Everything's Big in Texas...

No wonder Conservatives are a plague on the United States. They prop up people like the murdering secessionist traitor, Rick Perry.

Texas is running huge deficits as well. Thats WITH every conservative economic trick in the book.

Texas does have a Debt problem. And that is on Rick Perry. But Perry has also created more Jobs than any other Governor/President in this country. Texas far & away leads the Nation in Job-Creation. So Perry is not the ideal Conservative but than who is? If Conservatives & Perry are a "plague" than what can you say about Socialist/Progressive Democrats?...Massive spending,Massive Debt,and no Jobs is nothing for Socialists/Progressives to boast about. I'll take Perry & Texas over them any day.
No wonder Conservatives are a plague on the United States. They prop up people like the murdering secessionist traitor, Rick Perry.

Texas is running huge deficits as well. Thats WITH every conservative economic trick in the book.

Texas does have a Debt problem. And that is on Rick Perry. But Perry has also created more Jobs than any other Governor/President in this country. Texas far & away leads the Nation in Job-Creation. So Perry is not the ideal Conservative but than who is? If Conservatives & Perry are a "plague" than what can you say about Socialist/Progressive Democrats?...Massive spending,Massive Debt,and no Jobs is nothing for Socialists/Progressives to boast about. I'll take Perry & Texas over them any day.

Perry's a traitor. And a murderer.
No wonder Conservatives are a plague on the United States. They prop up people like the murdering secessionist traitor, Rick Perry.

Texas is running huge deficits as well. Thats WITH every conservative economic trick in the book.

Texas does have a Debt problem. And that is on Rick Perry. But Perry has also created more Jobs than any other Governor/President in this country. Texas far & away leads the Nation in Job-Creation. So Perry is not the ideal Conservative but than who is? If Conservatives & Perry are a "plague" than what can you say about Socialist/Progressive Democrats?...Massive spending,Massive Debt,and no Jobs is nothing for Socialists/Progressives to boast about. I'll take Perry & Texas over them any day.

Perry's a traitor. And a murderer.

Perry has some Debt problems but his Job-Creation Record is second to none. No other Governor or President even comes close. Socialist/Progressive Democrats have offered us only Massive spending and Massive Debt. They have not created the Jobs. Perry trumps them on everything. Socialists/Progressives don't have a leg left to stand on. They're the last ones who should be criticizing anyone.
Perry has some Debt problems but his Job-Creation Record is second to none. No other Governor or President even comes close. Socialist/Progressive Democrats have offered us only Massive spending and Massive Debt. They have not created the Jobs. Perry trumps them on everything. Socialists/Progressives don't have a leg left to stand on. They're the last ones who should be criticizing anyone.

You realise he EXPANDED GOVERNMENT right?
No wonder Conservatives are a plague on the United States. They prop up people like the murdering secessionist traitor, Rick Perry.

Texas is running huge deficits as well. Thats WITH every conservative economic trick in the book.

Texas does have a Debt problem. And that is on Rick Perry. But Perry has also created more Jobs than any other Governor/President in this country. Texas far & away leads the Nation in Job-Creation. So Perry is not the ideal Conservative but than who is? If Conservatives & Perry are a "plague" than what can you say about Socialist/Progressive Democrats?...Massive spending,Massive Debt,and no Jobs is nothing for Socialists/Progressives to boast about. I'll take Perry & Texas over them any day.

Perry's a traitor. And a murderer.

how is he a murderer sallow?

and don't friggin say willingham.....
Texas does have a Debt problem. And that is on Rick Perry. But Perry has also created more Jobs than any other Governor/President in this country. Texas far & away leads the Nation in Job-Creation. So Perry is not the ideal Conservative but than who is? If Conservatives & Perry are a "plague" than what can you say about Socialist/Progressive Democrats?...Massive spending,Massive Debt,and no Jobs is nothing for Socialists/Progressives to boast about. I'll take Perry & Texas over them any day.

Perry's a traitor. And a murderer.

how is he a murderer sallow?

and don't friggin say willingham.....

Guess you caved on the traitor part. Because he fucking is one.

And yah..Willingham.
Texas can add government jobs because the state is being run right. Let's see now...how long has Texas had a republican governor? Is NYCarbineer from Dumas, Texas?

Yeah, somehow he neglected the other article from the same source:

Texas adds 732,800 jobs in 10 years; no other state tops 100,000 | The Business Journals

The inventory of private-sector jobs in Texas increased by 732,800 between April 2001 and the same month this year, according to an On Numbers analysis of new federal employment data.

No other state registered an increase of more than 100,000 private-sector jobs during the decade. Only 19 states and the District of Columbia posted any gains at all.

For reference to all you Libs out there that might not know what "Private-sector jobs" are: That's jobs OUTSDE Government.

So conservatives are FOR the expansion of government? Conservatives WANT our government at all levels to get bigger as the economy grows?

Who are the small-government conservatives then? What happened to them? Off riding their unicorns?

btw, I knew a post like yours would come up. I read the link. I figured someone on the right would step in it.

Texas posted the largest 10-year upswing in federal, state and local government jobs, adding 286,800 positions, according to an On Numbers study of employment data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

I don't see a breakdown of what type of government jobs are in these numbers. "Government" includes Federal employees that are in Texas....Texas does have a very large number of military bases for instance, as well as IRS sites. And by the way us conservatives don't consider all "government" jobs to be bad....border patrol, military, and police all count as "government" jobs even though they aren't doing any "governing".

You're also assuming that Texas is full of conservatives, Austin is full of liberals for example. Not to mention Gov Perry isn't a real conservative....he was for the Texas Trans-Corridor after all.
how is he a murderer sallow?

and don't friggin say willingham.....

Guess you caved on the traitor part. Because he fucking is one.

And yah..Willingham.

The guy who sat in his front lawn and watched his children burn up, but mustered enough courage to move his car? :eusa_shhh:

They screwed the pooch on the arson investigation. And hmm..I think the Firemen were holding him back when he tried to run back into his house to save his kids.

While he was talking, a fireman emerged from the house, cradling Amber. As she was given C.P.R., Willingham, who was twenty-three years old and powerfully built, ran to see her, then suddenly headed toward the babies’ room. Monaghan and another man restrained him. “We had to wrestle with him and then handcuff him, for his and our protection,” Monaghan later told police. “I received a black eye.” One of the first firemen at the scene told investigators that, at an earlier point, he had also held Willingham back. “Based on what I saw on how the fire was burning, it would have been crazy for anyone to try and go into the house,” he said.

Read more Cameron Todd Willingham, Texas, and the death penalty : The New Yorker

Perry's a traitor and a murderer. In other words...a good conservative.
Guess you caved on the traitor part. Because he fucking is one.

And yah..Willingham.

The guy who sat in his front lawn and watched his children burn up, but mustered enough courage to move his car? :eusa_shhh:

They screwed the pooch on the arson investigation. And hmm..I think the Firemen were holding him back when he tried to run back into his house to save his kids.

While he was talking, a fireman emerged from the house, cradling Amber. As she was given C.P.R., Willingham, who was twenty-three years old and powerfully built, ran to see her, then suddenly headed toward the babies’ room. Monaghan and another man restrained him. “We had to wrestle with him and then handcuff him, for his and our protection,” Monaghan later told police. “I received a black eye.” One of the first firemen at the scene told investigators that, at an earlier point, he had also held Willingham back. “Based on what I saw on how the fire was burning, it would have been crazy for anyone to try and go into the house,” he said.

Read more Cameron Todd Willingham, Texas, and the death penalty : The New Yorker

Perry's a traitor and a murderer. In other words...a good conservative.

this doesn't make him a murderer,I am not even going to get into the evidence I can post evidence as to his behavior and injuries etc. it will be a he said she said, which, really is beside the point.

a) this does not make perry a murderer unless you have decided once again to refine words to fit your own warped vocabulary becasue you type before you think, but you have done this so many times now, well...it speaks for itself,
b) the good conservative thing? you used to be a person one could have a debate with, say of 4 months ago, now? you're just full of screeching hyperventilating bombastic vitriol, theres no one left to speak to....unreal. amazing what the 'free license' to type and a place to do it does to people...sad actually.

I'll pass on the traitor issue, just more of the same I am sure.
No wonder Conservatives are a plague on the United States. They prop up people like the murdering secessionist traitor, Rick Perry.

Texas is running huge deficits as well. Thats WITH every conservative economic trick in the book.

Do you know what the real problem you have with Governor Perry is, Sallow?

He exercised his free speech in a particular way to achieve a result, and he got it.

He's a good man and attracts positive, go-getters to Texas who get out there and make jobs for others.

You have to admit, 700,000 jobs is a lot of tax revenue that can make a lot of good things happen for the people.
How can you tell a Texan?

Well those are the people that shit on the American flag of course!

YouTube - ‪Texas Christian Conservatives Who "Hate America"‬‏

So let me get this straight a few fringe people. Might have been 20 in the crowd screaming for succession makes Texas a succession state? Then Madcow says those people are running for governor. LOL, how much support did they get? Less than a percent combined! Does Madcow know that the biggest succession calls are from the LEFT.

First, amongst the Latinos who the LEFTIST placate and some in CONGRESS actually stand with! That mean YOU Luis Guterriz. La Raza (the RACE) is the group the left placates! It was the current President that put a member of the Brown KKK on the SUPREME COURT!

La Raza Expands, Funds Separatist Schools | Defund La Raza

Second, Vermont is the most active separatist state. This is advocated by the only self-proclaimed COMMUNIST in Congress, Bernie Sanders.
American Thinker Blog: The secession movement in Vermont
After more than two centuries of statehood, however, the hearts of Vermont's Ben & Jerry's-swilling populace was broken by Barack Obama. The secessionist party's gubernatorial candidate is currently the owner of Radio Free Vermont and states the case for those northeasterners desirous of opting out of the U.S. of A.:

"People in Vermont in general are very antiwar, and all their faith was in Obama to end the wars. I ask people, 'Did you get the change you wanted?' They can't even look you in the eyes. We live in a nation that is asleep at the wheel and where the hearts are growing cold like ice."

The secessionist movement already commands the support of 13% of Vermont's voters. If supporters for the state's drive to legalize the use of marijuana for the treatment of sandal fungus, windmill pox and solar panel blindness succeed, pundits expect support for secession

Fourth, the State most likely to seek separation from the Union within the next few decades will be California! While 50% of the Latino American population is in TX & CA, TX, Texas has the largest percent to conservative Latinos, they break close to 50-50 (more still lean blue though), but in CA they lean far left. The far left latinos are the MECHA ones the ones that thing CA and the Southwest should be returned to Mexico or great an independent state of Aztlan. Right now I think the CA population is 45% White Non-Latino, 35% Latino, the the rest Asian, Africa America and other. However, the White population is shrinking (moving and not reproducing). The Latino population is booming via reproducing, illegal immigration and legal immgration. by 2020 at the latest, Latinos will make up AT LEAST 50% of the state population. What happens when it gets to 70%. 80% or 90%? The CA economy is still extremely large, but it's shrinking big time. It's not going to get any better with the job producers leaving town in droves, being replaced by uneducated illegal immigrants that don't know English and won't (and do not) learn English. The exodus of the White population will continue with the influx of illegals and the rapidly imploding CA economy. We already hear reports of counties in LA that ethnically cleanse the African Americans from the areas. What makes you think that will stop. What happens when Latinos make up 90% (it will happen) and CA economy decreases to the level of looking like a 3rd world nation and unemployment is through the roof? The Latino will blame the racist gringo policies and demand that the state of CA, with 90% of the population speaking Spanish goto Mexico!

So you pretty much don't know what your talking about.

Latinos are mostly conservative. Like you.

Well they vote for Democrats....
The guy who sat in his front lawn and watched his children burn up, but mustered enough courage to move his car? :eusa_shhh:

They screwed the pooch on the arson investigation. And hmm..I think the Firemen were holding him back when he tried to run back into his house to save his kids.

While he was talking, a fireman emerged from the house, cradling Amber. As she was given C.P.R., Willingham, who was twenty-three years old and powerfully built, ran to see her, then suddenly headed toward the babies’ room. Monaghan and another man restrained him. “We had to wrestle with him and then handcuff him, for his and our protection,” Monaghan later told police. “I received a black eye.” One of the first firemen at the scene told investigators that, at an earlier point, he had also held Willingham back. “Based on what I saw on how the fire was burning, it would have been crazy for anyone to try and go into the house,” he said.

Read more Cameron Todd Willingham, Texas, and the death penalty : The New Yorker

Perry's a traitor and a murderer. In other words...a good conservative.

this doesn't make him a murderer,I am not even going to get into the evidence I can post evidence as to his behavior and injuries etc. it will be a he said she said, which, really is beside the point.

a) this does not make perry a murderer unless you have decided once again to refine words to fit your own warped vocabulary becasue you type before you think, but you have done this so many times now, well...it speaks for itself,
b) the good conservative thing? you used to be a person one could have a debate with, say of 4 months ago, now? you're just full of screeching hyperventilating bombastic vitriol, theres no one left to speak to....unreal. amazing what the 'free license' to type and a place to do it does to people...sad actually.

I'll pass on the traitor issue, just more of the same I am sure.

a) I am pro-death penalty. Some people really need to be offed. But what pisses me off to no end is how conservatives use it. It should be used very sparingly and only on assholes that pose a real threat to society if they ever got out. Like Charlie Manson. But Perry..the piece of shit that he is..killed a loser that more then likely had nothing to do with the death of his family. Perry should be facing jail time for that.

b) Perry called for secession. I can't think of anything more radical and anti-american then that. He's a traitor and he's committed treason.

c) Conservatives didn't start this country. They do very little to maintain it..and with the advent of assholes like Atwater, Rove and Ailes..they are doing a great deal to destroy it. Never mind the Bushes..who have fucking done business and supported some very big enemies.

So you can pass on all the shit you want. Doesn't change the fact that conservatives are shit for this country.
...including government!!!

Texas, Florida lead in government job growth

by G. Scott Thomas

Friday, May 27, 2011

Texas led the states with the largest growth in government jobs over the past 10 years.

Big government grew a bit bigger in 43 states and the District of Columbia during the past decade.

Texas posted the largest 10-year upswing in federal, state and local government jobs, adding 286,800 positions, according to an On Numbers study of employment data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Texas, Florida lead in government job growth | The Business Journals

Your desperation is hilarious, no other state is even close in job growth....

Big Gov is bad, real bad, but to broad brush this without the Federal impact the point is weak....

Your desperate....

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