Facebook private group=Joe Biden IS NOT MY PRESIDENT claims near 730,000 members in a few short weeks

Republicans literally blocked a Supreme Court nominee almost a year before an election siting the election as just cause for not holding a vote and you guys gargled that down with glee.

But look at the results. We DIDN'T get Merrick Garland but we DID get Amy Barrett! So it all worked out in the end.

Kinda almost makes up for the crooked election you ran.
Facebook private group=Joe Biden IS NOT MY PRESIDENT claims near 730,000 members in a few short weeks. Speaks for itself and going viral.

Those silly geese!

Whether or not one likes it, the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., is everyone's President in this country.

Just try to ignore his income tax demands, for example, and see what that gets you!

I guess tough talk fulfills a psychological need, but it's just talk.
I've gotten several invites to it.

Can't say I'm too interested.

Four years the right laughed at idiot libs who proclaimed "Trump's not my President". Well, yeah, he was. He was their President for four years, just as Biden will be (assuming there's no stroke, heart attack, or the Clintons don't suicide him).

Those on the right who are proclaiming "Biden's not my President" are every bit as whiny as liberals who insisted Trump wasn't theirs...

The plan fact is Trump is no one's President, not R's, not D's, not L's, not G's, not I's. He is and always has been a spoiled child. Trump is all about himself. The worst thing leaders/boss' have in common is every every decision to be made is first decided by this question: How will this impact me?
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Yeah, I used to think just about anyone could get past their ideology and see a larger picture, but I changed my mind on that.
Is that the moment you decided to pee on the Constitution and back Corrupt Joe Biden's theft of the
Republicans literally blocked a Supreme Court nominee almost a year before an election siting the election as just cause for not holding a vote and you guys gargled that down with glee.

But look at the results. We DIDN'T get Merrick Garland but we DID get Amy Barrett! So it all worked out in the end.

Kinda almost makes up for the crooked election you ran.

There was no crooked election just hypocrisy in the senate. Ends justify the means I guess.
Facebook private group=Joe Biden IS NOT MY PRESIDENT claims near 730,000 members in a few short weeks. Speaks for itself and going viral.
Wow. .2% of Americans signed a petition that they don’t like Biden. This is extraordinary news
The other 78.8 percent bought guns.
The NRA and gun companies love Dem administrations. That’s when the rake in all the cash from scaring the shit out of their sheep
Liar, the biggest gun sale occurred during the Trump admin. Sorry GD liar, all of you.
Thanks to BLM's riots.
Republicans literally blocked a Supreme Court nominee almost a year before an election siting the election as just cause for not holding a vote and you guys gargled that down with glee.

But look at the results. We DIDN'T get Merrick Garland but we DID get Amy Barrett! So it all worked out in the end.

Kinda almost makes up for the crooked election you ran.

It doesn't
it's pay back time bitches there will be no unity never
Relax, slugger. No one is expecting unity from people like you.

We'll have to work around you.

Pretty much know other way to go, just cut them out and move on.
Yeah, I used to think just about anyone could get past their ideology and see a larger picture, but I changed my mind on that.

I think we're beyond ideologies.

Also caught a typo from my post "know" = "no"
There's also the factor of how much a project should cost.
Rs will try to hold the cost down by paying suppliers and workers as little as possible, which is wrong.
Ds will try to bolster the cost by paying suppliers and workers as much as possible, which is wrong.
Facebook private group=Joe Biden IS NOT MY PRESIDENT claims near 730,000 members in a few short weeks. Speaks for itself and going viral.

"Viral" would be more like 81,300,000! This means nothing, but thanks for your sig box. We'll avoid you. :scared1:

Facebook private group=Joe Biden IS NOT MY PRESIDENT claims near 730,000 members in a few short weeks. Speaks for itself and going viral.
Wow. .2% of Americans signed a petition that they don’t like Biden. This is extraordinary news
The other 78.8 percent bought guns.
The NRA and gun companies love Dem administrations. That’s when the rake in all the cash from scaring the shit out of their sheep
Liar, the biggest gun sale occurred during the Trump admin. Sorry GD liar, all of you.
Lmao! Like that proves a GD thing! LIar.
It proves that I’m accurate And have facts backing up my statements and you don’t. All you got is name calling
How does it prove anything when I can do this so easily? lol, liar.

View attachment 434557
When you can do what? Post the exact graph that I just posted? The one that shows data backing up exactly what I said? What was It you think I lied about? You sound like a confused a little man
Sorry liar, I didn't post the same graph you posted. Stop lying.
You literally did. It’s right there
Damn! Lying when we can all see the difference! What scum you are.
Show me the difference. State what you think I lied about
I posted it liar, in living color.
No you didn’t. You just posted a graph and said liar. WTF does that mean? What did I lie about?
Fuck you liar. I changed your graph in 3 minutes. Everyone can see it and can see you are a liar.

Mikey - How many times do you need to call someone a liar and post the same graph in the same thread? Seems desperate ;)
Guess I picked the wrong time to delete my Facebook account. Oh well. I don't need Facebook to say this:

Joe Biden IS NOT MY PRESIDENT, nor will he ever be.

Even better, I can say things like "Joe Biden and Kamala Harris can eat a bag of rotten dicks."

Try that on Facebook. :laughing0301:

Of course President-Elect Joe Biden is not your President, he is not an authoritarian neo fascist like Trump. Maybe you need to find another nation-state which will meet your expectations - how about N. Korea?
Of course President-Elect Joe Biden is not your President, he is not an authoritarian neo fascist like Trump. Maybe you need to find another nation-state which will meet your expectations - how about N. Korea?
I wish Trump was what you liars claim him to be.
He would shut down the propagandists that call themselves "journalists" quicker than you can say Josef Goebbles.
So when do the Democrats start handing out guns to everyone? I mean, they have to do this every 4 years, just so they can take them all away again. Paranoid weirdos...

WHOOOOSH !!!......................
I've been hearing the same paranoid garbage from your cackling gun nuts for 40 years. It's just a self-soothing feedback lop of crazy. You need your guns to protect you from a government that wants to take your guns, so you get more guns... Rinse, repeat... Now you have more guns than brains...

There are NEVER enough guns for a Rump supporting loser.
They are prepping for the civil war I guess. :icon_rolleyes:


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