Evidence that universe created itself

It's difficult to follow your conversation, because you both seem to be accusing the other of being a flat earther.
I find it hilarious that a religious extremist (im)poster uses the drinking, smoking, womanizing James Bond character as an avatar. I guess those lurid fantasies suggest a personality malfunction.
It's difficult to follow your conversation, because you both seem to be accusing the other of being a flat earther.
She thinks all believers are flat earthers. In fact, she's obsessed that we are. It's the opposite. Those without creation may as well live wherever they could get.
She thinks all believers are flat earthers. In fact, she's obsessed that we are. It's the opposite. Those without creation may as well live wherever they could get.
There obviously is a certain element of religious extremists who fit the label of Flat Earther. You qualify. Embrace the horror.
There obviously is a certain element of religious extremists who fit the label of Flat Earther. You qualify. Embrace the horror.
I'm not like you who keep making up stuff like the universe came from an invisible point and humans from ape-humans. Thus, you end up going berserk and believing their creationist opponents are "flat Earthers." It does expose your doubts about evolution. Your beliefs in the wacko atheism religion and evolution have driven you mad. Is it any wonder that you are stuck in the infinite loop of wacko atheism?
I'm not like you who keep making up stuff like the universe came from an invisible point and humans from ape-humans. Thus, you end up going berserk and believing their creationist opponents are "flat Earthers." It does expose your doubts about evolution. Your beliefs in the wacko atheism religion and evolution have driven you mad. Is it any wonder that you are stuck in the infinite loop of wacko atheism?
Another of your silly, emotional outbursts using all your usual, worn, tired slogans.
Another of your silly, emotional outbursts using all your usual, worn, tired slogans.
Are you having another Flat Earth anxiety attack? Think you're going to fall off the edge?

You are the only one here who keeps bringing it up over and over again.
Are you having another Flat Earth anxiety attack? Think you're going to fall off the edge?

You are the only one here who keeps bringing it up over and over again.
You're one of a very few who hold such extremist beliefs.

Are you having another Jimmy Swaggert episode?
It's difficult to follow your conversation, because you both seem to be accusing the other of being a flat earther.
My posts have to do with God creating the universe, a SPHERICAL Earth, and life as we know it as written in the Bible. It's a valid scientific view of how we are today compared to the atheist science view of quantum physics and evolution. It's one religion and science's view vs another religion and science's view (creation science vs atheist science). Yet, Hollie has gone off the edge and continues to make extreme accusations against me and creation such as being a flat earther or insult to the Christian religion.
The basic argument against atheists and evolutionists starting the universe and Earth are the laws of thermodynamics. There is no way they could have the EMS, for example, just come into existence.
My posts have to do with God creating the universe, a SPHERICAL Earth, and life as we know it as written in the Bible. It's a valid scientific view of how we are today compared to the atheist science view of quantum physics and evolution. It's one religion and science's view vs another religion and science's view (creation science vs atheist science). Yet, Hollie has gone off the edge and continues to make extreme accusations against me and creation such as being a flat earther or insult to the Christian religion.
Your posts have everything to do with proselytizing and don't belong in the Science and Technology forum.. There is no science in any of the Bibles. Selective interpretation of Bible verses leads to a clown show of bad analogies and false representation of science matters.

There is no science in a Flat Earth, talking snakes, a 6,000 year old planet, etc.

Creationer claims about bible science is simply their need to excuse the absurdities in Biblical tales and fables. Creationers press a nonsense claim that the purpose of the Bible is to document scientific data. There is not the slightest indication that the Bible was ever intended as a scientific textbook. It is intended to teach people about three partisan gods. Even those creationers who cant identify a single scientific fact use the bible with that intent. For the Bible's tales and fables, scientific accuracy is unnecessary and even counterproductive. If the value of the Bible is made to depend on scientific accuracy, it becomes valueless when there is no science to be found.
The basic argument against atheists and evolutionists starting the universe and Earth are the laws of thermodynamics. There is no way they could have the EMS, for example, just come into existence.
Copy and pasting nonsense claims from creationer websites is pointless.
Copy and pasting nonsense claims from creationer websites is pointless.
Science is not made up "naturalistic" theories designed to exclude the existence of a Creator. We do not need atheistic stories. Stick to medicine, biology, chemistry, astronomy, and archaeology. Leave "Billions and Billions and Billions", of years ago to the fanatical atheists that have nothing better to accomplish but write fiction and call it science.
Science is not made up "naturalistic" theories designed to exclude the existence of a Creator. We do not need atheistic stories. Stick to medicine, biology, chemistry, astronomy, and archaeology. Leave "Billions and Billions and Billions", of years ago to the fanatical atheists that have nothing better to accomplish but write fiction and call it science.
"science is all made up stories'' is a rather frantic defense mechanism to protect your gods. It's not as though the science-minded don't see the creationer dilemma. If the creation'istas accept that common descent is even a remote possibility, their gods are no longer a requirement because natural mechanisms define nature. The discussion of evolution, which is among the most well documented theories in science, literally terrifies the fundamentailists. The very possibility challenges their bible stories so it is a direct assault on their certainty about the existence of their gods.

Literalist bible belief is the theme in creationer dogma. A rigid talking point is set up: either you are absolutely certain about the efficacy of bible stories and the gods or you are doomed to the most awful tortures that the men who wrote the bibles could create in their most vivid imaginations.. The writers of the bible stories understood the fear they could introduce and thus the power they wielded. Bible'ists will sometimes admit doubts about their own salvation and will admit to their fear of angry gods. It's really a sad existence to live in trembling fear of angry, capricious gods.
My posts have to do with God creating the universe, a SPHERICAL Earth, and life as we know it as written in the Bible. It's a valid scientific view of how we are today compared to the atheist science view of quantum physics and evolution. It's one religion and science's view vs another religion and science's view (creation science vs atheist science). Yet, Hollie has gone off the edge and continues to make extreme accusations against me and creation such as being a flat earther or insult to the Christian religion.

Well, you don't know whether a god or God or gods created the universe. You can BELIEVE as much as you like. Nobody knows. Which is the only thing we do know.

The Earth isn't spherical, by the way. It's an oblate spheroid.

Religion is NOT a valid scientific view. Science is about understanding the rules of the universe.

Religion is about trying to find comfort by hiding away from reality. Creating a fantasy reality. Which is fine, in some senses, better than using drugs or alcohol.
Well, you don't know whether a god or God or gods created the universe. You can BELIEVE as much as you like. Nobody knows. Which is the only thing we do know.

The Earth isn't spherical, by the way. It's an oblate spheroid.

Religion is NOT a valid scientific view. Science is about understanding the rules of the universe.

Religion is about trying to find comfort by hiding away from reality. Creating a fantasy reality. Which is fine, in some senses, better than using drugs or alcohol.
Man, you haven't been paying attention to the Bible and creation science.

The Earth being described as spherical is fine unless you want to be nerdy about it.
Religion is NOT a valid scientific view.
Then evolution which assumes the atheist religion isn't a valid scientific view either.
Man, you haven't been paying attention to the Bible and creation science.

The Earth being described as spherical is fine unless you want to be nerdy about it.

Then evolution which assumes the atheist religion isn't a valid scientific view either.
Fraud Alert!

There is no science associated with religious fundamentalism which you fraudulently title creationer science. Christian creationers have spent decades fraudulently rebranding their dogma from "Biblical Creationism" to "Scientific Creationism," to "Intelligent Design'' to ''Intelligent Design Creationism'' to ''Creation Science''.

It's a bad joke.
Then what created the original universe?
Whatever created the known universe bound by the Laws of Physics by necessity had to be of "Super (superior to) Natural (nature)". Why? Because the laws that govern the universe can't explain their own origins, as there is a Logical Law of Causality: In essence this law states that for every effect there must be an "explainable" superior cause. This very principle is the foundation of all scientific inquiry. Natural Science deals with the material universe and correctly looks for causes to natural events. Example: Science determines that earthquakes and tremors are due to movement of the tectonic plates that cover the surface of the earth.

Natural Science is limited and can explain just so much. Eventually science must address the "uncaused" first CAUSE......or the CREATION. Of whatever nature this cause is........its far superior to the natural universe, by necessity of the process of elimination.......the effect known as the physical universe was caused by a greater power. One can begin to reason in "Circular Logic" and declare, maybe there are parallel universes.......but in chasing that circle, there must have been a first, as energy can neither be created or destroyed.....it can change as per the first law of thermodynamics.

Then who created God? God is eternal with no beginning and no ending. (Genesis 21:33, Deut 33:27). The God explained in scripture is pure spirit (John 2:24)....and, has no material existence. (Luke 24:39). God is invisible to man (1 Tim. 6:16). I, nor anyone can demonstrate via observation and experimentation that God exists, unless one has a super-natural-0-meter that can quantify or measure that which nature cannot. The same logical principle applies to the agnostics and atheists of the world.........they can no more disprove the existence of God than I can prove it.

So it takes faith........This does not mean an "unreasonable" unexplainable faith absent from nature and the laws that govern it....but faith as explained in scriptures. A faith based upon "prima facie" truth. "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." -- Heb. 11:1 The word is translated from the Greek into English as Conviction, but in the literal Greek it means "EVIDENCE". So......biblical faith is based upon evidences.

Example: Consider Christopher Columbus.......I believe (have faith) that he saw of the Islands of the West Indies on or about Oct. 12, 1492. I did not see that first hand (observe), and it can't be demonstrated via scientific experiment (repeated). Thus my faith rests on EVIDENCE found to exist in historical records. Today it has become the latest PROGRESSIVE in vogue claim that makes Columbus into a murderer and liar in an attempt to rewrite history its became politically correct to make history more INCLUSIVE of all minorities........they have taken a day once dedicated to Columbus and presidents and given SPECIAL DAYS and even months to minorities, declaring them special because the sins of the fathers.....such as Columbus, and bigoted founding father presidents...etc., Its the in vogue thing to do.

As as the new "progressive" one world order is attempting to rewrite history (actually they are nothing but secular humanists who worship the created instead of the creator money and power is their god, with a little 'g') ...........some calling themselves "scientists" are attempting to rewrite the laws of the known universe where SOMETHING can be CREATED FROM NOTHING. Go figure.
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into heaven."science is all made up stories'' is a rather frantic defense mechanism to protect your gods. It's not as though the science-minded don't see the creationer dilemma. If the creation'istas accept that common descent is even a remote possibility, their gods are no longer a requirement because natural mechanisms define nature. The discussion of evolution, which is among the most well documented theories in science, literally terrifies the fundamentailists. The very possibility challenges their bible stories so it is a direct assault on their certainty about the existence of their gods.

Literalist bible belief is the theme in creationer dogma. A rigid talking point is set up: either you are absolutely certain about the efficacy of bible stories and the gods or you are doomed to the most awful tortures that the men who wrote the bibles could create in their most vivid imaginations.. The writers of the bible stories understood the fear they could introduce and thus the power they wielded. Bible'ists will sometimes admit doubts about their own salvation and will admit to their fear of angry gods. It's really a sad existence to live in trembling fear of angry, capricious gods.
We do know that scientists cannot reproduce the CREATION of biological life. We do know that scientists have not been able to evolve the fruit fly ---- they've been trying for many, many years. We do know that Jesus historically walked the earth and claimed to be divine. We do know that many people witnessed HIS healing abilities, HIS death on the cross and saw HIM arise, walk around and ascend. We know that many of HIS disciples gave their lives convinced that JESUS was the MESSIAH. I know of no one willing to die having faith in Harry Potter. I feel that it is far sadder to worry that the environment is going to fall apart, that coastal cities are going to be drowned, that an asteroid could at any moment destroy our civilization, that the Stock Market is about to collapse, the Taliban might set off a dirty nuclear bomb anywhere at anytime, and that a pandemic could wipe out the human race.

I know that according to the Bible God has a timetable, and that there will yet be a catching away of the saints, 7 years of tribulation upon this earth, and a 1000 year Millennial Kingdom (NONE OF WHICH HAS OCCURRED AS YET). So don't insult me, it would seem you have far more to worry about than I do, including where you will send your eternity.

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