Every republican running for office will be asked this....

To my Mormon friends in WY, ID, UT, NM, and AZ.

The church authorities are saying quietly what Mike Lee said publicly.

Are you priesthood holders of integrity?

That is the only question necessary for you to answer.
Are you saying that the vagina candidate is LYING again? Funny how everyone else must do what she says, but when it comes to her family, then they can get away with "murder, rape, theft, etc, etc, etc....

Un proven ALLEGATIONS, by you morons......But, who can blame your half-brains...LOL

Yeah, we know, Slick Willy hasn't been convicted yet. He did settle a lawsuit with Paula Jones, moron. That's when all these allegations came up. Many of these women were going to testify at the trial.
You're delusional. Hillary is married to a serial rapist.

These guys ^ are so self-enslaved to groupthink, they don't even get that "Hillary" and "Bill" are the names of two separate people.

…one of whom, by a preponderance of credible evidence, is guilty of multiple instances of violent rape and sexual assault against women; and the other of whom was a willing participant in efforts to enable and cover up these crimes, making her just as guilty as the primary offender. If they weren't so powerful and connected, they'd almost certainly both be in prison for these crimes, where they belong.
Oops. Association Fallacy fails. Give me forty acres and I'll turn this post around.

“Association” isn't a fallacy, when the one about whom it is brought up is an active accessory to the crimes committed by the one with which she is being “associated”.
You're delusional. Hillary is married to a serial rapist.

Even an idiot like YOU should realize that its over.......but, then, if you did you wouldn't be such an idiot....So carry on blamcing Bill who is NOT running.

It's Hilarious that you think Hillary is some kind of attractive candidate.

Oops. Association Fallacy fails. Give me forty acres and I'll turn this post around.
I never heard of the "Association Fallacy." However, you will find in statutes allover the country that helping someone get away with committing a crime is also a crime.
Trump will not lose any votes from this latest scandal....WHY???
Well, because most right wingers on here, for example, share the same PIG-LIKE mind-set as their Trumpster.
No, because Trump voters care about the issues, not this sleazy muck raking sewer sucking slime.

Give it up finger boi. You lost weeks ago.You can't see that yet?

We'll see when the votes are counted.

Your idol should drop out to save himself.
From what?

Did you watch the video?
Are you saying that the vagina candidate is LYING again? Funny how everyone else must do what she says, but when it comes to her family, then they can get away with "murder, rape, theft, etc, etc, etc....

Un proven ALLEGATIONS, by you morons......But, who can blame your half-brains...LOL
Unproven my ass, you lower than a box of rocks. Come on, why else has slick willie and his floozy of a wife, able to amass a large fortune, but those who knew what they did, have come up either missing or mysteriously dead? I used to be surprised at how stupid liberals are, but after seeing the propaganda machine in action, and the mass indoctrination to libtardism, you understand how worthless the left has become.
This latest and devastating expose of Trump's misogynistic and pig-like statement about women should be the END of Trump's candidacy....

Paul Ryan has just basically said that he will not be seen on stage with Trump tomorrow (and the pig, Trump, just announced he will send pence to the WI rally while he stays in his penthouse brooding).

Romney, McCain, Preibus and several other leading republicans have just condemned Trump....the pig, and some are even stating that Trump should drop out and Pence take the lead spot.

Given all of the above, every republican running for an elected post will be asked the simple "Yes or No" question:
:"Will you sir/madam be voting for Trump next month? Yes or No?"

It is time for the GOP to save itself from this charlatan, orange clown and most certainly, boorish PIG......
You're delusional. Hillary is married to a serial rapist.
Where are the indictments, the convictions?
You're delusional. Hillary is married to a serial rapist.

Apparently, LIbErals consider making some tasteless remarks to be a greater offense than aiding and abetting a violent serial sexual abuser.
Of course they do. Slick could molest an 8 year old on the capital steps, and the douche bags would defend him.
Simply not true...but you sure like to throw unproven accusations around without indictments or convictions.
This latest and devastating expose of Trump's misogynistic and pig-like statement about women should be the END of Trump's candidacy....

Paul Ryan has just basically said that he will not be seen on stage with Trump tomorrow (and the pig, Trump, just announced he will send pence to the WI rally while he stays in his penthouse brooding).

Romney, McCain, Preibus and several other leading republicans have just condemned Trump....the pig, and some are even stating that Trump should drop out and Pence take the lead spot.

Given all of the above, every republican running for an elected post will be asked the simple "Yes or No" question:
:"Will you sir/madam be voting for Trump next month? Yes or No?"

It is time for the GOP to save itself from this charlatan, orange clown and most certainly, boorish PIG......

All a bunch of hypocrites, I don't know a man or woman who haven't made similar comments at some point in their lives. Plus he apologized, so it's all good. Isn't that what you say about the hildabitch endangering nation security, like they actually compare.
Interesting...Sen Robert Byrd Apologized too...years ago and changed his ways...and Righties still go on about it...and he's dead, and not running for anything.
You and rest of the left are nothing blowhard bottom feeding cock roaches.

"Excellent" defense there, Beagle..Stick with it and see where that leads your ilk.....

Just ask Gennifer Flowers and others. Clinton actions as opposed to Trump words. Then again you don't give a damn about anything resembling the truth.
Carry on comrade.
Bill Clinton is a serial adulterer...no one denies that...but why wouldn't Flowers press charges?
Are you saying that the vagina candidate is LYING again? Funny how everyone else must do what she says, but when it comes to her family, then they can get away with "murder, rape, theft, etc, etc, etc....

Un proven ALLEGATIONS, by you morons......But, who can blame your half-brains...LOL
Unproven my ass, you lower than a box of rocks. Come on, why else has slick willie and his floozy of a wife, able to amass a large fortune, but those who knew what they did, have come up either missing or mysteriously dead? I used to be surprised at how stupid liberals are, but after seeing the propaganda machine in action, and the mass indoctrination to libtardism, you understand how worthless the left has become.

There is a fifth dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between fear and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the dogma which restricts his knowledge. This is the dimension of conservatism, in an area we call the lunatic fringe.
This latest and devastating expose of Trump's misogynistic and pig-like statement about women should be the END of Trump's candidacy....

Paul Ryan has just basically said that he will not be seen on stage with Trump tomorrow (and the pig, Trump, just announced he will send pence to the WI rally while he stays in his penthouse brooding).

Romney, McCain, Preibus and several other leading republicans have just condemned Trump....the pig, and some are even stating that Trump should drop out and Pence take the lead spot.

Given all of the above, every republican running for an elected post will be asked the simple "Yes or No" question:
:"Will you sir/madam be voting for Trump next month? Yes or No?"

It is time for the GOP to save itself from this charlatan, orange clown and most certainly, boorish PIG......

That's fair. That's like asking Tim Kaine if Hillary Clinton is Trustworthy. Watch Washington Politicians at their finest when it is not possible to give a straight answer. Tim Kaine showed us that.

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