Explaining Conservatives

Actually, he's probably getting a government pension so you're likely paying for a lot more than his contraception...you're probably paying for the lifestyles of his ex wife(s).

Meanwhile Ms. Fluke is costing you $0.00.

Fluke was no more than a campaign prop. It began and ended there.

Yeah, you would think it would have but for some reason, conservatives haven't learned their lesson.

Fluke is no more than another Cindi Sheehan.

It's a breakdown in society you're alleging.

And you're quoting this breakdown from 1963...some 50 years ago. I'm sure we're going to go over the edge any old time now right Ms. Cleaver?

You're attempting to paint Ms. Fluke as some sort of harbinger of this alleged breakdown but, of course, as always I'm pointing out that the so called "in touch" conservatives are just as "culpable" and even more so. And, as always, I rub your nose in the shit you spew.....you cited "easy divorce" so I simply brought up Ms. Fluke wasn't divorced however, Conservative Hero has been on that ride a few times (as have other heroes such as Reagan, Limbaugh, etc...) Want another helping?

Sure I do. I called you on your bullshit, you got your feelings hurt and we've been going on for what, 2 days now because you haven't realized you've lost the argument numerous times now.

That is the length of your comprehension so I expect nothing different.

Your repertoire of humor is somewhere between Hinny Youngman and Phyllis Diller honey...it wasn't funny in 1980 and it's hardly funny now.

I'm pretty sure you enjoy doing a lot of things with needles.

If? You've done nothing but make me laugh honey. Keep setting them up and I'll keep knocking them down as schedule allows.

I guess calling people "slut" isn't vulgar in the ghetto where you were raised. (Post 173). In most society it is a term of vulgarity.

Sounds like Newt Gingrich to me...

I would be proud to have kids that grew up to be like Ms. Fluke before I'd be proud to have kids that grew up to be like Newt Gingrich...yes.

No kidding.

Another lame joke but it pretty much embodies your life...a lame joke.

"I would be proud to have kids that grew up to be like Ms. Fluke....."

That pretty much says it all....
A tough smart liberated woman...you betcha I'd take Ms. Fluke as a role model well before I'd take Newt Gingrich.

You'd probably climb a glass wall to what was on the other side
The 70's called, they want their sense of humor back. :eusa_shhh:

You wrote: ""I would be proud to have kids that grew up to be like Ms. Fluke....."

While filled with fear for any children you have or may have, I'm perfectly happy to allow your quote above to prove what a low-life you are.

I know that you don't read, so I'm providing the following in the hopes that you might see yourself in Toynbee's words.

1. In “A Study of History,” by Arnold J. Toynbee, in the chapter called ‘Schism in the Soul, “Toynbee observed that one of the consistent symptoms of a disintegrating civilization is that elites begin to imitate the bottom of society. Toynbee says the growth phase of civilization is led by a creative minority who have a strong, self-confident sense of style, virtue and purpose.

The uncreative majority follows along through attempts to imitate the creative minority.

2. In disintegrating civilizations, the creative minority (elites) are no longer confident and setting the example. They "lapse into truancy" (reject the obligations of citizenship) and "surrender to a sense of promiscuity" (succumb to vulgarization of manners, the arts and language). Until a few decades ago, the groups we used to call "low-class" or "trash", are now called the underclass. The upper-class, instead of challenging trashy behavior, often imitates and placates it.

a. … four-letter words were unknown in public discourse and among the elites and were used sparingly even in private discourse. Today, vulgar language knows no class, sex, age or place. As late as 1960, sleeping with one's boyfriend was mostly a lower-class thing. It was deemed sluttish and something to be kept secret; today it's open and assumed to be normal…. In some instances, unwed mothers proudly hold baby showers celebrating their illegitimate offspring. Homosexual marriages were unheard of; today, in some jurisdictions, homosexual marriages have legal sanction. Of course, to be judgmental about the new codes of conduct is to risk being labeled a prude and possibly a racist, sexist or a homophobe.”
America's New Role Models

Fluke: "surrender to a sense of promiscuity" (succumb to vulgarization of manners, the arts and language)."....."low-class" or "trash",

You: " often imitates and placates it"

"sluttish and something to be kept secret"

"Of course, to be judgmental about the new codes of conduct is to risk being labeled a prude and possibly a racist, sexist or a homophobe.”

In his best-seller, "Coming Apart," Charles Murray actually asks higher character folks to do just that.
He says "preach what you practice."

But I'll bet you aren't educated enough to know the names Arnold Toynbee or Charles Murray......are you.

Here...let me speak to you on your level: Let's play horse. I'll be the front end and you be yourself.
So Newt Gingrich is a slut?

Not one that I have to provide contraception for.

Or one that we are expected to fork over more of the money we earn to support more children born out of wedlock, many if not most with different daddies.

On another thread, a very dear friend here at USMB, one who happens to tilt pretty much left, suggested that conservatives tend to be result oriented while liberals tend to be consequence oriented. The concept was off topic for that thread so it was not explored, but I have thought about that analogy. And I have decided that no, that doesn't express it. I think consequences and results are pretty much interchangeable.

I think where the federal government is concerned, it is the conservatives who are much more conscious of consequences of policy while liberals tend to be focused on anecdotal images.

While conservatives can see that a government program encourages dependency and chronic poverty among a large segment of the population, the liberal will point to one person who used the government benefits to good advantage to move her and her family out of poverty.

The conservative sees that we are doing more harm than good and therefore need to do it differently or better. The liberal sees the one example and uses it as justification to keep things the same or increase a program.
Speaking of a frame of reference, this is where practically everyone is screwing up here. If conservatives/progressives were nothing more than political movements then the difference would not be so intractable. The difference is much more basic, a kind of inborn personality trait that has probably existed since the beginning of time having both contributed to human culture in different ways.

So, you believe leftism is a personality disorder? Perhaps a form of mental illness?

Few conservatives ever went exploring the unknown, few progressives ever happily stayed home doing exactly what their fathers did. Trying to frame the differences in politics is to ignore the basic psychology of the human race. Some of us are dissatisfied wanderers and some are satisfied tradition bound homebodies, both have their places in society and neither would exist without the other.

Nonsense. The leftist would be dead in moments as he scolded the cougar for not ensuring the deer equal opportunity in the hunt. Leftism can only survive in cities, where the leftist is protected from the consequence of their foolishness.
Tea Party is a subset of Conservatives. It does not equal Conservatives.

And in many cases contains those who would not be considered traditional conservatives.

I am very liberal, yet was active in the early Tea Party movement. Of course, I am not a leftist or "progressive." But I hold social views that are very contrary to the Republicans. I support the legalization of drugs, prostitution, gambling, etc.

It's a bummer that the Tea Party has allowed the filthy democrats and their corrupt press to paint them as part of the GOP. First Tea Party I attended was aimed at Arnold Schwarzenegger, John "Open Borders" McCain, and George W. Bush as they tried to ram their amnesty scheme down our throats.
"I would be proud to have kids that grew up to be like Ms. Fluke....."

That pretty much says it all....
A tough smart liberated woman...you betcha I'd take Ms. Fluke as a role model well before I'd take Newt Gingrich.

You'd probably climb a glass wall to what was on the other side
The 70's called, they want their sense of humor back. :eusa_shhh:

You wrote: ""I would be proud to have kids that grew up to be like Ms. Fluke....."

While filled with fear for any children you have or may have, I'm perfectly happy to allow your quote above to prove what a low-life you are.
A confident, law student attending Georgetown...yes, I'd much rather have my kids turn out like her than some full-time commentator on USMB.

I know that you don't read, so I'm providing the following in the hopes that you might see yourself in Toynbee's words.

1. In “A Study of History,” by Arnold J. Toynbee, in the chapter called ‘Schism in the Soul, “Toynbee observed that one of the consistent symptoms of a disintegrating civilization is that elites begin to imitate the bottom of society. Toynbee says the growth phase of civilization is led by a creative minority who have a strong, self-confident sense of style, virtue and purpose.

The uncreative majority follows along through attempts to imitate the creative minority.

2. In disintegrating civilizations, the creative minority (elites) are no longer confident and setting the example. They "lapse into truancy" (reject the obligations of citizenship) and "surrender to a sense of promiscuity" (succumb to vulgarization of manners, the arts and language). Until a few decades ago, the groups we used to call "low-class" or "trash", are now called the underclass. The upper-class, instead of challenging trashy behavior, often imitates and placates it.

a. … four-letter words were unknown in public discourse and among the elites and were used sparingly even in private discourse. Today, vulgar language knows no class, sex, age or place. As late as 1960, sleeping with one's boyfriend was mostly a lower-class thing. It was deemed sluttish and something to be kept secret; today it's open and assumed to be normal…. In some instances, unwed mothers proudly hold baby showers celebrating their illegitimate offspring. Homosexual marriages were unheard of; today, in some jurisdictions, homosexual marriages have legal sanction. Of course, to be judgmental about the new codes of conduct is to risk being labeled a prude and possibly a racist, sexist or a homophobe.”
America's New Role Models

Fluke: "surrender to a sense of promiscuity" (succumb to vulgarization of manners, the arts and language)."....."low-class" or "trash",

You: " often imitates and placates it"

"sluttish and something to be kept secret"

"Of course, to be judgmental about the new codes of conduct is to risk being labeled a prude and possibly a racist, sexist or a homophobe.”

In his best-seller, "Coming Apart," Charles Murray actually asks higher character folks to do just that.
He says "preach what you practice."

But I'll bet you aren't educated enough to know the names Arnold Toynbee or Charles Murray......are you.

Here...let me speak to you on your level: Let's play horse. I'll be the front end and you be yourself

None of it matters so I summarized.

You made a statement, I blew it out of the water. Nothing you wrote above changes that, disproves that, or means anything. Too long, didn't read, don't care.
So Newt Gingrich is a slut?

Not one that I have to provide contraception for.

Or one that we are expected to fork over more of the money we earn to support more children born out of wedlock, many if not most with different daddies.
Except you're paying for all of his ex-wive's lifestyles though his congressional pension. You're not paying a dime for Ms. Fluke's exploits if there are any.

On another thread, a very dear friend here at USMB, one who happens to tilt pretty much left, suggested that conservatives tend to be result oriented while liberals tend to be consequence oriented. The concept was off topic for that thread so it was not explored, but I have thought about that analogy. And I have decided that no, that doesn't express it. I think consequences and results are pretty much interchangeable.

I think where the federal government is concerned, it is the conservatives who are much more conscious of consequences of policy while liberals tend to be focused on anecdotal images.

While conservatives can see that a government program encourages dependency and chronic poverty among a large segment of the population, the liberal will point to one person who used the government benefits to good advantage to move her and her family out of poverty.

The conservative sees that we are doing more harm than good and therefore need to do it differently or better. The liberal sees the one example and uses it as justification to keep things the same or increase a program.

This was the same "logic" that got Romney shellacked. Such as stopping contraception would lower the abortion rate. Pure gold.
And the far left still pushes talking points and propaganda as if they are fact.

They still can not understand why their far left programmed Obama drone talking points are not taken seriously.
A tough smart liberated woman...you betcha I'd take Ms. Fluke as a role model well before I'd take Newt Gingrich.

The 70's called, they want their sense of humor back. :eusa_shhh:

You wrote: ""I would be proud to have kids that grew up to be like Ms. Fluke....."

While filled with fear for any children you have or may have, I'm perfectly happy to allow your quote above to prove what a low-life you are.
A confident, law student attending Georgetown...yes, I'd much rather have my kids turn out like her than some full-time commentator on USMB.

I know that you don't read, so I'm providing the following in the hopes that you might see yourself in Toynbee's words.

1. In “A Study of History,” by Arnold J. Toynbee, in the chapter called ‘Schism in the Soul, “Toynbee observed that one of the consistent symptoms of a disintegrating civilization is that elites begin to imitate the bottom of society. Toynbee says the growth phase of civilization is led by a creative minority who have a strong, self-confident sense of style, virtue and purpose.

The uncreative majority follows along through attempts to imitate the creative minority.

2. In disintegrating civilizations, the creative minority (elites) are no longer confident and setting the example. They "lapse into truancy" (reject the obligations of citizenship) and "surrender to a sense of promiscuity" (succumb to vulgarization of manners, the arts and language). Until a few decades ago, the groups we used to call "low-class" or "trash", are now called the underclass. The upper-class, instead of challenging trashy behavior, often imitates and placates it.

a. … four-letter words were unknown in public discourse and among the elites and were used sparingly even in private discourse. Today, vulgar language knows no class, sex, age or place. As late as 1960, sleeping with one's boyfriend was mostly a lower-class thing. It was deemed sluttish and something to be kept secret; today it's open and assumed to be normal…. In some instances, unwed mothers proudly hold baby showers celebrating their illegitimate offspring. Homosexual marriages were unheard of; today, in some jurisdictions, homosexual marriages have legal sanction. Of course, to be judgmental about the new codes of conduct is to risk being labeled a prude and possibly a racist, sexist or a homophobe.”
America's New Role Models

Fluke: "surrender to a sense of promiscuity" (succumb to vulgarization of manners, the arts and language)."....."low-class" or "trash",

You: " often imitates and placates it"

"sluttish and something to be kept secret"

"Of course, to be judgmental about the new codes of conduct is to risk being labeled a prude and possibly a racist, sexist or a homophobe.”

In his best-seller, "Coming Apart," Charles Murray actually asks higher character folks to do just that.
He says "preach what you practice."

But I'll bet you aren't educated enough to know the names Arnold Toynbee or Charles Murray......are you.

Here...let me speak to you on your level: Let's play horse. I'll be the front end and you be yourself

None of it matters so I summarized.

You made a statement, I blew it out of the water. Nothing you wrote above changes that, disproves that, or means anything. Too long, didn't read, don't care.

If it didn't matter, you would have allowed it to be seen.....

There is no doubt that it wounded you.
You wrote: ""I would be proud to have kids that grew up to be like Ms. Fluke....."

While filled with fear for any children you have or may have, I'm perfectly happy to allow your quote above to prove what a low-life you are.
A confident, law student attending Georgetown...yes, I'd much rather have my kids turn out like her than some full-time commentator on USMB.

I know that you don't read, so I'm providing the following in the hopes that you might see yourself in Toynbee's words.

1. In “A Study of History,” by Arnold J. Toynbee, in the chapter called ‘Schism in the Soul, “Toynbee observed that one of the consistent symptoms of a disintegrating civilization is that elites begin to imitate the bottom of society. Toynbee says the growth phase of civilization is led by a creative minority who have a strong, self-confident sense of style, virtue and purpose.

The uncreative majority follows along through attempts to imitate the creative minority.

2. In disintegrating civilizations, the creative minority (elites) are no longer confident and setting the example. They "lapse into truancy" (reject the obligations of citizenship) and "surrender to a sense of promiscuity" (succumb to vulgarization of manners, the arts and language). Until a few decades ago, the groups we used to call "low-class" or "trash", are now called the underclass. The upper-class, instead of challenging trashy behavior, often imitates and placates it.

a. … four-letter words were unknown in public discourse and among the elites and were used sparingly even in private discourse. Today, vulgar language knows no class, sex, age or place. As late as 1960, sleeping with one's boyfriend was mostly a lower-class thing. It was deemed sluttish and something to be kept secret; today it's open and assumed to be normal…. In some instances, unwed mothers proudly hold baby showers celebrating their illegitimate offspring. Homosexual marriages were unheard of; today, in some jurisdictions, homosexual marriages have legal sanction. Of course, to be judgmental about the new codes of conduct is to risk being labeled a prude and possibly a racist, sexist or a homophobe.”
America's New Role Models

Fluke: "surrender to a sense of promiscuity" (succumb to vulgarization of manners, the arts and language)."....."low-class" or "trash",

You: " often imitates and placates it"

"sluttish and something to be kept secret"

"Of course, to be judgmental about the new codes of conduct is to risk being labeled a prude and possibly a racist, sexist or a homophobe.”

In his best-seller, "Coming Apart," Charles Murray actually asks higher character folks to do just that.
He says "preach what you practice."

But I'll bet you aren't educated enough to know the names Arnold Toynbee or Charles Murray......are you.

Here...let me speak to you on your level: Let's play horse. I'll be the front end and you be yourself

None of it matters so I summarized.

You made a statement, I blew it out of the water. Nothing you wrote above changes that, disproves that, or means anything. Too long, didn't read, don't care.
If it didn't matter, you would have allowed it to be seen.....

There is no doubt that it wounded you.

Yes...really wounded me...the only thing you've wounded today is your bed springs.
Except you're paying for all of his ex-wive's lifestyles though his congressional pension.

I am paying Gingrich a Congressional pension.

He is paying his ex-wives.

The contraception mandate forces me pay for the contraception of others.

And it may even be against my religious beliefs.

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