Extreme rightwinger calls out trump’s BS

Ben Shapiro? Extreme conservative?

Man's as fake as it gets. What does he think about the proposition "open borders for Israel"?
Yeah right, have you ever heard Shapiro speak or do you just say that anybody opposing Trump is fake?! BTW, tariffs are not conservative policy. They fall under the government control/taxation arena which is progressive

Please Shapiro is dumb as a post on this subject. He and all the rest of the anti Trump stupid shits need to pull their head, out of their ass.
Do you have anything to back that up or do you just call anybody who criticizes Trump a dummy?

I can back up anything I say. Here's how this is going to go, you will challenge me, I'll make you look like a fool for trying. :itsok:

Then do it.
People who can, do.
People who can't post emojis.

Are you dumb or something, I already backed up what I said read the thread imbecile.
Ben Shapiro? Extreme conservative?

Man's as fake as it gets. What does he think about the proposition "open borders for Israel"?
Yeah right, have you ever heard Shapiro speak or do you just say that anybody opposing Trump is fake?! BTW, tariffs are not conservative policy. They fall under the government control/taxation arena which is progressive

Please Shapiro is dumb as a post on this subject. He and all the rest of the anti Trump stupid shits need to pull their head, out of their ass.
Do you have anything to back that up or do you just call anybody who criticizes Trump a dummy?

I can back up anything I say. Here's how this is going to go, you will challenge me, I'll make you look like a fool for trying. :itsok:
Do it then... you just wasted space for 5 posts
Ben Shapiro? Extreme conservative?

Man's as fake as it gets. What does he think about the proposition "open borders for Israel"?

Yeah right, have you ever heard Shapiro speak or do you just say that anybody opposing Trump is fake?! BTW, tariffs are not conservative policy. They fall under the government control/taxation arena which is progressive

Please Shapiro is dumb as a post on this subject. He and all the rest of the anti Trump stupid shits need to pull their head, out of their ass.
Do you have anything to back that up or do you just call anybody who criticizes Trump a dummy?

I can back up anything I say. Here's how this is going to go, you will challenge me, I'll make you look like a fool for trying. :itsok:

Then do it.
People who can, do.
People who can't post emojis.

Are you dumb or something, I already backed up what I said read the thread imbecile.
You haven’t back up a word of it, unless you think calling him a moron backs up calling him a dummy... that’s all you’ve done. You are neck deep in that hole you’re digging
Ben Shapiro? Extreme conservative?

Man's as fake as it gets. What does he think about the proposition "open borders for Israel"?
Yeah right, have you ever heard Shapiro speak or do you just say that anybody opposing Trump is fake?! BTW, tariffs are not conservative policy. They fall under the government control/taxation arena which is progressive
We can’t hear him speak the left wing zealots prone to violence try to beat him up!
The uber conservative National Review is a fan:

Ben Shapiro Is the Future of American Conservatism | National Review

(((((WARNING TO TRUMPANZEES......several lines of reading ahead....Ah-ooooo-gah.....Ah-oooo-gah....WARNING.....)

""""""""""""The rise of Ben Shapiro points to a conservatism that embraces the communications technologies of the Internet age, emphasizes the rights of life and speech and religion and self-defense, is familiar with and comfortable in the crazy blender of American popular culture, and is caustic in its opposition to socialism and bureaucratic control.

A critic of Trump throughout the 2016 campaign, Shapiro has nonetheless come to occupy something of a middle position within the universe of conservative opinion: critical of President Trump’s behavior, but also willing to applaud Trump when his policies advance constitutional freedom. Shapiro is someone that both Trump’s right-leaning opponents and right-minded friends respect. Even a few liberals are willing to entertain his ideas — until they are shamed into denouncing him, of course."""
Even this "conservative intellectual" can’t let Trumpy’s lies go unanswered.

View attachment 208707


Shapiro is farm form an "extreme rightwinger" That's just asinine. Yes, he is conservative, but not stupidly so, and he is indeed an intellectual. He wipes the floor with academics at almost every speech he gives.

That may be but he's short sighted and completely wrong on this. In fact, I rate his critical thinking skills about a 5. He's about 1 level deep, oh deficit bad, tariff bad, every opinion in a vacuum out of context of the larger problem and strategy for solving it. He also failed to tell us his plan for solving the problem, shocker, he doesn't have one is the answer.
It's trendy among establishment bloggers to attack the President especially if it involves being invited to those lavish D.C. cocktail parties. It's interesting that Shapiro has no opinion about the NY Times hiring an anti-Semite racist.
Ben Shapiro? Extreme conservative?

Man's as fake as it gets. What does he think about the proposition "open borders for Israel"?
Yeah right, have you ever heard Shapiro speak or do you just say that anybody opposing Trump is fake?! BTW, tariffs are not conservative policy. They fall under the government control/taxation arena which is progressive
We can’t hear him speak the left wing zealots prone to violence try to beat him up!
He speaks every day. Radio, cable news, podcast and school speeches. One stupid incident doesn’t tell the story
Ben Shapiro is a stupid moron who should avoid saying anything about taxes, deficits, or the economy.
Oh really? Why is that?

Because he's a moron, Ben Shapiro is that you? :aug08_031:
You seem to only be able to name call. He’s a dummy, he’s a moron. But you can’t back it up with any substance. That just makes you look like the dummy. Sorry

Apparently you libs can't read. I couldn't think as slow as you people if I tried, maybe you just need a couple of days to catch up to me.
It's trendy among establishment bloggers to attack the President especially if it involves being invited to those lavish D.C. cocktail parties. It's interesting that Shapiro has no opinion about the NY Times hiring an anti-Semite racist.

What lavish D.C. parties?
State facts or STFU.
You people are the biggest fucking waste of pixels.
Even this "conservative intellectual" can’t let Trumpy’s lies go unanswered.

View attachment 208707


Shapiro is farm form an "extreme rightwinger" That's just asinine. Yes, he is conservative, but not stupidly so, and he is indeed an intellectual. He wipes the floor with academics at almost every speech he gives.

That may be but he's short sighted and completely wrong on this. In fact, I rate his critical thinking skills about a 5. He's about 1 level deep, oh deficit bad, tariff bad, every opinion in a vacuum out of context of the larger problem and strategy for solving it. He also failed to tell us his plan for solving the problem, shocker, he doesn't have one is the answer.
Really? Have you researched that or are you basing that genius analysis on his single tweet?
Please Shapiro is dumb as a post on this subject. He and all the rest of the anti Trump stupid shits need to pull their head, out of their ass.
Do you have anything to back that up or do you just call anybody who criticizes Trump a dummy?

I can back up anything I say. Here's how this is going to go, you will challenge me, I'll make you look like a fool for trying. :itsok:

Then do it.
People who can, do.
People who can't post emojis.

Are you dumb or something, I already backed up what I said read the thread imbecile.
You haven’t back up a word of it, unless you think calling him a moron backs up calling him a dummy... that’s all you’ve done. You are neck deep in that hole you’re digging

So what you are saying is you have not read my posts where I back this up, because you are too busy asking me to back it up. :cuckoo:
The debt is off the charts, $20 trillion freaking dollars our financial problems are so bad at this point there's only one hope left for our country, GROWTH. We can't tax our way out of the problem and spending cuts is like shooting spit wads at the debt and deficit. Very aggressive growth which includes bitch slapping all these other countries like China who have been fucking us over.

Throw more DC status quo at the problem, dither, do nothing, the country will go down the tubes.
Deficits were declining before trump... His policies are increasing them.
It's trendy among establishment bloggers to attack the President especially if it involves being invited to those lavish D.C. cocktail parties. It's interesting that Shapiro has no opinion about the NY Times hiring an anti-Semite racist.
Why do you divert to a totally different subject? That’s a weak way to approach a debate.

Perhaps it’s just simple enough of him calling it like he sees it. Not everybody is a trump puppet
So I assume that the only way to pay down the debt is by magic then.
Cutting wasteful defense spending and taxing corporations and the wealthy at responsible levels, like in the good old days of the 1950s that conservatives yearn for.

^^^ the Democratic party has arrived to the thread with their 40 year old talking points. :icon_rolleyes: To Democrats corporations are a piggy bank to raid.

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