Explaining Conservatives

Conservatives also believe in individual freedoms....more so than democrats as a matter of fact.
Conservatives also believe that the government serve certain needs of the citizenry. But, those needs are enumerated.
The rest of your post is childish gibberish not worthy of a discussion. :eusa_whistle:

So same sex marriage and abortion are OK?
Dude, same sex marriage and abortion should be a state issue and not a federal issue.
I doubt you can or will ever understand that concept. :eusa_whistle:

That's a cop-out.
Based on your description of Conservatives, a Conservative State legislature will allow freedom of choice on those issues, thus nullifying your Federal vs State posting.
Conservatives also believe in individual freedoms....more so than democrats as a matter of fact.
Conservatives also believe that the government serve certain needs of the citizenry. But, those needs are enumerated.
The rest of your post is childish gibberish not worthy of a discussion. :eusa_whistle:

So same sex marriage and abortion are OK?
Dude, same sex marriage and abortion should be a state issue and not a federal issue.
I doubt you can or will ever understand that concept. :eusa_whistle:

Apparently you oppose the U.S. Constitution, then, because the Supremes made the decision based upon that moldy document.
So same sex marriage and abortion are OK?
Dude, same sex marriage and abortion should be a state issue and not a federal issue.
I doubt you can or will ever understand that concept. :eusa_whistle:

and you are not ageed with

this is a democracy.

we have already decided these issues.

Your team lost.

move on
Truth hurts, doesn't it, truthdoesn'tmatter? Just because our federal government is overstepping doesn't mean it's right.....it just means they're overstepping.
The FF's would have also disagreed with you.
Conservatives also believe in individual freedoms....more so than democrats as a matter of fact.

Oh, you mean like abortion? Smoking weed? The freedom to cast a vote? Freedom from the police state? The freedom to form labor unions?

Conservatives believe in GRANTING certain freedoms that do not threaten their religious and political ideologies.


Ya' got me....we are opposed to murder, and activities that pose a danger to others.

"Driving while stoned isn't a good idea, and it's a crime in all 50 states,..."
Here's Where You Can Get Arrested For DUI Weeks After Smoking Marijuana

You're a moron.

"The freedom to cast a vote? Freedom from the police state? The freedom to form labor unions?"

And you're a liar.
dear right wing brain damaged fools.

THIS COUNTRY already decided these things.

your team lost.

the SCOTUS doesn't agree with your idiot thoughts on the matters
So same sex marriage and abortion are OK?
Dude, same sex marriage and abortion should be a state issue and not a federal issue.
I doubt you can or will ever understand that concept. :eusa_whistle:

Apparently you oppose the U.S. Constitution, then, because the Supremes made the decision based upon that moldy document.

"Moldy document" huh?
The "Supremes" don't have political bias? Is that what you want me to believe? :lol:
Dude, same sex marriage and abortion should be a state issue and not a federal issue.
I doubt you can or will ever understand that concept. :eusa_whistle:

Apparently you oppose the U.S. Constitution, then, because the Supremes made the decision based upon that moldy document.

"Moldy document" huh?
The "Supremes" don't have political bias? Is that what you want me to believe? :lol:

Some "Supremicists" have said that the Constitution can mean whatever you want it to mean.

FDR's court was a clear indication of that.
dear right wing brain damaged fools.

THIS COUNTRY already decided these things.

your team lost.

the SCOTUS doesn't agree with your idiot thoughts on the matters

I can't begin to tell you how very pleased I am that you are here to represent the Left!!!!!
Why are you people trashing the first lady for her talking about what country the presidents family hails from?

because you are racists

Please, try to be clever...not simply puerile.
Put a little effort into it.
Your training, obviously, is in being a Liberal, where you get a pat on the head no matter how jejune your reply is.
Shall I wait while you get a dictionary?

And, in that vein....I hear that when you were a child your mother wanted to hire someone to take care of you, but the Mafia wanted too much.

Evoking family members...how unclassy and how unsurprising.

Wow....do you walk into it each and every time!!!!

Thank you for bringing up "unclassy" (you lose style points- should have used "classless")....let's get into that:

1. Why would an astute individual champion a low-class individual like Fluke, who broadcasts her bedroom habits.....demands that the public advance her supplies she needs for her sexual endeavors, and....on top of it....is wealthy enough to pay for her own, in private?

"Poor Sandra Fluke… She Wants You To Pay For Her $9/Month Birth Control As She Frolics in Spain & Pompeii"
Poor Sandra Fluke? She Wants You To Pay For Her $9/Month Birth Control As She Frolics in Spain & Pompeii | The Gateway Pundit

Guess you aren't astute, eh?
Compared to you, I'm a freaking Rhode Scholar. But please continue to put the GOP on the other side of the contraception/abortion battle. You've lost 5 of the last 6 popular votes....largely due to the votes of women. Keep up your assault and you're going to see 6 out of 7.

Anyone can see this but you're not very bright are you....

2. And, I love being able to point your protests out as an example of those of a dupe of the communist/socialist/Liberal/Democrats....
The following where part of the statement of goals by the Communist Party....

a. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

b. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

c. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce
The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

See how neatly you fit in?
So, that identifies you as a classless dupe.

Raise your paw.

There were a lot of words there...quoting rense.com (here is picture of where you get your "wisdom"...)


Whatever you say...:eusa_whistle:

Fluke may not be the gift that keeps on giving...your idiotic ass is.
Why are you people trashing the first lady for her talking about what country the presidents family hails from?

because you are racists

Because he claims that his family is from Hawaii. The kenyans claim he was born in Kenya, Michelle calls Kenya his home country. But his BC say Hawaii and his SS number was issued in Conn (even though he never lived in Conn).

You still don't know who he is and where he came from, but yet , you worship his every word and deed like he is your religious messiah.
yo, candy, er fluke

see my sig.

Thought you were ignoring me...

What is it with you guys that you can't keep your word...I mean:

Tea Party Samurai...welshed

You (you said you have me on ignore)...yet here you are referring to me by name.

Conservatives are the most dishonest people...it must be that someone Like Ms. Fluke reminds you of your shortcomings (and there are many) and you have to lash out because of your incredibly long list of areas where you're not measuring up.

Seriously...what is it with you folks?
Explaining conservatives:
Conservatives: Greed. Racist. Religious.
Liberals: PC. Hippocrites. Socialist.

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