EV's will save the planet (according to alarmists)

You prefer the unfettered ability to emit as much carbon as possible for the indefinite future?
Carbon dioxide is very beneficial to our environment.

It's the green gas.

It makes plants grow faster and more robust, thus greening the planet.

And also more resistant to drought because plants require less water when the ambient carbon dioxide concentration is higher, thus countering desertification of the planet.
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This is the worst conservative spin job I’ve seen yet on this entire forum.
Common Sense Trumps Commie Science

Conservatives are Preppy classmates of the Trustfundie Treehuggers, so they'll never go so far as to say that Green ideology is actually dangerous. They do accept the slant that neutral by-products are "pollution," only they don't agree that hydrocarbons pollute enough to risk harming the economy. They would be all for the GreenHead agenda if the alternative fuels would become cheaper than what we've been using since the 1919 Spanish Flu pandemic suddenly went away forever.

The HeirHead Rightists are incapable of understanding that their fellow Preppies are mass-murders responsible for all the deaths caused by the cronyvirus. Hell, the Republicans wouldn't even repeal the Endangered (Unfit) Species Act. That's how unfit they themselves are to be the opposition to the Green Monster.

The uninhibited development of Nature is the main cause of class mobility. Stopping that threat to Birth-Class Supremacy is what this ideological charade is all about.
I did a quick Googling about. The USA produces 5.1 billion tons of co2. Transport accounts for 21% of this. Vehicles on the road account for 75% of the 21%. Suddenly going to EV's overnight will save 17% to 30% of 75% of 21% of 5.1 billion. Are you still with me?

So you are going to save a massive 2.67% to 2.82% of America's co2 total emissions by useless EV's 🤔

Can you tell me what you guys have in the pipeline to save the other 97+%?
Unintentionally, Auto Emissions Saved Millions of Lives

That may be enough to create the only atmosphere the cronyvirus can survive in. The "Clean" Air Act of 1970 put us on the road back to when viruses were the worst mass murderers mankind had to face. Such germs even killed more soldiers in war than enemy fire did. Nature's WMDs are the biggest killers, because there used to be nothing to stop them. Nature has no conscience and must be changed radically by human genius. It is logically consistent that Postmodern degenerates worship nature and despise creative genius.
Well guys, sadly, EV's will not save the planet, they're not greatly better than ICE vehicles.

The European Energy Agency (EEA) report that an EV will produce 17% to 30% lower overall carbon emissions. That's right, a measly 17% to 30%.

So EV's have poor range, totally inconvenient on refueling, dangerous batteries not good for the environment, range anxiety and nose bleeding high cost, alarmists feel these are the planet saver?

Don't tell me, it's a start.

That said, the total carbon emissions of an electric car are between 17% and 30% lower than driving a petrol or diesel car, according to research by the European Energy Agency (EEA).

Looking forward to the alarmists copying and pasting from the Auto Trader site, whilst omitting the bulk of it.
Looking forward to you recalcitrant eating humble pie as the climate crisis develops.
Conservatives don’t care about future generations.
This conservative certainly doesn't.
You kiddies voted to be subjugated and denied opportunity.
It's your grave.
You dug it.
Now suck it up and enjoy it.

Brings to mind a little sign in a seaside fine china shop from decades ago...

"Lovely to look at; delightful to hold"
"When you break it"
"To you it is SOLD".

Yup. you broke it now pay it. You and your unaborted git.
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I don't know about saving the planet but I bet there will be some spectacular wrecks.
Conservatives: “screw the children!”

The offspring of those liberals who were not faithful to their party dogma and didn't abort. They are leaving behind future "victims" who will suffer mightily due to their parents foolish choices.

Screw them and the horse they rode in on.

Let's hope they remember to thank their parents for their serfdom.

The offspring of those liberals who were not faithful to their party dogma and didn't abort. They are leaving behind future "victims" who will suffer mightily due to their parents foolish choices.

Screw them and the horse they rode in on.

Let's hope they remember to thank their parents for their serfdom.
Conservatives hate our children. Conservatives are the enemy.
Co2 is currently 440ppm, which is very low. When this climate crisis that you speak of happens, at what ppm is co2, in your opinion

Climate change is here. Pacific islands are being drowned already.

I don't care what the co2 levels are. I'm more concerned how you lame brained recalcitrant ignorant fools think it doesn't exist. Its a Republican thing. You're all bloody mad.
Climate change is here. Pacific islands are being drowned already.

I don't care what the co2 levels are. I'm more concerned how you lame brained recalcitrant ignorant fools think it doesn't exist. Its a Republican thing. You're all bloody mad.
? Climate changes, it changes all the time, always has done, always will do. Everyone knows that.

It's just that, Lefties are ignorant of the past and they believe they can control the weather. But I can't fix stoopid.

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