Fact about the whistleblower.......................

Just out of curiosity... You state that Russian mobsters helped to build Trumps empire.

To support that statement, do you know how much of Trump's entire business portfolio, is tied to Russia?

Is it half? A quarter? 10%?

I've seen a few of the documents, listing Trumps business interests. There are literally a thousand or more different business ventures that Trump has investments in, from golf courses in Ireland, to an private jet company, to a 5-star hotel chain in India.

How many, had Russian backing? How many had laundered money from mobsters? Was it those located in eastern Europe? Which number only a few?

If you claim that Russian mobsters made Trump rich, then I would assume a relatively high percentage of his massive business dealings had to do with Russian mobsters.

So how many were? What percentage? Show me the evidence for your claim. I am waiting with anticipation for this bombshell information.
How many, had Russian backing? How many had laundered money from mobsters? Was it those located in eastern Europe? Which number only a few?

If you claim that Russian mobsters made Trump rich, then I would assume a relatively high percentage of his massive business dealings had to do with Russian mobsters.

So how many were? What percentage? Show me the evidence for your claim. I am waiting with anticipation for this bombshell information.
I suspect definitive answers to your questions would require Trump to release his tax returns, so until that time comes, you can start here if you have the slightest concern about the consequences of having a money-laundering, moronic con man ensconced in the White House:

Chapter 1 - The Moscow Project

"Many of Trump’s businesses spent the 1990s on the verge of collapse.

"Abraham Wallach, who became the Trump Organization’s executive vice president for acquisitions in 1990, compared joining the company to 'getting on the Titanic just before the women and children were moved to the lifeboats.'

"In 1990, the Trump Organization was reportedly $3.4 billion in debt, with Trump himself liable for more than $800 million.

"The next year, as several of Trump’s hotels and casinos reportedly accumulated millions in debt, the New Jersey Casino Control Commission concluded, 'Mr. Trump cannot be considered financially stable.' In 1992, Trump defaulted on the debt of his airline, Trump Shuttle, turning it over to U.S. Airways."

None of that, has to do with Russian mobsters laundering money.

No, the tax return has nothing to do with this. Do you really think there is clear evidence of Russian Mobster money laundering in his tax returns, and the authorities are ignoring it?

You people have a very goofy view of this issue. You act like because his tax returns are not public, that this means that magically no one in authority is looking at them.

People are sent to prison every single year, for money laundering, tax evasion, and none of them release their tax returns to the public.

Sorry, but you can make a case on this matter, without having to shove your nose up Trump's butt to see if his poop smells.

The fact Trump went through a time of extreme difficulty, is not unknown. Truth is, most successful people go through difficult times.

It is also not unknown that Trump had some Russian backers for some specific projects.

I don't have a problem with that.

Additionally, if there was money laundering going on, and I have little reason to doubt.... that still doesn't mean that Trump was involved. Again... as I stated before, Trump has hundreds on hundreds of business ventures, from limited addition neck ties, to his private jet line.

The idea that he was going to each individual business venture, and personally overseeing a money laundering operation in Moscow, is a bonkers thinking.

Years ago I worked for a small business, where the own had just had to fire the previous employee, because he was engaged in embezzlement. Now if that can happen under the nose of the business owner, in a building full of just 10 people, then the idea that Trump is going to be able to personally oversee hundreds of companies, and check up on whatever thousands of employees he has...

That's insane. That's the argument of a partisan hack, that randomly defaults to "he should release his taxes then!" as if it matters.
No, the tax return has nothing to do with this. Do you really think there is clear evidence of Russian Mobster money laundering in his tax returns, and the authorities are ignoring it?
Do you really think Trump, along with his lawyers and accountants, haven't considered how to hide that information from a routine audit?

Donald Trump’s Tax Returns: What We Might Learn

"Sophisticated tax filers use their returns to paint the picture of their finances they want the government to see. It usually takes a lot of digging to find out what is going on behind the numbers.

"For example, as The New York Times reported last year, Mr. Trump and his siblings set up a sham corporation in the early 1990s to disguise millions of dollars in gifts from their parents.

"In that case, The Times had access to far more than just tax returns: It also relied on confidential business filings, public records and information from sources to document the fraud."

When congress gets its hands on Trump's tax returns, it will have subpoena power to complement the confidential business filings, public records, and information from whistle blowers.

Translation: The IRS doesn't know how to spot tax fraud.
ranslation: The IRS doesn't know how to spot tax fraud.
The IRS doesn't have the time to routinely examine every "billionaire's) tax returns; however, congress does have the time to go through Trump's financials with a fine tooth comb; what are you afraid they will find?

Tax Fraud By The Numbers: The Trump Timeline [UPDATED 2019]

The only thing I fear is that we're setting the Queen of Hearts precedent:

"Sentence first-verdict afterward".

Every future president with a hostile Congress will have his life ripped apart in search of anything that can be used to drive him from office. And, just like everything the democrats do, it will be used against them.
I suspect definitive answers to your questions would require Trump to release his tax returns, so until that time comes, you can start here if you have the slightest concern about the consequences of having a money-laundering, moronic con man ensconced in the White House:

Chapter 1 - The Moscow Project

"Many of Trump’s businesses spent the 1990s on the verge of collapse.

"Abraham Wallach, who became the Trump Organization’s executive vice president for acquisitions in 1990, compared joining the company to 'getting on the Titanic just before the women and children were moved to the lifeboats.'

"In 1990, the Trump Organization was reportedly $3.4 billion in debt, with Trump himself liable for more than $800 million.

"The next year, as several of Trump’s hotels and casinos reportedly accumulated millions in debt, the New Jersey Casino Control Commission concluded, 'Mr. Trump cannot be considered financially stable.' In 1992, Trump defaulted on the debt of his airline, Trump Shuttle, turning it over to U.S. Airways."

None of that, has to do with Russian mobsters laundering money.

No, the tax return has nothing to do with this. Do you really think there is clear evidence of Russian Mobster money laundering in his tax returns, and the authorities are ignoring it?

You people have a very goofy view of this issue. You act like because his tax returns are not public, that this means that magically no one in authority is looking at them.

People are sent to prison every single year, for money laundering, tax evasion, and none of them release their tax returns to the public.

Sorry, but you can make a case on this matter, without having to shove your nose up Trump's butt to see if his poop smells.

The fact Trump went through a time of extreme difficulty, is not unknown. Truth is, most successful people go through difficult times.

It is also not unknown that Trump had some Russian backers for some specific projects.

I don't have a problem with that.

Additionally, if there was money laundering going on, and I have little reason to doubt.... that still doesn't mean that Trump was involved. Again... as I stated before, Trump has hundreds on hundreds of business ventures, from limited addition neck ties, to his private jet line.

The idea that he was going to each individual business venture, and personally overseeing a money laundering operation in Moscow, is a bonkers thinking.

Years ago I worked for a small business, where the own had just had to fire the previous employee, because he was engaged in embezzlement. Now if that can happen under the nose of the business owner, in a building full of just 10 people, then the idea that Trump is going to be able to personally oversee hundreds of companies, and check up on whatever thousands of employees he has...

That's insane. That's the argument of a partisan hack, that randomly defaults to "he should release his taxes then!" as if it matters.
No, the tax return has nothing to do with this. Do you really think there is clear evidence of Russian Mobster money laundering in his tax returns, and the authorities are ignoring it?
Do you really think Trump, along with his lawyers and accountants, haven't considered how to hide that information from a routine audit?

Donald Trump’s Tax Returns: What We Might Learn

"Sophisticated tax filers use their returns to paint the picture of their finances they want the government to see. It usually takes a lot of digging to find out what is going on behind the numbers.

"For example, as The New York Times reported last year, Mr. Trump and his siblings set up a sham corporation in the early 1990s to disguise millions of dollars in gifts from their parents.

"In that case, The Times had access to far more than just tax returns: It also relied on confidential business filings, public records and information from sources to document the fraud."

When congress gets its hands on Trump's tax returns, it will have subpoena power to complement the confidential business filings, public records, and information from whistle blowers.

Translation: The IRS doesn't know how to spot tax fraud.
ranslation: The IRS doesn't know how to spot tax fraud.
The IRS doesn't have the time to routinely examine every "billionaire's) tax returns; however, congress does have the time to go through Trump's financials with a fine tooth comb; what are you afraid they will find?

Tax Fraud By The Numbers: The Trump Timeline [UPDATED 2019]

The only thing I fear is that we're setting the Queen of Hearts precedent:

"Sentence first-verdict afterward".

Every future president with a hostile Congress will have his life ripped apart in search of anything that can be used to drive him from office. And, just like everything the democrats do, it will be used against them.
Every future president with a hostile Congress will have his life ripped apart in search of anything that can be used to drive him from office. And, just like everything the democrats do, it will be used against them
Perhaps we could do a better job of screening potential POTUS candidates especially with regard to their tax history:

"Donald Trump has a long and fascinating history as a business mogul before becoming elected President in 2016. In that time, he has made big waves in real estate and entrepreneurship and has been accused of multiple fraudulent activities in the process. Many of these accusations have been catalogued in a massive exposé published by the New York Times."

Tax Fraud By The Numbers: The Trump Timeline [UPDATED 2019]
Would you agree "they" will need to see Trump's tax returns and related financial documents in order to determine if he did anything illegal?

How would you rate Trump's integrity compared to previous post-WWII presidents?

On a 10 scale: If Ike was a 5 and Nixon was a 1, where would you place Trump's commitment to integrity?

So far, he's par for the course.

He didn't engage in lying under oath, or setting up and illegal mail server with classified information, and lied that he didn't know how to tell if the information was classified or not. He didn't send hundreds of weapons into Mexico, and then act shocked when they were used by cartels to kill people. He didn't give amnesty to a super wealthy guy who illegally traded with Iran, refused to pay his taxes, and fled to Spain, all because his wife donated a ton to the foundation. He didn't stamp the ok on weapons tech sold to China, in exchange for campaign funds, or have mysterious deaths all over the place. I don't see him sending the IRS to audit groups that oppose him. Nor do I see him picking up thousands in campaign donations in a brown paper bag, at a Buddhist monastery where followers pledge an oath of poverty.

No matter where a president golfs, the owners are going to make a lot of money. Why would Trump not visit his own golf courses?

If that's the most horrible and damaging thing that Trump does in office.... That would put in him the top 5 presidents of all time, integrity wise.

But that all could change tomorrow. Who knows, maybe they'll find out some horrible thing he's down, and out it all tomorrow.

However, just comparing to the last few presidents, and presidential hopefuls.... way better. Way better by far.
What other POTUS has ever had Trump's potential to profit from his public service BEFORE leaving office?

Here Are the Ways Trump Cashes In on Being President

"Trump’s hotels
  • Trump hotel income jumped from $33.8 million in 2016 to $60.5 million in 2017.
"According to financial disclosures, Trump hotel revenue soared over the past few years. In 2015, records show just $16.7 million in hotel and resort revenues. However, that amount doubled to $33.8 million during the campaign and election year. Since Trump began occupying the White House, hotel income jumped about 80%, reaching $60.8 million in 2017.

"These extraordinary numbers appear easy to explain. After all, Trump opened the Old Post Office hotel in D.C. late in 2016 despite the clear guideline that 'No elected official of the Government of the United States…shall be admitted to any share or part of this Lease.' Since then, it has become the go-to hotel for any foreign visitor looking to win favors from the Trumps. It’s also become the headquarters of GOP activity in D.C."

Again, I have no problem with this.

So because some people see Trump in office, and they go to a Trump hotel.

So what?

I don't care that people go to a Trump Hotel looking for a favor. First, I doubt you can prove that assertion.

Let us say that you can prove that everyone going to a Trump hotel is doing so just to get a political favor.

Big deal. People approach politicians for favors constantly.

Did he actually give those favors? And for what?

Trump got this lease in 2013. He was not a politicians at the time he got the lease. If that's the way you want to play this, the solution is to either not lease government buildings to anyone ever, or you need to sell off government buildings you don't use.

This idea that you are going to lease a building, have that person pour in hundreds of millions of dollar in renovations, and then if they run for office, demand they give up the lease.... no. That's immoral and wrong. You would understand that, if it was your hundreds of millions that would be lost.

Besides that, did not Clinton effectively sell nights in the Lincoln bedroom for millions?

AllPolitics - White House Sleepovers - Feb. 25, 1997

It's ironic really... because Trump investment millions into renovating a government building... and he's making money because he invested the money.

Clinton invested nothing. Used tax payer money, to make millions off a public building he paid no lease for, and invested no money in renovating.

But "Clinton good" and "Trump bad".
Again, I have no problem with this.

So because some people see Trump in office, and they go to a Trump hotel.

So what?
Blumenthal, et al. v. Trump | Constitutional Accountability Center

"The Founders adopted the Foreign Emoluments Clause because they believed America would be harmed if federal officeholders, including the President, made policy decisions based on their own self-interest rather than the national interest."

What has Trump done that makes you believe he is immune from bribery?

But Trump has not done any of that.

Again, the lease was signed in 2013, and Trump invested millions into a building owned by the government.

Now if you were to tell me that he signed a lease last year, with the clause that tax payer money was to renovate the building, so that Trump to make a huge profit....

Then you absolutely have a point. That is clearly looking like Trump using the his government office, for his own personal benefit, at the cost of tax payers.

But in this case, the government is making money off Trump. He's paying the government a lease. He signed that lease years before being in elected office. He invested hundreds of millions into a government building. That building, owned by tax payers, now is worth a ton more money.

I have no problem with this.
If it's proven foreign governments are renting large blocks of rooms at Trump hotels and all the rooms remain vacant, would that qualify as a problem?
None of that, has to do with Russian mobsters laundering money.

No, the tax return has nothing to do with this. Do you really think there is clear evidence of Russian Mobster money laundering in his tax returns, and the authorities are ignoring it?

You people have a very goofy view of this issue. You act like because his tax returns are not public, that this means that magically no one in authority is looking at them.

People are sent to prison every single year, for money laundering, tax evasion, and none of them release their tax returns to the public.

Sorry, but you can make a case on this matter, without having to shove your nose up Trump's butt to see if his poop smells.

The fact Trump went through a time of extreme difficulty, is not unknown. Truth is, most successful people go through difficult times.

It is also not unknown that Trump had some Russian backers for some specific projects.

I don't have a problem with that.

Additionally, if there was money laundering going on, and I have little reason to doubt.... that still doesn't mean that Trump was involved. Again... as I stated before, Trump has hundreds on hundreds of business ventures, from limited addition neck ties, to his private jet line.

The idea that he was going to each individual business venture, and personally overseeing a money laundering operation in Moscow, is a bonkers thinking.

Years ago I worked for a small business, where the own had just had to fire the previous employee, because he was engaged in embezzlement. Now if that can happen under the nose of the business owner, in a building full of just 10 people, then the idea that Trump is going to be able to personally oversee hundreds of companies, and check up on whatever thousands of employees he has...

That's insane. That's the argument of a partisan hack, that randomly defaults to "he should release his taxes then!" as if it matters.
No, the tax return has nothing to do with this. Do you really think there is clear evidence of Russian Mobster money laundering in his tax returns, and the authorities are ignoring it?
Do you really think Trump, along with his lawyers and accountants, haven't considered how to hide that information from a routine audit?

Donald Trump’s Tax Returns: What We Might Learn

"Sophisticated tax filers use their returns to paint the picture of their finances they want the government to see. It usually takes a lot of digging to find out what is going on behind the numbers.

"For example, as The New York Times reported last year, Mr. Trump and his siblings set up a sham corporation in the early 1990s to disguise millions of dollars in gifts from their parents.

"In that case, The Times had access to far more than just tax returns: It also relied on confidential business filings, public records and information from sources to document the fraud."

When congress gets its hands on Trump's tax returns, it will have subpoena power to complement the confidential business filings, public records, and information from whistle blowers.

Translation: The IRS doesn't know how to spot tax fraud.
ranslation: The IRS doesn't know how to spot tax fraud.
The IRS doesn't have the time to routinely examine every "billionaire's) tax returns; however, congress does have the time to go through Trump's financials with a fine tooth comb; what are you afraid they will find?

Tax Fraud By The Numbers: The Trump Timeline [UPDATED 2019]

The only thing I fear is that we're setting the Queen of Hearts precedent:

"Sentence first-verdict afterward".

Every future president with a hostile Congress will have his life ripped apart in search of anything that can be used to drive him from office. And, just like everything the democrats do, it will be used against them.
Every future president with a hostile Congress will have his life ripped apart in search of anything that can be used to drive him from office. And, just like everything the democrats do, it will be used against them
Perhaps we could do a better job of screening potential POTUS candidates especially with regard to their tax history:

"Donald Trump has a long and fascinating history as a business mogul before becoming elected President in 2016. In that time, he has made big waves in real estate and entrepreneurship and has been accused of multiple fraudulent activities in the process. Many of these accusations have been catalogued in a massive exposé published by the New York Times."

Tax Fraud By The Numbers: The Trump Timeline [UPDATED 2019]

That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
Shiff got caught lying his Azz off and the congress was proven crooked by looking the other way

Trump now can call out the military
Do you really think Trump, along with his lawyers and accountants, haven't considered how to hide that information from a routine audit?

Donald Trump’s Tax Returns: What We Might Learn

"Sophisticated tax filers use their returns to paint the picture of their finances they want the government to see. It usually takes a lot of digging to find out what is going on behind the numbers.

"For example, as The New York Times reported last year, Mr. Trump and his siblings set up a sham corporation in the early 1990s to disguise millions of dollars in gifts from their parents.

"In that case, The Times had access to far more than just tax returns: It also relied on confidential business filings, public records and information from sources to document the fraud."

When congress gets its hands on Trump's tax returns, it will have subpoena power to complement the confidential business filings, public records, and information from whistle blowers.

Translation: The IRS doesn't know how to spot tax fraud.
ranslation: The IRS doesn't know how to spot tax fraud.
The IRS doesn't have the time to routinely examine every "billionaire's) tax returns; however, congress does have the time to go through Trump's financials with a fine tooth comb; what are you afraid they will find?

Tax Fraud By The Numbers: The Trump Timeline [UPDATED 2019]

The only thing I fear is that we're setting the Queen of Hearts precedent:

"Sentence first-verdict afterward".

Every future president with a hostile Congress will have his life ripped apart in search of anything that can be used to drive him from office. And, just like everything the democrats do, it will be used against them.
Every future president with a hostile Congress will have his life ripped apart in search of anything that can be used to drive him from office. And, just like everything the democrats do, it will be used against them
Perhaps we could do a better job of screening potential POTUS candidates especially with regard to their tax history:

"Donald Trump has a long and fascinating history as a business mogul before becoming elected President in 2016. In that time, he has made big waves in real estate and entrepreneurship and has been accused of multiple fraudulent activities in the process. Many of these accusations have been catalogued in a massive exposé published by the New York Times."

Tax Fraud By The Numbers: The Trump Timeline [UPDATED 2019]

That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
Rich folks have bribed Republicans AND Democrats over the past decade to gut the IRS, so that it no longer has the resources to audit complex tax filings like Trump's.

"The IRS audits the working poor at about the same rate as the wealthiest 1%. Now, in response to questions from a U.S. senator, the IRS has acknowledged that’s true but professes it can’t change anything unless it is given more money.

"ProPublica reported the disproportionate audit focus on lower-income families in April. Lawmakers confronted IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig about the emphasis, citing our stories, and Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., asked Rettig for a plan to fix the imbalance. Rettig readily agreed.

"Last month, Rettig replied with a report, but it said the IRS has no plan and won’t have one until Congress agrees to restore the funding it slashed from the agency over the past nine years — something lawmakers have shown little inclination to do."

IRS: Sorry, but It’s Just Easier and Cheaper to Audit the Poor — ProPublica
Shiff got caught lying his Azz off and the congress was proven crooked by looking the other way

Trump now can call out the military
no he didn't.... FOX news hosts, I saw Tucker do it.... ARE LYING

the interview with Schiff on Morning Joe that you are claiming Schiff lied about speaking with the whistle blower... is a LIE itself

I just viewed the youtube clip of it, and the question to Schiff was about the House Committee congressmen, has the committee been able to interview the W/B, and he said, no we have not.... we are working on it with the w/b lawyer blah blah blah.... that was not a lie.

The congressmen on the committee have not talked to the whistle blower.

The w/b did report it to CIA lawyers, was afraid it was being sidestepped/ignored.... went to the Intelligence Committee Aides to ask what to do, and the aide gave him or her the advice given by aides per protocol and routinely to those seeking to report something, file a whistle blower complaint with the Inspector General and seek a Lawyer....
Are you simply not smart enough to know what Trump did wrong? Or are you playing dumb on purpose?

you morons keep saying he did wrong but have never said what that wrong is???

thats a sure sign of TDS
Have you been under a rock for the last week?

Then what, a coma? A week long bender? Abducted by aliens? How could you possibly not know?

Plain incompetence. Inability.

Trump asked to look into what they have on their servers.
Name calling does nothing.

What fucking servers, dope?

The servers in Ukraine, do keep up with the conversation ,rather than name calling, which does absolutely nothing.

No shit, "the servers" in Ukraine.

"The servers" is a fabricted dodge.

Explain the connection, dope.
Sure.... sending his consigliere Giuliani there to dig up oppo dirt....

was just doing his job.... :rolleyes:


Only if you consider all lawyers to be 'consigliere '.

Let me ask you something.

Durning the hoax called the Russian investigation, Giuliani was the Presidents defense lawyer, right?

I heard (can't remember who it was, I think it was an ex-Commissioner for NY City Police) that all through the investigation charges and accusations were made against Trump.

This person made a solid and valid observation. The defense lawyer for anyone has the right to investigate the charges and the people making the charges.

Since this all began with Clinton and the paid-for lies in the dossier, provided by Russia to the Clinton campaign, a lot of information came up about the collusion between the DNC and Ukraine. Prominent in that information was the corruptions spearheaded by Joe Biden.

Now, that information had no direct link to the Russian hoax, but as an officer of the court, it was Giuliani's responsibility to pass the results of his findings to the DoJ.

That information is now in the hands of the special prosecutor that Barr has assigned to this case.

The left has only themselves to blame for Guliani's involvement in this matter.
no Giuliani was not Trump's Lawyer for the Mueller investigation,

Sekulow was his personal lawyer, along with whitehouse lawyers for the President.

Giuliani was his publicist and fixer, like Michael Cohen before he went to jail.... trump picked up Giuliani to replace Michael Cohen, when Cohen decided to ''sing''.
Okay, if you say so. I personally, cannot suspend disbelief to that degree.
well let me finish up.... and welcome to the site!

Giuliani or anyone on the Trump campaign or just a supporter can do what they want as far as investigating I suppose... but it breaks campaign finance laws when you solicit or take anything of value from a foreign government or foreigner in campaign help....like getting the Ukraine gvt to open up an investigation on their opponent or opponent's son....during an election cycle, which we are in...

a value over $2000 is a misdemeanor, a value over $25k is a felony.

BUT what was worse and an abuse of his power, a ''high'' crime.was using his presidential position to pull the Ukraine president and staff in to this political game of his, for his own personal gain.

but he didntt ask them for his election benefit,,he asked them for the american people because biden admitted he possibly committed a crime and we want to know what happened,,,

not trumps or our fault biden was running for office at the time

Biden acted in an official administration capacity that was sanctioned and supported multinationally. He did not seek to act surripticiously. It was policy.
The State Dept Knows this, dope.
Sure.... sending his consigliere Giuliani there to dig up oppo dirt....

was just doing his job.... :rolleyes:


Only if you consider all lawyers to be 'consigliere '.

Let me ask you something.

Durning the hoax called the Russian investigation, Giuliani was the Presidents defense lawyer, right?

I heard (can't remember who it was, I think it was an ex-Commissioner for NY City Police) that all through the investigation charges and accusations were made against Trump.

This person made a solid and valid observation. The defense lawyer for anyone has the right to investigate the charges and the people making the charges.

Since this all began with Clinton and the paid-for lies in the dossier, provided by Russia to the Clinton campaign, a lot of information came up about the collusion between the DNC and Ukraine. Prominent in that information was the corruptions spearheaded by Joe Biden.

Now, that information had no direct link to the Russian hoax, but as an officer of the court, it was Giuliani's responsibility to pass the results of his findings to the DoJ.

That information is now in the hands of the special prosecutor that Barr has assigned to this case.

The left has only themselves to blame for Guliani's involvement in this matter.
no Giuliani was not Trump's Lawyer for the Mueller investigation,

Sekulow was his personal lawyer, along with whitehouse lawyers for the President.

Giuliani was his publicist and fixer, like Michael Cohen before he went to jail.... trump picked up Giuliani to replace Michael Cohen, when Cohen decided to ''sing''.
Okay, if you say so. I personally, cannot suspend disbelief to that degree.
well let me finish up.... and welcome to the site!

Giuliani or anyone on the Trump campaign or just a supporter can do what they want as far as investigating I suppose... but it breaks campaign finance laws when you solicit or take anything of value from a foreign government or foreigner in campaign help....like getting the Ukraine gvt to open up an investigation on their opponent or opponent's son....during an election cycle, which we are in...

a value over $2000 is a misdemeanor, a value over $25k is a felony.

BUT what was worse and an abuse of his power, a ''high'' crime.was using his presidential position to pull the Ukraine president and staff in to this political game of his, for his own personal gain.

but he didntt ask them for his election benefit,,he asked them for the american people because biden admitted he possibly committed a crime and we want to know what happened,,,

not trumps or our fault biden was running for office at the time
if that were the case then he would have handed it over to the DOJ for them to follow their procedures on investigations, while Trump walks away, and stays silent, until the official investigation he recommended has ended.

Trump did NOT do that.... oh no....no no no no no.... he did not go the legal route at all!! He chose the extortion/quid pro quo route, using Giuliani and a couple of ambassadors and diplomats, and Pompeo, and Pence and it is all in black and white with the emails of Ambassador Volker turned over during his 9 hour hearing on the Hill....and thru other discoveries.
Last edited:
Only if you consider all lawyers to be 'consigliere '.

Let me ask you something.

Durning the hoax called the Russian investigation, Giuliani was the Presidents defense lawyer, right?

I heard (can't remember who it was, I think it was an ex-Commissioner for NY City Police) that all through the investigation charges and accusations were made against Trump.

This person made a solid and valid observation. The defense lawyer for anyone has the right to investigate the charges and the people making the charges.

Since this all began with Clinton and the paid-for lies in the dossier, provided by Russia to the Clinton campaign, a lot of information came up about the collusion between the DNC and Ukraine. Prominent in that information was the corruptions spearheaded by Joe Biden.

Now, that information had no direct link to the Russian hoax, but as an officer of the court, it was Giuliani's responsibility to pass the results of his findings to the DoJ.

That information is now in the hands of the special prosecutor that Barr has assigned to this case.

The left has only themselves to blame for Guliani's involvement in this matter.
no Giuliani was not Trump's Lawyer for the Mueller investigation,

Sekulow was his personal lawyer, along with whitehouse lawyers for the President.

Giuliani was his publicist and fixer, like Michael Cohen before he went to jail.... trump picked up Giuliani to replace Michael Cohen, when Cohen decided to ''sing''.
Okay, if you say so. I personally, cannot suspend disbelief to that degree.
well let me finish up.... and welcome to the site!

Giuliani or anyone on the Trump campaign or just a supporter can do what they want as far as investigating I suppose... but it breaks campaign finance laws when you solicit or take anything of value from a foreign government or foreigner in campaign help....like getting the Ukraine gvt to open up an investigation on their opponent or opponent's son....during an election cycle, which we are in...

a value over $2000 is a misdemeanor, a value over $25k is a felony.

BUT what was worse and an abuse of his power, a ''high'' crime.was using his presidential position to pull the Ukraine president and staff in to this political game of his, for his own personal gain.

but he didntt ask them for his election benefit,,he asked them for the american people because biden admitted he possibly committed a crime and we want to know what happened,,,

not trumps or our fault biden was running for office at the time
if tjat were the case then he would have handed it over to the DOJ for them to follow their procedures on investigations, while Trump walks away, and stays silent, until the official investigation he recommended has ended.

Trump did NOT do that.... oh no....no no no no no.... he did not go the legal route at all!! he chose the extortion/quid pro quo route, using giuliani and a couple of ambassadors and diplomats, and Pompeo, and Pence and it is all in black and white with the emails of Ambassador Volker turned over during his 9 hour hearing on the Hill....and thru other discoveries.

Somehow, Trump's State Dept has no idea about what Biden was in Ukraine for. Apparently, all of the records and all of the people who worked there during the previous administration just vanished. It's just such a mystery that the president must now ask directly for help himself. :dunno:
Only if you consider all lawyers to be 'consigliere '.

Let me ask you something.

Durning the hoax called the Russian investigation, Giuliani was the Presidents defense lawyer, right?

I heard (can't remember who it was, I think it was an ex-Commissioner for NY City Police) that all through the investigation charges and accusations were made against Trump.

This person made a solid and valid observation. The defense lawyer for anyone has the right to investigate the charges and the people making the charges.

Since this all began with Clinton and the paid-for lies in the dossier, provided by Russia to the Clinton campaign, a lot of information came up about the collusion between the DNC and Ukraine. Prominent in that information was the corruptions spearheaded by Joe Biden.

Now, that information had no direct link to the Russian hoax, but as an officer of the court, it was Giuliani's responsibility to pass the results of his findings to the DoJ.

That information is now in the hands of the special prosecutor that Barr has assigned to this case.

The left has only themselves to blame for Guliani's involvement in this matter.
no Giuliani was not Trump's Lawyer for the Mueller investigation,

Sekulow was his personal lawyer, along with whitehouse lawyers for the President.

Giuliani was his publicist and fixer, like Michael Cohen before he went to jail.... trump picked up Giuliani to replace Michael Cohen, when Cohen decided to ''sing''.
Okay, if you say so. I personally, cannot suspend disbelief to that degree.
well let me finish up.... and welcome to the site!

Giuliani or anyone on the Trump campaign or just a supporter can do what they want as far as investigating I suppose... but it breaks campaign finance laws when you solicit or take anything of value from a foreign government or foreigner in campaign help....like getting the Ukraine gvt to open up an investigation on their opponent or opponent's son....during an election cycle, which we are in...

a value over $2000 is a misdemeanor, a value over $25k is a felony.

BUT what was worse and an abuse of his power, a ''high'' crime.was using his presidential position to pull the Ukraine president and staff in to this political game of his, for his own personal gain.

but he didntt ask them for his election benefit,,he asked them for the american people because biden admitted he possibly committed a crime and we want to know what happened,,,

not trumps or our fault biden was running for office at the time

Biden acted in an official administration capacity that was sanctioned and supported multinationally. He did not seek to act surripticiously. It was policy.
The State Dept Knows this, dope.

got a link??
Only if you consider all lawyers to be 'consigliere '.

Let me ask you something.

Durning the hoax called the Russian investigation, Giuliani was the Presidents defense lawyer, right?

I heard (can't remember who it was, I think it was an ex-Commissioner for NY City Police) that all through the investigation charges and accusations were made against Trump.

This person made a solid and valid observation. The defense lawyer for anyone has the right to investigate the charges and the people making the charges.

Since this all began with Clinton and the paid-for lies in the dossier, provided by Russia to the Clinton campaign, a lot of information came up about the collusion between the DNC and Ukraine. Prominent in that information was the corruptions spearheaded by Joe Biden.

Now, that information had no direct link to the Russian hoax, but as an officer of the court, it was Giuliani's responsibility to pass the results of his findings to the DoJ.

That information is now in the hands of the special prosecutor that Barr has assigned to this case.

The left has only themselves to blame for Guliani's involvement in this matter.
no Giuliani was not Trump's Lawyer for the Mueller investigation,

Sekulow was his personal lawyer, along with whitehouse lawyers for the President.

Giuliani was his publicist and fixer, like Michael Cohen before he went to jail.... trump picked up Giuliani to replace Michael Cohen, when Cohen decided to ''sing''.
Okay, if you say so. I personally, cannot suspend disbelief to that degree.
well let me finish up.... and welcome to the site!

Giuliani or anyone on the Trump campaign or just a supporter can do what they want as far as investigating I suppose... but it breaks campaign finance laws when you solicit or take anything of value from a foreign government or foreigner in campaign help....like getting the Ukraine gvt to open up an investigation on their opponent or opponent's son....during an election cycle, which we are in...

a value over $2000 is a misdemeanor, a value over $25k is a felony.

BUT what was worse and an abuse of his power, a ''high'' crime.was using his presidential position to pull the Ukraine president and staff in to this political game of his, for his own personal gain.

but he didntt ask them for his election benefit,,he asked them for the american people because biden admitted he possibly committed a crime and we want to know what happened,,,

not trumps or our fault biden was running for office at the time
if that were the case then he would have handed it over to the DOJ for them to follow their procedures on investigations, while Trump walks away, and stays silent, until the official investigation he recommended has ended.

Trump did NOT do that.... oh no....no no no no no.... he did not go the legal route at all!! He chose the extortion/quid pro quo route, using Giuliani and a couple of ambassadors and diplomats, and Pompeo, and Pence and it is all in black and white with the emails of Ambassador Volker turned over during his 9 hour hearing on the Hill....and thru other discoveries.
got a link???
Translation: The IRS doesn't know how to spot tax fraud.
ranslation: The IRS doesn't know how to spot tax fraud.
The IRS doesn't have the time to routinely examine every "billionaire's) tax returns; however, congress does have the time to go through Trump's financials with a fine tooth comb; what are you afraid they will find?

Tax Fraud By The Numbers: The Trump Timeline [UPDATED 2019]

The only thing I fear is that we're setting the Queen of Hearts precedent:

"Sentence first-verdict afterward".

Every future president with a hostile Congress will have his life ripped apart in search of anything that can be used to drive him from office. And, just like everything the democrats do, it will be used against them.
Every future president with a hostile Congress will have his life ripped apart in search of anything that can be used to drive him from office. And, just like everything the democrats do, it will be used against them
Perhaps we could do a better job of screening potential POTUS candidates especially with regard to their tax history:

"Donald Trump has a long and fascinating history as a business mogul before becoming elected President in 2016. In that time, he has made big waves in real estate and entrepreneurship and has been accused of multiple fraudulent activities in the process. Many of these accusations have been catalogued in a massive exposé published by the New York Times."

Tax Fraud By The Numbers: The Trump Timeline [UPDATED 2019]

That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
Rich folks have bribed Republicans AND Democrats over the past decade to gut the IRS, so that it no longer has the resources to audit complex tax filings like Trump's.

"The IRS audits the working poor at about the same rate as the wealthiest 1%. Now, in response to questions from a U.S. senator, the IRS has acknowledged that’s true but professes it can’t change anything unless it is given more money.

"ProPublica reported the disproportionate audit focus on lower-income families in April. Lawmakers confronted IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig about the emphasis, citing our stories, and Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., asked Rettig for a plan to fix the imbalance. Rettig readily agreed.

"Last month, Rettig replied with a report, but it said the IRS has no plan and won’t have one until Congress agrees to restore the funding it slashed from the agency over the past nine years — something lawmakers have shown little inclination to do."

IRS: Sorry, but It’s Just Easier and Cheaper to Audit the Poor — ProPublica

And you think that proves the IRS has been letting perhaps the most visible, most high profile wealthy person in the country off the hook?
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Maybe YOU need to read it again. The President has CONFESSED to asking the Ukrainian government to investigate the Biden's in exchange for Javelin missiles. That is the impeachable offense: abusing the power of the presidency for his own political game.


He asked him to look into crowdstrike.
All he said about Biden was, people are talking about it and want answers.

Clinton and DNC Servers, in the Ukraine. CT. Debunked. Biden and son.

Classic shakedown.

The last Ukraine administration was corrupt .
Nothing wrong for the new one to look into what they might have stored .
If the Dems had not hid and destroyed the hard drives we would know.
Some have been found, what happened to them and why are they not being looked into?

Clearly you are too stupid to be one person.

The President of the United States confessed to using the power of his office to attempt to investigate his political rivals, and to discredit the Mueller Investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, by withholding military aid that the Ukraine desperately needed to defend itself against RUSSIA.

President Trump has issued a transcript of his phone call with the Ukrainian President where Zelensky thanks Trump profusely for his help, asks for Javelin missiles, and the very next words out of Trump's mouth are "First, I need a favour though". That's criminal extortion and abuse of power. Trump says there's nothing wrong with the ask.

There is a LOT wrong with the "ask". So much so that Trump's staff attempted to bury the "ask" and remove all knowledge of its existence from the public record. So stop pretending that the request was perfectly fine.

Also, everything that Trump asked to be investigated, has been previously investigated, multiple times, and there has been no wrong doing found, on the part of the Bidens. Trump has been told this repeatedly by the CIA, the FBI, and the NSA - and not by anyone Obama appointed - by the people that Trump hired himself. And yet Trump continues to push alt-right conspiracy theories about Democrats, instead of facts, as confirmed by Trump's own, hand picked security people.

Trump chose to believe Putin that Russia did not interfere, over Dan Coates, Mike Pompeo, and H.R. McMaster. He is now choosing to believe the Bidens are corrupt, even though his own National Security Team has told him this is a hoax, just as he chose to believe birther lies over Obama's Birth Certificate.

Trump believes in conspiracy theories, not facts.

and youre a liar because thats not what he said,,,

Truth is not truth. Facts are not facts. Your attempts at denying what we have all seen with our own eyes and heard with our own ears, are just not working. People are seeing through Trump's lies and attempts to gaslight the public.

That's because they've seen this "deny, deny, deny" playbook a few too many times for it to continue working effectively. This time, Trump's attempt to spin this one away just isn't working. That's because even the lowest information voter knows when someone is betraying their country for personal gain.
The IRS doesn't have the time to routinely examine every "billionaire's) tax returns; however, congress does have the time to go through Trump's financials with a fine tooth comb; what are you afraid they will find?

Tax Fraud By The Numbers: The Trump Timeline [UPDATED 2019]

The only thing I fear is that we're setting the Queen of Hearts precedent:

"Sentence first-verdict afterward".

Every future president with a hostile Congress will have his life ripped apart in search of anything that can be used to drive him from office. And, just like everything the democrats do, it will be used against them.
Every future president with a hostile Congress will have his life ripped apart in search of anything that can be used to drive him from office. And, just like everything the democrats do, it will be used against them
Perhaps we could do a better job of screening potential POTUS candidates especially with regard to their tax history:

"Donald Trump has a long and fascinating history as a business mogul before becoming elected President in 2016. In that time, he has made big waves in real estate and entrepreneurship and has been accused of multiple fraudulent activities in the process. Many of these accusations have been catalogued in a massive exposé published by the New York Times."

Tax Fraud By The Numbers: The Trump Timeline [UPDATED 2019]

That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
Rich folks have bribed Republicans AND Democrats over the past decade to gut the IRS, so that it no longer has the resources to audit complex tax filings like Trump's.

"The IRS audits the working poor at about the same rate as the wealthiest 1%. Now, in response to questions from a U.S. senator, the IRS has acknowledged that’s true but professes it can’t change anything unless it is given more money.

"ProPublica reported the disproportionate audit focus on lower-income families in April. Lawmakers confronted IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig about the emphasis, citing our stories, and Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., asked Rettig for a plan to fix the imbalance. Rettig readily agreed.

"Last month, Rettig replied with a report, but it said the IRS has no plan and won’t have one until Congress agrees to restore the funding it slashed from the agency over the past nine years — something lawmakers have shown little inclination to do."

IRS: Sorry, but It’s Just Easier and Cheaper to Audit the Poor — ProPublica

And you think that proves the IRS has been letting perhaps the most visible, most high profile wealthy person in the country off the hook?
Why should we have to be guessing over it...????

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