Everyone you disagree with politically is not a traitor.

What this place shows is that there are a LOT of crazy nutters who post here, many who are the type the police would profile for potential crimes.
CAN we knock off the stupid bullshit please...
'Traitor' gets thrown around far too easily, just the same as 'Hero'. I thank John McCain for his service to the USA but I see him as neither a traitor nor a hero. He needs to make the best of the time he has left and step down. Fortunately or not, what he will be remembered for is his inexplicable YES then NO vote on the Obamacare repeal.
'Traitor' gets thrown around far too easily, just the same as 'Hero'. I thank John McCain for his service to the USA but I see him as neither a traitor nor a hero. He needs to make the best of the time he has left and step down. Fortunately or not, what he will be remembered for is his inexplicable YES then NO vote on the Obamacare repeal.
CAN we knock off the stupid bullshit please...
Not gonna happen. We're stuck in this insane hyperbole loop where everyone who disagrees with me is a traitor and Hitler and wants everybody dead.

It was tough enough taking partisan bullshit seriously before, now it's just noise.
Indeed, "liberals" only want words they like, and opinions they like, and you cannot ever

1. dispute Global Warming
2. use the N-word if you aren't a black Dem
3. question what happened on 911
4. notice that John SELLOUT McAIPAC went to a Shia portion of Iraq and accused Shia Iran of colluding with Sunni Al Qaeda

Nope, you must use only words approved by supporters of Big Government....
The word ONLY, insulting when used to put all people in one bag, the largest part of the population has the ability to use there brain, they may be liberal in some areas an conservative in others.
What this place shows is that there are a LOT of crazy nutters who post here, many who are the type the police would profile for potential crimes.
thats what happened to dottie......only he acted on it....

CAN we knock off the stupid bullshit please...

Of course I know this and you know this, sir, but that simple concept can't resonate with anti-Trump fanatical liberal "brains".....a brain replaced by a can of maggots in the middle of their goblinesque skulls.
Indeed, "liberals" only want words they like, and opinions they like, and you cannot ever

1. dispute Global Warming
2. use the N-word if you aren't a black Dem
3. question what happened on 911
4. notice that John SELLOUT McAIPAC went to a Shia portion of Iraq and accused Shia Iran of colluding with Sunni Al Qaeda

Nope, you must use only words approved by supporters of Big Government....
Calling you out for your stupidity doesn't make me a liberal, it just makes me observant and you look even dumber in the process

You're trying to placate folks who truly hate you. They're never gonna accept you, or 'like' you. You remind me of that traitorous fool John McInsane. He's always tried desperately to get Communist/Progressive Democrat assholes to like him.

McCain calls himself a 'Maverick', but he's really just a an embarrassing old fool. So stop trying to play the middle, and hope the assholes will 'like' you. Because when push comes to shove, they'll always despise you. They're filled with hate.
Everyone who disagrees with you politically is a Nazi.

Fixed, now it reflects the far left perfectly.
CAN we knock off the stupid bullshit please...
I noticed my brother and his Co worker who both make over $200k at least are not happy with Trump. I've stopped bashing Trump. I ask people how they think Trump is doing and I listen.

So how do you think Trump is doing?

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