Ex Sec. of Defense Panetta: U.S. Forces Will Have to Return to Afghanistan


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Feb 16, 2016
Ex Sec. of Defense Panetta: U.S. Forces Will Have to Return to Afghanistan
27 Aug 2021 ~~ By Joshua Caplan
Appearing Thursday on CNN’s Erin Burnett OutFront, Obama Defense Secretary Leon Panetta judged that the U.S. military will have to return to Afghanistan to confront ISIS despite President Joe Biden’s withdrawal of U.S. forces from the war-torn country after 20 years of war.

See 15 minutes 27sec to 17 minutes17 sec of the video...
Leon Panetta said:
"Bottom line is that our work is not done in Afghanistan. I know we’ll be removing our troops by a certain date, but the bottom line is our work is not done. We’re going to have to go after ISIS. I’m glad the president said that we’re going to hunt them down and make them pay a price for what they did in killing our warriors and we should. We’re going to have to go back in to get ISIS. We’re probably going to go have to go back in when al-Qaeda resurrects itself as they will with this Taliban. They’ve gave safe haven to al-Qaeda before. They’ll probably do it again. I understand that we’re trying to get our troops out of there, but the bottom line is we can leave a battlefield but we can’t leave the war on terrorism which still is a threat to our security.
What we’re going to be doing is counterterrorism operations. We’re going to have to go after those that are responsible. I think we have pretty good intelligence on the leadership of ISIS. I think there’s a pretty good chance we can identify who is involved with this attack".

Conveniently when asked about Biden's choosing Kabul and closing Bagram as the right thing to do Leon Panetta's sound link suddenly dies.
Logically, the deflection does serve as a perfect distraction from the border disaster; the destruction of U.S. energy independence; the inflation-fed collapse of the economy; the explosion in black (BLM/antifa-inspired) racist crimes against whites, Asians, Latins, and black ghetto dwellers.
Just as a reminder, in Orwell's "1984" there is continual war between three States Oceania, Eastasia and Eurasia. Oceania is constantly at war with one of these states while at peace with the other. For the majority of the science fiction novel ... Hmm.... Did the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats and the "Deep State" use this as a basis of what is happening now?
Is Leon Panetta correct?
Has the Bai Dung Administration intentionally botched the withdrawal so the America would be forced to go back?
Should we kiss another $3 trillion goodbye?
Is that what is happening?
When the USA's National Debt hits $50 trillion (4 years from now) the Schiff will hit the fan?
I suggest we all sit and ponder what is really going on.
No doubt....

We'll have some President sometime in the future who sends people back into the Middle East. The only thing in the entire middle east that we need is petroleum. Nothing else. And we don't even really need it. Our allies do!

It would be great if the nation could fully embrace renewables and electric vehicles so the massively unimportant wasteland of the Middle East can fade into obscurity more rapidly.
I would suspect with the mass exodus that there will be nothing to return to.

I think that why they attacked because they need educated people to remain. Also you need someone to blame for when things go bad. Why else would you attack people fleeing the country?

It just invites retaliation by the US and the people are still going to leave or else they will be accuse of being pro American and thrown in jail or killed. IF they leave who will you thrown in jail and place blame when it all goes south and execute in public.

Ex Sec. of Defense Panetta: U.S. Forces Will Have to Return to Afghanistan
27 Aug 2021 ~~ By Joshua Caplan
Appearing Thursday on CNN’s Erin Burnett OutFront, Obama Defense Secretary Leon Panetta judged that the U.S. military will have to return to Afghanistan to confront ISIS despite President Joe Biden’s withdrawal of U.S. forces from the war-torn country after 20 years of war.

See 15 minutes 27sec to 17 minutes17 sec of the video...
Leon Panetta said:
"Bottom line is that our work is not done in Afghanistan. I know we’ll be removing our troops by a certain date, but the bottom line is our work is not done. We’re going to have to go after ISIS. I’m glad the president said that we’re going to hunt them down and make them pay a price for what they did in killing our warriors and we should. We’re going to have to go back in to get ISIS. We’re probably going to go have to go back in when al-Qaeda resurrects itself as they will with this Taliban. They’ve gave safe haven to al-Qaeda before. They’ll probably do it again. I understand that we’re trying to get our troops out of there, but the bottom line is we can leave a battlefield but we can’t leave the war on terrorism which still is a threat to our security.
What we’re going to be doing is counterterrorism operations. We’re going to have to go after those that are responsible. I think we have pretty good intelligence on the leadership of ISIS. I think there’s a pretty good chance we can identify who is involved with this attack".

Conveniently when asked about Biden's choosing Kabul and closing Bagram as the right thing to do Leon Panetta's sound link suddenly dies.
Logically, the deflection does serve as a perfect distraction from the border disaster; the destruction of U.S. energy independence; the inflation-fed collapse of the economy; the explosion in black (BLM/antifa-inspired) racist crimes against whites, Asians, Latins, and black ghetto dwellers.
Just as a reminder, in Orwell's "1984" there is continual war between three States Oceania, Eastasia and Eurasia. Oceania is constantly at war with one of these states while at peace with the other. For the majority of the science fiction novel ... Hmm.... Did the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats and the "Deep State" use this as a basis of what is happening now?
Is Leon Panetta correct?
Has the Bai Dung Administration intentionally botched the withdrawal so the America would be forced to go back?
Should we kiss another $3 trillion goodbye?
Is that what is happening?
When the USA's National Debt hits $50 trillion (4 years from now) the Schiff will hit the fan?
I suggest we all sit and ponder what is really going on.

Thinking constant war is a D thing, isn’t smart. Nothing is more bipartisan than war.
this is obvious at this point. All the good we have done the past two decades was completely undone by Xiden and the band of clueless dembots

Terrorist have a new strong hold, a feeling of strength because they were able to push around the weak xiden, and frankly a generation of afghans will now feel betrayed , and rightfully so thanks to xiden ans the dems…

we will have to go back…all xiden did was guarantee another was and more death
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this is obvious at this point. All the good we have done the past two decades was completely undone by Xiden and the band of clueless dembots

Terrorist have a new strong hold, a feeling of strength because they were able to push around the weak xiden, and frankly a generation of afghans will now feel betrayed , and rightfully so thanks to xiden ans the dems…

we will have to go back…all xiden did was guarantee another was and more death
There is no “good” in the last twenty years. What the fuck are you smoking?
How in the world have we not had a clear, efficient exit strategy in place and ready to execute for years?

How in the world could our "intelligence" community be so clueless about the status, progress and strength of the Taliban?

How in the world did we think the Afghani "military" was not going to fold like a cheap Wal Mart beach chair?

How in the world did we convince ourselves that we could drag a 17th fucking Century civilization into modernity?

I have a few dozen questions about this whole fucking mess. I'd like to think we've learned something over the last 20 years, but...
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There is no “good” in the last twenty years. What the fuck are you smoking?
then you obviously weren’t paying attention

the women of afghan would disagree with you. or would have had your Dear Leader not returned them to a life of being sex slaves
How in the world have we not had a clear, efficient exit strategy in place for years?

How in the world did our "intelligence" community be so clueless about the status, progress and strength of the Taliban?

I have a few dozen questions about this whole fucking mess. I'd like to think we've learned something over the last 20 years, but...
It’s time for heads to roll, but they won’t. Just more proof of how corrupt our government has become.
then you obviously weren’t paying attention

the women of afghan would disagree with you. or would have had your Dear Leader not returned them to a life of being sex slaves
See??? now that’s not our government’s job. Secondly, do you know how many Afghanistan civilians have been murdered by our military? Are you at all concerned about them? Are you aware constant foreign wars leads to tyranny at home?

This former potus makes a lot of sense, no?

In his Fourth of July address in 1821, John Quincy Adams described America’s founding foreign policy. He said that America does not go abroad “in search of monsters to destroy.” He said that if America were ever to abandon this foreign policy of non-intervention, America would acquire the traits of dictatorship, which, of course, can pose a grave threat to“life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
then you obviously weren’t paying attention

the women of afghan would disagree with you. or would have had your Dear Leader not returned them to a life of being sex slaves
Were we pushing women's rights or feminism over there? You gotta crawl before you can walk.
Were we pushing women's rights or feminism over there? You gotta crawl before you can walk.
you don’t have to “push” them…we were simply giving them freedom.

xiden took that away. so remember the next time a dembot talks about women’s rights or feminism they obviously don’t really mean it, not for all women anyway.
See??? now that’s not our government’s job. Secondly, do you know how many Afghanistan civilians have been murdered by our military? Are you at all concerned about them? Are you aware constant foreign wars leads to tyranny at home?

This former potus makes a lot of sense, no?

In his Fourth of July address in 1821, John Quincy Adams described America’s founding foreign policy. He said that America does not go abroad “in search of monsters to destroy.” He said that if America were ever to abandon this foreign policy of non-intervention, America would acquire the traits of dictatorship, which, of course, can pose a grave threat to“life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
yeah some folks got caught up in the war it happens in war. sadly

it’s always been the stance (at least til xiden) of our Govt to promote and support freedom around the globe
How in the world have we not had a clear, efficient exit strategy in place and ready to execute for years?

How in the world could our "intelligence" community be so clueless about the status, progress and strength of the Taliban?

How in the world did we think the Afghani "military" was not going to fold like a cheap Wal Mart beach chair?

How in the world did we convince ourselves that we could drag a 17th fucking Century civilization into modernity?

I have a few dozen questions about this whole fucking mess. I'd like to think we've learned something over the last 20 years, but...
All of your questions have a single answer:

the Greatest Generation died off and left the Baby Boomers in charge

biden and harris are literally the best that dems have to offer

and you fell for it

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