Experiment in Dictatorship

Feb 20, 2013
Heart of Republica
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qgk6W3DCTQk&fb_action_ids=550934098270409%2C550663381630814%2C550637934966692%2C550633524967133%2C550632948300524&fb_action_types=yt-fb-app%3Acomment&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map=%7B%22550934098270409%22%3A263703497099191%2C%22550663381630814%22%3A263703497099191%2C%22550637934966692%22%3A263703497099191%2C%22550633524967133%22%3A263703497099191%2C%22550632948300524%22%3A263703497099191%2C%22550632814967204%22%3A263703497099191%2C%22550632584967227%22%3A442982679111377%7D]Honest John - An Experiment in Dictatorship - YouTube[/ame]
Experiment in Dictatorship

First of all, the guy is being dishonest right off the bat. The Republicans did not pass the Emergency Management Law. It was first implemented in 1988 under a Democratic governor (James Blanchard) and amended in 1990 under the same governor. The Republicans made some further amendments to it in 2011 giving the Emergency Manager more authority.

I have no opinion one way or the other whether it's a good or bad thing for the City of Detroit, but it's more than clear that the elected officials in Detroit have absolutely no intent on doing what needs to be done to get the city back in financial shape. The people of that city are completely ignorant and they have elected people who have grossly mismanaged it for decades. They've had notice for more than a year that the city would be taken over if the local government didn't put forth a plan to regain fiscal solvency and they failed to deliver as usual.

The city is literally crumbling to the ground so what is your solution?

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