Explaining Conservatives

then why do the republicans have to cheat in elections?

How Democrats Steal Elections - Top 10 Methods of Liberal Vote Fraud

1. Over-Voting. In Democrat strongholds like St. Louis, Philadelphia and Detroit, some precincts had 100% of their registered voters voting, with 99% of the ballots going to Gore. Clearly, multiple voting resulted in extra tallies for Gore in the 2000 election. (New York Post, 12/09/00).

2. Dead Voters. This classic Democratic method of vote fraud goes all the way back to 1960 in Chicago and Dallas. The 2000 election was no exception. In Miami-Dade County, for example, some of the 144 ineligible votes (those which officials actually admitted to) were cast by dead people, including a Haitian-American who's been deceased since 1977 (Miami-Herald, 12/24/00).

3. Mystery Voters. These "voters" cast votes anyway but are not even registered to vote. In heavily Democratic Broward County, for example, more than 400 ballots were cast by non-registered voters. (Miami-Herald 1/09/01)

4. Military ballots. Many of these votes were disqualified for the most mundane and trivial reasons. At least 1,527 valid military ballots were discarded in Florida by Democratic vote counters (Drudge Report, 11/19/00).

5. Criminals. Felons are a natural Democratic voter and they're protected on voter rolls across the country. In Florida at least 445 ex-convicts - including rapists and murderers -- voted illegally on November 7th. Nearly all of them were registered Democrats. (Miami-Herald 12/01/00)

ConservativeAction.org Resources : How Democrats Steal Elections - Top 10 Methods of Liberal Vote Fraud

Let me know when you want the other five.......


Actually, you've been thoroughly thrashed, and identified as the low life that you are.

Now that you've been dissed.....

.....you're dismissed.

No way beeotch. You said that conservatives "know what's going on". You didn't know shit then and you still don't know. You're dismissed; not that you were ever anywhere near me

You’re here? I guess you finished dinner at the dumpster.

Now, while I have you here to slap you around some more.....let me take advantage of the fact that I read books, and you don't....

In his 1855 book, "Table Talk," John Doran recounts the story of a curate at Basse Bretagne, noted for his wit, who found that his duty at the confessional interfered with a number of invitations to dine. Seeking to indulge his stomach, the curate declared from the pulpit:

“In order to avoid confusion, my brethren, I have to announce that tomorrow, Monday, I will receive at confession the liars only; on Tuesday, the misers; on Wednesday, the slanderers; on Thursday, the thieves; Friday, the libertines; and Saturday, the women of evil life.”

Looks like you can pick Monday, Wednesday, or Saturday.

With the economy still in tatters and Obamacare on the ropes (even Chris Matthews is starting to scratch his ass and wonder) the GOP star is rising.

Because the GOP is so great ? Not even close.

They are still a mess.

So how are they gaining ? Well, it's more like the other side is tanking. Big time.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Direction of Country

The "six year itch" is upon the democrats and they know it.

But CandyCorn, the company scapegoat, is telling us how we don't know what's going on.

I suspect her view is one that is similar to the one those on the deck of the Titanic had just as the bow just started to lift from the water. I wonder if she can hear the music ?
5. One more difference: insight- found more in the conservative camp than in the Liberal.
There was actually a study by Jonathan Haidt, a social psychologist at the University of Virginia who, until 2009, considered himself a partisan liberal.

"In “The Righteous Mind,” Haidt seeks to enrich liberalism, and political discourse generally, with a deeper awareness of human nature.
The hardest part, Haidt finds, is getting liberals to open their minds. Anecdotally, he reports that when he talks about authority, loyalty and sanctity, many people in the audience spurn these ideas as the seeds of racism, sexism and homophobia. And in a survey of 2,000 Americans, Haidt found that self-described liberals, especially those who called themselves “very liberal,” were worse at predicting the moral judgments of moderates and conservatives than moderates and conservatives were at predicting the moral judgments of liberals.

Liberals don’t understand conservative values. And they can’t recognize this failing, because they’re so convinced of their rationality, open-mindedness and enlightenment."

I think this thread has proved that point.

Thanks PC.
If I were to write about political ideologues, I'd title it, "Liberals are from Venus, Conservatives are from Mars" :)

How did James Carville and Mary Matalin ever marry ?

I figured one would be dead in two years and the other would be in prison (for murder).

I think they are going on 20 years now.
If I were to write about political ideologues, I'd title it, "Liberals are from Venus, Conservatives are from Mars" :)

How did James Carville and Mary Matalin ever marry ?

I figured one would be dead in two years and the other would be in prison (for murder).

I think they are going on 20 years now.

I know them both. They are together because Carville is a paid actor. He is paid to spout dem/lib BS that even he does not believe. He is not what he appears to be, not even close.
No way beeotch. You said that conservatives "know what's going on". You didn't know shit then and you still don't know. You're dismissed; not that you were ever anywhere near me

You’re here? I guess you finished dinner at the dumpster.

Now, while I have you here to slap you around some more.....let me take advantage of the fact that I read books, and you don't....

In his 1855 book, "Table Talk," John Doran recounts the story of a curate at Basse Bretagne, noted for his wit, who found that his duty at the confessional interfered with a number of invitations to dine. Seeking to indulge his stomach, the curate declared from the pulpit:

“In order to avoid confusion, my brethren, I have to announce that tomorrow, Monday, I will receive at confession the liars only; on Tuesday, the misers; on Wednesday, the slanderers; on Thursday, the thieves; Friday, the libertines; and Saturday, the women of evil life.”

Looks like you can pick Monday, Wednesday, or Saturday.

With the economy still in tatters and Obamacare on the ropes (even Chris Matthews is starting to scratch his ass and wonder) the GOP star is rising.

Because the GOP is so great ? Not even close.

They are still a mess.

So how are they gaining ? Well, it's more like the other side is tanking. Big time.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Direction of Country

The "six year itch" is upon the democrats and they know it.

But CandyCorn, the company scapegoat, is telling us how we don't know what's going on.
You bet your posting privileges here that Mitt Romney was going to win an election. He not only lost, he got his ass kicked. You had no idea what was going on in November 2012 and you have no idea what is going on now.

I suspect her view is one that is similar to the one those on the deck of the Titanic had just as the bow just started to lift from the water. I wonder if she can hear the music ?

Oh please, I've said something like 20 times that the 2014 election should be good for the GOP due to 2 things; the historic mid-term preferences Americans usually show for the Party not in control of the Oval Office and that there are a great many more Democrat seats up for grabs than GOP seats in the Senate. Morons like you and Politicalhick will equate the upcoming strong performance as a sea-change. It won't be.
....beginning with your selection of some slut as your icon.

To refer to a woman as a ‘slut’ is a hateful, ignorant double-standard.

Women are at liberty to be sexually active with impunity; and those who seek to use birth control should be commended for acting in a responsible manner.

Obviously there’s no need to ‘explain conservatives,’ the hate and ignorance of most on the right is well-documented.

If the shoe fits......

Hate and ignorance fit conservatives. Also they seem to be unable to keep their word. One guy bet that Romney would win or he'd stop posting here. Yet here he is back...posting. I mean, how pathetic does your life have to be that you'd be willing to squander your honor to post on a message board? We're talking low-grade garbage people here.
To refer to a woman as a ‘slut’ is a hateful, ignorant double-standard.

Women are at liberty to be sexually active with impunity; and those who seek to use birth control should be commended for acting in a responsible manner.

Obviously there’s no need to ‘explain conservatives,’ the hate and ignorance of most on the right is well-documented.

If the shoe fits......

Hate and ignorance fit conservatives. Also they seem to be unable to keep their word. One guy bet that Romney would win or he'd stop posting here. Yet here he is back...posting. I mean, how pathetic does your life have to be that you'd be willing to squander your honor to post on a message board? We're talking low-grade garbage people here.

"Hate and ignorance fit conservatives. Also they seem to be unable to keep their word."

"Obama Is the Year's Biggest Liar"
Obama Is the Year's Biggest Liar

You just can't seem to keep from walking right into it every time, can you.
If the shoe fits......

Hate and ignorance fit conservatives. Also they seem to be unable to keep their word. One guy bet that Romney would win or he'd stop posting here. Yet here he is back...posting. I mean, how pathetic does your life have to be that you'd be willing to squander your honor to post on a message board? We're talking low-grade garbage people here.
"Hate and ignorance fit conservatives. Also they seem to be unable to keep their word."
"Obama Is the Year's Biggest Liar"
Obama Is the Year's Biggest Liar
You just can't seem to keep from walking right into it every time, can you.

Good point. So if Obama does it, it's okay if you do it?

You can't keep from stepping in it every time, can you? I'll do you a favor and let you know that you can tell a joke from 1978 in five...four....three...two....
To refer to a woman as a ‘slut’ is a hateful, ignorant double-standard.

Women are at liberty to be sexually active with impunity; and those who seek to use birth control should be commended for acting in a responsible manner.

Obviously there’s no need to ‘explain conservatives,’ the hate and ignorance of most on the right is well-documented.

If the shoe fits......

Hate and ignorance fit conservatives. Also they seem to be unable to keep their word. One guy bet that Romney would win or he'd stop posting here. Yet here he is back...posting. I mean, how pathetic does your life have to be that you'd be willing to squander your honor to post on a message board? We're talking low-grade garbage people here.


There’s currently a thread with conservative subscribers advocating that those who receive public assistance, or who are not property owners, should have their fundamental right to vote denied.

Hate and ignorance does indeed fit most conservatives; in addition to their contempt for, or ignorance of, the Constitution and its case law.
If the shoe fits......

Hate and ignorance fit conservatives. Also they seem to be unable to keep their word. One guy bet that Romney would win or he'd stop posting here. Yet here he is back...posting. I mean, how pathetic does your life have to be that you'd be willing to squander your honor to post on a message board? We're talking low-grade garbage people here.


There’s currently a thread with conservative subscribers advocating that those who receive public assistance, or who are not property owners, should have their fundamental right to vote denied.

Hate and ignorance does indeed fit most conservatives; in addition to their contempt for, or ignorance of, the Constitution and its case law.

Not only that but when you look at the naked two-faced "we're so tolerant" bullshit spewed repeatedly by [MENTION=6847]Foxfyre[/MENTION] and compare the almost daily "slut" references to Ms. Fluke any sober observer can tell that they are just as hateful as ever.
Hate and ignorance fit conservatives. Also they seem to be unable to keep their word. One guy bet that Romney would win or he'd stop posting here. Yet here he is back...posting. I mean, how pathetic does your life have to be that you'd be willing to squander your honor to post on a message board? We're talking low-grade garbage people here.
"Hate and ignorance fit conservatives. Also they seem to be unable to keep their word."
"Obama Is the Year's Biggest Liar"
Obama Is the Year's Biggest Liar
You just can't seem to keep from walking right into it every time, can you.

Good point. So if Obama does it, it's okay if you do it?

You can't keep from stepping in it every time, can you? I'll do you a favor and let you know that you can tell a joke from 1978 in five...four....three...two....

The only joke around here is you.

But...I am curious....how did you decide to choose that avi and not Kim Kardashian?
Must have been a tough choice......

...was the criterion to find the one with the least class?
"Hate and ignorance fit conservatives. Also they seem to be unable to keep their word."
"Obama Is the Year's Biggest Liar"
Obama Is the Year's Biggest Liar
You just can't seem to keep from walking right into it every time, can you.

Good point. So if Obama does it, it's okay if you do it?

You can't keep from stepping in it every time, can you? I'll do you a favor and let you know that you can tell a joke from 1978 in five...four....three...two....

The only joke around here is you.
I've made you look like the dumb bitch you are. All you've done was wallow in your self-appointed "victory" for about 50 posts now. It's getting old.

But...I am curious....how did you decide to choose that avi and not Kim Kardashian?
Must have been a tough choice......

...was the criterion to find the one with the least class?

You jealous of Ms. Fluke? You can admit it; we all know you are. :lol:
Good point. So if Obama does it, it's okay if you do it?

You can't keep from stepping in it every time, can you? I'll do you a favor and let you know that you can tell a joke from 1978 in five...four....three...two....

The only joke around here is you.
I've made you look like the dumb bitch you are. All you've done was wallow in your self-appointed "victory" for about 50 posts now. It's getting old.

But...I am curious....how did you decide to choose that avi and not Kim Kardashian?
Must have been a tough choice......

...was the criterion to find the one with the least class?

You jealous of Ms. Fluke? You can admit it; we all know you are. :lol:

And the far left posts using nothing but talking points and propaganda and think they are intelligent by using their DNC programming.
The only joke around here is you.
I've made you look like the dumb bitch you are. All you've done was wallow in your self-appointed "victory" for about 50 posts now. It's getting old.

But...I am curious....how did you decide to choose that avi and not Kim Kardashian?
Must have been a tough choice......

...was the criterion to find the one with the least class?

You jealous of Ms. Fluke? You can admit it; we all know you are. :lol:

And the far left posts using nothing but talking points and propaganda and think they are intelligent by using their DNC programming.

She was hoping for a man to save her...too bad you showed up.
Hate and ignorance fit conservatives. Also they seem to be unable to keep their word. One guy bet that Romney would win or he'd stop posting here. Yet here he is back...posting. I mean, how pathetic does your life have to be that you'd be willing to squander your honor to post on a message board? We're talking low-grade garbage people here.


There’s currently a thread with conservative subscribers advocating that those who receive public assistance, or who are not property owners, should have their fundamental right to vote denied.

Hate and ignorance does indeed fit most conservatives; in addition to their contempt for, or ignorance of, the Constitution and its case law.

Not only that but when you look at the naked two-faced "we're so tolerant" bullshit spewed repeatedly by [MENTION=6847]Foxfyre[/MENTION] and compare the almost daily "slut" references to Ms. Fluke any sober observer can tell that they are just as hateful as ever.

Again, with regard to this thread, the ‘PC/DD’ threads, and threads about immigrants, the myth of voter ‘fraud,’ and denying public assistance recipients their civil liberties – the common theme that runs through each and every such thread is conservative fear: fear of diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty. And because fear is closely related to hate, most fearful conservatives respond with hate, advocating laws that disadvantage those whom they fear.
Good point. So if Obama does it, it's okay if you do it?

You can't keep from stepping in it every time, can you? I'll do you a favor and let you know that you can tell a joke from 1978 in five...four....three...two....

The only joke around here is you.
I've made you look like the dumb bitch you are. All you've done was wallow in your self-appointed "victory" for about 50 posts now. It's getting old.

But...I am curious....how did you decide to choose that avi and not Kim Kardashian?
Must have been a tough choice......

...was the criterion to find the one with the least class?

You jealous of Ms. Fluke? You can admit it; we all know you are. :lol:


If she were a cookie, she'd be a Whoreo.
The only joke around here is you.
I've made you look like the dumb bitch you are. All you've done was wallow in your self-appointed "victory" for about 50 posts now. It's getting old.

But...I am curious....how did you decide to choose that avi and not Kim Kardashian?
Must have been a tough choice......

...was the criterion to find the one with the least class?

You jealous of Ms. Fluke? You can admit it; we all know you are. :lol:

If she were a cookie, she'd be a Whoreo.

You're almost as funny as you look...but nobody is that funny.

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