Even trump voters are now blaming him

Trump voters now blame him for the government shutdown

The Doofus has put lives at risk and disrupted thousands of lives because Limpballs and Coulter said he would look weak to let the continuing resolution go through without the asinine wall.

Voters will remember him for this!
The Washington Compost? Give me a fuckin break.
I'm a Trump voter and I blame the worthless leftist traitors for not negotiating with Trump.
Your thread is garbage.
President Donald Trump stands up to the plate and bats home runs for the nation's economy

He's added 2 trillion to the debt in a thriving economy when we should have been reducing it. Didn't he say he was going to reduce it?
No, he didn't. Congress did that.
The Constitution, Article I Section 8
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;​

Yeah same thing with Obama, it was Congress :abgg2q.jpg:
Congress isn't the one who said, "It's only a damn flag." That was Mrs. Obama's blathering when she thought nobody else was listening or watching.

Resorting to bad lip reading to denigrate First Lady Obama?

Bad Lip Reading
President Donald Trump stands up to the plate and bats home runs for the nation's economy

He's added 2 trillion to the debt in a thriving economy when we should have been reducing it. Didn't he say he was going to reduce it?
No, he didn't. Congress did that.
The Constitution, Article I Section 8
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;​

Yeah same thing with Obama, it was Congress :abgg2q.jpg:
Congress isn't the one who said, "It's only a damn flag." That was Mrs. Obama's blathering when she thought nobody else was listening or watching.

Resorting to bad lip reading to denigrate First Lady Obama?

Bad Lip Reading
Deaf people who have no interest in politics one way or another do not generally report something that is offensive about a First Lady who trashes the flag, then has to go running to the beat up on Republicans branch of the Democrat Party to make one up that will cover her shameful speech. You see, I am acquainted with Clintonista methods. Very acquainted.
I don't know any Trump supporters, including myself, that blame Trump. The Democrats own this shutdown. I see one side trying to offer up solutions and negotiate while the other side whines and cries.
He's added 2 trillion to the debt in a thriving economy when we should have been reducing it. Didn't he say he was going to reduce it?
No, he didn't. Congress did that.
The Constitution, Article I Section 8
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;​

Yeah same thing with Obama, it was Congress :abgg2q.jpg:
Congress isn't the one who said, "It's only a damn flag." That was Mrs. Obama's blathering when she thought nobody else was listening or watching.

Resorting to bad lip reading to denigrate First Lady Obama?

Bad Lip Reading
Deaf people who have no interest in politics one way or another do not generally report something that is offensive about a First Lady who trashes the flag, then has to go running to the beat up on Republicans branch of the Democrat Party to make one up that will cover her shameful speech. You see, I am acquainted with Clintonista methods. Very acquainted.

You got a recording of Mrs. Obama saying that, or was that a lip reading of what somebody thought she said?
I don't know any Trump supporters, including myself, that blame Trump. The Democrats own this shutdown. I see one side trying to offer up solutions and negotiate while the other side whines and cries.

I don't know any Trump supporters, including myself, that blame Trump. The Democrats own this shutdown. I see one side trying to offer up solutions and negotiate while the other side whines and cries.


Trumpublicans shut it down last December when they controlled all branches of government.
75 straight months of SIX digit employment gains You want blood??
'Blood'? No. How about 'HONESTY'?


The $1 trillion DNC butt-F* of US Tax Payers was a FAILURE. According to the CBO the cost to Americans PER JOB Obama CLAIMED to have saved / created was approx. $774,000 - PER JOB (thanks to the 7,000 pieces of wasted tax dollar-funded DNC Pork) and it failed to keep unemployment below 9% as promised.

"The White House predicted that in 2012 the economy would grow by 4.6 percent, unemployment would drop to 6 percent, and the budget deficit would shrink to a mere 3.5 percent of GDP.

Well, here we are, and no one is talking about these predictions anymore. Real economic growth has stagnated at 2 percent, while official unemployment hovers near 8 percent and actual unemployment remains in the double-digits. Adding insult to injury, the only growth the stimulus spending has actually produced is a ballooning of the deficit to 8.5 percent of GDP. Only in Washington, D.C. could the idea of overspending our way out of a financial hole be taken seriously. It is almost as if, in addition to checking common sense when crossing the D.C. beltway, no one in government learns from past mistakes."


The ballooning of the deficit which the GOP wants to pay for with cuts to SS and Medicare. The GOP is the AntiRobinhoods.

Take from the poor and give to the rich....
Dude, Robin Hood is a fictional character, make believe, much of like the world you live in, snowflake.
"Sen. Chuck Schumer is putting his "political hatred" ahead of his responsibility to protect the country in opposing the president's desire to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Echoing remarks recently made by the Senate minority leader, Homan -- the former acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) -- said he's "aghast" at Schumer's flip-flop in support of a border barrier.

Schumer (D-N.Y.) had said Democrats are "aghast" that Trump wants to build a border wall that would be "the symbol of America." He said that he's told Trump "to his face" that America's symbolic structure should remain the Statue of Liberty.

Schumer, however, as recently as 2009
said illegal immigration is "wrong" and that illegal "aliens" should not be treated the same as legal immigrants.

"This president is negotiating. It's the Democrats who haven't given one inch on negotiations,""

No wonder shy Schumer thinks there is no crisis at our border. He is looking at the NE, and the illegals . criminals are coming across in the SW. :p
El Chapo laughs at Trump BS about drugs coming thru Said they come in thru LEGAL points of entry Who knows more about drugs ?? El Chapo Drumpf or easy?
El Chapo is the Democrat's newest love child.
Everyone with a brain knew Bush crashed the economy! .
Because you say so, snowflake? Bwuhahaha!

No, because it happened in October of 2008, after Bush, who had taken over a strong economy with a balanced budget, had been President for 8 years, running massive deficits, creating a massive housing bubble fuelled by zero interest rates and the Wall Street greed for sub-prime mortgages and the massive fees they generated.
No, because it happened in October of 2008, after Bush, who had taken over a strong economy with a balanced budget, had been President for 8 years, running massive deficits, creating a massive housing bubble fuelled by zero interest rates and the Wall Street greed for sub-prime mortgages and the massive fees they generated.
Umm. Not to be a Bush defender or anything, but could you please state EXACTLY what bill Bush signed into law, or any other executive action by Bush that caused the sub-prime bubble and resulting crash?

I doubt you can.

This shit is the kind of stuff that really irritates me. Commie motherfuckers did the same thing with regard to Coolidge but can point to NO action by him to cause the huge crash.

Everyone with a brain knew Bush crashed the economy! .
Because you say so, snowflake? Bwuhahaha!

No, because it happened in October of 2008, after Bush, who had taken over a strong economy with a balanced budget, had been President for 8 years, running massive deficits, creating a massive housing bubble fuelled by zero interest rates and the Wall Street greed for sub-prime mortgages and the massive fees they generated.
It’s what career politicians do, it doesn’t matter what side they pick you fucking moron
No, because it happened in October of 2008, after Bush, who had taken over a strong economy with a balanced budget, had been President for 8 years, running massive deficits, creating a massive housing bubble fuelled by zero interest rates and the Wall Street greed for sub-prime mortgages and the massive fees they generated.
Umm. Not to be a Bush defender or anything, but could you please state EXACTLY what bill Bush signed into law, or any other executive action by Bush that caused the sub-prime bubble and resulting crash?

I doubt you can.

This shit is the kind of stuff that really irritates me. Commie motherfuckers did the same thing with regard to Coolidge but can point to NO action by him to cause the huge crash.


Bush was concerned about declining rates of home ownership, especially among working class Americans.

From 2002:

Bush Pushes Minority Homeownership

Then there's the American Dream Act of 2003:

President Bush Signs American Dream Downpayment Act of 2003

From 2004:

Bush pushes home ownership opportunities for minorities - The Boston Globe

From 2008:

Bush drive for home ownership fueled housing bubble

It took me 2 searches on google, and under one minute to find these links.

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