Example of why you can never trust Liberals with your Consitutional rights

But on the flip side, when cops are seen on video beating the shit out of or shooting an unarmed black man conservatives can't wait to side with the police and assume the perp is guilty until proven innocent.

Conservatives' applications of our Constitutional rights are quite selective.
Nonsense! What a dishonest remark!

The comments from conservatives in this other thread prove my point

Police kill wrong man at wrong house

The shooting (like all shootings) is under investigation. The wife claims police never identified themselves or gave commands. Now really, can anybody believe that the cops just pounded on a door, and when somebody stuck a gun out and pointed at them, they just shot???

To judge a case based on first reports (which are always inaccurate) doesn't mean conservatives find the cop automatically innocent, but after an investigation is done and reported, that's the time to criticize.
The filthy SAFE Act in New York was touted as 'common sense gun regulation". However, we can never trust Liberals with our Constitutional Rights because they will always abuse them. They have no idea what "shall not be infringed" means.

There have been several examples of how oppressive it has been. Everything from the veteran arrested for having an unloaded standard capacity magazine in his car trunk to the guy having his firearms confiscated for seeing a doctor about a mild case of insomnia to the tourist arrested for the mere possession of a firearm.

Here is the latest.

Deputies confiscate a CNY veteran's guns. They were wrong. What happened?

Deputies confiscate a CNY veteran's guns. They were wrong. What happened?

TABERG, NY - Don Hall was sitting in his living room watching TV with his girlfriend about 9:30 p.m. earlier this year when he was startled by flashing police car lights in his driveway.

Hall met the Oneida County sheriff's deputies in the driveway, worried that they were bringing bad news about a family member.

Instead, the deputies produced an official document demanding that Hall, a 70-year-old Vietnam veteran who is a retired pipefitter, turn over his guns to them on the spot. On the document Hall said he was described as "mentally defective."

When Hall told police he'd never had any mental issues, Hall said, deputies told him he must have done something that triggered the order under the New York state's SAFE Act.

The deputies left that night with six guns - two handguns and four long guns.

"I was guilty until I could prove myself innocent," Hall said. "They don't tell you why or what you supposedly did. It was just a bad screw-up."

Under what legal authority Hall's guns were confiscated is in disagreement.

Hall and his lawyer said they are convinced his guns were taken as a result of a report under the NY SAFE Act. The New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act was adopted in 2013 after the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in Newton, Conn.

where does it say they were "liberals", psycho boy?

there was a mental health report on him. it turned out to be incorrect.

we know, we know... you're worried about mentally ill people losing their guns.

we got it.
The filthy SAFE Act in New York was touted as 'common sense gun regulation". However, we can never trust Liberals with our Constitutional Rights because they will always abuse them. They have no idea what "shall not be infringed" means.

There have been several examples of how oppressive it has been. Everything from the veteran arrested for having an unloaded standard capacity magazine in his car trunk to the guy having his firearms confiscated for seeing a doctor about a mild case of insomnia to the tourist arrested for the mere possession of a firearm.

Here is the latest.

Deputies confiscate a CNY veteran's guns. They were wrong. What happened?

Deputies confiscate a CNY veteran's guns. They were wrong. What happened?

TABERG, NY - Don Hall was sitting in his living room watching TV with his girlfriend about 9:30 p.m. earlier this year when he was startled by flashing police car lights in his driveway.

Hall met the Oneida County sheriff's deputies in the driveway, worried that they were bringing bad news about a family member.

Instead, the deputies produced an official document demanding that Hall, a 70-year-old Vietnam veteran who is a retired pipefitter, turn over his guns to them on the spot. On the document Hall said he was described as "mentally defective."

When Hall told police he'd never had any mental issues, Hall said, deputies told him he must have done something that triggered the order under the New York state's SAFE Act.

The deputies left that night with six guns - two handguns and four long guns.

"I was guilty until I could prove myself innocent," Hall said. "They don't tell you why or what you supposedly did. It was just a bad screw-up."

Under what legal authority Hall's guns were confiscated is in disagreement.

Hall and his lawyer said they are convinced his guns were taken as a result of a report under the NY SAFE Act. The New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act was adopted in 2013 after the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in Newton, Conn.

where does it say they were "liberals", psycho boy?

there was a mental health report on him. it turned out to be incorrect.

we know, we know... you're worried about mentally ill people losing their guns.

we got it.

It wasn't he Conservatives in New York that passed the SAFE Act you nitwit.
Both parties couldn't give a rat's ass about your freedoms. They just attack different ones.

Conservatives only care when it comes to guns, but when it comes to privacy they couldn't care less (Patriot act) . Liberals don't care about guns, but will fight to the death for equality.
Both parties couldn't give a rat's ass about your freedoms. They just attack different ones.

Conservatives only care when it comes to guns, but when it comes to privacy they couldn't care less (Patriot act) . Liberals don't care about guns, but will fight to the death for equality.

Until you explain to a liberal that equality means taxing their income. Check out the multiple videos on the net when college students are asked if they would be willing to give up their hard earned money to more even distribution they are inherently against it. Also seen some Fox interviewers prove the same point to those who pretend to love socialism. They simply want equality as long as the bill is passed on to future generations (i.e $20T debt).

Here's one such example regarding their GPA "redistribution"

Davidson College students furious after they’re tricked into rejecting socialist ideal:
Davidson College students furious after they're tricked into rejecting socialist ideal - The College Fix

Many students at Davidson College recently responded in anguish and outrage after some conservative students filmed a video asking people on campus if they would sign a petition to redistribute GPAs for the sake of “education equality.”

Many students refused to sign the petition, saying it wasn’t fair for a variety of reasons, including that people who earned their As should keep their As, and that students who are given good grades without hard work might not be inspired to improve.

But after students discovered later the petition was a hoax played on them by conservative students in an attempt to illustrate the unfairness of wealth distribution, they hastily called a teach-in at the campus union at which they denounced the effort and vented their frustration.

Some students said the fake petition made them struggle with feelings that they do not belong at Davidson, while others aggressively attacked the video, calling it “oppressive,” “illegally filmed,” and “inflammatory bullsh*t,” according to a video of the April 27 teach-in on Facebook.

Multiple students at the teach-in also made comments supporting both income redistribution and GPA redistribution, saying “life wasn’t always fair” and it’s “the right thing to do.” Others suggested that not forcibly redistributing income would give rich people the power to decide who lives and dies based off their charitable donation whims.

“The hypocrisy is obvious. Liberals embrace socialist policies when their own property is unaffected, but when socialism affects them personally, watch them become advocates of free enterprise instantaneously,” the foundation stated on its website in announcing the contest.

In the Davidson video, members posed as “Students for Educational Equality,” and recorded themselves asking people on campus whether they would sign a petition to “redistribute the top 10 percent of GPAs at Davidson to the bottom 10 percent.”

Many did not sign, although a professor and a couple students did.

At the end of their video, the conservative students say: “Ask yourself this question: If it’s unfair to say that the people with the highest GPAs didn’t deserve it, why is it suddenly fair to say that successful people don’t deserve the money they earned.”
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Both parties couldn't give a rat's ass about your freedoms. They just attack different ones.

Conservatives only care when it comes to guns, but when it comes to privacy they couldn't care less (Patriot act) . Liberals don't care about guns, but will fight to the death for equality.

Until you explain to a liberal that equality means taxing their income. Check out the multiple videos on the net when college students are asked if they would be willing to give up their hard earned money to more even distribution. They simply want equality as long as the bill is passed on to future generations (i.e $20T debt).

I'm not talking about taxes, I'm talking about fair treatment under the law.
Both parties couldn't give a rat's ass about your freedoms. They just attack different ones.

Conservatives only care when it comes to guns, but when it comes to privacy they couldn't care less (Patriot act) . Liberals don't care about guns, but will fight to the death for equality.

Until you explain to a liberal that equality means taxing their income. Check out the multiple videos on the net when college students are asked if they would be willing to give up their hard earned money to more even distribution. They simply want equality as long as the bill is passed on to future generations (i.e $20T debt).

I'm not talking about taxes, I'm talking about fair treatment under the law.

When any big government gets involved ,it's never fair treatment.
As I recall it was Wayne LaPierre, in the wake of Sandy Hook, who called for a national database to identify the mentally ill.
Liberals WROTE the Bill of Rights

and modern liberals....the American Right, now defend them.......conservatives in this country are the actual Liberals today.....the left is the farthest you can get from actual Classical Liberalism.
The filthy SAFE Act in New York was touted as 'common sense gun regulation". However, we can never trust Liberals with our Constitutional Rights because they will always abuse them. They have no idea what "shall not be infringed" means.

There have been several examples of how oppressive it has been. Everything from the veteran arrested for having an unloaded standard capacity magazine in his car trunk to the guy having his firearms confiscated for seeing a doctor about a mild case of insomnia to the tourist arrested for the mere possession of a firearm.

Here is the latest.

Deputies confiscate a CNY veteran's guns. They were wrong. What happened?

Deputies confiscate a CNY veteran's guns. They were wrong. What happened?

TABERG, NY - Don Hall was sitting in his living room watching TV with his girlfriend about 9:30 p.m. earlier this year when he was startled by flashing police car lights in his driveway.

Hall met the Oneida County sheriff's deputies in the driveway, worried that they were bringing bad news about a family member.

Instead, the deputies produced an official document demanding that Hall, a 70-year-old Vietnam veteran who is a retired pipefitter, turn over his guns to them on the spot. On the document Hall said he was described as "mentally defective."

When Hall told police he'd never had any mental issues, Hall said, deputies told him he must have done something that triggered the order under the New York state's SAFE Act.

The deputies left that night with six guns - two handguns and four long guns.

"I was guilty until I could prove myself innocent," Hall said. "They don't tell you why or what you supposedly did. It was just a bad screw-up."

Under what legal authority Hall's guns were confiscated is in disagreement.

Hall and his lawyer said they are convinced his guns were taken as a result of a report under the NY SAFE Act. The New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act was adopted in 2013 after the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in Newton, Conn.

where does it say they were "liberals", psycho boy?

there was a mental health report on him. it turned out to be incorrect.

we know, we know... you're worried about mentally ill people losing their guns.

we got it.

ACtually, the ACLU and 23 other mental health advocacy groups fought taking the Right away from innocent people....
Both parties couldn't give a rat's ass about your freedoms. They just attack different ones.

Conservatives only care when it comes to guns, but when it comes to privacy they couldn't care less (Patriot act) . Liberals don't care about guns, but will fight to the death for equality.

You are correct in once sense that liberals don't care about gun ownership. What they object to is people using guns to protect themselves.

They don't like the idea of citizens being able to defend themselves against an armed attacker. After all, if we could take care of ourselves with some of the crime, then who would need government?

The two largest supporters of the Democrat party are victims and government dependents. The more victims and government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters. It's in the Democrat party's interest to expand government dependency and victimization.

If the Democrats could disarm the public, then only the police and criminals would have guns. If that were to happen, then we unarmed citizens would all become victims.
You would think that the right to keep and bear arms, being a Constitutionally protected right, would have a fairly high level of proof needed in order to have confiscation. Not in Liberal commie New York.

The guy got his firearms back after it cost him a lot in lawyer's fees.

The filthy government wouldn't even admit they were wrong.

Don't ever trust Liberals with your rights. They will screw you.

Liberals want our guns. Period. That is why they do shit like this. They can't get away with ending the 2nd amendment (not for lack of trying) so they come up with unconstitutional tactics to separate people from their guns.

They don't think people deserve a fair hearing before rendering punishment or confiscating stuff. Whether it's guns or your money taken via civil forfeiture, they have put the burden of proof on the accused and have done so without arresting or charging a person with anything. It's a matter of allowing the state to do whatever they want without having to go through any legal process and then making people spend money and jump through hoops to try and reverse their decision. Even if you win, you've lost a great deal of money. You have zero rights as far as the leftwing tyrants are concerned.

The fascist left would prefer we all comply with no argument. And don't even expect so much as an explanation. We're supposed to blindly buy into their bullshit "logic."

Snowflakes have been taught to fear guns and banning them makes the morons feel better.

Both parties couldn't give a rat's ass about your freedoms. They just attack different ones.

Conservatives only care when it comes to guns, but when it comes to privacy they couldn't care less (Patriot act) . Liberals don't care about guns, but will fight to the death for equality.

Oh really?

How equal do libtardz view the rights of children in the womb?

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