Ex-KKK Leader Running as Republican for Office in Georgia

And for President of the United States in 2020!

He actually won, too, thanks to his incredible popularity among the departed.
Actually, retard, I wrote that a pervert ran on the Alabam ticket as a Republican. You left that out in your quote, didn't you? Poor trumptard. :itsok:
The problem with your post is there is no evidence that Trump was EVER on Epstein's private island and there is evidence that only Trump ever assisted any of Epstein's victims.
Well, there are pictures of your orange douche bag with Epstein at his parties. We have Rump praising Epstein. But, of course, you trumptards won't accept. No wonder you are called trumptards. :itsok:
Who was that?

Biden is a Democrat, BTW.
Look at that. The moron knows Biden is a Democrat!!! There is hope for you, yet.

Next, for extra points, let's see if you can find out what party Roy Moore belongs to. Come on, chop-chop...
Actually, retard, I wrote that a pervert ran on the Alabam ticket as a Republican. You left that out in your quote, didn't you? Poor trumptard. :itsok:
Well, that is one strong vote in favor of Biden pinching the nipple of an 8 year old girl even though the cameras are rolling, anyway.
Bone up on Robert Byrd, darling, then step down from that high horse.

Go fuck yourself.

Robert Byrd was elected to office in 1952 when segregation was the law of the land, and black people were still being lynched in the South. Byrd renounced his racist past and the harm he caused, and said that if he had to do it over again, he would have voted in favour of the Civil Rights Bill. He did that more than 30 years ago.

Here you are in 2020, endorsing a candidate for the Republican Party who is a member of a right wing hate group, and you think it's a good idea because 70 years ago, a KKK member was elected. Why would you want to have such a person in office, helping to determine public policy?

The idiocy of the modern Republican knows no bounds.
Go fuck yourself.

Robert Byrd was elected to office in 1952 when segregation was the law of the land, and black people were still being lynched in the South. Byrd renounced his racist past and the harm he caused, and said that if he had to do it over again, he would have voted in favour of the Civil Rights Bill. He did that more than 30 years ago.

Here you are in 2020, endorsing a candidate for the Republican Party who is a member of a right wing hate group, and you think it's a good idea because 70 years ago, a KKK member was elected. Why would you want to have such a person in office, helping to determine public policy?

The idiocy of the modern Republican knows no bounds.
Repubs need to elect hundreds and thousands of people like you. Loud, obnoxious and arrogant. With a push back attitude. If they need to carry weapons on them, so be it.
Go fuck yourself.

Robert Byrd was elected to office in 1952 when segregation was the law of the land, and black people were still being lynched in the South. Byrd renounced his racist past and the harm he caused, and said that if he had to do it over again, he would have voted in favour of the Civil Rights Bill. He did that more than 30 years ago.

Here you are in 2020, endorsing a candidate for the Republican Party who is a member of a right wing hate group, and you think it's a good idea because 70 years ago, a KKK member was elected. Why would you want to have such a person in office, helping to determine public policy?

The idiocy of the modern Republican knows no bounds.
They need to stretch. Always a good sign.

Meanwhile, they worship and adore an orange buffoon who pretended not to know who David Duke is, after previously calling him “a racist and a problem.”

They are what they are, despite their games.
Hey, wait a second, didn6Epstein
Keep telling yourself that, trumptard. And yet, we have many pictures of your orange douchebag with Epstein. Your fuhrer is nothing but a sexual pervert just like Epstein.
Is being on the Island bad?
This thread isn't about Robert Byrd or Bill Clinton or donald trump.

This thread is about an ex KKK racist who is now running as a republican in Georgia.

If you can't stay on the topic, please don't post on this thread.
Go fuck yourself.

Robert Byrd was elected to office in 1952 when segregation was the law of the land, and black people were still being lynched in the South. Byrd renounced his racist past and the harm he caused, and said that if he had to do it over again, he would have voted in favour of the Civil Rights Bill. He did that more than 30 years ago.

Here you are in 2020, endorsing a candidate for the Republican Party who is a member of a right wing hate group, and you think it's a good idea because 70 years ago, a KKK member was elected. Why would you want to have such a person in office, helping to determine public policy?

The idiocy of the modern Republican knows no bounds.
Byrd renounced because that was the only prudent thing to do in politics. Hell, in 2001 he was still using the N word.
He was always a racist, and he died a racist. Nobody today holds the hatred towards Blacks than what Byrd had in him the day he died.
So please stick your head up your ass and roll down the sidewalk, darling.
A former KKK leader is running for office.

As a republican of course.

https://www.newsweek.com/ex-kkk-lea...g-republican-office-georgia-1656036 [/QUOTE]
Well, damn, singular thing like this invalidates democrats and BLM burning down cities? Not really.
Hey, wait a second, didn6Epstein

Is being on the Island bad?

Not necessarily. Epstein did legitimate business on the island. The girls were brought in for special parties and were not always there. All of the girls had homes and families and lived elsewhere.
Well, damn, singular thing like this invalidates democrats and BLM burning down cities? Not really.

Well, damn, singular lies like yours invalidates any credibility you might have had. This particular lie ignores the fact that the police are still murdering 3 citizens per day, and minorities are still 7 times more like to be killed by police than white people. How is that police manage to arrest all of the armed and dangerous white mass shooters without incident, but unarmed low level minorities, charged with petty crimes, or just walking down the street, so often end up dead?

So of course the police attacked the protestors, and the vilgilantes attacked the protestors, and they all blamed the protestors for all of the violence and property damage that ensued. That way, they could continue to ignore the fact the police are still killing people at the rate of 3 a day in your country.
Look at that. The moron knows Biden is a Democrat!!! There is hope for you, yet.

Next, for extra points, let's see if you can find out what party Roy Moore belongs to. Come on, chop-chop...
For extra points, tell us how many sexes there are.

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