Everything I Learned About WW II Is A LIE!

I really have no use for your holocaust stories, over 65 million people died due to your Zionist jews, and more in the 1st WW due to you Zionist Jews, so spare me with any sympathy for any jew suffering that you Jews put upon your own people. Then you have the nerve to do 911 here. Only a fool believes the holocaust money making , poor poor jew story of woe. Just like slaves in Egypt, you were the slave owners. Sara not one kid and needs a slave, and then gives her to Abraham. What a hoot.

I will repeat some boring information which I have posted many times--------I read the islamo Nazi literature long ago------when I was a kid (DAMNED LONG AGO) Lots of Nazi scum in my little hometown circa 1960----but in the 30s HARDCORE all Nazi scum and the place was rife with old bit and pieces of Nazi literature (even on the magazine shelves of the little town library) Holocaust denial was already in FULL swing in the mid 1930s-----the Nazi pigs were DENYING that which they had just begun to do and the theme of the stuff was that anyone
claiming that there was anything wrong with the beloved
FUHRER was OBVIOUSLY A ZIONIST WAR MONGER------mid 1930s If only the world has listened to DA JOOOOOOOS
If there have ever been any "pigs" you take the lead. It is fascinating how much you jooz or whatever you are love to lie. But there are answers to bury your lies. Anybody can expose one of your lies by typing into their browser, "The Haavara Agreement." The Nazi's real "final solution" was to deport most of their Jews to Palestine. You know, that place where many Jews choose to go to these days.

At one website, they had what they called "The Best Answer." It said that Germany had deported 60 to 70% of German Jews to Palestine. Their wealth was to follow them in the form of German exports. That doesn't sound like the heinous kind of "final solution" your filthy kind try to convince the gullible on.

try again, filthy ass cocksucking lump of shit.....there was no Haavarah agreement and no jews were deported to
Palestine from Germany -------they ended up in the condition I wish upon every filthy stinking bastard in your stinking filthy family------just like my Austrian cousins, dead in lime pits in AUSCHWITZ ---MAY YOU SEE THE FILTHY BASTARD KIDS OF YOUR own with heads smashed against stone walls -----in fact may you see the shit of your own in that condition FOREVER------or better yet-----the sight of them being swung from the ankles against the stone walls over and over again for all eternity-------and as for the slut women-------there are even more exciting ends for that filth

Nasty foul mouth. Probably died from fleas.
There are many conspiracy theories out there. Such as the U.S. being behind the 9-11 attacks, the moon landing being faked, the earth only being 6000 years old, etc. To the best of my ability to judge, what I am about to tell you isn't one of those, but fact. Keep in mind something an English officer around the time of WW I is noted to have said. "In war, truth is the first casualty." Also keep in mind that history is written by the victors.

About a year ago, I typed into my browser, "Old Red Cross documents that list concentration camp deaths." I found some old Red Cross documents that say that only about 271,000 Jews died in Nazi "concentration camps." Not 6 million. As far as I could find out, these documents were classified and buried in some archive for decades. They were declassified and released sometime in the 70's. It would seem that holocaust deniers did have a leg to stand on.

A couple of months ago, I heard about a documentary that can be seen for free on the internet. It's called, "Adolf Hitler: The greatest story NEVER told." It was overly long. 6 hours long in fact. It took me three or four days to watch it all. But here and there throughout it, there was information that was astonishing! (Interestingly enough, the Red Cross documents I mentioned wasn't included) It is incredible to what degree the American people have been LIED to! The holocaust indeed was largely a hoax! Don't believe it? Look up the Red Cross documents I mentioned. Also, take a little time each day to watch the documentary I mentioned. You will see the real truth.
Didn't this guy just get banned from the web site?
oh gee------the pile of islamo Nazi shit issues POSTS on the bodies the millions of dead -------for the TITILLATION of his filthy whore sluts
Another moronic ploy. Don't tie me in with anything having to do with Islam. I am a WHITE American. I hate Muslims about as much as I hate Jews. But hate isn't behind any holocaust denial. FACTS are. REAL facts. Not the bullshit anti-Nazi propaganda you promote.

You have attributed to me a quote I did not make (a serious offense of board rules) probably because you were not paying attention. Check above. Please fix it.

Anyone who calls the Nuremberg Trials a 'sham' is at the best an idiot, at the worst, a social defunct of the lowest sort.
Jake Starkey,
If I made a mistake, sue me. Where dies it say in the rules that people have to be absolutely flawless. Part of any fault lies with the way that this forum works. When I hit "reply," it often brings up a lot of stuff that I don't need it to. Do I delete it before writing a reply. As to what I "may" have misquoted you as saying, from what you say here, you may as well have said it. So any reply of mine, misquoted or not, is still valid.
MrKnow is clearly a social defunct, and I think quite obviously, a sock of someone who was kicked off the board earlier for similar nonsense.

Every time he breaks the rules, report him.
MrKnow is clearly a social defunct, and I think quite obviously, a sock of someone who was kicked off the board earlier for similar nonsense.

Every time he breaks the rules, report him.
How about trying to debate me instead of accusing me of something. Not up to it?
There are many conspiracy theories out there. Such as the U.S. being behind the 9-11 attacks, the moon landing being faked, the earth only being 6000 years old, etc. To the best of my ability to judge, what I am about to tell you isn't one of those, but fact. Keep in mind something an English officer around the time of WW I is noted to have said. "In war, truth is the first casualty." Also keep in mind that history is written by the victors.

About a year ago, I typed into my browser, "Old Red Cross documents that list concentration camp deaths." I found some old Red Cross documents that say that only about 271,000 Jews died in Nazi "concentration camps." Not 6 million. As far as I could find out, these documents were classified and buried in some archive for decades. They were declassified and released sometime in the 70's. It would seem that holocaust deniers did have a leg to stand on.

A couple of months ago, I heard about a documentary that can be seen for free on the internet. It's called, "Adolf Hitler: The greatest story NEVER told." It was overly long. 6 hours long in fact. It took me three or four days to watch it all. But here and there throughout it, there was information that was astonishing! (Interestingly enough, the Red Cross documents I mentioned wasn't included) It is incredible to what degree the American people have been LIED to! The holocaust indeed was largely a hoax! Don't believe it? Look up the Red Cross documents I mentioned. Also, take a little time each day to watch the documentary I mentioned. You will see the real truth.
Didn't this guy just get banned from the web site?
I think it is him, yes.
You have attributed to me a quote I did not make (a serious offense of board rules) probably because you were not paying attention. Check above. Please fix it.

Anyone who calls the Nuremberg Trials a 'sham' is at the best an idiot, at the worst, a social defunct of the lowest sort.
Jake Starkey,
If I made a mistake, sue me. Where dies it say in the rules that people have to be absolutely flawless. Part of any fault lies with the way that this forum works. When I hit "reply," it often brings up a lot of stuff that I don't need it to. Do I delete it before writing a reply. As to what I "may" have misquoted you as saying, from what you say here, you may as well have said it. So any reply of mine, misquoted or not, is still valid.
Not at all, it is your error, and as such the entire post can be ignored as a flaw on your part.
MrKnow is clearly a social defunct, and I think quite obviously, a sock of someone who was kicked off the board earlier for similar nonsense.

Every time he breaks the rules, report him.
MrKnow is clearly a social defunct, and I think quite obviously, a sock of someone who was kicked off the board earlier for similar nonsense.

Every time he breaks the rules, report him.
How about trying to debate me instead of accusing me of something. Not up to it?
What you think means absolutely nothing to the clear minded folks on the board.
oh gee------the pile of islamo Nazi shit issues POSTS on the bodies the millions of dead -------for the TITILLATION of his filthy whore sluts
Another moronic ploy. Don't tie me in with anything having to do with Islam. I am a WHITE American. I hate Muslims about as much as I hate Jews. But hate isn't behind any holocaust denial. FACTS are. REAL facts. Not the bullshit anti-Nazi propaganda you promote.
God played a trick on you. You aren't really white. You just look that way until you move to hell. Big surprise coming your way.
I was speaking for myself. If you want to know what the Red Cross documents said, do what I did and look them up. There is something else you can look up. Type into your browser, "Esinehower's Holocaust." Read it.
I don't think I need to. Look what it's done to you.

You're afraid of blacks and Jews.

What else are you afraid of, that you must isolate yourself?
OMG, yet another dumbfuck holocaust denier.

WTF, were you born on Mars? Nope, you were born on URANUS.

It is interesting when the ignorant are abusive. In the documentary I mentioned, they SHOW some newspaper articles that appeared from time to time. Starting from 1913 to about the time of WW II. They talked about something bad happening to 6 million Jews. I guess when a lie works, stick with it. They also SHOW swimming pools that they had at some Jewish internment camps.

They also SHOW "camp money" that was given to inmates to buy things with. One of the most infamous "death camps" was Buchenwald. There is a holocaust memorial museum there now. Today, there is a sign in front of the place. They SHOW it. One of the things it says on it is, "No Jews were gassed here." The Jews would never let them get away with saying it if it couldn't be proved. So what does that have to say about all the Jews who were supposedly gassed there.

They also have a Jewish guy on there who was investigating the holocaust. They SHOWED him asking the lead administrator of a holocaust memorial if the gas chamber there was real. He was TOLD that it was made to look like a gas chamber by the Russians after the war.

They also have testimony from people who were actually PRISONERS in these "concentration camps TELLING you that things weren't as bad as they are made out to be. Etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. Watch the documentary yourself. Then tell me how real the holocaust was.
I guess if you want to prove something is true...you can find enough evidence that it is true...as long as you totally ignore everything else.
This guy is just spamming this across boards.

As with all Konspiracy Claims he is rather vague on the details- anyway just another Kook.
Maybe in a way I am spamming. Spamming to find idiots like you to debate me. But seeing how this is a debate forum, I don't see that as a bad thing. You also say my details are vague. Look up the Red Cross documents I mentioned, They aren't vague. You can SEE them. There also many un-vague things in the documentary I mentioned. Also, enter into your browser, "'Esienhower's Holocaust." It will show you an un-vague article to read.

No- I am not going to do your research.

You made vague claims and are spamming them across the internet- you haven't supported any of your claims.
Nor will I go down some rabbit hole of Holocaust Denier center just to find out what you want us to believe.

Right now you sound like a Holocaust denier kook. You want to sound like anything else- provide links to substantiate whatever claims you have- and not some 6 hour documentary.

I swear Conspiracy fanatics love videos- because people can't actually reference the words- anything where a video is the only support is almost certain to be bogus.

Meanwhile I will leave you with the very current testimony of a former SS prison camp guard

Bookkeeper of Auschwitz Former camp guard Oskar Groening asks for forgiveness at start of trial on 300 000 counts of accessory to murder - ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation

roening, a widowed father of two adult sons, entered court using a walking frame.

He said that as a young man he had volunteered for the SS because, in the fervour of wartime, "we wanted to be part of it", insisting he knew nothing at the time about the gas chambers.

Speaking in a firm voice, he recounted acts of barbarism he witnessed at Auschwitz, including when an SS guard killed a crying baby by smashing its head against a truck.

The defendant also said that he once passed a gas chamber and heard cries "growing louder and more desperate, until they fell silent".

Groening, unlike most former Nazis, has often spoken in media interviews about what he did and saw at Auschwitz.

He first opened up about his past in 1985, when a member of his stamp collectors' club handed him a book written by a Holocaust denier.

Groening returned it with the message "I saw everything. The gas chambers, the cremations, the selection process... I was there

This is so sick they hauled this accountant in forced to say whatever they told him to avoid 15 years in prison. That is what these ........Zionist so. When people are in a war they do as they are told. I have no doubt, no doubt at all he said he saw the gas chambers to get out of going to prison. I say lets bring all veterans in from WWII and Vietnam who served in a war and charge them with war crimes. this is the most sickening display to date of those Zionist trying to make believable the fable they created. (how in the hell could he see gas chambers when there weren't any?)

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