Even you leftists on here can no longer deny the truth.

18 and 19 are late teenagers and far too young for a man nearly twice their age.
Wow, and I bet you stood up for clinton?
You lose the argument when you have to pivot to Clinton. Its called the "whatabout" tactic. Clinton was wrong, and the hypocrisy you are trying to point out in this argument you would also be guilty of if you accused Clinton and are now dismissing Moore. Best stay away from this obvious diversion. It makes you look like a lazy debater
Moore has not been convicted, or even indicted for anything yet. Innocent until proven guilty. And I have yet to see any credible evidence against Moore. There is also the fact that the yearbook with his signature was forged. Why would they need to manufacture evidence if he was guilty?

Also, how about getting back on topic? We're discussing a terrorist group called Antifa.
I addressed the false ANTIFA claim you made and you haven't responded yet
And I asked you if Antifa is a terrorist group. You haven't answered me yet.
Where'd you go??
Wow, and I bet you stood up for clinton?
You lose the argument when you have to pivot to Clinton. Its called the "whatabout" tactic. Clinton was wrong, and the hypocrisy you are trying to point out in this argument you would also be guilty of if you accused Clinton and are now dismissing Moore. Best stay away from this obvious diversion. It makes you look like a lazy debater
Perhaps helpless rather than lazy.

they can defend Moore by saying he'll vote to overturn Roe or vote with Trump, so ignoring his praying on children is acceptable to them. But honesty is sort of tawdry. LOL
Thats politics, it happens on both sides, which is why womens groups defended Clinton and why many on the Left are defending Franken. While I don't see Frankens offenses even in the same ballpark as Moore, he acted inappropriate and those on the Left want to dismiss the accusations because he is a political ally. Plus he is a pretty funny guy that knows how to grill his opponents. I understand it all to a degree, but there is a point where morals need to outweigh politics.
Welll.... with Clinton voters knew, or should have known, they were getting a serial marital cheater. I didn't vote for him against BushI but I didn't really care about his personal life. What he pulled with Lewinsky was sexual harassment even if she was very willing, if not the instating party, and even if he didn't coerce her jobwise.

I realize I'm in a minority, but I really don't see harassment in taking a photo where one pretends to grab the breasts of Hooters Calenedar girl while she wears a Kevlar vest and helmet. It's wrong, but it's also not groping. And again there was no coercion. If there's a pattern to ass grabbing, he's done. It may be a partisan slime attack though.

Coercion and child abuse are the things I find actually disqualifying. And harassment, and yeah Slick should have resigned. But at the time guys didn't resign over harassment unless there was some nasty coercion involved .... like the Godfather Pizza guy "how bad do you want this job."

BUT, I don't think Clinton supporters (-: came close to the level of hypocrisy Moore/Trump supporters stoop too. It's NOT ok to touch a teenager even if you want Roe overturned.
I agree with you. Frankens photo was immature and inappropriate but not groping and not criminal. He owed her an apology for it. The bigger offense was the aggressive kiss, which again, he apologized for and the victim forgave him. Now we have a butt grab claim, while he was in office. Again, a different league than molesting teenagers, but it could be damaging... I wish these two cases of Moore and Franken weren't conflated and equivocated as much as they have been
Alright, then you have no problem with Trump's grabbing pussy comment? Since he didn't do it? Right?
US Antifa and other Leftist groups met in Germany with al-Qaeda and ISIS to plot Trump’s destruction

It's a fact. They're all a bunch of violent terrorists and deserve to die.

US Antifa and other Leftist groups met in Germany with al-Qaeda and ISIS to plot Trump’s destruction

The same could be said about the right. Also you fuckers worked with Putin last election steal the election so you're dirty as fuck.

I don't support Antifa but hate fascism with a passion.

I am still waiting for how caused people to change their votes.
you saw that moore was accused and with no actual facts declared it true.
What has already been proven about Moore is more than enough for anyone with morals not to vote for him.
What has been proven?
That he was an "adult" male trying to date "teenage" girls. Mall-rat Roy has a thing for young meat and robbing the cradle. He's admitted to it.
No he hasn't.
Yes, he has.

"Hannity pressed Moore on whether he had dated girls in their teens when he was in 30s. “Not generally, no,” the former judge said in response."

We have a word for that, we call it "yes".
Lots of girls, back then, pretended to be older to date older men. They bragged about it in class.
Its a fact? Why, because you saw it in an article? Do you really want to go down that road?
you saw that moore was accused and with no actual facts declared it true.
What has already been proven about Moore is more than enough for anyone with morals not to vote for him.
What has been proven?
That he was an "adult" male trying to date "teenage" girls. Mall-rat Roy had a thing for young meat and robbing the cradle. He's admitted to it.

The wife being 14 years younger is also proof of said thing.

None of that is illegal.
you saw that moore was accused and with no actual facts declared it true.
What has already been proven about Moore is more than enough for anyone with morals not to vote for him.
What has been proven?
That he was an "adult" male trying to date "teenage" girls. Mall-rat Roy has a thing for young meat and robbing the cradle. He's admitted to it.
No he hasn't.
Yes, he has.

"Hannity pressed Moore on whether he had dated girls in their teens when he was in 30s. “Not generally, no,” the former judge said in response."

We have a word for that, we call it "yes".

Again, that is NOT illegal.
What has been proven?
That he was an "adult" male trying to date "teenage" girls. Mall-rat Roy has a thing for young meat and robbing the cradle. He's admitted to it.
No he hasn't.
Yes, he has.

"Hannity pressed Moore on whether he had dated girls in their teens when he was in 30s. “Not generally, no,” the former judge said in response."

We have a word for that, we call it "yes".
In their teens? 18 and 19 are in the teens. In some states, 16 is legal.
18 and 19 are late teenagers and far too young for a man nearly twice their age.

That's your opinion. Legally, your opinion carries no weight.
What has been proven?
That he was an "adult" male trying to date "teenage" girls. Mall-rat Roy has a thing for young meat and robbing the cradle. He's admitted to it.
No he hasn't.
Yes, he has.

"Hannity pressed Moore on whether he had dated girls in their teens when he was in 30s. “Not generally, no,” the former judge said in response."

We have a word for that, we call it "yes".
If they were above 18 a little creepy, but not against the law. So did you hold Clinton to the same scrutiny?
Clinton didn't molest a 14-year-old (so it seems) or ask the mother of a 16-year-old (both mother and daughter say so) if he could "date" her.

And the standard is the same, go after a kid and I cut your balls off.

...and you would go to jail for a very long time!
Its a fact? Why, because you saw it in an article? Do you really want to go down that road?

They investigated Trump on about the same amount of evidence, a fake dossier that put his attorney colluding in some east european country, when it has been proven he was never even there. Nothing stops libs from keeping their digging because they dont like Trump and they don't want him elected. hell with facts they mean nothing
Yes, he has.

"Hannity pressed Moore on whether he had dated girls in their teens when he was in 30s. “Not generally, no,” the former judge said in response."

We have a word for that, we call it "yes".
In their teens? 18 and 19 are in the teens. In some states, 16 is legal.
18 and 19 are late teenagers and far too young for a man nearly twice their age.
Wow, and I bet you stood up for clinton?
You lose the argument when you have to pivot to Clinton. Its called the "whatabout" tactic. Clinton was wrong, and the hypocrisy you are trying to point out in this argument you would also be guilty of if you accused Clinton and are now dismissing Moore. Best stay away from this obvious diversion. It makes you look like a lazy debater
Perhaps helpless rather than lazy.

they can defend Moore by saying he'll vote to overturn Roe or vote with Trump, so ignoring his praying on children is acceptable to them. But honesty is sort of tawdry. LOL

The word is "preying", and it is still not illegal.
Wow, and I bet you stood up for clinton?
You lose the argument when you have to pivot to Clinton. Its called the "whatabout" tactic. Clinton was wrong, and the hypocrisy you are trying to point out in this argument you would also be guilty of if you accused Clinton and are now dismissing Moore. Best stay away from this obvious diversion. It makes you look like a lazy debater
Moore has not been convicted, or even indicted for anything yet. Innocent until proven guilty. And I have yet to see any credible evidence against Moore. There is also the fact that the yearbook with his signature was forged. Why would they need to manufacture evidence if he was guilty?

Also, how about getting back on topic? We're discussing a terrorist group called Antifa.
I addressed the false ANTIFA claim you made and you haven't responded yet
And I asked you if Antifa is a terrorist group. You haven't answered me yet.
You lied about the evidence about Moore. People have come forward and confirmed he was known to sniff after young girls.

but you guys have no lowest bar to your partisan hypocrisy.

That is NOT illegal.
You lose the argument when you have to pivot to Clinton. Its called the "whatabout" tactic. Clinton was wrong, and the hypocrisy you are trying to point out in this argument you would also be guilty of if you accused Clinton and are now dismissing Moore. Best stay away from this obvious diversion. It makes you look like a lazy debater
Moore has not been convicted, or even indicted for anything yet. Innocent until proven guilty. And I have yet to see any credible evidence against Moore. There is also the fact that the yearbook with his signature was forged. Why would they need to manufacture evidence if he was guilty?

Also, how about getting back on topic? We're discussing a terrorist group called Antifa.
I addressed the false ANTIFA claim you made and you haven't responded yet
And I asked you if Antifa is a terrorist group. You haven't answered me yet.
You lied about the evidence about Moore. People have come forward and confirmed he was known to sniff after young girls.

but you guys have no lowest bar to your partisan hypocrisy.
I guess witnesses don't count as evidence unless they have a photo or video... Of course if they do then it is either a fake or a conspiracy.

Exactly who are these witnesses? I have yet to hear from any.
You lose the argument when you have to pivot to Clinton. Its called the "whatabout" tactic. Clinton was wrong, and the hypocrisy you are trying to point out in this argument you would also be guilty of if you accused Clinton and are now dismissing Moore. Best stay away from this obvious diversion. It makes you look like a lazy debater
Perhaps helpless rather than lazy.

they can defend Moore by saying he'll vote to overturn Roe or vote with Trump, so ignoring his praying on children is acceptable to them. But honesty is sort of tawdry. LOL
Thats politics, it happens on both sides, which is why womens groups defended Clinton and why many on the Left are defending Franken. While I don't see Frankens offenses even in the same ballpark as Moore, he acted inappropriate and those on the Left want to dismiss the accusations because he is a political ally. Plus he is a pretty funny guy that knows how to grill his opponents. I understand it all to a degree, but there is a point where morals need to outweigh politics.
Welll.... with Clinton voters knew, or should have known, they were getting a serial marital cheater. I didn't vote for him against BushI but I didn't really care about his personal life. What he pulled with Lewinsky was sexual harassment even if she was very willing, if not the instating party, and even if he didn't coerce her jobwise.

I realize I'm in a minority, but I really don't see harassment in taking a photo where one pretends to grab the breasts of Hooters Calenedar girl while she wears a Kevlar vest and helmet. It's wrong, but it's also not groping. And again there was no coercion. If there's a pattern to ass grabbing, he's done. It may be a partisan slime attack though.

Coercion and child abuse are the things I find actually disqualifying. And harassment, and yeah Slick should have resigned. But at the time guys didn't resign over harassment unless there was some nasty coercion involved .... like the Godfather Pizza guy "how bad do you want this job."

BUT, I don't think Clinton supporters (-: came close to the level of hypocrisy Moore/Trump supporters stoop too. It's NOT ok to touch a teenager even if you want Roe overturned.
I agree with you. Frankens photo was immature and inappropriate but not groping and not criminal. He owed her an apology for it. The bigger offense was the aggressive kiss, which again, he apologized for and the victim forgave him. Now we have a butt grab claim, while he was in office. Again, a different league than molesting teenagers, but it could be damaging... I wish these two cases of Moore and Franken weren't conflated and equivocated as much as they have been
Alright, then you have no problem with Trump's grabbing pussy comment? Since he didn't do it? Right?
Huh? Is that comment supposed to make sense? Of course i have a problem with a rich douchebag running around kissing girls and grabbing pussies without permission. I’d hope most decent people would
Its a fact? Why, because you saw it in an article? Do you really want to go down that road?

They investigated Trump on about the same amount of evidence, a fake dossier that put his attorney colluding in some east european country, when it has been proven he was never even there. Nothing stops libs from keeping their digging because they dont like Trump and they don't want him elected. hell with facts they mean nothing
Why do you think the investigation was based on the dossier? I’ve heard that narrative thrown around but I’ve seen zero evidence backing that up. Care to provide some?
Moore has not been convicted, or even indicted for anything yet. Innocent until proven guilty. And I have yet to see any credible evidence against Moore. There is also the fact that the yearbook with his signature was forged. Why would they need to manufacture evidence if he was guilty?

Also, how about getting back on topic? We're discussing a terrorist group called Antifa.
I addressed the false ANTIFA claim you made and you haven't responded yet
And I asked you if Antifa is a terrorist group. You haven't answered me yet.
You lied about the evidence about Moore. People have come forward and confirmed he was known to sniff after young girls.

but you guys have no lowest bar to your partisan hypocrisy.
I guess witnesses don't count as evidence unless they have a photo or video... Of course if they do then it is either a fake or a conspiracy.

Exactly who are these witnesses? I have yet to hear from any.
Did you read the post article?
US Antifa and other Leftist groups met in Germany with al-Qaeda and ISIS to plot Trump’s destruction

It's a fact. They're all a bunch of violent terrorists and deserve to die.

US Antifa and other Leftist groups met in Germany with al-Qaeda and ISIS to plot Trump’s destruction
Jihad Watch ?????????????????????? Wow, now that is a site with impressive credentials, correct? LOL Totally lies pulled out of someone's ample ass.
It’s nothing more than someone trying to sell a book. The OP got duped yet again
I addressed the false ANTIFA claim you made and you haven't responded yet
And I asked you if Antifa is a terrorist group. You haven't answered me yet.
You lied about the evidence about Moore. People have come forward and confirmed he was known to sniff after young girls.

but you guys have no lowest bar to your partisan hypocrisy.
I guess witnesses don't count as evidence unless they have a photo or video... Of course if they do then it is either a fake or a conspiracy.

Exactly who are these witnesses? I have yet to hear from any.
Did you read the post article?

What article?
No he hasn't.
Yes, he has.

"Hannity pressed Moore on whether he had dated girls in their teens when he was in 30s. “Not generally, no,” the former judge said in response."

We have a word for that, we call it "yes".
In their teens? 18 and 19 are in the teens. In some states, 16 is legal.
18 and 19 are late teenagers and far too young for a man nearly twice their age.
Wow, and I bet you stood up for clinton?
Clinton didn't try to ask out a 16-year-old or molest a 14-year-old.
no he just used state troopers as governor to bring women to him and rape them.

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