Extreme rightwinger calls out trump’s BS

Ben Shapiro is a stupid moron who should avoid saying anything about taxes, deficits, or the economy.
Oh really? Why is that?

Because he's a moron, Ben Shapiro is that you? :aug08_031:
You seem to only be able to name call. He’s a dummy, he’s a moron. But you can’t back it up with any substance. That just makes you look like the dummy. Sorry

Apparently you libs can't read. I couldn't think as slow as you people if I tried, maybe you just need a couple of days to catch up to me.
I’ve read nothing but hot air from you. If you think you really made a substantive argument then point to it and we can discuss.
Even this "conservative intellectual" can’t let Trumpy’s lies go unanswered.

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Shapiro is farm form an "extreme rightwinger" That's just asinine. Yes, he is conservative, but not stupidly so, and he is indeed an intellectual. He wipes the floor with academics at almost every speech he gives.

That may be but he's short sighted and completely wrong on this. In fact, I rate his critical thinking skills about a 5. He's about 1 level deep, oh deficit bad, tariff bad, every opinion in a vacuum out of context of the larger problem and strategy for solving it. He also failed to tell us his plan for solving the problem, shocker, he doesn't have one is the answer.
Really? Have you researched that or are you basing that genius analysis on his single tweet?

Lets establish something, I'm a genius. Based on your posts I'm guessing you aren't but if you apply yourself I feel confident you will grasp some of what I have said in time.
Even this "conservative intellectual" can’t let Trumpy’s lies go unanswered.

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Shapiro is farm form an "extreme rightwinger" That's just asinine. Yes, he is conservative, but not stupidly so, and he is indeed an intellectual. He wipes the floor with academics at almost every speech he gives.

That may be but he's short sighted and completely wrong on this. In fact, I rate his critical thinking skills about a 5. He's about 1 level deep, oh deficit bad, tariff bad, every opinion in a vacuum out of context of the larger problem and strategy for solving it. He also failed to tell us his plan for solving the problem, shocker, he doesn't have one is the answer.
Really? Have you researched that or are you basing that genius analysis on his single tweet?

Lets establish something, I'm a genius. Based on your posts I'm guessing you aren't but if you apply yourself I feel confident you will grasp some of what I have said in time.
And yet again you spew nothing but hot air. What a joke you are. Let me know if you ever scrape together an intelligent argument.
Ben Shapiro? Extreme conservative?

Man's as fake as it gets. What does he think about the proposition "open borders for Israel"?

I like Ben; sometimes he's wrong but overall a damn good chap.

In this case; not the full story. The PACKAGE is what counts...no pun intended.

The debt is off the charts, $20 trillion freaking dollars our financial problems are so bad at this point there's only one hope left for our country, GROWTH. We can't tax our way out of the problem and spending cuts is like shooting spit wads at the debt and deficit. Very aggressive growth which includes bitch slapping all these other countries like China who have been fucking us over.

Throw more DC status quo at the problem, dither, do nothing, the country will go down the tubes.
Deficits were declining before trump... His policies are increasing them.

Riiiiight deficits were declining riiiiiiight. :icon_rolleyes: Here's liberal logic for you. You were maxing out 4 credit cards a year borrowing. Then you started maxing out 10 credit cards a year, and after many years you cut back to just maxing out 4 credit cards a year again, then you declare look deficits are declining.
In the real world to solve large complex problems things may get worse initially before they get better. Ask China they play the long game just like Trump is doing.
I love that Shapiro is suddenly a moron and fake for daring to criticize President Trump.
Even this "conservative intellectual" can’t let Trumpy’s lies go unanswered.

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Ben is wrong on tariffs. they are not directly related to budget deficits but they are indirectly related on the tax revenue side, especially since the U.S has much lower tariffs and means of obtaining import revenue. The lost revenue has to be borrowed to pay for your nations entitlements and really an increased dependence on government.

There are different schools of thought on the subject of course and varying degrees of belief, some believe they are not at all related, I'm not of this school of thought. I tend to agree with Trump and his team on most of these economic issues. There is one massive issue Ben doesn't address here, not surprising as he is smart but probably never struggled in his lifetime financially; Trump is focused on jobs.

Without question, more jobs means higher tax revenue and far less expenditures for the state. It also have a vital capitalist function of purchasing power of consumers to drive the market place.
Tariffs are not supposed to be 'better trade deals'.

Tariffs are a metaphorical explosive charge to be used in economic warfare.

They are not supposed to 'help' the American taxpayer, or American business, in the short run.

They are metaphorical charge of dynamite to break the logjam of trade-imbalance.

People are gonna get hurt when the charge detonates, and will be hurting for some time to come afterwards.

Whether it breaks the lobjam... whether that any of that ultimately does any good or not... all remains to be seen.
I love that Shapiro is suddenly a moron and fake for daring to criticize President Trump.

lol. I don't see it that way at all. I think as a Lawyer he's excellent on legal matters; as an Economist he's a very good lawyer.

Even this "conservative intellectual" can’t let Trumpy’s lies go unanswered.

View attachment 208707


Ben is wrong on tariffs. they are not directly related to budget deficits but they are indirectly related on the tax revenue side, especially since the U.S has much lower tariffs and means of obtaining import revenue. The lost revenue has to be borrowed to pay for your nations entitlements and really an increased dependence on government.

There are different schools of thought on the subject of course and varying degrees of belief, some believe they are not at all related, I'm not of this school of thought. I tend to agree with Trump and his team on most of these economic issues. There is one massive issue Ben doesn't address here, not surprising as he is smart but probably never struggled in his lifetime financially; Trump is focused on jobs.

Without question, more jobs means higher tax revenue and far less expenditures for the state. It also have a vital capitalist function of purchasing power of consumers to drive the market place.
More wingnut nonsense. If Trumpy and Republicans wanted to create more jobs and broaden the tax base we would have had an infrastructure bill passed over a year ago.
Tariffs are not supposed to be 'better trade deals'.

Tariffs are a metaphorical explosive charge to be used in economic warfare.

They are not supposed to 'help' the American taxpayer, or American business, in the short run.

They are metaphorical charge of dynamite to break the logjam of trade-imbalance.

People are gonna get hurt when the charge detonates, and will be hurting for some time to come afterwards.

Whether it breaks the lobjam... whether that any of that ultimately does any good or not... all remains to be seen.

The point Trump makes, and I agree, is that "business as usual" in NOT in America's best interests.

The debt is off the charts, $20 trillion freaking dollars our financial problems are so bad at this point there's only one hope left for our country, GROWTH. We can't tax our way out of the problem and spending cuts is like shooting spit wads at the debt and deficit. Very aggressive growth which includes bitch slapping all these other countries like China who have been fucking us over.

Throw more DC status quo at the problem, dither, do nothing, the country will go down the tubes.
Deficits were declining before trump... His policies are increasing them.

Riiiiight deficits were declining riiiiiiight. :icon_rolleyes: Here's liberal logic for you. You were maxing out 4 credit cards a year borrowing. Then you started maxing out 10 credit cards a year, and after many years you cut back to just maxing out 4 credit cards a year again, then you declare look deficits are declining.
And trump increased us back to 10.
Even this "conservative intellectual" can’t let Trumpy’s lies go unanswered.

View attachment 208707


Ben is wrong on tariffs. they are not directly related to budget deficits but they are indirectly related on the tax revenue side, especially since the U.S has much lower tariffs and means of obtaining import revenue. The lost revenue has to be borrowed to pay for your nations entitlements and really an increased dependence on government.

There are different schools of thought on the subject of course and varying degrees of belief, some believe they are not at all related, I'm not of this school of thought. I tend to agree with Trump and his team on most of these economic issues. There is one massive issue Ben doesn't address here, not surprising as he is smart but probably never struggled in his lifetime financially; Trump is focused on jobs.

Without question, more jobs means higher tax revenue and far less expenditures for the state. It also have a vital capitalist function of purchasing power of consumers to drive the market place.
More wingnut nonsense. If Trumpy and Republicans wanted to create more jobs and broaden the tax base we would have had an infrastructure bill passed over a year ago.

And Yet President Trump has done just that. Good, hey!!! Those "rust belt" jobs "not ever coming back" was "mis-spoked". lol

Even this "conservative intellectual" can’t let Trumpy’s lies go unanswered.

View attachment 208707


Ben is wrong on tariffs. they are not directly related to budget deficits but they are indirectly related on the tax revenue side, especially since the U.S has much lower tariffs and means of obtaining import revenue. The lost revenue has to be borrowed to pay for your nations entitlements and really an increased dependence on government.

There are different schools of thought on the subject of course and varying degrees of belief, some believe they are not at all related, I'm not of this school of thought. I tend to agree with Trump and his team on most of these economic issues. There is one massive issue Ben doesn't address here, not surprising as he is smart but probably never struggled in his lifetime financially; Trump is focused on jobs.

Without question, more jobs means higher tax revenue and far less expenditures for the state. It also have a vital capitalist function of purchasing power of consumers to drive the market place.
More wingnut nonsense. If Trumpy and Republicans wanted to create more jobs and broaden the tax base we would have had an infrastructure bill passed over a year ago.

Government jobs are not sustainable, you want private sector jobs.

If Ben Shapiro, you or anyone else thinks trade deficits don't mean anything, go tell China, Germany and other economies to help out their economies and citizens by absorbing $800B a year in trade deficits as America does.
Tariffs are not supposed to be 'better trade deals'.

Tariffs are a metaphorical explosive charge to be used in economic warfare.

They are not supposed to 'help' the American taxpayer, or American business, in the short run.

They are metaphorical charge of dynamite to break the logjam of trade-imbalance.

People are gonna get hurt when the charge detonates, and will be hurting for some time to come afterwards.

Whether it breaks the lobjam... whether that any of that ultimately does any good or not... all remains to be seen.
Farmers are already hurting. Prices are going up on everything that comes in a can. Pork producers can’t sell their product overseas and are losing their asses. There’s such a glut, Costco has pork loins for $1.49 per lbs.
Even this "conservative intellectual" can’t let Trumpy’s lies go unanswered.

View attachment 208707


Ben is wrong on tariffs. they are not directly related to budget deficits but they are indirectly related on the tax revenue side, especially since the U.S has much lower tariffs and means of obtaining import revenue. The lost revenue has to be borrowed to pay for your nations entitlements and really an increased dependence on government.

There are different schools of thought on the subject of course and varying degrees of belief, some believe they are not at all related, I'm not of this school of thought. I tend to agree with Trump and his team on most of these economic issues. There is one massive issue Ben doesn't address here, not surprising as he is smart but probably never struggled in his lifetime financially; Trump is focused on jobs.

Without question, more jobs means higher tax revenue and far less expenditures for the state. It also have a vital capitalist function of purchasing power of consumers to drive the market place.
More wingnut nonsense. If Trumpy and Republicans wanted to create more jobs and broaden the tax base we would have had an infrastructure bill passed over a year ago.

And Yet President Trump has done just that. Good, hey!!! Those "rust belt" jobs "not ever coming back" was "mis-spoked". lol

There is no infrastructure bill, dumbass. And those jobs haven’t come back.
Even this "conservative intellectual" can’t let Trumpy’s lies go unanswered.

View attachment 208707


Ben is wrong on tariffs. they are not directly related to budget deficits but they are indirectly related on the tax revenue side, especially since the U.S has much lower tariffs and means of obtaining import revenue. The lost revenue has to be borrowed to pay for your nations entitlements and really an increased dependence on government.

There are different schools of thought on the subject of course and varying degrees of belief, some believe they are not at all related, I'm not of this school of thought. I tend to agree with Trump and his team on most of these economic issues. There is one massive issue Ben doesn't address here, not surprising as he is smart but probably never struggled in his lifetime financially; Trump is focused on jobs.

Without question, more jobs means higher tax revenue and far less expenditures for the state. It also have a vital capitalist function of purchasing power of consumers to drive the market place.
More wingnut nonsense. If Trumpy and Republicans wanted to create more jobs and broaden the tax base we would have had an infrastructure bill passed over a year ago.

Oh: and I don't want Gov to "make jobs". I want the Private Sector to make them. But adequate infrastructure is a must of course.


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