Ex-KKK Leader Running as Republican for Office in Georgia

Sure. Sure he isn't. Totally reformed.

Thinks he found a home in the gop. So instead of whining all over this thread at anonymous people, maybe go ask this retard why he thinks the GOP is where he will get his votes
Why would he think that when Robert KKK Byrd found a home with the Dimwinger party?

Racists and bigots overwhelming identify as conservative and vote Republican.

Not all Republicans are racists and bigots, but Republicans tolerate racists and bigots among their ranks, placating racists and bigots to ensure they continue to vote Republican.
Racists and bigots overwhelming identify as conservative and vote Republican.

BLM and Antifa vote Republican?
He did say it, but he viewed his involvement with the Klan as an Albatross around his neck, here's the quote: “Be sure you avoid the Ku Klux Klan. Don't get that albatross around your neck. Once you've made that mistake, you inhibit your operations in the political arena.” Doesn't sound to me like he changed his views, they just got to be inconvenient for a politician.
That's the one. THAT is what Dimtards think is him apologizing for all the lynchings he participated in.
Youthful indiscretion? That's like saying Thomas Jefferson's slave owning was a "youthful discretion". Byrd was a powerful member of the Klan, having formed his own chapter. He voted against both the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. He changed his public stance because it was politically convenient, not because he changed his beliefs. Like almost all politicians, he only desired power and would do anything and say anything to achieve and hold on to it.
I think you might want to look a little closer at Thomas Jefferson's history and his stance on slavery.
There are plenty of bigots on the left as well, but they are often minorities themselves. And most of them vote Democratic.

The right certainly does not have a monopoly on bigotry.
Racists and bigots have been part of the GOP’s base for decades – the consequence of the Southern Strategy and Republicans desperate to end Democratic Congressional dominance during the 60s and 70s.

Republicans embracing and propagating white grievance politics and racist replacement theory are examples of the fearmongering used by Republicans to appease racists and bigots and exploit their unwarranted fear.
Byrd served how many years? He was an x KKK clan leader and was a democrat and when ever we bring him up you dems all claim because he was X it means he wasnt KKK anymore or wasnt racist anymore etc etc. Now suddenly it matters?

Right dems give Byrd a racist pass but want to condemn people like Washington and Lincoln.
ALL KKK bad.

Not sure how your biased mind came up with an alternative choice.
But then again, it is Nostra's Brain. LLOOOLLOL
Well, demofks are kkk and you keep voting for them! How come?
It shows the Third Era as having ended in 1979.
So you agree that the 3rd Era exists and that the original Era, founded by the then, so-called Democrats, no longer exists in any way.

No, I do not agree that it still exists. At the very latest, it was extinct by the end of the 1980s. The link that you shared to try to argue that it still exists shows it as having been extinct a decade before that.

The KKK has not existed, in more than thirty or forty years, as anything more than a boogeyman for you left wrong-wing filth to try to use to smear your opposition, while trying to ignore and deny that for the entire time that it did exists, the KKK was your monster, not ours.
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A former KKK leader is running for office.

As a republican of course.

Clarifying, the article doesn’t say republicans kkk it says kkk will run as republican! So the demofk didn’t think he could win as a demofk kkker!!
It's sad that TheProgressivePatriot had to lie to cover for his ilk.

Why did the NAACP praise Byrd at the time of his death?
Because of Byrd’s evolution on race and equality, the NAACP issued a statementpraising him at the time of his death.
Opinion | At least Robert Byrd apologized. What’s your ...
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Now please cut the crap already.

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