Everyone you disagree with politically is not a traitor.

The country is so divided now that it is virtually two separate countries that are diametrically opposed. Effectively, loyalty to one faction is automatically treason to the other.

I am thrilled to be a traitor to Democrats. I hope to see the day when their ideology is crushed to dust.
Then you'll have to show us your way works. If it works great but one problem. It doesn't.
He got elected based on illegal immigration.

Illegal immigration down 80%.


:desk: Yeah.


Of course, even your fake news sources recognize the fact.

Illegal immigration across southwest border down 70 percent under Trump

Winning... supreme.

Oh no no no. You didn't say anything about a "southwest border". You just said "illegal immigration".

You see Greengums ---- most illegal immigration comes from overstayed visas. That has nothing to do with "borders". Got a link for that?

You see son.... this cockamamie snake oil about "Mexcian rapists jumping across the Rio Grande and that's why we need a wall" was just selling "feelings"* to buy votes from the Gullibles. It isn't related to the real world.

(*You don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell FEELINGS" --- Rump Fraud University playbook)

So no link huh?

And where is your evidence that overstayed visas haven't decreased as much - maybe the percentage is even higher there?

Most people don't give a shit about some student overstaying a Visa by a day or two anyway. Seems like Trump has the priorities in order. You must admit, the results are surreal and exceptional.

I didn't make an assertion that they went down or didn't, Spunkles. I don't have that burden of proof -- you do.

That's kind of why I don't make assertions unless I know what I'm talking about before I make them.

Irrelevant bullshit. The fact is the BORDER immigration is down in spades. The ISSUE which he promised to fix, the issue which he ran on. It simply can't be denied.

It's time to face the facts, Trump is the real deal. A winner... that would make you... a loser.
:desk: Yeah.


Of course, even your fake news sources recognize the fact.

Illegal immigration across southwest border down 70 percent under Trump

Winning... supreme.

Oh no no no. You didn't say anything about a "southwest border". You just said "illegal immigration".

You see Greengums ---- most illegal immigration comes from overstayed visas. That has nothing to do with "borders". Got a link for that?

You see son.... this cockamamie snake oil about "Mexcian rapists jumping across the Rio Grande and that's why we need a wall" was just selling "feelings"* to buy votes from the Gullibles. It isn't related to the real world.

(*You don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell FEELINGS" --- Rump Fraud University playbook)

So no link huh?

And where is your evidence that overstayed visas haven't decreased as much - maybe the percentage is even higher there?

Most people don't give a shit about some student overstaying a Visa by a day or two anyway. Seems like Trump has the priorities in order. You must admit, the results are surreal and exceptional.

I didn't make an assertion that they went down or didn't, Spunkles. I don't have that burden of proof -- you do.

That's kind of why I don't make assertions unless I know what I'm talking about before I make them.

Irrelevant bullshit. The fact is the BORDER immigration is down in spades. The ISSUE which he promised to fix, the issue which he ran on. It simply can't be denied.

It's time to face the facts, Trump is the real deal. A winner... that would make you... a loser.

mmmmmm nope. I didn't make an assertion I can't back up.
Of course, even your fake news sources recognize the fact.

Illegal immigration across southwest border down 70 percent under Trump

Winning... supreme.

Oh no no no. You didn't say anything about a "southwest border". You just said "illegal immigration".

You see Greengums ---- most illegal immigration comes from overstayed visas. That has nothing to do with "borders". Got a link for that?

You see son.... this cockamamie snake oil about "Mexcian rapists jumping across the Rio Grande and that's why we need a wall" was just selling "feelings"* to buy votes from the Gullibles. It isn't related to the real world.

(*You don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell FEELINGS" --- Rump Fraud University playbook)

So no link huh?

And where is your evidence that overstayed visas haven't decreased as much - maybe the percentage is even higher there?

Most people don't give a shit about some student overstaying a Visa by a day or two anyway. Seems like Trump has the priorities in order. You must admit, the results are surreal and exceptional.

I didn't make an assertion that they went down or didn't, Spunkles. I don't have that burden of proof -- you do.

That's kind of why I don't make assertions unless I know what I'm talking about before I make them.

Irrelevant bullshit. The fact is the BORDER immigration is down in spades. The ISSUE which he promised to fix, the issue which he ran on. It simply can't be denied.

It's time to face the facts, Trump is the real deal. A winner... that would make you... a loser.

mmmmmm nope. I didn't make an assertion I can't back up.

More irrelevant bullshit.

Trump got the job done, you mostly whine and produce irrelevant noise. A noise generator would produce more relevant content than you. The difference between winner and a loser.
Last edited:
CAN we knock off the stupid bullshit please...
I don't see rightwingers as traitors. I see them not being smart enough to know what patriotic policy looks like.

Insipid mindless bed wetters like this are the reason I encourage liberals to abort their genetic garbage well into the 117th trimester.
Sorry, Pete, you are one of the people I am referring to. In fact, you're a few rungs down that intellectual ladder.
CAN we knock off the stupid bullshit please...
I don't see rightwingers as traitors. I see them not being smart enough to know what patriotic policy looks like.

Insipid mindless bed wetters like this are the reason I encourage liberals to abort their genetic garbage well into the 117th trimester.
Sorry, Pete, you are one of the people I am referring to. In fact, you're a few rungs down that intellectual ladder.


Such arrogance comes from someone who has hidden insecurities and deficiencies of his own. I tend to see arrogance as a sign of a lack of intelligence.

You have arrogance in spades.
I see them not being smart enough to know what patriotic policy looks like.

Uh... I'm not really sure how to respond to this statement, I mean I'll try, but...

I'll start by asking this: If Republican policy has no merit, why give it so much attention? Why not let it die? Why all the protests and the namecalling?

When you do those things, that is a sign that deep in your subconscious, you know the policies of "right wingers" are in fact superior to your own. The output is fear, rejection and bigotry to/of different policies and ideas. That fear, rejection, and bigotry is reflected in your words and actions.
CAN we knock off the stupid bullshit please...
I don't see rightwingers as traitors. I see them not being smart enough to know what patriotic policy looks like.

Insipid mindless bed wetters like this are the reason I encourage liberals to abort their genetic garbage well into the 117th trimester.
Sorry, Pete, you are one of the people I am referring to. In fact, you're a few rungs down that intellectual ladder.


Such arrogance comes from someone who has hidden insecurities and deficiencies of his own. I tend to see arrogance as a sign of a lack of intelligence.

You have arrogance in spades.

That bed wetter escaped the womb to the detriment of our society.

Anyone who promotes the policies they do are either complete imbeciles or they're sociopaths seeking to enrich themselves at the expense of those being governed.

You have to be a major league fucktard to see what is happening in Venezuela right now, lament that we aren't copying them, and call yourself a "patriot".

It's Weapons Grade Stupidity.

Indeed, "liberals" only want words they like, and opinions they like, and you cannot ever

1. dispute Global Warming
2. use the N-word if you aren't a black Dem
3. question what happened on 911
4. notice that John SELLOUT McAIPAC went to a Shia portion of Iraq and accused Shia Iran of colluding with Sunni Al Qaeda

Nope, you must use only words approved by supporters of Big Government....

You right wingers have been watching and rallying around a traitor (Sean Hannity.) Hannity who has repeatedly praised Julian Assange, (Wikileaks founder) who was recently labled a HOSTILE intelligence enemy of this nation by CIA chief Pompeo for leaking 1000's of CIA classified documents informing terrorists on the tactics used to catch them. Assange who has been hole'd up in the Ecuador Embassy for the last 4 years, avoiding extradition back to the U.S. to face charges on what he did to G.W. Bush, (basically putting a target on every American soldiers back.)
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?
CIA director Mike Pompeo says WikiLeaks is a hostile intelligence service.

Here's just a little of the crap that is spewed out on his show.

Trump & his supporters love the guy!

Trump Mentioned WikiLeaks 164 Times In Final Month - Political Wire

Sara Palin even aplogized to him.
Sarah Palin apologizes to Julian Assange, thanks him for ‘exposing the truth’

But here's what G.W. Bush did:
This week, upon learning that Julian Assange had recently been invited to address the same summit, President Bush decided to cancel his appearance,” said Bush spokesman David Sherzer. “The former president has no desire to share a forum with a man who has willfully and repeatedly done great harm to the interests of the United States.”
Former President G.W. Bush cancels speech over Assange invite – The Denver Post

At some point you Trump supporters are going to have to ask yourselves if you're really Americans.

Indeed, "liberals" only want words they like, and opinions they like, and you cannot ever

1. dispute Global Warming
2. use the N-word if you aren't a black Dem
3. question what happened on 911
4. notice that John SELLOUT McAIPAC went to a Shia portion of Iraq and accused Shia Iran of colluding with Sunni Al Qaeda

Nope, you must use only words approved by supporters of Big Government....

You right wingers have been watching and rallying around a traitor (Sean Hannity.) Hannity who has repeatedly praised Julian Assange, (Wikileaks founder) who was recently labled a HOSTILE intelligence enemy of this nation by CIA chief Pompeo for leaking 1000's of CIA classified documents informing terrorists on the tactics used to catch them. Assange who has been hole'd up in the Ecuador Embassy for the last 4 years, avoiding extradition back to the U.S. to face charges on what he did to G.W. Bush, (basically putting a target on every American soldiers back.)
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?
CIA director Mike Pompeo says WikiLeaks is a hostile intelligence service.

Here's just a little of the crap that is spewed out on his show.

Trump & his supporters love the guy!

Trump Mentioned WikiLeaks 164 Times In Final Month - Political Wire

Sara Palin even aplogized to him.
Sarah Palin apologizes to Julian Assange, thanks him for ‘exposing the truth’

But here's what G.W. Bush did:
This week, upon learning that Julian Assange had recently been invited to address the same summit, President Bush decided to cancel his appearance,” said Bush spokesman David Sherzer. “The former president has no desire to share a forum with a man who has willfully and repeatedly done great harm to the interests of the United States.”
Former President G.W. Bush cancels speech over Assange invite – The Denver Post

At some point you Trump supporters are going to have to ask yourselves if you're really Americans.


Lol, and here comes someone to make the OP's case.

CAN we knock off the stupid bullshit please...
I don't see rightwingers as traitors. I see them not being smart enough to know what patriotic policy looks like.

Insipid mindless bed wetters like this are the reason I encourage liberals to abort their genetic garbage well into the 117th trimester.
Sorry, Pete, you are one of the people I am referring to. In fact, you're a few rungs down that intellectual ladder.


Such arrogance comes from someone who has hidden insecurities and deficiencies of his own. I tend to see arrogance as a sign of a lack of intelligence.

You have arrogance in spades.
It's not about my insecurities or yours (restarting from TemplarKormac) it's about the fact that liberals are smarter on average. I speak from objectivity.
I see them not being smart enough to know what patriotic policy looks like.

Uh... I'm not really sure how to respond to this statement, I mean I'll try, but...

I'll start by asking this: If Republican policy has no merit, why give it so much attention? Why not let it die? Why all the protests and the namecalling?

When you do those things, that is a sign that deep in your subconscious, you know the policies of "right wingers" are in fact superior to your own. The output is fear, rejection and bigotry to/of different policies and ideas. That fear, rejection, and bigotry is reflected in your words and actions.
Republican policy survives because of stupidity. That's why we liberals protest it. None of you can rationally explain why you vote republican, but you do it anyway. We have to call you out on that bullshit.
It's not about my insecurities or yours (restarting from TemplarKormac) it's about the fact that liberals are smarter on average

Bullshit. I'm not even college educated and I can easily blow your arguments away like chaff on the wind.

More arrogance though...meaning you're trying to make up for something you clearly lack.
CAN we knock off the stupid bullshit please...
I don't see rightwingers as traitors. I see them not being smart enough to know what patriotic policy looks like.

Insipid mindless bed wetters like this are the reason I encourage liberals to abort their genetic garbage well into the 117th trimester.
Sorry, Pete, you are one of the people I am referring to. In fact, you're a few rungs down that intellectual ladder.


Such arrogance comes from someone who has hidden insecurities and deficiencies of his own. I tend to see arrogance as a sign of a lack of intelligence.

You have arrogance in spades.
It's not about my insecurities or yours (restarting from TemplarKormac) it's about the fact that liberals are smarter on average. I speak from objectivity.


I'll bet this fuckhead really believes that too.

Gee... let's run our government like they do in Venezuela... Then run around and insist we're smarter than the people who oppose the idea.

Weapons Grade Stupid.

It's not about my insecurities or yours (restarting from TemplarKormac) it's about the fact that liberals are smarter on average

Bullshit. I'm not even college educated and I can easily blow your arguments away like chaff on the wind.

More arrogance though...meaning you're trying to make up for something you clearly lack.
I've argued with you so many times, TK. It always ends the same way.
Republican policy survives because of stupidity. That's why we liberals protest it

Okay, so, I'll repeat the question. If Republican policy is so bad, why give it any attention? If something has no merit, give it no attention.

What is there to be afraid of?
I don't see rightwingers as traitors. I see them not being smart enough to know what patriotic policy looks like.

Insipid mindless bed wetters like this are the reason I encourage liberals to abort their genetic garbage well into the 117th trimester.
Sorry, Pete, you are one of the people I am referring to. In fact, you're a few rungs down that intellectual ladder.


Such arrogance comes from someone who has hidden insecurities and deficiencies of his own. I tend to see arrogance as a sign of a lack of intelligence.

You have arrogance in spades.
It's not about my insecurities or yours (restarting from TemplarKormac) it's about the fact that liberals are smarter on average. I speak from objectivity.


I'll bet this fuckhead really believes that too.

Gee... let's run our government like they do in Venezuela... Then run around and insist we're smarter than the people who oppose the idea.

Weapons Grade Stupid.
Why would you think Venezuela is at all relevant to this conversation?
It's not about my insecurities or yours (restarting from TemplarKormac) it's about the fact that liberals are smarter on average

Bullshit. I'm not even college educated and I can easily blow your arguments away like chaff on the wind.

More arrogance though...meaning you're trying to make up for something you clearly lack.
I've argued with you so many times, TK. It always ends the same way.

Yes, badly, for you.

Do you have any arguments other than "hurr durr, Republicans and right wingers are stooopid!"?

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