Every republican running for office will be asked this....

Trump will not lose any votes from this latest scandal....WHY???
Well, because most right wingers on here, for example, share the same PIG-LIKE mind-set as their Trumpster.
No, because Trump voters care about the issues, not this sleazy muck raking sewer sucking slime.

Give it up finger boi. You lost weeks ago.You can't see that yet?

We'll see when the votes are counted.

Your idol should drop out to save himself.
From what?

His name value is falling by the minute.
No, because Trump voters care about the issues, not this sleazy muck raking sewer sucking slime.

Give it up finger boi. You lost weeks ago.You can't see that yet?

We'll see when the votes are counted.

Your idol should drop out to save himself.
From what?

His name value is falling by the minute.
You apparently believe Trump is in this for the money.
This latest and devastating expose of Trump's misogynistic and pig-like statement about women should be the END of Trump's candidacy....

Paul Ryan has just basically said that he will not be seen on stage with Trump tomorrow (and the pig, Trump, just announced he will send pence to the WI rally while he stays in his penthouse brooding).

Romney, McCain, Preibus and several other leading republicans have just condemned Trump....the pig, and some are even stating that Trump should drop out and Pence take the lead spot.

Given all of the above, every republican running for an elected post will be asked the simple "Yes or No" question:
:"Will you sir/madam be voting for Trump next month? Yes or No?"

It is time for the GOP to save itself from this charlatan, orange clown and most certainly, boorish PIG......
You're delusional. Hillary is married to a serial rapist.

These guys ^ are so self-enslaved to groupthink, they don't even get that "Hillary" and "Bill" are the names of two separate people.
Again, the only defense of Trump that cons offer is 'well someone else did it too'. As weak as it gets.

And not even that but "the spouse of someone else". It's like they're incapable of defining a woman in any terms except "who her husband is". Tu Quoque is married to a serial Association Fallacy.
Hillary Clinton is a rape enabler:

Once again, what Hillary has done is far worse than what Trump has stated.
Hillary Clinton is a rape enabler:

Once again, what Hillary has done is far worse than what Trump has stated.

tell you what Norman.....if you have a daughter, a mother, a sister......Tell her that Trump, as a rich "star", he has EVERY RIGHT to grab their crotches because....well, because Trump is a rich star republican....Tell us how that turns out..
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Again, the only defense of Trump that cons offer is 'well someone else did it too'. As weak as it gets.

Trump will not lose any votes from this latest scandal....WHY???
Well, because most right wingers on here, for example, share the same PIG-LIKE mind-set as their Trumpster.
No, because Trump voters care about the issues, not this sleazy muck raking sewer sucking slime.

That's why you keep going "but but she married a cereal perv who owns a 16-year-old girl farm!" is it, Fingerboy?


Hillary Clinton is a rape enabler:

Once again, what Hillary has done is far worse than what Trump has stated.

tell you what Norman.....if you have a daughter, a mother, a sister......Tell her that Trump, as a rich "star", he has EVERY RIGHT to grab their crotches because....well, because Trump is a rich start republican....Tell us how that turns out..

Tell your kids that Clintons have the right to have any child raped, because she is a super-star politician...

I am sure they would love some of that... Clinton is basically a religion at your place at this point.
Hillary Clinton is a rape enabler:

Once again, what Hillary has done is far worse than what Trump has stated.

tell you what Norman.....if you have a daughter, a mother, a sister......Tell her that Trump, as a rich "star", he has EVERY RIGHT to grab their crotches because....well, because Trump is a rich start republican....Tell us how that turns out..

Yanno what ----- in Rump's defense ---- with those tiny fingers it's possible they didn't even notice. :D
All a bunch of hypocrites, I don't know a man or woman who haven't made similar comments at some point in their lives.

REEEEally. Interesting crowd you must hang with. I can imagine what the Hallowe'en parties must be like.

Plus he apologized

WHAT?? Rump apologized for something??? Or is this a creative use of the word "he"?

And I've heard women talking similarly about men, I suppose you never called a guy a dick, or said you have some guy by the balls when bullshitting with your girlfriends?

You ah, you understand that's a metaphor, right?
It's not over

On that you may be right.....Trump will not lose one vote from his acolytes because of this latest revelation....WHY???
Well, because you actually SHARE the same sexist penchants.
It's not over

On that you may be right.....Trump will not lose one vote from his acolytes because of this latest revelation....WHY???
Well, because you actually SHARE the same sexist penchants.
After your support of the Clinton's you really have no credibility left to call someone else a sexist. The latest little slut he is been assualting, well the cia calls her the energizer bunny.
This latest and devastating expose of Trump's misogynistic and pig-like statement about women should be the END of Trump's candidacy....

Paul Ryan has just basically said that he will not be seen on stage with Trump tomorrow (and the pig, Trump, just announced he will send pence to the WI rally while he stays in his penthouse brooding).

Romney, McCain, Preibus and several other leading republicans have just condemned Trump....the pig, and some are even stating that Trump should drop out and Pence take the lead spot.

Given all of the above, every republican running for an elected post will be asked the simple "Yes or No" question:
:"Will you sir/madam be voting for Trump next month? Yes or No?"

It is time for the GOP to save itself from this charlatan, orange clown and most certainly, boorish PIG......
You're delusional. Hillary is married to a serial rapist.

You know I get so sick of hearing that because he was never arrested nor indicted much less convicted for serial rape. So why don't you stick to actual facts so you can differentiate between those who have allegations against them for actions such as this as opposed to those who are actually convicted and serving time. Do you actually fucking know the difference you fucking idiot?
Backfire: Hillary Tweets All Sexual Abuse Accusers Deserve To Be ‘Believed,’ Is Reminded Of Her Husband
Backfire: Hillary Tweets All Sexual Abuse Accusers Deserve To Be ‘Believed,’ Is Reminded Of Her Husband
Are you saying that the vagina candidate is LYING again? Funny how everyone else must do what she says, but when it comes to her family, then they can get away with "murder, rape, theft, etc, etc, etc....
Are you saying that the vagina candidate is LYING again? Funny how everyone else must do what she says, but when it comes to her family, then they can get away with "murder, rape, theft, etc, etc, etc....

Un proven ALLEGATIONS, by you morons......But, who can blame your half-brains...LOL
Give it up finger boi. You lost weeks ago.You can't see that yet?

We'll see when the votes are counted.

Your idol should drop out to save himself.
From what?

His name value is falling by the minute.
You apparently believe Trump is in this for the money.

It's the only reason he does anything.

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