Facebook Working with Law Enforcement to Ban 'Stop the Steal'

Any normal mainstream person should not be using Twitter.
Twitter is for far left violent extremist like Antifa and BLM.
People who use Twitter should be scorned.

Do you mean like tRump used to? Do you mean like that?
You are stupider than Coyote, because you tried to steal her response. Take a look at her post--she said "PRIVATELY OWNED" FB IS NOT PRIVATELY OWNED--IT IS PUBLICLY OWNED, TRADED ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE. Keep reaching up your ass and you might find a valid response, but I doubt it.

Are you an anaerobic animal? Because I fail to see how you can get any oxygen with your head so far up your ass. In cases where the government owns something, it is considered "public", as the taxpayer is financing it. If it is owned by a single person, or if it is owned by stockholders who are private citizens, then it is considered to be privately owned. Yes, FB is traded on the stock market, and anyone with enough money to buy a share can, but there is zero government ownership of that particular company. But, if that stupid rationalization helps you sleep at night and allows you to vent your spleen, continue on, it seems to suit you. Besides, I like seeing people make asses of themselves when they don't understand what is really going on.
You are stupider than Coyote, because you tried to steal her response. Take a look at her post--she said "PRIVATELY OWNED" FB IS NOT PRIVATELY OWNED--IT IS PUBLICLY OWNED, TRADED ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE. Keep reaching up your ass and you might find a valid response, but I doubt it.

Are you an anaerobic animal? Because I fail to see how you can get any oxygen with your head so far up your ass. In cases where the government owns something, it is considered "public", as the taxpayer is financing it. If it is owned by a single person, or if it is owned by stockholders who are private citizens, then it is considered to be privately owned. Yes, FB is traded on the stock market, and anyone with enough money to buy a share can, but there is zero government ownership of that particular company. But, if that stupid rationalization helps you sleep at night and allows you to vent your spleen, continue on, it seems to suit you. Besides, I like seeing people make asses of themselves when they don't understand what is really going on.
You are an obtuse moron. Ever hear the words "the privately-owned company went public with their Initial Public Offering. Idiots. You're cancelled too.
Any normal mainstream person should not be using Twitter.
Twitter is for far left violent extremist like Antifa and BLM.
People who use Twitter should be scorned.

You weren't saying that when Trump was tweeting his ass off. Matter of fact, there were lots of right wing nutjobs who were cheering what Trump tweeted (some of them on USMB). Now that Twitter has banned Trump? You guys are saying that it's some kind of demon app and should be banned. Interesting how quickly you guys can turn on something when it goes against Trump. I've seen posts on here that have condemned Pence for not fixing the election (remember, there were also people at the Capitol riot who were calling for him to be hung), and I've recently seen a conservative poster on here who thinks the military supports China and Xi, just because they won't give him a ceremony. You Trump cultists need to take a vacation, clear your minds, and learn to not blindly follow some snake oil salesman.
When they banned Trump--they effectively said they didn't support the first amendment. So, like you, they disenfranchised Americans. And don't go to that tired crap about inciting violence. He did no such thing, you are welcome to provide proof. Conversely, they didn't have any problem promoting this. Hypocrite.View attachment 442995

Out of context quotes with out of context photos. Typical.
It's a privately owned company.
Wrong again. Facebook, Inc. (FB) went public with its initial public offering (IPO) on May 18, 2012
At least you and others on the right are consistent at being wrong.

Private as in private sector – not government, which is the public sector.

And because social media are not government, they’re not subject to the First Amendment.
You are stupider than Coyote, because you tried to steal her response. Take a look at her post--she said "PRIVATELY OWNED" FB IS NOT PRIVATELY OWNED--IT IS PUBLICLY OWNED, TRADED ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE. Keep reaching up your ass and you might find a valid response, but I doubt it.

You aren't very impressive.

Do you understand that free speech only applies to the government's role?
Have any of our resident NAMBLA devotees been banned by either of the Chinese-patterned "social" sites?

Speak up! Pedophilia is OK now that the election is behind us.
Nor did Google or Amazon deplatform Pornhub when they were showing Kiddie porn and rape videos.

They didn't have to. the mere threat of it was enough to get them to clean up their act.

The problem was, Pornhub overreacted, it got rid of not only those videos, but any video that wasn't made in a studio or was posted by a non-verified user.
When they banned Trump--they effectively said they didn't support the first amendment. So, like you, they disenfranchised Americans. And don't go to that tired crap about inciting violence. He did no such thing, you are welcome to provide proof. Conversely, they didn't have any problem promoting this. Hypocrite.

Again, two of those quotes had nothing to do with the BLM demonstrations.

the other two were taken out of context.

Trump organized a mob, got them riled up, and then told them to march of the Capitol.

The only thing he didn't do was pass out the pitchforks and torches.
Any normal mainstream person should not be using Twitter.
Twitter is for far left violent extremist like Antifa and BLM.
People who use Twitter should be scorned.
You left out Trump.
It's a privately owned company.
So was Parler.
Still is. What's your point? Free speech doesn't apply to private property. Even Parler has banned folks per it's ToS.
Parler has been obliterated. It no longer exists. Why couldn't they do as they wish as facebook does as it wishes.
Parler pretty much billed itself as a place where anything goes. Still do not understand why they thought the deplorables would behave themselves. The white supremacists ruin every public forum they set up camp in. Seems it's hard to be racist scumbag and not issue death threats.
I was a member of Parler, and saw nothing that you describe.
If anything it was mainly Fox news types, boomers and people who had been banned from other sites.
Were you a member?
Were you a member?
It's not like no one saw this coming a mile away. If you give the deplorables an inch they will take a mile. Half the boards like this one that ever existed died from extreme right wingers not being able to behave or extreme right wingers misusing their mod powers. No one wants to advertise on a board that tolerates hate speech.
And yet, you're still here. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you?
I know how to behave myself. I do not feel deprived of my rights because I can't get away with making death threats.
No one has made death threats you hyperbolic idiot.
Supporters and facilitators of domestic terrorism such as stop the steal and Trumper's criminal terrorists, in general, must be rounded up and dealt with.
Big Tech may find itself hurting.

The following was a post of pmax on Pelican PARF forum.

The recent move is something, isn't it ? Big tech might have just stepped into it.

Can't imagine any other government ceding control to the US tech lords.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador

“I can tell you that at the first G20 meeting we have, I am going to make a proposal on this issue. Yes, social media should not be used to incite violence and all that, but this cannot be used as a pretext to suspend freedom of expression.”

“How can a company act as if it was all powerful, omnipotent, as a sort of Spanish Inquisition on what is expressed?”

Foreign Relations Secretary Marcelo Ebrard

“Given that Mexico, through our president, has spoken out, we immediately made contact with others who think the same,”
“The president’s orders are to make contact with all of them, share this concern and work on coming up with a joint proposal. We will see what is proposed.”

Poland’s prime minister, Mateusz Morawiecki

“the owners of corporate giants should not decide which views are right and which are not.”

Steffen Seibert, Merkel’s chief spokesman

“The right to freedom of opinion is of fundamental importance. Given that, the chancellor considers it problematic that the president’s accounts have been permanently suspended."
“This fundamental right can be intervened in, but according to the law and within the framework defined by legislators — not according to a decision by the management of social media platforms"

EU Digital Commissioner Thierry Breton

"Just as 9/11 marked a paradigm shift for global security, 20 years later we are witnessing a before-and-after in the role of digital platforms in our democracy.

The fact that a CEO can pull the plug on POTUS’s loudspeaker without any checks and balances is perplexing. It is not only confirmation of the power of these platforms, but it also displays deep weaknesses in the way our society is organized in the digital space.

These last few days have made it more obvious than ever that we cannot just stand by idly and rely on these platforms’ good will or artful interpretation of the law. We need to set the rules of the game and organize the digital space with clear rights, obligations and safeguards. We need to restore trust in the digital space. It is a matter of survival for our democracies in the 21st century."

French Junior Minister for European Union Affairs Clement Beaune

“I’m shocked by the fact that it is now, entirely in private hands. It cannot be in private hands only.”

“The regulation of digital giants cannot be done by the digital oligarchy itself. Big tech is one of the threats to democracy."

What the lark !

Last edited by pmax; Today at 07:48 AM..
Supporters and facilitators of domestic terrorism such as stop the steal and Trumper's criminal terrorists, in general, must be rounded up and dealt with.
BLM kills around 50 people and wants Marxism for the USA,........"Mostly peaceful protesters."
Stop the Steal kills nobody, and just wants an audit.. ......."Thet need to be put in Gulags."

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