Every republican running for office will be asked this....

Hillary Clinton is a rape enabler:

Once again, what Hillary has done is far worse than what Trump has stated.

tell you what Norman.....if you have a daughter, a mother, a sister......Tell her that Trump, as a rich "star", he has EVERY RIGHT to grab their crotches because....well, because Trump is a rich start republican....Tell us how that turns out..

Tell your kids that Clintons have the right to have any child raped, because she is a super-star politician...

I am sure they would love some of that... Clinton is basically a religion at your place at this point.

What child did the Clintons rape?.....Can you do anything BUT lie?
Are you saying that the vagina candidate is LYING again? Funny how everyone else must do what she says, but when it comes to her family, then they can get away with "murder, rape, theft, etc, etc, etc....

Un proven ALLEGATIONS, by you morons......But, who can blame your half-brains...LOL

Yeah, we know, Slick Willy hasn't been convicted yet. He did settle a lawsuit with Paula Jones, moron. That's when all these allegations came up. Many of these women were going to testify at the trial.
He asnt even been indicted....but we know that means nothing to you lying witch-hunters.
You're delusional. Hillary is married to a serial rapist.

These guys ^ are so self-enslaved to groupthink, they don't even get that "Hillary" and "Bill" are the names of two separate people.

…one of whom, by a preponderance of credible evidence, is guilty of multiple instances of violent rape and sexual assault against women; and the other of whom was a willing participant in efforts to enable and cover up these crimes, making her just as guilty as the primary offender. If they weren't so powerful and connected, they'd almost certainly both be in prison for these crimes, where they belong.
Where are the indictments?
Are you saying that the vagina candidate is LYING again? Funny how everyone else must do what she says, but when it comes to her family, then they can get away with "murder, rape, theft, etc, etc, etc....

Un proven ALLEGATIONS, by you morons......But, who can blame your half-brains...LOL
Unproven my ass, you lower than a box of rocks. Come on, why else has slick willie and his floozy of a wife, able to amass a large fortune, but those who knew what they did, have come up either missing or mysteriously dead? I used to be surprised at how stupid liberals are, but after seeing the propaganda machine in action, and the mass indoctrination to libtardism, you understand how worthless the left has become.
Oh...you're one of those....:lol:
Hillary Clinton is a rape enabler:

Once again, what Hillary has done is far worse than what Trump has stated.

tell you what Norman.....if you have a daughter, a mother, a sister......Tell her that Trump, as a rich "star", he has EVERY RIGHT to grab their crotches because....well, because Trump is a rich start republican....Tell us how that turns out..

Tell your kids that Clintons have the right to have any child raped, because she is a super-star politician...

I am sure they would love some of that... Clinton is basically a religion at your place at this point.

What child did the Clintons rape?.....Can you do anything BUT lie?

Lie, and use half-truths, rumors, innuendos and echo putatives posted by biddable conservatives.
Donald and the GOP should model their response on Bubba's Lewinsky talking point. The Dems set this standard. To act all puritanical now is just a con. If you fall for it, you are being played.

As you know, in a deposition in January, I was asked questions about my relationship with Monica Lewinsky. While my answers were legally accurate, I did not volunteer information.

Indeed, I did have a relationship with Miss Lewinsky that was not appropriate. In fact, it was wrong. It constituted a critical lapse in judgment and personal failure on my part for which I am solely and completely responsible. . . . .I misled people, including even my wife. I deeply regret that.

Now, this matter is between me, the two people I love most--my wife and our daughter--and our God. I must put it right, and I am prepared to do whatever it takes to do so.

Nothing is more important to me personally. But it is private, and I intend to reclaim my family life for my family. It's nobody's business but ours.
Are you saying that the vagina candidate is LYING again? Funny how everyone else must do what she says, but when it comes to her family, then they can get away with "murder, rape, theft, etc, etc, etc....

Un proven ALLEGATIONS, by you morons......But, who can blame your half-brains...LOL

Yeah, we know, Slick Willy hasn't been convicted yet. He did settle a lawsuit with Paula Jones, moron. That's when all these allegations came up. Many of these women were going to testify at the trial.
He asnt even been indicted....but we know that means nothing to you lying witch-hunters.
"He hasn't been indicted" is the leftwing standard of excellence.
This latest and devastating expose of Trump's misogynistic and pig-like statement about women should be the END of Trump's candidacy....

Paul Ryan has just basically said that he will not be seen on stage with Trump tomorrow (and the pig, Trump, just announced he will send pence to the WI rally while he stays in his penthouse brooding).

Romney, McCain, Preibus and several other leading republicans have just condemned Trump....the pig, and some are even stating that Trump should drop out and Pence take the lead spot.

Given all of the above, every republican running for an elected post will be asked the simple "Yes or No" question:
:"Will you sir/madam be voting for Trump next month? Yes or No?"

It is time for the GOP to save itself from this charlatan, orange clown and most certainly, boorish PIG......

All a bunch of hypocrites, I don't know a man or woman who haven't made similar comments at some point in their lives. Plus he apologized, so it's all good. Isn't that what you say about the hildabitch endangering nation security, like they actually compare.
Interesting...Sen Robert Byrd Apologized too...years ago and changed his ways...and Righties still go on about it...and he's dead, and not running for anything.

Hey, you got a problem with me using regressive standards? Really?
You and rest of the left are nothing blowhard bottom feeding cock roaches.

"Excellent" defense there, Beagle..Stick with it and see where that leads your ilk.....

Just ask Gennifer Flowers and others. Clinton actions as opposed to Trump words. Then again you don't give a damn about anything resembling the truth.
Carry on comrade.
Bill Clinton is a serial adulterer...no one denies that...but why wouldn't Flowers press charges?
Maybe she doesn't want to end up mysteriously dead? You know like that poor DNC intern that exposed Debbie WasAmansnitz.
Hillary Clinton is a rape enabler:

Once again, what Hillary has done is far worse than what Trump has stated.

tell you what Norman.....if you have a daughter, a mother, a sister......Tell her that Trump, as a rich "star", he has EVERY RIGHT to grab their crotches because....well, because Trump is a rich start republican....Tell us how that turns out..

Tell your kids that Clintons have the right to have any child raped, because she is a super-star politician...

I am sure they would love some of that... Clinton is basically a religion at your place at this point.

What child did the Clintons rape?.....Can you do anything BUT lie?

Lie, and use half-truths, rumors, innuendos and echo putatives posted by biddable conservatives.

If we had a REAL journalistic NEWS organization, then the shit head elitists liberal politicians both (R) and (D) would have the asses out of the government. But since people like George Snuffaguffalas is in bed with the Clintons, then the crap will continue and the thrill will run up Chris Mathews leg and the cum off his lip.
And I've heard women talking similarly about men, I suppose you never called a guy a dick, or said you have some guy by the balls when bullshitting with your girlfriends?

well, I would say those things ONLY if I wanted to be labeled a PIG.....and since i wasn't raised that way, I have NEVER made those kind of remarks....But I guess right wingers were raised differently while clutching their Bibles.
you said in another thread you might have.....now its never?....
And I've heard women talking similarly about men, I suppose you never called a guy a dick, or said you have some guy by the balls when bullshitting with your girlfriends?

well, I would say those things ONLY if I wanted to be labeled a PIG.....and since i wasn't raised that way, I have NEVER made those kind of remarks....But I guess right wingers were raised differently while clutching their Bibles.
you said in another thread you might have.....now its never?....

I've already posted her calling guys limp dick heads and dick face on this board, she's a liar and by her own standards, a pig.
This latest and devastating expose of Trump's misogynistic and pig-like statement about women should be the END of Trump's candidacy....

Paul Ryan has just basically said that he will not be seen on stage with Trump tomorrow (and the pig, Trump, just announced he will send pence to the WI rally while he stays in his penthouse brooding).

Romney, McCain, Preibus and several other leading republicans have just condemned Trump....the pig, and some are even stating that Trump should drop out and Pence take the lead spot.

Given all of the above, every republican running for an elected post will be asked the simple "Yes or No" question:
:"Will you sir/madam be voting for Trump next month? Yes or No?"

It is time for the GOP to save itself from this charlatan, orange clown and most certainly, boorish PIG......

What really needs happen is for your sanctimonious ass to GFY.
And I've heard women talking similarly about men, I suppose you never called a guy a dick, or said you have some guy by the balls when bullshitting with your girlfriends?

well, I would say those things ONLY if I wanted to be labeled a PIG.....and since i wasn't raised that way, I have NEVER made those kind of remarks....But I guess right wingers were raised differently while clutching their Bibles.
you said in another thread you might have.....now its never?....

I've already posted her calling guys limp dick heads and dick face on this board, she's a liar and by her own standards, a pig.
well we were discussing being with the guys and talking shit about woman,and he said he might have been in that situation.....now he says never....its either you have or have not....
This latest and devastating expose of Trump's misogynistic and pig-like statement about women should be the END of Trump's candidacy....

Paul Ryan has just basically said that he will not be seen on stage with Trump tomorrow (and the pig, Trump, just announced he will send pence to the WI rally while he stays in his penthouse brooding).

Romney, McCain, Preibus and several other leading republicans have just condemned Trump....the pig, and some are even stating that Trump should drop out and Pence take the lead spot.

Given all of the above, every republican running for an elected post will be asked the simple "Yes or No" question:
:"Will you sir/madam be voting for Trump next month? Yes or No?"

It is time for the GOP to save itself from this charlatan, orange clown and most certainly, boorish PIG......

Um, it seems to me morality suddenly becomes an issue for Democrats when it regards a political opponent.

Meanwhile in Soviet Russia, you don't grab pussy, pussy grabs you!
And I've heard women talking similarly about men, I suppose you never called a guy a dick, or said you have some guy by the balls when bullshitting with your girlfriends?

well, I would say those things ONLY if I wanted to be labeled a PIG.....and since i wasn't raised that way, I have NEVER made those kind of remarks....But I guess right wingers were raised differently while clutching their Bibles.
you said in another thread you might have.....now its never?....

I've already posted her calling guys limp dick heads and dick face on this board, she's a liar and by her own standards, a pig.
well we were discussing being with the guys and talking shit about woman,and he said he might have been in that situation.....now he says never....its either you have or have not....

What your calling he is a she. Read the question I asked her in this string. When she said she NEVER made those made those kinds of remarks, I simply did a search by her name with a key word dick and proved he a liar.
And I've heard women talking similarly about men, I suppose you never called a guy a dick, or said you have some guy by the balls when bullshitting with your girlfriends?

well, I would say those things ONLY if I wanted to be labeled a PIG.....and since i wasn't raised that way, I have NEVER made those kind of remarks....But I guess right wingers were raised differently while clutching their Bibles.
you said in another thread you might have.....now its never?....

I've already posted her calling guys limp dick heads and dick face on this board, she's a liar and by her own standards, a pig.
well we were discussing being with the guys and talking shit about woman,and he said he might have been in that situation.....now he says never....its either you have or have not....

What your calling he is a she. Read the question I asked her in this string. When she said she NEVER made those made those kinds of remarks, I simply did a search by her name with a key word dick and proved he a liar.
in the other thread we were in,when i asked if "he" has ever been with just the guys talking shit about woman,"he" said i might have.....so i took nat to be a guy....
If we had a REAL journalistic NEWS organization,

Thank yo for the candid admission that NO ONE at FOX, hate-talk radio and Breibart/Drudge, et al could NEVER claim to be "journalists".......very nice of you for that admission.

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