Yeah...... I can remember a thousand times being told I was the minority in 2016.

Funny.... I'm not quite as convinced this time, as I was last time, that I'm the minority.

Well you were last time because Hillary won the popular vote lol

And you commies keep bringing up irrelevant crap, He was in the majority where it counted.

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

You left out two words dumbass. I fixed it for ya.

Hey BillyBullshit.......@Billy000

What about it.

We got 2 extra senators in 2018.

And Trump just nominated his third Scotus Judge.

What you got ?

Come on Billybullshit Billy000

What you got ?

Besides a petrified piece of shit at the head of your ticket and a slut as his wingwoman.
Lol dude you really need therapy or something. You’re like obsessed with me.

I’m still trying to figure out why you think you personally accomplished anything lol.

The Democrats - not I - took the House in 2018 by a record net gain in the party’s history.

And the GOP cheated Garland out of a seat. I’m also not sure why it should be an accomplishment for Trump simply because a justice died. A goddamn chimpanzee could pick a new judge.

No, Billybullshit, I am tired of your horseshit posts.

You said 2016 was all we had.

Did the GOP gain 2 seats and retain a majority in 2018 ? Yes. So we have more than 2016.

Garland wasn't cheated out of a seat. He should have had a hearing. And just like Joe Biden fucked over Robert Bork (yes he did and spare me the midnight massacre bullshit....Bork never got a fair hearing) so he was voted down, the GOP senate would have sent him packing. The senate gest to that.

It's more than 2016, Billybullshit. Over the course of the last four years our win in 2016, combined with gaining and retaining the senate gives us the ability to choose and confirm. So, we have more than 2016.

Which counters your fucking stupid (in other words normal), Colorado leftish horseshit posts.

And I am going to make sure you are held accountable for your arrogant, ignorant little rants every time you post one.

You are what's wrong with this country.

You've got your head stuck up your ass and still you behave like you are someone special.
Hey BillyBullshit.......@Billy000

What about it.

We got 2 extra senators in 2018.

And Trump just nominated his third Scotus Judge.

What you got ?

Come on Billybullshit Billy000

What you got ?

Besides a petrified piece of shit at the head of your ticket and a slut as his wingwoman.
Lol dude you really need therapy or something. You’re like obsessed with me.

I’m still trying to figure out why you think you personally accomplished anything lol.

The Democrats - not I - took the House in 2018 by a record net gain in the party’s history.

And the GOP cheated Garland out of a seat. I’m also not sure why it should be an accomplishment for Trump simply because a justice died. A goddamn chimpanzee could pick a new judge.

No, Billybullshit, I am tired of your horseshit posts.

You said 2016 was all we had.

Did the GOP gain 2 seats and retain a majority in 2018 ? Yes. So we have more than 2016.

Garland wasn't cheated out of a seat. He should have had a hearing. And just like Joe Biden fucked over Robert Bork (yes he did and spare me the midnight massacre bullshit....Bork never got a fair hearing) so he was voted down, the GOP senate would have sent him packing. The senate gest to that.

It's more than 2016, Billybullshit. Over the course of the last four years our win in 2016, combined with gaining and retaining the senate gives us the ability to choose and confirm. So, we have more than 2016.

Which counters your fucking stupid (in other words normal), Colorado leftish horseshit posts.

And I am going to make sure you are held accountable for your arrogant, ignorant little rants every time you post one.

You are what's wrong with this country.

You've got your head stuck up your ass and still you behave like you are someone special.
Oh and let’s not forget that democrats won the large majority of the special elections since 2016. That’s what gives the current polls more credibility.

So yes, 2016 is all you have.

I can’t help it if I’m right all the time, Sunny. It is what it is. You should be used to it by now. You’ll get there.
1) COVID infections for Trump and his closer inner circle. Let’s also not forget the three GOP senators. Do you notice how no prominent democrat has tested positive? Obviously we can’t rule out that happening, but a lot can be said at this point.

2) A disastrous debate which all the SCIENTIFIC polls show Trump lost.

3) A record loss in election polls for the last year

4) Lets not forget Melania hating on Christmas! I mean I personally don’t give a shit she said this, but can you imagine how republicans would have reacted if Michelle said that shit? Fox would never shut the fuck up about it. War on Christmas! Derp!

That exchange about law and order, and the Biden being part of the division, and lack of clamping down on looting, rioting, and burning after Ferguson, and not supporting the police.....

That right there.... ALONE.... Trump has my vote.

Well, you are in the minority either way. Trump could just randomly say “law and order” while rambling incoherently about nonsense and you people would still get sexually aroused lol

1) COVID infections for Trump and his closer inner circle. Let’s also not forget the three GOP senators. Do you notice how no prominent democrat has tested positive? Obviously we can’t rule out that happening, but a lot can be said at this point.

2) A disastrous debate which all the SCIENTIFIC polls show Trump lost.

3) A record loss in election polls for the last year

4) Lets not forget Melania hating on Christmas! I mean I personally don’t give a shit she said this, but can you imagine how republicans would have reacted if Michelle said that shit? Fox would never shut the fuck up about it. War on Christmas! Derp!

That exchange about law and order, and the Biden being part of the division, and lack of clamping down on looting, rioting, and burning after Ferguson, and not supporting the police.....

That right there.... ALONE.... Trump has my vote.

Well, you are in the minority either way. Trump could just randomly say “law and order” while rambling incoherently about nonsense and you people would still get sexually aroused lol

Yeah...... I can remember a thousand times being told I was the minority in 2016.

Funny.... I'm not quite as convinced this time, as I was last time, that I'm the minority.

Well you were last time because Hillary won the popular vote lol

No, because our country is not a Democracy. It is a representative republic. That means you have to have the support of a significant number of states. We are not country based on popularity among the ignorant. We are a republic.

Did you never even learn the pledge of allegiance?

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Doesn't say "and to the Democracy for which it stands". It says to the Republic. Because that is what we are.

Popular vote is utterly meaningless, and it should be.

Lol I’m just pointing out that you’re in the minority. You said all this for nothing.

And I'm just pointing out being the minority means nothing. You said that repeatedly for no reason that matters.
Hey BillyBullshit.......@Billy000

What about it.

We got 2 extra senators in 2018.

And Trump just nominated his third Scotus Judge.

What you got ?

Come on Billybullshit Billy000

What you got ?

Besides a petrified piece of shit at the head of your ticket and a slut as his wingwoman.
Lol dude you really need therapy or something. You’re like obsessed with me.

I’m still trying to figure out why you think you personally accomplished anything lol.

The Democrats - not I - took the House in 2018 by a record net gain in the party’s history.

And the GOP cheated Garland out of a seat. I’m also not sure why it should be an accomplishment for Trump simply because a justice died. A goddamn chimpanzee could pick a new judge.

No, Billybullshit, I am tired of your horseshit posts.

You said 2016 was all we had.

Did the GOP gain 2 seats and retain a majority in 2018 ? Yes. So we have more than 2016.

Garland wasn't cheated out of a seat. He should have had a hearing. And just like Joe Biden fucked over Robert Bork (yes he did and spare me the midnight massacre bullshit....Bork never got a fair hearing) so he was voted down, the GOP senate would have sent him packing. The senate gest to that.

It's more than 2016, Billybullshit. Over the course of the last four years our win in 2016, combined with gaining and retaining the senate gives us the ability to choose and confirm. So, we have more than 2016.

Which counters your fucking stupid (in other words normal), Colorado leftish horseshit posts.

And I am going to make sure you are held accountable for your arrogant, ignorant little rants every time you post one.

You are what's wrong with this country.

You've got your head stuck up your ass and still you behave like you are someone special.
Oh and let’s not forget that democrats won the large majority of the special elections since 2016. That’s what gives the current polls more credibility.

So yes, 2016 is all you have.

I can’t help it if I’m right all the time, Sunny. It is what it is. You should be used to it by now. You’ll get there.

No, dumbfuck.

We have 2018, where we not only kept the senate, we gained two seats. You cretins (having not learned your lesson from 2016) claimed you'd have the senate after the election. Which you didn't....

That is why Barrett will be confirmed.

So, you are wrong again.

Or did 2018 not happen ?

BTW: The special elections claim has to be one of the most retarded support claims you've made to date. And that is saying something.

You are never right.
1) COVID infections for Trump and his closer inner circle. Let’s also not forget the three GOP senators. Do you notice how no prominent democrat has tested positive? Obviously we can’t rule out that happening, but a lot can be said at this point.

2) A disastrous debate which all the SCIENTIFIC polls show Trump lost.

3) A record loss in election polls for the last year

4) Lets not forget Melania hating on Christmas! I mean I personally don’t give a shit she said this, but can you imagine how republicans would have reacted if Michelle said that shit? Fox would never shut the fuck up about it. War on Christmas! Derp!

Throw in

Collapsed Economy
Civil Unrest
Accusations of Racism

Impeachment by the biggest group of fucktards to ever land in congress (thanks to the left). Charges that were so stupid, my dead grandmother called Adam Schitt out from the grave.

Collapsed Economy stands for "The left are such big pussies they are afraid of a virus....wonder how they survive flu season". Never would have happened it if were not for the likes of morons like Whitmer. Then you have Cuomo, who is now saying he never killed the elderly. Flat out lying....to much.

Civil Unrest is Trumps fault....that is rich. BTW: Come do that where I live. But make sure your will is in order.

Accusations of racism: Yes, that goes along with impeachment. The cocksucker brigade (of which you are key leader) will say anything with no integrity just to get in Trumps way. Your butthurt from the start continues.

See you on November 3rd, the only poll that counts.

And if Joe wins, enjoy it while you can.
Hey BillyBullshit.......@Billy000

What about it.

We got 2 extra senators in 2018.

And Trump just nominated his third Scotus Judge.

What you got ?

Come on Billybullshit Billy000

What you got ?

Besides a petrified piece of shit at the head of your ticket and a slut as his wingwoman.
Lol dude you really need therapy or something. You’re like obsessed with me.

I’m still trying to figure out why you think you personally accomplished anything lol.

The Democrats - not I - took the House in 2018 by a record net gain in the party’s history.

And the GOP cheated Garland out of a seat. I’m also not sure why it should be an accomplishment for Trump simply because a justice died. A goddamn chimpanzee could pick a new judge.

No, Billybullshit, I am tired of your horseshit posts.

You said 2016 was all we had.

Did the GOP gain 2 seats and retain a majority in 2018 ? Yes. So we have more than 2016.

Garland wasn't cheated out of a seat. He should have had a hearing. And just like Joe Biden fucked over Robert Bork (yes he did and spare me the midnight massacre bullshit....Bork never got a fair hearing) so he was voted down, the GOP senate would have sent him packing. The senate gest to that.

It's more than 2016, Billybullshit. Over the course of the last four years our win in 2016, combined with gaining and retaining the senate gives us the ability to choose and confirm. So, we have more than 2016.

Which counters your fucking stupid (in other words normal), Colorado leftish horseshit posts.

And I am going to make sure you are held accountable for your arrogant, ignorant little rants every time you post one.

You are what's wrong with this country.

You've got your head stuck up your ass and still you behave like you are someone special.
Oh and let’s not forget that democrats won the large majority of the special elections since 2016. That’s what gives the current polls more credibility.

So yes, 2016 is all you have.

I can’t help it if I’m right all the time, Sunny. It is what it is. You should be used to it by now. You’ll get there.

And five thirty eight says your special elections don't mean shit.

Boy Billybullshit, how does it feel to be wrong again. Well....you should be used to it. You'll get there.

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