Ex-KKK Leader Running as Republican for Office in Georgia

When have Republicans ever knowingly welcomed racists into the party?
You remember that one time about 4 decades ago a member of the KKK got elected to a state house in Louisiana? The same guy who went nowhere running for any other office.
You remember that one time about 4 decades ago a member of the KKK got elected to a state house in Louisiana? The same guy who went nowhere running for any other office.
No one welcomed him into the party.
Racists and bigots have been part of the GOP’s base for decades – the consequence of the Southern Strategy and Republicans desperate to end Democratic Congressional dominance during the 60s and 70s.

Republicans embracing and propagating white grievance politics and racist replacement theory are examples of the fearmongering used by Republicans to appease racists and bigots and exploit their unwarranted fear.
The Southern Strategy is largely a myth. While Republicans did make gains in presidential elections in the South starting in the 60s, most southern states had Democratic majorities up until the late 80s and early 90s, well after the supposed strategy began.

Also, significant portions of the South have been Republican since the 1800s. A lot of Appalachia is that way, for example. There are counties in Western NC that have voted Republican since after the Civil War.
Dana, you may be a registered independent, but I haven't seen a whole lot of independence from you. You clearly are on the left of the political spectrum. I can't think of one thread you have created on this forum that has ever criticized the Democratic Party. Everything you write is anti-Republican. Go through my posts and threads and you'll find a fairly equal disdain of both from me.

I'm from Massachusetts, originally, and if you look at voter registrations the plurality of people are registered independent, but outside of gubernatorial races, Republicans nary stand a chance in that state. Being "independent" really doesn't mean much if your voting patterns don't reflect it.

I have been a liberal all my life.

I've voted a variety of parties through the years including the libertarian party. I've posted many times that I've written in Minnie Mouse and Daisy Duck on a ballot believing those cartoon characters would do a much better job than the human clown politicians who were on the ballot.

It's illogical for anyone to think that a life long liberal would ever vote for today's conservative. It's just not going to happen.

If the republicans would nominate someone who wasn't what I consider bat crap crazy, had responsible economic and social policies, I would vote for them.

I have criticized democrats many times. I can't count how many times I've said they don't have spines and other things I don't like about them. They seriously need to wake up and realize that conservative policy is becoming far right and very toxic but they don't stand up to the crazy people.

Just because you don't like what I post doesn't mean I'm not Independent.

And it's not up to you to decide if I'm Independent or not.

It doesn't matter to me what you think.

Think what you want.

I'm not here to change anyone's mind.
Wrong. All republicans are not members of the KKK. However all member of the KKK are republicans.

You are correct. I specifically posted that not all republicans are a member of the KKK.

I didn't say that all members of the KKK are republicans because I don't believe all of them are. Some are even more far right than today's republicans.

Most of them are republicans but not all.

None of them are democrats or liberals.
You're responding to the wrong poster, dude. Can't you keep it straight?

This is my post where you lied.
"a youthful indiscretion"???? Seriously? That's what you're going with?
The dude was as hardcore as you could get with the KKK. Stop with your lies.

You must lie a lot to be this confused
Examples of the racist right are abundant.

On this very forum daily we see USMB conservatives exhibiting their racism, bigotry, and hate.

They some how childishly believe accusing other people of what they are, believe and do makes it ok for them to be the way they are and believe the things they believe.

I wonder why didn't that ex KKK person run as a democrat?
From your source:

Yes, Byrd was a member of the Klan. Even worse, as he wrote in his 2005 book, he formed a chapter of the domestic terrorist organization in the 1940s

Doesn't sound like a "youthful indiscretion" now does it?
Yes actually it does. People have the capacity to change, to grow and to evolve. Try it sometime

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