Everything I Learned About WW II Is A LIE!

I'm a Caucasian American as well.

That's a crying shame, for I am a caucasian as well, and sorry to have to be in the company of such vile anti-semitic shit as someone like you.


Well you can tell the same ole story, but I for one do not believe the fable.
Denial isn't just a river in Egypt either.

The more they try and produce evidence about the holocaust, the more unbelievable it becomes. did the same 6 million dying after WW1 in 1922 in Russia die in WWII too?
I'm a Caucasian American as well.

That's a crying shame, for I am a caucasian as well, and sorry to have to be in the company of such vile anti-semitic shit as someone like you.


Well you can tell the same ole story, but I for one do not believe the fable.
Denial isn't just a river in Egypt either.

The more they try and produce evidence about the holocaust, the more unbelievable it becomes. did the same 6 million dying after WW1 in 1922 in Russia die in WWII too?

Denying the holocaust is akin to believing the Earth is flat. Because you never saw the thousands of corpses you refuse to admit it ever happened. Jew haters will never admit it happened. That means that all of the pictures and videos made to document it were all somehow faked. The hundreds of US and Soviet troops who saw it with their own eyes are all liars in on some massive plot to piss off Muslims and White Supremacists.

There are only 13 million Jews give or take......in the world. Why is that? Why are there so many Muslims? Could it be because nobody was going around exterminating them like Muslims are to Christians or anyone who doesn't convert. What was the cause of just about every conflict in the Middle-East and half the conflicts everywhere else? What was Bosnia about. Why is ISIS a growing threat in the ME?
I'm a Caucasian American as well.

That's a crying shame, for I am a caucasian as well, and sorry to have to be in the company of such vile anti-semitic shit as someone like you.


Well you can tell the same ole story, but I for one do not believe the fable.
Denial isn't just a river in Egypt either.

The more they try and produce evidence about the holocaust, the more unbelievable it becomes. did the same 6 million dying after WW1 in 1922 in Russia die in WWII too?

Denying the holocaust is akin to believing the Earth is flat. Because you never saw the thousands of corpses you refuse to admit it ever happened. Jew haters will never admit it happened. That means that all of the pictures and videos made to document it were all somehow faked. The hundreds of US and Soviet troops who saw it with their own eyes are all liars in on some massive plot to piss off Muslims and White Supremacists.

There are only 13 million Jews give or take......in the world. Why is that? Why are there so many Muslims? Could it be because nobody was going around exterminating them like Muslims are to Christians or anyone who doesn't convert. What was the cause of just about every conflict in the Middle-East and half the conflicts everywhere else? What was Bosnia about. Why is ISIS a growing threat in the ME?

Because Jews or Hebrews became other people. Oh I seen the body of corpses, same pics the Russians and Japs had. That is what dead bodies look like, the thing to do is bury them deep or burn them. The soviets were the worst. You have fallen for this fable , hook , line and sinker. I have no sympathy for any Jews who died in WWII than for anyone else, esp since who begun WWII , the Zionist and who made out from WWII, the Zionist. The holohaux is just another story of woe by the Zionist, a money making fable to get sympathy and money. They will keep anti Semitism going as long as they can. The Zionist are rotten to the core.
Personally, I admire people who are referred to as holocaust deniers.

It shows they have chosen to think for themselves and not buy in to the zionist mass delusion. .... :cool:

Holocaust denial began in the early to mid 1930s----the islamo Nazi pigs were desperate to cover that which they were about
to do Adolf OPENLY modeled his denial system on the islamo Nazi pig denial of the Armenian genocide and ALSO the islamo Nazi revisionist history of the stink of shariah and dhimmia.
I read holocaust denial islamo Nazi shit------as a child circa 1960 and it included claims by the islamo Nazi scum of Germany ---
written way back in the second half of the decade of the 1930s
etc. By the late 1930s ---my own baby cousins brains had already been smashed against a brick wall by an islamo Nazi
pig. I understand from whence cometh sunni because I have
been in mosques and circa 1970 I came into contact with lots of
muslims ------educated in muslim lands------(mostly medical doctors) They were very bright and could quote the medical textbooks chapter and verse and ALSO ---the holocaust denial
literature written by escaped Nazi war criminals who had fled to
Syria and Egypt------the same stuff I read as a kid. Muslims like
to MEMORIZE the Koran-------they like to memorize lots of shit
Personally, I admire people who are referred to as holocaust deniers.

It shows they have chosen to think for themselves and not buy in to the zionist mass delusion. .... :cool:

of course you admire holocaust deniers------they are all islamo Nazi pigs
A lie told often enough becomes the truth.

Vladimir Lenin

(some people realize this, the more outrageous the lie, the more believable it becomes, when one is not allowed to even question an event, then its a lie)
A lie told often enough becomes the truth.

Vladimir Lenin

(some people realize this, the more outrageous the lie, the more believable it becomes, when one is not allowed to even question an event, then its a lie)

Right----so many of the people of your filth pile believed repeated lies that they still dance on the dead bodies of millions of infants.
The lie of the USA "south" was the "rape libel" ---it was actually invented by islamo Nazi pigs and galvanized the lynchings of little black boys. ----How old were you when you FIRST "KNEW" that black men like to rape little white girls----for that matter, how old were you when you first "knew" that
There are many conspiracy theories out there. Such as the U.S. being behind the 9-11 attacks, the moon landing being faked, the earth only being 6000 years old, etc. To the best of my ability to judge, what I am about to tell you isn't one of those, but fact. Keep in mind something an English officer around the time of WW I is noted to have said. "In war, truth is the first casualty." Also keep in mind that history is written by the victors.

About a year ago, I typed into my browser, "Old Red Cross documents that list concentration camp deaths." I found some old Red Cross documents that say that only about 271,000 Jews died in Nazi "concentration camps." Not 6 million. As far as I could find out, these documents were classified and buried in some archive for decades. They were declassified and released sometime in the 70's. It would seem that holocaust deniers did have a leg to stand on.

A couple of months ago, I heard about a documentary that can be seen for free on the internet. It's called, "Adolf Hitler: The greatest story NEVER told." It was overly long. 6 hours long in fact. It took me three or four days to watch it all. But here and there throughout it, there was information that was astonishing! (Interestingly enough, the Red Cross documents I mentioned wasn't included) It is incredible to what degree the American people have been LIED to! The holocaust indeed was largely a hoax! Don't believe it? Look up the Red Cross documents I mentioned. Also, take a little time each day to watch the documentary I mentioned. You will see the real truth.

I watched that documentary. As most posters around here know, I have an extremely non-prejudiced and free mind. I am always open to new ideas, and am completely non-biased and non-partisan. On the same token, neo-nazis and white supremacists make me ill.

I did an IMDb search on that particular documentary, and found it did get pretty good reviews.

It is important to remember though, there is a political agenda behind this documentary, so we need to view it with a bit of caution. The thing I did like about it though, is that is remained revelatory, and it sourced all of it's facts. I rarely learn things that I did not previously know before, and I did learn things in this documentary. The disinformation I had been fed about how the US treated Jesse Owens, and how Hitler treated Jesse Owens I found revelatory and startling. Also, I did not know that Germany was provoked into invading Poland, and had as much cause as any war that America has ever started. The seeds were planted in the partition and destruction when the allies diced up Germany after WWI. How much of this is a matter of perspective, much like when the US decides to intercede in any other humanitarian crises.

In the west we have been brain washed into think that Hitler "hated" other nations. That fact is, he just believe in a sort of hyper nationalism. It was prone to generate hatred of the other, something we can see now leads to division and war, but it was not directly a "white supremest" political ideology. We have been brainwashed into think that he believed the German race was "superior." I did not know that this is not what he thought. I did not know that he had an alliance with the Jewish people and that he even had Jewish and Islamic SS officers. It was REALLY enlightening.

After I got done viewing the movie, I went to Amazon, and did indeed find that there are several different translations of Mein Kampf. Some are authorized by the National Socialists, some are put out be Western Publishers. Only those published by western publishers are allowed to be sold in Europe. The authorized version by the National Socialists is still banned in many parts of Europe. It makes me curious as to why the truth is so dangerous to the world's population.
I'm a Caucasian American as well.

That's a crying shame, for I am a caucasian as well, and sorry to have to be in the company of such vile anti-semitic shit as someone like you.


Well you can tell the same ole story, but I for one do not believe the fable.
Denial isn't just a river in Egypt either.

The more they try and produce evidence about the holocaust, the more unbelievable it becomes. did the same 6 million dying after WW1 in 1922 in Russia die in WWII too?

Denying the holocaust is akin to believing the Earth is flat. Because you never saw the thousands of corpses you refuse to admit it ever happened. Jew haters will never admit it happened. That means that all of the pictures and videos made to document it were all somehow faked. The hundreds of US and Soviet troops who saw it with their own eyes are all liars in on some massive plot to piss off Muslims and White Supremacists.

There are only 13 million Jews give or take......in the world. Why is that? Why are there so many Muslims? Could it be because nobody was going around exterminating them like Muslims are to Christians or anyone who doesn't convert. What was the cause of just about every conflict in the Middle-East and half the conflicts everywhere else? What was Bosnia about. Why is ISIS a growing threat in the ME?
Ayup.. the goal of radical islam is to kill all jews.. then their christian brothers... Alah commands it.
Personally, I admire people who are referred to as holocaust deniers.

It shows they have chosen to think for themselves and not buy in to the zionist mass delusion. .... :cool:

of course you admire holocaust deniers------they are all islamo Nazi pigs

German soldiers were evangelical Christians.

can someone define "evangelical Christian"? I never thought of either Lutherans or Catholics as "evangelical Christians"----
my concept of evangelical Christians is something like Pentacostals and Baptists ???? and most especially
of the southern variety------like elvis Presley and billy graham ----
anyone????? As to islamo Nazi pigs-----all Nazis are islamo Nazi pigs. Nazism is the very basis of both SHARIAH LAW and the CANON LAW of the INQUISITION and the IDEOLOGY of such Christian movements as the KKK. It is the ideology of
CONSTANTINE----first emperor of the "holy' ' roman empire and later adopted by Muhummad
That's a crying shame, for I am a caucasian as well, and sorry to have to be in the company of such vile anti-semitic shit as someone like you.


Well you can tell the same ole story, but I for one do not believe the fable.
Denial isn't just a river in Egypt either.

The more they try and produce evidence about the holocaust, the more unbelievable it becomes. did the same 6 million dying after WW1 in 1922 in Russia die in WWII too?

Denying the holocaust is akin to believing the Earth is flat. Because you never saw the thousands of corpses you refuse to admit it ever happened. Jew haters will never admit it happened. That means that all of the pictures and videos made to document it were all somehow faked. The hundreds of US and Soviet troops who saw it with their own eyes are all liars in on some massive plot to piss off Muslims and White Supremacists.

There are only 13 million Jews give or take......in the world. Why is that? Why are there so many Muslims? Could it be because nobody was going around exterminating them like Muslims are to Christians or anyone who doesn't convert. What was the cause of just about every conflict in the Middle-East and half the conflicts everywhere else? What was Bosnia about. Why is ISIS a growing threat in the ME?

Because Jews or Hebrews became other people. Oh I seen the body of corpses, same pics the Russians and Japs had. That is what dead bodies look like, the thing to do is bury them deep or burn them. The soviets were the worst. You have fallen for this fable , hook , line and sinker. I have no sympathy for any Jews who died in WWII than for anyone else, esp since who begun WWII , the Zionist and who made out from WWII, the Zionist. The holohaux is just another story of woe by the Zionist, a money making fable to get sympathy and money. They will keep anti Semitism going as long as they can. The Zionist are rotten to the core.

Actually there is a cancer in Islam. Every once in awhile it comes to the surface. The cancer is a total lack of tolerance for people who are different. Sunni vs Shiite, Muslim vs Jew, Islam vs everyone else. They cannot learn to get along with non-believers because of pride or any number of other human frailties.
Mr. Beale------you were not "brain-washed-----you are just not all that bright. I attended US public schools all my life----even college----under graduate and graduate-------and I never believed that ADOLF HITLER had an intention of destroying "ALL" other nations. As to your claim that your hero had an "alliance with the jewish people" no he did not. Of course there
were muslim Nazi officers-------muslims are ardent Nazis. Obviously you never met a muslim I have interesting news for
you--------muslims denigrate blacks more than do Nazis ------yes----Nazis do hate blacks too. BUT----that does not mean they had an agenda do EXTERMINATE them -------they did not. They did not even have an agenda to exterminate POLES Being the super race does not mean "KILLING OFF THE REST OF THE WORLD"--------gee you are a bit shallow
There are many conspiracy theories out there. Such as the U.S. being behind the 9-11 attacks, the moon landing being faked, the earth only being 6000 years old, etc. To the best of my ability to judge, what I am about to tell you isn't one of those, but fact. Keep in mind something an English officer around the time of WW I is noted to have said. "In war, truth is the first casualty." Also keep in mind that history is written by the victors.

About a year ago, I typed into my browser, "Old Red Cross documents that list concentration camp deaths." I found some old Red Cross documents that say that only about 271,000 Jews died in Nazi "concentration camps." Not 6 million. As far as I could find out, these documents were classified and buried in some archive for decades. They were declassified and released sometime in the 70's. It would seem that holocaust deniers did have a leg to stand on.

A couple of months ago, I heard about a documentary that can be seen for free on the internet. It's called, "Adolf Hitler: The greatest story NEVER told." It was overly long. 6 hours long in fact. It took me three or four days to watch it all. But here and there throughout it, there was information that was astonishing! (Interestingly enough, the Red Cross documents I mentioned wasn't included) It is incredible to what degree the American people have been LIED to! The holocaust indeed was largely a hoax! Don't believe it? Look up the Red Cross documents I mentioned. Also, take a little time each day to watch the documentary I mentioned. You will see the real truth.

Germany arrests people like you ya know. And in Israel no one quite knows what happens...

"International Committee of the Red Cross[edit]

Holocaust deniers misrepresent and omit information contained in ICRC reports that contradict their claims.[65] Critics argue that Richard Harwood in his "Did Six Million Really Die?" pamphlet could only claim that the ICRC had found no evidence of a policy to exterminate Jews by ignoring key sections of the 1948 report, where the ICRC explicitly states that the systematic extermination of Jews was Nazi policy.[66]

Harwood disputed the notion that homicidal gas chambers were disguised as shower facilities by citing references in the report where ICRC officials inspected bathing facilities. He used their responses to argue that showers functioned as showers and were not part of a killing installation. However this is considered misrepresentation by critics, as the passage Harwood cited is in reference to Allied camps for civilians in Egypt and thus had nothing to do with Nazi concentration camps.[67]"
Criticism of Holocaust denial - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Holocaust denial began in the early to mid 1930s----the islamo Nazi pigs were desperate to cover that which they were about
That's quite amazing irosie.

When the alleged holocaust didn't start until the 1940's ...... :cool:

wrong----the islamo Nazi hero Adolf Hitler---wrote the sequel to the KORAN ---ie , mein kampf---in
Holocaust denial began in the early to mid 1930s----the islamo Nazi pigs were desperate to cover that which they were about
That's quite amazing irosie.

When the alleged holocaust didn't start until the 1940's ...... :cool:
wrong again sunni habibi The successor to AL NABI---wrote his MEIN KAMPF in 1925 and the NUREMBURG LAWS (which are simply, a replay of the stink and filth of shariah) were instituted in 1934. The Nuremburg laws are virtually the same as the laws that make it legal for muslims to commit genocide upon
non muslims-----the same system that legalized the Armenian genocide and, today legalizes the genocide of
Yazidis in Iraq. Khristallnacht which included shariah type pogroms against jews took place in 1938----that episode was not much different from pogroms in shariah shit holes. -----those that took place in CORDOBA
during the GOLDEN AGE OF SHARIAH SHIT-----and
even in Iraq in the early 40s------actually even in Yathrib when the rapist pig invaded that Jewish city in Arabia. If you depend on the weekly Khutbah Jumaat feces fling for either history or the insight into shariah-----you are lost
Personally, I admire people who are referred to as holocaust deniers.

It shows they have chosen to think for themselves and not buy in to the zionist mass delusion. .... :cool:

Holocaust denial began in the early to mid 1930s----the islamo Nazi pigs were desperate to cover that which they were about
to do Adolf OPENLY modeled his denial system on the islamo Nazi pig denial of the Armenian genocide and ALSO the islamo Nazi revisionist history of the stink of shariah and dhimmia.
I read holocaust denial islamo Nazi shit------as a child circa 1960 and it included claims by the islamo Nazi scum of Germany ---
written way back in the second half of the decade of the 1930s
etc. By the late 1930s ---my own baby cousins brains had already been smashed against a brick wall by an islamo Nazi
pig. I understand from whence cometh sunni because I have
been in mosques and circa 1970 I came into contact with lots of
muslims ------educated in muslim lands------(mostly medical doctors) They were very bright and could quote the medical textbooks chapter and verse and ALSO ---the holocaust denial
literature written by escaped Nazi war criminals who had fled to
Syria and Egypt------the same stuff I read as a kid. Muslims like
to MEMORIZE the Koran-------they like to memorize lots of shit

By the late 1930s ---my own baby cousins brains had already been smashed against a brick wall by an islamo Nazi,

Very few people would even do that to a baby (and if they did, it would be due to a person being very sick, was it your baby cousins father who did it ? ) , and what is an Islamo Nazi, is that a German soldier who practiced Islam?
Holocaust denial began in the early to mid 1930s----the islamo Nazi pigs were desperate to cover that which they were about
That's quite amazing irosie.

When the alleged holocaust didn't start until the 1940's ...... :cool:

The concentration camps were established as early as 1933.....and the ghettos a couple of years later. It began in stages....not all at once. Jews were herded like cattle into workcamps and made to do hard labor....many of them murdered for the slightest I fractions. 1941 was when they stopped beating around the Bush and started gassing them and throwing them in furnaces. Germans, for the most part, were in denial about it all through the 30s and through the end of the war.

The Holocaust - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

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