Every republican running for office will be asked this....

Ryan and McCain are up for re-election in a month.....When asked if they will VOTE for the pig, Trump, what will they answer?
This latest and devastating expose of Trump's misogynistic and pig-like statement about women should be the END of Trump's candidacy....

Paul Ryan has just basically said that he will not be seen on stage with Trump tomorrow (and the pig, Trump, just announced he will send pence to the WI rally while he stays in his penthouse brooding).

Romney, McCain, Preibus and several other leading republicans have just condemned Trump....the pig, and some are even stating that Trump should drop out and Pence take the lead spot.

Given all of the above, every republican running for an elected post will be asked the simple "Yes or No" question:
:"Will you sir/madam be voting for Trump next month? Yes or No?"

It is time for the GOP to save itself from this charlatan, orange clown and most certainly, boorish PIG......
You're delusional. Hillary is married to a serial rapist.

You know I get so sick of hearing that because he was never arrested nor indicted much less convicted for serial rape. So why don't you stick to actual facts so you can differentiate between those who have allegations against them for actions such as this as opposed to those who are actually convicted and serving time. Do you actually fucking know the difference you fucking idiot?
Trumps words as opposed to actions by the Clinton's against women.

See, Beagle, the problem for your morons is this....You CANNOT prove "Clinton's actions against women" (...and I presume that your're babbling about Bill Clinton who is NOT running).....while Trump's words are for everyone to hear OVER and OVER and OVER again in a whole bunch of upcoming political ads.
He is such an absolute sleaze.
You and rest of the left are nothing blowhard bottom feeding cock roaches.

"Excellent" defense there, Beagle..Stick with it and see where that leads your ilk.....

Just ask Gennifer Flowers and others. Clinton actions as opposed to Trump words. Then again you don't give a damn about anything resembling the truth.
Carry on comrade.

Trump's words are going to morph into a Bill Cosby kind of action and turn against him.
And I've heard women talking similarly about men, I suppose you never called a guy a dick, or said you have some guy by the balls when bullshitting with your girlfriends?

well, I would say those things ONLY if I wanted to be labeled a PIG.....and since i wasn't raised that way, I have NEVER made those kind of remarks....But I guess right wingers were raised differently while clutching their Bibles.

Maybe you wasn't raised as well as you pretend.

Liberals love to get the US in wars,

Breaking news !!!!!!! Dick-faced Cheney was a "liberal"......

You really do not know anything about weapons

We rely on you limp-dick-heads for all the weapon "knowledge" anyone one needs to know.....LOL.

Define the word "assault" and tell readers what caliber it is?

Ahhhhh, here chimes in darkFlurries to challenge everyone on the size and "caliber" of their dicks.....LOL

I could post more if you like.
Again, the only defense of Trump that cons offer is 'well someone else did it too'. As weak as it gets.

Trump will not lose any votes from this latest scandal....WHY???
Well, because most right wingers on here, for example, share the same PIG-LIKE mind-set as their Trumpster.
No, because Trump voters care about the issues, not this sleazy muck raking sewer sucking slime.
Do you even see the contradiction in what you are saying? You say Trump supporters care about the issues, yet you continue to castigate Bill Clinton for (unproven) things that supposedly happened 20+ years ago--showing it isn't issues that concern you. And even though Bill Clinton isn't running for anything. What hypocrisy.
You and rest of the left are nothing blowhard bottom feeding cock roaches.

"Excellent" defense there, Beagle..Stick with it and see where that leads your ilk.....

Just ask Gennifer Flowers and others. Clinton actions as opposed to Trump words. Then again you don't give a damn about anything resembling the truth.
Carry on comrade.

Trump's words are going to morph into a Bill Cosby kind of action and turn against him.

Probably since we have a double standard. But the f-ing dems will never change, have been and always will be two faced hypocrits.
BTW, right wingers....any guesses on your part if this issue will be brought up in Sunday's debate??? Care to venture a wild guess? LOL
He is such an absolute sleaze.

Yep.......Trump always was and always will be an insecure, thin-skinned, sleaze.....

The personality disorders of Donald J. Trump: narcissistic, histrionic, and anti-social, essentially a sociopath. Talking about (bragging about) enjoying grabbing women's privates or any other part of their person w/o the women's desire for him to do so is truly anti-social behavior, not to mention deviant.

"Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) is defined by the American Psychiatric Association as a personality disorder characterized by a pattern of excessive attention-seeking emotions, usually beginning in early adulthood, including inappropriately seductive behavior and an excessive need for approval."
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BTW, right wingers....any guesses on your part if this issue will be brought up in Sunday's debate??? Care to venture a wild guess? LOL
As the great Bachman Turner Overdrive once said..."BBbbbbb-baby you aa-ain't seen nn-nothin' yet..."
Again, the only defense of Trump that cons offer is 'well someone else did it too'. As weak as it gets.

Trump will not lose any votes from this latest scandal....WHY???
Well, because most right wingers on here, for example, share the same PIG-LIKE mind-set as their Trumpster.
No, because Trump voters care about the issues, not this sleazy muck raking sewer sucking slime.

Give it up finger boi. You lost weeks ago.You can't see that yet?

We'll see when the votes are counted.

Your idol should drop out to save himself.
Again, the only defense of Trump that cons offer is 'well someone else did it too'. As weak as it gets.

Trump will not lose any votes from this latest scandal....WHY???
Well, because most right wingers on here, for example, share the same PIG-LIKE mind-set as their Trumpster.
No, because Trump voters care about the issues, not this sleazy muck raking sewer sucking slime.

Give it up finger boi. You lost weeks ago.You can't see that yet?

We'll see when the votes are counted.

Your idol should drop out to save himself.
From what?
This latest and devastating expose of Trump's misogynistic and pig-like statement about women should be the END of Trump's candidacy....

Paul Ryan has just basically said that he will not be seen on stage with Trump tomorrow (and the pig, Trump, just announced he will send pence to the WI rally while he stays in his penthouse brooding).

Romney, McCain, Preibus and several other leading republicans have just condemned Trump....the pig, and some are even stating that Trump should drop out and Pence take the lead spot.

Given all of the above, every republican running for an elected post will be asked the simple "Yes or No" question:
:"Will you sir/madam be voting for Trump next month? Yes or No?"

It is time for the GOP to save itself from this charlatan, orange clown and most certainly, boorish PIG......

Yes we know that the far left accepts their own when they abuse women and suppress their voices.

Typical far left hypocrisy!

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