Explaining Conservatives

then why do the republicans have to cheat in elections?

Examples of vote fraud by Democrats have not been widely publicized, thanks to the symbiotic relationship between the party and most of the media. In 2000, major TV networks wrongly projected Al Gore as the winner in Florida before the polls even closed in the state's heavily Republican Panhandle. Many prospective voters stepped out of line and went home. Later studies estimated that the error had reduced President Bush's margin by 8,000 to 11,500 votes.

In his book Stealing Elections, writer John Fund suggests that another 15,000+ Bush votes were destroyed in Democrat-controlled Palm Beach County. Palm Beach reported 19,120 "over votes" -- ballots marked for more than one candidate -- representing nearly ten times the error rate for the rest of the state. Former law enforcement officials told Fund that stacks of paper ballots had been altered by pushing a thin prod through the Gore column, invalidating votes for Bush while leaving those for Gore intact.

Democrats have consistently attacked anti-fraud proposals, claiming that they violate voters' civil rights. In particular, they oppose requiring voters to show identification.

A recent poll found that 82% of Americans think a photo ID should be required to vote. However, only 25 states check any form of voter identification, and a photo ID is required by just seven.

There is no systematic review of voter registration rolls by states to find non-citizens, and the relevant federal agencies -- in direct violation of federal law -- refuse to cooperate with state election officials seeking to verify the citizenship status of registered voters.


Four local officials and party activists were convicted in 2011 of voter fraud in Troy for forging enough absentee ballots to "likely have tipped the city council and county elections" in 2009. Two veteran Democratic political operatives said voter fraud is an accepted way of winning elections. http://www.usnews.com/debate-club/i...raud-is-a-proven-election-manipulation-tactic

Indiana Dem official sentenced to prison for '08 ballot fraud in Obama-Clinton primary


FEMA official charged in voter fraud case

I could go on for Days - the fact of the matter is VOTER FRAUD is an acceptable and common practice within the Democratic Party. Republicans are Guilty also but to a miniscule extent - they tend to be more ideological and actually care about the Country and it's people.
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Judging by your post,.....you're a dope.
Really....here, nothing else matters.
Miles smarter than you in politics, logic, debate, history, and probably hygiene. But judge by your own yardstick. I deal in results and I have proven that your OP is nonsense. Over and over. You've been reduced to personal attack after personal attack, calling some woman you've never met a "slut", and basically making an ass out of yourself. Not that the task wasn't 1/2 way finished already...I'm sure it's from your diet.

Again, please quote where she wanted the government to pay for her "bedroom habits".

You couldn't be as dumb as you appear. It would violate the laws of physics

Wow, hard to get happy after that.

You've responded to 9 of them. Given the content, I think you've seen them but multi-syllable words seems to do you no favors.

Again, hard to get happy after a putdown like that...wow... You know, you could probably tun on comedy central (the station, not your bathroom mirror) and get some better material.

Can't wait for your next attempt at a post.....as you are a pacifist out of necessity in a battle of wits.

Were you intending to sound so lame?

What more is there to say.

I've explained to you that you rarely sound more intelligent than a fifth grader in composition, and the reason why I find you to be of low character.....I can't imagine anyone wanting you to offer your views to their children.
No hon, usually it's either the State EOC or County EOC office asking for my views. I'll let you speak to children which is probably more along the lines of your intellect.

Nor do I expect you to have the ability to change.
You are what you are....and will remain so.
Why would I want to? So I can leave an inch between lines in a 2 sentence paragraph? You made an OP, I obliterated it about 25 posts ago. You're screaming some nonsense about character and, well, frankly, I don't know what else--you ceased to be hilarious a few posts back but you're still entertaining--thinking you're scoring some points.

The good news: you are immune from any serious head injury.

Ahh, again, so hard to get happy after these vintage 1985 jokes you keep telling. Tell Red Buttons and Hinny Youngman I said "hi".
embracing cheating the American people out of their vote is not bravery its being a traitor

The typical liberal comeback. Ignore the OP and make an accusation to deflect. Ok, I'll play your game.

Liberals believe that the right wants to cheat, but it's actually the liberals who are cheating. It's because you believe your candidate should win and you have to insure that. Since liberals think the entire country is too stupid to make the call, you would rather do it for them. The creed of liberals is that the ends always justifies the means.

That goes along with the OP because that demonstrates the liberal way of thinking. It's about one group deciding for all because they have no faith in individuals.

When Obama received 100% OR MORE of the votes in certain districts, it means cheating. Since the leftist talking points, which are taken as gospel, state that only the right will cheat (by voter ID and updating voter rolls), they insist that Obama actually got more than 100% of the votes and the right wants to verify registrations to stop that. Yes, we do want to stop that, but only because cheating is wrong.

Anyone who has worked at polling places can see how easy it would be to cheat and the results from the last election prove that something is very wrong. It is mathematically impossible to get even 100% of the votes.

When you go in to vote in most places, you simply give your name. The poll worker looks your name up in the registration book, marks a check beside your name and hands you a ballot.

There are always millions of unused ballots, in fact the majority of people don't show up. Less than a third of voters even bother to vote each election so that means millions of unclaimed ballots sit in the polling places. Using them would be simple. Just check the names off for people who never showed and cast the ballot.

With motor voter registration, millions who aren't interested in voting are still registered. Those usused ballots are likely being used by dishonest poll workers. Remember the trunk full of uncounted ballots for Al Franken that magically surfaced? Those were simply unclaimed ballots that were filled out.

There is no way to catch this kind of cheating unless you actually call all the registered voters who had their names checked off and ask if they actually voted. Otherwise, an audit would show that the ballots were all cast by legal registered voters.

Currently, the only ones who get caught are those voting twice or using a fake name. They are easy to catch, but are not the real problem.

It's those ballots that appear legitimate that need to be looked at closer. Even if one district, such as one that showed 100% or more of the votes going to Obama, was checked, I think cheating would be evident.

This is why Democrats do not want voter rolls updated. It would mean people have to take action to keep their registration current and the only ones who will bother are those who actually vote. There would no longer be millions of unused ballots to play with.

Voter ID only works if the poll workers are honest. Looking back at some of the results from the last election, I would say Voter ID would be a joke.

What we need to do is encourage people to take charge of the ballot they are entitled to. Whether they request an absentee ballot or request to have their names removed from the rolls, we have to ensure that dishonest poll workers cannot cast ballots for people who don't show up.

Of course, the left doesn't want that because it could mean getting an outcome that would stop the liberal agenda. So, since the ends justifies the means, they will continue to hurl insults and accusations toward anyone wanting to look into this.

The left is impossible to argue with. Not because they are right, but because they hold one belief and will not stray from that no matter how much evidence there is to dispute their views.

Maybe you can answer why the left refuses to ensure that voter rolls are accurate. It has nothing to do with suppression because anyone who wants to vote can do so quite easily. The left wants to keep millions of unused ballots at the disposal of poll workers and vote counters. We're on to your scam. I don't assume anything, but again, Obama got 100% or more of the votes in swing states and I can see how easy it would be for dishonest people to cheat. Sorry, but that alone is proof that cannot be ignored, yet the left will say they know nothing about it or it's all made up. Checking the facts isn't something they'll do.

Of course, I'll get called names. Even if I showed positive proof, I would still get called names and the left would refuse to acknowledge facts. They stick with the tired old mantra no matter what surfaces.

They cheat, therefore they think others will, too. They think the whole world should think the way they do. The one who mistrusts the most should be trusted the least. That is the whole point of the OP.
Miles smarter than you in politics, logic, debate, history, and probably hygiene. But judge by your own yardstick. I deal in results and I have proven that your OP is nonsense. Over and over. You've been reduced to personal attack after personal attack, calling some woman you've never met a "slut", and basically making an ass out of yourself. Not that the task wasn't 1/2 way finished already...I'm sure it's from your diet.

Again, please quote where she wanted the government to pay for her "bedroom habits".

You couldn't be as dumb as you appear. It would violate the laws of physics

Wow, hard to get happy after that.

You've responded to 9 of them. Given the content, I think you've seen them but multi-syllable words seems to do you no favors.

Again, hard to get happy after a putdown like that...wow... You know, you could probably tun on comedy central (the station, not your bathroom mirror) and get some better material.

Were you intending to sound so lame?

What more is there to say.

I've explained to you that you rarely sound more intelligent than a fifth grader in composition, and the reason why I find you to be of low character.....I can't imagine anyone wanting you to offer your views to their children.
No hon, usually it's either the State EOC or County EOC office asking for my views. I'll let you speak to children which is probably more along the lines of your intellect.

Nor do I expect you to have the ability to change.
You are what you are....and will remain so.
Why would I want to? So I can leave an inch between lines in a 2 sentence paragraph? You made an OP, I obliterated it about 25 posts ago. You're screaming some nonsense about character and, well, frankly, I don't know what else--you ceased to be hilarious a few posts back but you're still entertaining--thinking you're scoring some points.

The good news: you are immune from any serious head injury.

Ahh, again, so hard to get happy after these vintage 1985 jokes you keep telling. Tell Red Buttons and Hinny Youngman I said "hi".

", I obliterated it..."

The only thing that has been obliterated is the idea that you have any cachet.

You claim that there are folks asking for your opinion?
If so, it must be an agency joke....and they sit there rolling their eyes.
Turn around quickly....you'll catch 'em.

Now, don't forget...you're entitled to a substantial discount from mind readers.
What more is there to say.

I've explained to you that you rarely sound more intelligent than a fifth grader in composition, and the reason why I find you to be of low character.....I can't imagine anyone wanting you to offer your views to their children.
No hon, usually it's either the State EOC or County EOC office asking for my views. I'll let you speak to children which is probably more along the lines of your intellect.

Why would I want to? So I can leave an inch between lines in a 2 sentence paragraph? You made an OP, I obliterated it about 25 posts ago. You're screaming some nonsense about character and, well, frankly, I don't know what else--you ceased to be hilarious a few posts back but you're still entertaining--thinking you're scoring some points.

The good news: you are immune from any serious head injury.

Ahh, again, so hard to get happy after these vintage 1985 jokes you keep telling. Tell Red Buttons and Hinny Youngman I said "hi".

", I obliterated it..."

The only thing that has been obliterated is the idea that you have any cachet.
You said conservatives know what is going on. Obviously you had no clue what was going on when Obama bitch-slapped Romney from one ocean to the other after you predicted a Romney landslide.

Score board. 332-206

You claim that there are folks asking for your opinion?
If so, it must be an agency joke....and they sit there rolling their eyes.
Turn around quickly....you'll catch 'em.
During an emergency or INS, sure. But I know it's too hard for you to understand...just turn back on your soap opera and let yourself be amazed for a bit.
No hon, usually it's either the State EOC or County EOC office asking for my views. I'll let you speak to children which is probably more along the lines of your intellect.

Why would I want to? So I can leave an inch between lines in a 2 sentence paragraph? You made an OP, I obliterated it about 25 posts ago. You're screaming some nonsense about character and, well, frankly, I don't know what else--you ceased to be hilarious a few posts back but you're still entertaining--thinking you're scoring some points.

Ahh, again, so hard to get happy after these vintage 1985 jokes you keep telling. Tell Red Buttons and Hinny Youngman I said "hi".

", I obliterated it..."

The only thing that has been obliterated is the idea that you have any cachet.
You said conservatives know what is going on. Obviously you had no clue what was going on when Obama bitch-slapped Romney from one ocean to the other after you predicted a Romney landslide.

Score board. 332-206

You claim that there are folks asking for your opinion?
If so, it must be an agency joke....and they sit there rolling their eyes.
Turn around quickly....you'll catch 'em.
During an emergency or INS, sure. But I know it's too hard for you to understand...just turn back on your soap opera and let yourself be amazed for a bit.

I had a professor used the phrase 'he sticks to me like manure to a wet blanket."

I'm not really a wet blanket, but you appear to fit the rest of the description.

I've explained what I have found to be the case with reference to your character, and ability.....

....you must be terribly lonely to keep this up.

What is the point? To do so because you think it will change the analysis merely proves what I've been saying.

You're a dunce, and will remain so.
", I obliterated it..."

The only thing that has been obliterated is the idea that you have any cachet.
You said conservatives know what is going on. Obviously you had no clue what was going on when Obama bitch-slapped Romney from one ocean to the other after you predicted a Romney landslide.

Score board. 332-206

You claim that there are folks asking for your opinion?
If so, it must be an agency joke....and they sit there rolling their eyes.
Turn around quickly....you'll catch 'em.
During an emergency or INS, sure. But I know it's too hard for you to understand...just turn back on your soap opera and let yourself be amazed for a bit.

I had a professor used the phrase 'he sticks to me like manure to a wet blanket."

I'm not really a wet blanket, but you appear to fit the rest of the description.
Your sex life is not my business.

I've explained what I have found to be the case with reference to your character, and ability.....
....you must be terribly lonely to keep this up.
What is the point? To do so because you think it will change the analysis merely proves what I've been saying.

You're a dunce, and will remain so.

You're actually correct about this. You predicted Romney would win in a landslide. He got his ass kicked. You're right, nothing can change that. Thanks for playing our game; you lost yet again.:eusa_shhh:
You said conservatives know what is going on. Obviously you had no clue what was going on when Obama bitch-slapped Romney from one ocean to the other after you predicted a Romney landslide.

Score board. 332-206

During an emergency or INS, sure. But I know it's too hard for you to understand...just turn back on your soap opera and let yourself be amazed for a bit.

I had a professor used the phrase 'he sticks to me like manure to a wet blanket."

I'm not really a wet blanket, but you appear to fit the rest of the description.
Your sex life is not my business.

I've explained what I have found to be the case with reference to your character, and ability.....
....you must be terribly lonely to keep this up.
What is the point? To do so because you think it will change the analysis merely proves what I've been saying.

You're a dunce, and will remain so.

You're actually correct about this. You predicted Romney would win in a landslide. He got his ass kicked. You're right, nothing can change that. Thanks for playing our game; you lost yet again.:eusa_shhh:

You can't seem to stay away.....

I see how needy you are...and I'll give you as much of my time as I can to prevent you from doing something harmful to yourself.
You said conservatives know what is going on. Obviously you had no clue what was going on when Obama bitch-slapped Romney from one ocean to the other after you predicted a Romney landslide.

Score board. 332-206

During an emergency or INS, sure. But I know it's too hard for you to understand...just turn back on your soap opera and let yourself be amazed for a bit.

I had a professor used the phrase 'he sticks to me like manure to a wet blanket."

I'm not really a wet blanket, but you appear to fit the rest of the description.
Your sex life is not my business.

I've explained what I have found to be the case with reference to your character, and ability.....
....you must be terribly lonely to keep this up.
What is the point? To do so because you think it will change the analysis merely proves what I've been saying.

You're a dunce, and will remain so.

You're actually correct about this. You predicted Romney would win in a landslide. He got his ass kicked. You're right, nothing can change that. Thanks for playing our game; you lost yet again.:eusa_shhh:

Oh....now I see why you are fighting to stay attached to me!

Out of the blue you say "Your sex life is not my business."


Pleeeeezzzzeee...don't involve me in any of your fantasies!

I just lost my appetite.
I had a professor used the phrase 'he sticks to me like manure to a wet blanket."

I'm not really a wet blanket, but you appear to fit the rest of the description.
Your sex life is not my business.

I've explained what I have found to be the case with reference to your character, and ability.....
....you must be terribly lonely to keep this up.
What is the point? To do so because you think it will change the analysis merely proves what I've been saying.

You're a dunce, and will remain so.

You're actually correct about this. You predicted Romney would win in a landslide. He got his ass kicked. You're right, nothing can change that. Thanks for playing our game; you lost yet again.:eusa_shhh:

You can't seem to stay away.....

I see how needy you are...and I'll give you as much of my time as I can to prevent you from doing something harmful to yourself.

It's called a victory lap. I won the argument and now I'm just humiliating you. That you enjoy the humiliation is kinda gross.
Your sex life is not my business.

You're actually correct about this. You predicted Romney would win in a landslide. He got his ass kicked. You're right, nothing can change that. Thanks for playing our game; you lost yet again.:eusa_shhh:

You can't seem to stay away.....

I see how needy you are...and I'll give you as much of my time as I can to prevent you from doing something harmful to yourself.

It's called a victory lap. I won the argument and now I'm just humiliating you. That you enjoy the humiliation is kinda gross.

Actually, you've been thoroughly thrashed, and identified as the low life that you are.

Now that you've been dissed.....

.....you're dismissed.
You can't seem to stay away.....

I see how needy you are...and I'll give you as much of my time as I can to prevent you from doing something harmful to yourself.

It's called a victory lap. I won the argument and now I'm just humiliating you. That you enjoy the humiliation is kinda gross.

Actually, you've been thoroughly thrashed, and identified as the low life that you are.

Now that you've been dissed.....

.....you're dismissed.

No way beeotch. You said that conservatives "know what's going on". You didn't know shit then and you still don't know. You're dismissed; not that you were ever anywhere near me
It's called a victory lap. I won the argument and now I'm just humiliating you. That you enjoy the humiliation is kinda gross.

Actually, you've been thoroughly thrashed, and identified as the low life that you are.

Now that you've been dissed.....

.....you're dismissed.

No way beeotch. You said that conservatives "know what's going on". You didn't know shit then and you still don't know. You're dismissed; not that you were ever anywhere near me

You’re here? I guess you finished dinner at the dumpster.

Now, while I have you here to slap you around some more.....let me take advantage of the fact that I read books, and you don't....

In his 1855 book, "Table Talk," John Doran recounts the story of a curate at Basse Bretagne, noted for his wit, who found that his duty at the confessional interfered with a number of invitations to dine. Seeking to indulge his stomach, the curate declared from the pulpit:

“In order to avoid confusion, my brethren, I have to announce that tomorrow, Monday, I will receive at confession the liars only; on Tuesday, the misers; on Wednesday, the slanderers; on Thursday, the thieves; Friday, the libertines; and Saturday, the women of evil life.”

Looks like you can pick Monday, Wednesday, or Saturday.
embracing cheating the American people out of their vote is not bravery its being a traitor

The typical liberal comeback. Ignore the OP and make an accusation to deflect. Ok, I'll play your game.

Liberals believe that the right wants to cheat, but it's actually the liberals who are cheating. It's because you believe your candidate should win and you have to insure that. Since liberals think the entire country is too stupid to make the call, you would rather do it for them. The creed of liberals is that the ends always justifies the means.

That goes along with the OP because that demonstrates the liberal way of thinking. It's about one group deciding for all because they have no faith in individuals.

When Obama received 100% OR MORE of the votes in certain districts, it means cheating. Since the leftist talking points, which are taken as gospel, state that only the right will cheat (by voter ID and updating voter rolls), they insist that Obama actually got more than 100% of the votes and the right wants to verify registrations to stop that. Yes, we do want to stop that, but only because cheating is wrong.

Anyone who has worked at polling places can see how easy it would be to cheat and the results from the last election prove that something is very wrong. It is mathematically impossible to get even 100% of the votes.

When you go in to vote in most places, you simply give your name. The poll worker looks your name up in the registration book, marks a check beside your name and hands you a ballot.

There are always millions of unused ballots, in fact the majority of people don't show up. Less than a third of voters even bother to vote each election so that means millions of unclaimed ballots sit in the polling places. Using them would be simple. Just check the names off for people who never showed and cast the ballot.

With motor voter registration, millions who aren't interested in voting are still registered. Those usused ballots are likely being used by dishonest poll workers. Remember the trunk full of uncounted ballots for Al Franken that magically surfaced? Those were simply unclaimed ballots that were filled out.

There is no way to catch this kind of cheating unless you actually call all the registered voters who had their names checked off and ask if they actually voted. Otherwise, an audit would show that the ballots were all cast by legal registered voters.

Currently, the only ones who get caught are those voting twice or using a fake name. They are easy to catch, but are not the real problem.

It's those ballots that appear legitimate that need to be looked at closer. Even if one district, such as one that showed 100% or more of the votes going to Obama, was checked, I think cheating would be evident.

This is why Democrats do not want voter rolls updated. It would mean people have to take action to keep their registration current and the only ones who will bother are those who actually vote. There would no longer be millions of unused ballots to play with.

Voter ID only works if the poll workers are honest. Looking back at some of the results from the last election, I would say Voter ID would be a joke.

What we need to do is encourage people to take charge of the ballot they are entitled to. Whether they request an absentee ballot or request to have their names removed from the rolls, we have to ensure that dishonest poll workers cannot cast ballots for people who don't show up.

Of course, the left doesn't want that because it could mean getting an outcome that would stop the liberal agenda. So, since the ends justifies the means, they will continue to hurl insults and accusations toward anyone wanting to look into this.

The left is impossible to argue with. Not because they are right, but because they hold one belief and will not stray from that no matter how much evidence there is to dispute their views.

Maybe you can answer why the left refuses to ensure that voter rolls are accurate. It has nothing to do with suppression because anyone who wants to vote can do so quite easily. The left wants to keep millions of unused ballots at the disposal of poll workers and vote counters. We're on to your scam. I don't assume anything, but again, Obama got 100% or more of the votes in swing states and I can see how easy it would be for dishonest people to cheat. Sorry, but that alone is proof that cannot be ignored, yet the left will say they know nothing about it or it's all made up. Checking the facts isn't something they'll do.

Of course, I'll get called names. Even if I showed positive proof, I would still get called names and the left would refuse to acknowledge facts. They stick with the tired old mantra no matter what surfaces.

They cheat, therefore they think others will, too. They think the whole world should think the way they do. The one who mistrusts the most should be trusted the least. That is the whole point of the OP.

not one drop of proof there.

How do you use baseless opinion against court documented cases going right up to the SCOTUS?

how do you ignore all of the courts in this country and use talking points?

your a fool
Supreme Court denies RNC bid to end voter fraud consent decree - Los Angeles Times

The consent decree has remained in effect, and DNC lawyers say they have gone to court in states such as Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana and Pennsylvania to challenge Republican activities that appear to target mostly black precincts. Both sides agree, however, that the consent decree does not forbid “normal poll watching” by Republican officials.

The RNC has tried repeatedly to have the consent decree lifted, contending it interferes with its efforts to combat voter fraud. But a federal judge in New Jersey in 2009 ruled that it should remain in effect, and the U.S. Court of Appeals agreed last year.

In appealing to the Supreme Court, the RNC’s lawyers cited past decisions by the justices that ended long-standing court orders involving school desegregation and prison overcrowding. But the justices with no dissent dismissed the appeal in the case of RNC vs. DNC.

this is PROOF and not talking points.

you lose
....beginning with your selection of some slut as your icon.

To refer to a woman as a ‘slut’ is a hateful, ignorant double-standard.

Women are at liberty to be sexually active with impunity; and those who seek to use birth control should be commended for acting in a responsible manner.

Obviously there’s no need to ‘explain conservatives,’ the hate and ignorance of most on the right is well-documented.
....beginning with your selection of some slut as your icon.

To refer to a woman as a ‘slut’ is a hateful, ignorant double-standard.

Women are at liberty to be sexually active with impunity; and those who seek to use birth control should be commended for acting in a responsible manner.

Obviously there’s no need to ‘explain conservatives,’ the hate and ignorance of most on the right is well-documented.

If the shoe fits......
Actually, you've been thoroughly thrashed, and identified as the low life that you are.

Now that you've been dissed.....

.....you're dismissed.

No way beeotch. You said that conservatives "know what's going on". You didn't know shit then and you still don't know. You're dismissed; not that you were ever anywhere near me

You’re here? I guess you finished dinner at the dumpster.
Nah, some of us have jobs where we are respected. Check with some others and they'll tell you.

Now, while I have you here to slap you around some more.....let me take advantage of the fact that I read books, and you don't....
I'm sure Archie and Jughead are pleased to have an audience

In his 1855 book, "Table Talk," John Doran recounts the story of a curate at Basse Bretagne, noted for his wit, who found that his duty at the confessional interfered with a number of invitations to dine. Seeking to indulge his stomach, the curate declared from the pulpit:

“In order to avoid confusion, my brethren, I have to announce that tomorrow, Monday, I will receive at confession the liars only; on Tuesday, the misers; on Wednesday, the slanderers; on Thursday, the thieves; Friday, the libertines; and Saturday, the women of evil life.”

Looks like you can pick Monday, Wednesday, or Saturday.
In the book "Game Change", Halperin and Heilman talk about the 2008 election where the GOP hierarchy didn't have a clue about their VP nominee. Later on in the book "34 Days that Changed the Election", Romney's cluelessness on just how desperate his situation was was chronicled over and over.

Yet some idiots like you still say that conservatives "know whats going on" when clearly they do not. But please do keep citing whatever that was from 1885. It just underscores how out of touch you are. Now I'm heading out to a nice dinner and some college football viewing. Plug in your boyfriend and have a good night yourself.

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