Fact about the whistleblower.......................

The whistleblower is likely CIA, but why would you believe he or she is a greater threat to this country than Donald Trump?

Whistleblower complaint, annotated

"In the course of my official duties, I have received information from multiple U.S. Government officials that the President of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election. This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President’s main domestic political rivals. The President’s personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General Barr appears to be involved as well..."

"Over the past four months, more than half a dozen U.S. officials have informed me of various facts related to this effort. The information provided herein was relayed to me in the course of official interagency business. It is routine for U.S. officials with responsibility for a particular regional or functional portfolio to share such information with one another in order to inform policymaking and analysis."
It was always about following the money.
The whistleblower is likely CIA, but why would you believe he or she is a greater threat to this country than Donald Trump?

Whistleblower complaint, annotated

"In the course of my official duties, I have received information from multiple U.S. Government officials that the President of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election. This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President’s main domestic political rivals. The President’s personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General Barr appears to be involved as well..."

"Over the past four months, more than half a dozen U.S. officials have informed me of various facts related to this effort. The information provided herein was relayed to me in the course of official interagency business. It is routine for U.S. officials with responsibility for a particular regional or functional portfolio to share such information with one another in order to inform policymaking and analysis."
Trump was doing his job and doing it well which pisses off assholes

Enjoy what you are
"trump is doing his job".....just like Russian troll bots want, right Comrade?
The IRS doesn't have the time to routinely examine every "billionaire's) tax returns; however, congress does have the time to go through Trump's financials with a fine tooth comb; what are you afraid they will find?

Tax Fraud By The Numbers: The Trump Timeline [UPDATED 2019]

The only thing I fear is that we're setting the Queen of Hearts precedent:

"Sentence first-verdict afterward".

Every future president with a hostile Congress will have his life ripped apart in search of anything that can be used to drive him from office. And, just like everything the democrats do, it will be used against them.
Every future president with a hostile Congress will have his life ripped apart in search of anything that can be used to drive him from office. And, just like everything the democrats do, it will be used against them
Perhaps we could do a better job of screening potential POTUS candidates especially with regard to their tax history:

"Donald Trump has a long and fascinating history as a business mogul before becoming elected President in 2016. In that time, he has made big waves in real estate and entrepreneurship and has been accused of multiple fraudulent activities in the process. Many of these accusations have been catalogued in a massive exposé published by the New York Times."

Tax Fraud By The Numbers: The Trump Timeline [UPDATED 2019]

That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
Rich folks have bribed Republicans AND Democrats over the past decade to gut the IRS, so that it no longer has the resources to audit complex tax filings like Trump's.

"The IRS audits the working poor at about the same rate as the wealthiest 1%. Now, in response to questions from a U.S. senator, the IRS has acknowledged that’s true but professes it can’t change anything unless it is given more money.

"ProPublica reported the disproportionate audit focus on lower-income families in April. Lawmakers confronted IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig about the emphasis, citing our stories, and Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., asked Rettig for a plan to fix the imbalance. Rettig readily agreed.

"Last month, Rettig replied with a report, but it said the IRS has no plan and won’t have one until Congress agrees to restore the funding it slashed from the agency over the past nine years — something lawmakers have shown little inclination to do."

IRS: Sorry, but It’s Just Easier and Cheaper to Audit the Poor — ProPublica

And you think that proves the IRS has been letting perhaps the most visible, most high profile wealthy person in the country off the hook?

The IRS isn't looking for the same things on their audits, that Congressional oversight and the American voters should be looking for. The IRS is looking to see that all of the income received is reported, and that all deductions taken are legal. They aren't looking at who the President owes money to, what the sources of those revenues really are, and whether there is anything in the statements which would make the President vulnerable to blackmail, or coercion.
The only thing I fear is that we're setting the Queen of Hearts precedent:

"Sentence first-verdict afterward".

Every future president with a hostile Congress will have his life ripped apart in search of anything that can be used to drive him from office. And, just like everything the democrats do, it will be used against them.
Every future president with a hostile Congress will have his life ripped apart in search of anything that can be used to drive him from office. And, just like everything the democrats do, it will be used against them
Perhaps we could do a better job of screening potential POTUS candidates especially with regard to their tax history:

"Donald Trump has a long and fascinating history as a business mogul before becoming elected President in 2016. In that time, he has made big waves in real estate and entrepreneurship and has been accused of multiple fraudulent activities in the process. Many of these accusations have been catalogued in a massive exposé published by the New York Times."

Tax Fraud By The Numbers: The Trump Timeline [UPDATED 2019]

That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
Rich folks have bribed Republicans AND Democrats over the past decade to gut the IRS, so that it no longer has the resources to audit complex tax filings like Trump's.

"The IRS audits the working poor at about the same rate as the wealthiest 1%. Now, in response to questions from a U.S. senator, the IRS has acknowledged that’s true but professes it can’t change anything unless it is given more money.

"ProPublica reported the disproportionate audit focus on lower-income families in April. Lawmakers confronted IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig about the emphasis, citing our stories, and Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., asked Rettig for a plan to fix the imbalance. Rettig readily agreed.

"Last month, Rettig replied with a report, but it said the IRS has no plan and won’t have one until Congress agrees to restore the funding it slashed from the agency over the past nine years — something lawmakers have shown little inclination to do."

IRS: Sorry, but It’s Just Easier and Cheaper to Audit the Poor — ProPublica

And you think that proves the IRS has been letting perhaps the most visible, most high profile wealthy person in the country off the hook?

The IRS isn't looking for the same things on their audits, that Congressional oversight and the American voters should be looking for. The IRS is looking to see that all of the income received is reported, and that all deductions taken are legal. They aren't looking at who the President owes money to, what the sources of those revenues really are, and whether there is anything in the statements which would make the President vulnerable to blackmail, or coercion.
I really do get tired of this subversive IRS bullshit.....the man KNOWS he is under the microscope and has an army of accountants to MAKE SURE EVERYTHING is on the up and up.....why do you not believe these things?....Is it really that you on the laugh have such low IQ'S OR is it that the FREE SHIT the ABNORMALS give out to buy their voters is just too much of a temptation for you people to care about the country as a whole?
He or she is a CIA agent, the only thing CIA agents do is spread misinformation about their enemies, which in this case is the President that they are sworn to protect.

Fact? You don't even know if they are male or female, Comrade.................:auiqs.jpg:
Fact, the whistleblower is working for Trump. See Schiff got pranked again.

I salute my troll and chief

He he he
The whistleblower is likely CIA, but why would you believe he or she is a greater threat to this country than Donald Trump?

Whistleblower complaint, annotated

"In the course of my official duties, I have received information from multiple U.S. Government officials that the President of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election. This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President’s main domestic political rivals. The President’s personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General Barr appears to be involved as well..."

"Over the past four months, more than half a dozen U.S. officials have informed me of various facts related to this effort. The information provided herein was relayed to me in the course of official interagency business. It is routine for U.S. officials with responsibility for a particular regional or functional portfolio to share such information with one another in order to inform policymaking and analysis."
Trump was doing his job and doing it well which pisses off assholes

Enjoy what you are
"trump is doing his job".....just like Russian troll bots want, right Comrade?
Trump is the best president since Lincoln

Source George Foreman and Alveda King
Perhaps we could do a better job of screening potential POTUS candidates especially with regard to their tax history:

"Donald Trump has a long and fascinating history as a business mogul before becoming elected President in 2016. In that time, he has made big waves in real estate and entrepreneurship and has been accused of multiple fraudulent activities in the process. Many of these accusations have been catalogued in a massive exposé published by the New York Times."

Tax Fraud By The Numbers: The Trump Timeline [UPDATED 2019]

That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
Rich folks have bribed Republicans AND Democrats over the past decade to gut the IRS, so that it no longer has the resources to audit complex tax filings like Trump's.

"The IRS audits the working poor at about the same rate as the wealthiest 1%. Now, in response to questions from a U.S. senator, the IRS has acknowledged that’s true but professes it can’t change anything unless it is given more money.

"ProPublica reported the disproportionate audit focus on lower-income families in April. Lawmakers confronted IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig about the emphasis, citing our stories, and Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., asked Rettig for a plan to fix the imbalance. Rettig readily agreed.

"Last month, Rettig replied with a report, but it said the IRS has no plan and won’t have one until Congress agrees to restore the funding it slashed from the agency over the past nine years — something lawmakers have shown little inclination to do."

IRS: Sorry, but It’s Just Easier and Cheaper to Audit the Poor — ProPublica

And you think that proves the IRS has been letting perhaps the most visible, most high profile wealthy person in the country off the hook?

The IRS isn't looking for the same things on their audits, that Congressional oversight and the American voters should be looking for. The IRS is looking to see that all of the income received is reported, and that all deductions taken are legal. They aren't looking at who the President owes money to, what the sources of those revenues really are, and whether there is anything in the statements which would make the President vulnerable to blackmail, or coercion.
I really do get tired of this subversive IRS bullshit.....the man KNOWS he is under the microscope and has an army of accountants to MAKE SURE EVERYTHING is on the up and up.....why do you not believe these things?....Is it really that you on the laugh have such low IQ'S OR is it that the FREE SHIT the ABNORMALS give out to buy their voters is just too much of a temptation for you people to care about the country as a whole?
I really do get tired of this subversive IRS bullshit.....the man KNOWS he is under the microscope and has an army of accountants to MAKE SURE EVERYTHING is on the up and up.....why do you not believe these things?.
Because Trump is a life-long moron whose many past transgressions are bursting into view

There's Another Whistleblower Complaint — This Time, Dealing With Trump's Taxes
That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
Rich folks have bribed Republicans AND Democrats over the past decade to gut the IRS, so that it no longer has the resources to audit complex tax filings like Trump's.

"The IRS audits the working poor at about the same rate as the wealthiest 1%. Now, in response to questions from a U.S. senator, the IRS has acknowledged that’s true but professes it can’t change anything unless it is given more money.

"ProPublica reported the disproportionate audit focus on lower-income families in April. Lawmakers confronted IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig about the emphasis, citing our stories, and Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., asked Rettig for a plan to fix the imbalance. Rettig readily agreed.

"Last month, Rettig replied with a report, but it said the IRS has no plan and won’t have one until Congress agrees to restore the funding it slashed from the agency over the past nine years — something lawmakers have shown little inclination to do."

IRS: Sorry, but It’s Just Easier and Cheaper to Audit the Poor — ProPublica

And you think that proves the IRS has been letting perhaps the most visible, most high profile wealthy person in the country off the hook?

The IRS isn't looking for the same things on their audits, that Congressional oversight and the American voters should be looking for. The IRS is looking to see that all of the income received is reported, and that all deductions taken are legal. They aren't looking at who the President owes money to, what the sources of those revenues really are, and whether there is anything in the statements which would make the President vulnerable to blackmail, or coercion.
I really do get tired of this subversive IRS bullshit.....the man KNOWS he is under the microscope and has an army of accountants to MAKE SURE EVERYTHING is on the up and up.....why do you not believe these things?....Is it really that you on the laugh have such low IQ'S OR is it that the FREE SHIT the ABNORMALS give out to buy their voters is just too much of a temptation for you people to care about the country as a whole?
I really do get tired of this subversive IRS bullshit.....the man KNOWS he is under the microscope and has an army of accountants to MAKE SURE EVERYTHING is on the up and up.....why do you not believe these things?.
Because Trump is a life-long moron whose many past transgressions are bursting into view

There's Another Whistleblower Complaint — This Time, Dealing With Trump's Taxes
Jesus you asshole Trump is STILL out of jail and his taxes, as I said were gone over by an ARMY OF ACCOUNTANTS to make sure every dot was dotted....did Christine Balsy-Ford make this second complaint?....Anyone with an IQ over 80 (this leaves Georgie out!) realizes all of this shit is strictly made up....next they will want his high school report card where a 98 year old teacher said he changed the grade!....
Rich folks have bribed Republicans AND Democrats over the past decade to gut the IRS, so that it no longer has the resources to audit complex tax filings like Trump's.

"The IRS audits the working poor at about the same rate as the wealthiest 1%. Now, in response to questions from a U.S. senator, the IRS has acknowledged that’s true but professes it can’t change anything unless it is given more money.

"ProPublica reported the disproportionate audit focus on lower-income families in April. Lawmakers confronted IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig about the emphasis, citing our stories, and Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., asked Rettig for a plan to fix the imbalance. Rettig readily agreed.

"Last month, Rettig replied with a report, but it said the IRS has no plan and won’t have one until Congress agrees to restore the funding it slashed from the agency over the past nine years — something lawmakers have shown little inclination to do."

IRS: Sorry, but It’s Just Easier and Cheaper to Audit the Poor — ProPublica

And you think that proves the IRS has been letting perhaps the most visible, most high profile wealthy person in the country off the hook?

The IRS isn't looking for the same things on their audits, that Congressional oversight and the American voters should be looking for. The IRS is looking to see that all of the income received is reported, and that all deductions taken are legal. They aren't looking at who the President owes money to, what the sources of those revenues really are, and whether there is anything in the statements which would make the President vulnerable to blackmail, or coercion.
I really do get tired of this subversive IRS bullshit.....the man KNOWS he is under the microscope and has an army of accountants to MAKE SURE EVERYTHING is on the up and up.....why do you not believe these things?....Is it really that you on the laugh have such low IQ'S OR is it that the FREE SHIT the ABNORMALS give out to buy their voters is just too much of a temptation for you people to care about the country as a whole?
I really do get tired of this subversive IRS bullshit.....the man KNOWS he is under the microscope and has an army of accountants to MAKE SURE EVERYTHING is on the up and up.....why do you not believe these things?.
Because Trump is a life-long moron whose many past transgressions are bursting into view

There's Another Whistleblower Complaint — This Time, Dealing With Trump's Taxes
Jesus you asshole Trump is STILL out of jail and his taxes, as I said were gone over by an ARMY OF ACCOUNTANTS to make sure every dot was dotted....did Christine Balsy-Ford make this second complaint?....Anyone with an IQ over 80 (this leaves Georgie out!) realizes all of this shit is strictly made up....next they will want his high school report card where a 98 year old teacher said he changed the grade!....
Jesus you asshole Trump is STILL out of jail and his taxes, as I said were gone over by an ARMY OF ACCOUNTANTS to make sure every dot was dotted....did Christine Balsy-Ford make this second complaint
Was he a corrupt thug whose success in life stems from an accident of birth?

There's Another Whistleblower Complaint — This Time, Dealing With Trump's Taxes

Rep. Richard Neal, the chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, sent a letter in August to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin regarding a complaint that was sent to him from a whistleblower within the Internal Revenue Service.

"At the time, the matter didn’t make much headway in terms of news coverage, but with the recent Ukraine whistleblower complaint being given so much attention, this other concern is being given renewed scrutiny.

"Neal described the IRS whistleblower complaint as containing alleging “evidence of possible misconduct” within the bureau, Business Insider reported.

"The complaint has to do with the mandatory audit process that all presidents and vice presidents are subject to.

"Neal and other Democrats have previously expressed worries over the process not being handled in an appropriate manner for Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.

"IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig called those concerns 'unfounded.'"

Do you believe Donald Trump is corrupt?
Rich folks have bribed Republicans AND Democrats over the past decade to gut the IRS, so that it no longer has the resources to audit complex tax filings like Trump's.

"The IRS audits the working poor at about the same rate as the wealthiest 1%. Now, in response to questions from a U.S. senator, the IRS has acknowledged that’s true but professes it can’t change anything unless it is given more money.

"ProPublica reported the disproportionate audit focus on lower-income families in April. Lawmakers confronted IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig about the emphasis, citing our stories, and Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., asked Rettig for a plan to fix the imbalance. Rettig readily agreed.

"Last month, Rettig replied with a report, but it said the IRS has no plan and won’t have one until Congress agrees to restore the funding it slashed from the agency over the past nine years — something lawmakers have shown little inclination to do."

IRS: Sorry, but It’s Just Easier and Cheaper to Audit the Poor — ProPublica

And you think that proves the IRS has been letting perhaps the most visible, most high profile wealthy person in the country off the hook?

The IRS isn't looking for the same things on their audits, that Congressional oversight and the American voters should be looking for. The IRS is looking to see that all of the income received is reported, and that all deductions taken are legal. They aren't looking at who the President owes money to, what the sources of those revenues really are, and whether there is anything in the statements which would make the President vulnerable to blackmail, or coercion.
I really do get tired of this subversive IRS bullshit.....the man KNOWS he is under the microscope and has an army of accountants to MAKE SURE EVERYTHING is on the up and up.....why do you not believe these things?....Is it really that you on the laugh have such low IQ'S OR is it that the FREE SHIT the ABNORMALS give out to buy their voters is just too much of a temptation for you people to care about the country as a whole?
I really do get tired of this subversive IRS bullshit.....the man KNOWS he is under the microscope and has an army of accountants to MAKE SURE EVERYTHING is on the up and up.....why do you not believe these things?.
Because Trump is a life-long moron whose many past transgressions are bursting into view

There's Another Whistleblower Complaint — This Time, Dealing With Trump's Taxes
Jesus you asshole Trump is STILL out of jail and his taxes, as I said were gone over by an ARMY OF ACCOUNTANTS to make sure every dot was dotted....did Christine Balsy-Ford make this second complaint?....Anyone with an IQ over 80 (this leaves Georgie out!) realizes all of this shit is strictly made up....next they will want his high school report card where a 98 year old teacher said he changed the grade!....

Keep repeating the Trump talking points, none of which are relevant. The SOURCES of the President's income don't matter to the IRS, but they do to the American people. Are most of his sales to Russian Oligarch. What about thousands of hotel rooms rented to the Saudi's. Who is financing his deals? The IRS doesn't care. Those who want full disclosure and ethics in the American President, need this information.
And you think that proves the IRS has been letting perhaps the most visible, most high profile wealthy person in the country off the hook?

The IRS isn't looking for the same things on their audits, that Congressional oversight and the American voters should be looking for. The IRS is looking to see that all of the income received is reported, and that all deductions taken are legal. They aren't looking at who the President owes money to, what the sources of those revenues really are, and whether there is anything in the statements which would make the President vulnerable to blackmail, or coercion.
I really do get tired of this subversive IRS bullshit.....the man KNOWS he is under the microscope and has an army of accountants to MAKE SURE EVERYTHING is on the up and up.....why do you not believe these things?....Is it really that you on the laugh have such low IQ'S OR is it that the FREE SHIT the ABNORMALS give out to buy their voters is just too much of a temptation for you people to care about the country as a whole?
I really do get tired of this subversive IRS bullshit.....the man KNOWS he is under the microscope and has an army of accountants to MAKE SURE EVERYTHING is on the up and up.....why do you not believe these things?.
Because Trump is a life-long moron whose many past transgressions are bursting into view

There's Another Whistleblower Complaint — This Time, Dealing With Trump's Taxes
Jesus you asshole Trump is STILL out of jail and his taxes, as I said were gone over by an ARMY OF ACCOUNTANTS to make sure every dot was dotted....did Christine Balsy-Ford make this second complaint?....Anyone with an IQ over 80 (this leaves Georgie out!) realizes all of this shit is strictly made up....next they will want his high school report card where a 98 year old teacher said he changed the grade!....

Keep repeating the Trump talking points, none of which are relevant. The SOURCES of the President's income don't matter to the IRS, but they do to the American people. Are most of his sales to Russian Oligarch. What about thousands of hotel rooms rented to the Saudi's. Who is financing his deals? The IRS doesn't care. Those who want full disclosure and ethics in the American President, need this information.

Should I sell my Russian stock holdings?
And you think that proves the IRS has been letting perhaps the most visible, most high profile wealthy person in the country off the hook?

The IRS isn't looking for the same things on their audits, that Congressional oversight and the American voters should be looking for. The IRS is looking to see that all of the income received is reported, and that all deductions taken are legal. They aren't looking at who the President owes money to, what the sources of those revenues really are, and whether there is anything in the statements which would make the President vulnerable to blackmail, or coercion.
I really do get tired of this subversive IRS bullshit.....the man KNOWS he is under the microscope and has an army of accountants to MAKE SURE EVERYTHING is on the up and up.....why do you not believe these things?....Is it really that you on the laugh have such low IQ'S OR is it that the FREE SHIT the ABNORMALS give out to buy their voters is just too much of a temptation for you people to care about the country as a whole?
I really do get tired of this subversive IRS bullshit.....the man KNOWS he is under the microscope and has an army of accountants to MAKE SURE EVERYTHING is on the up and up.....why do you not believe these things?.
Because Trump is a life-long moron whose many past transgressions are bursting into view

There's Another Whistleblower Complaint — This Time, Dealing With Trump's Taxes
Jesus you asshole Trump is STILL out of jail and his taxes, as I said were gone over by an ARMY OF ACCOUNTANTS to make sure every dot was dotted....did Christine Balsy-Ford make this second complaint?....Anyone with an IQ over 80 (this leaves Georgie out!) realizes all of this shit is strictly made up....next they will want his high school report card where a 98 year old teacher said he changed the grade!....
Jesus you asshole Trump is STILL out of jail and his taxes, as I said were gone over by an ARMY OF ACCOUNTANTS to make sure every dot was dotted....did Christine Balsy-Ford make this second complaint
Was he a corrupt thug whose success in life stems from an accident of birth?

There's Another Whistleblower Complaint — This Time, Dealing With Trump's Taxes

Rep. Richard Neal, the chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, sent a letter in August to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin regarding a complaint that was sent to him from a whistleblower within the Internal Revenue Service.

"At the time, the matter didn’t make much headway in terms of news coverage, but with the recent Ukraine whistleblower complaint being given so much attention, this other concern is being given renewed scrutiny.

"Neal described the IRS whistleblower complaint as containing alleging “evidence of possible misconduct” within the bureau, Business Insider reported.

"The complaint has to do with the mandatory audit process that all presidents and vice presidents are subject to.

"Neal and other Democrats have previously expressed worries over the process not being handled in an appropriate manner for Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.

"IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig called those concerns 'unfounded.'"

Do you believe Donald Trump is corrupt?
Donald is less corrupt than YOU are, and ALMOST EVERYONE is smarter than you are....

Did you know there are allegations o
And you think that proves the IRS has been letting perhaps the most visible, most high profile wealthy person in the country off the hook?

The IRS isn't looking for the same things on their audits, that Congressional oversight and the American voters should be looking for. The IRS is looking to see that all of the income received is reported, and that all deductions taken are legal. They aren't looking at who the President owes money to, what the sources of those revenues really are, and whether there is anything in the statements which would make the President vulnerable to blackmail, or coercion.
I really do get tired of this subversive IRS bullshit.....the man KNOWS he is under the microscope and has an army of accountants to MAKE SURE EVERYTHING is on the up and up.....why do you not believe these things?....Is it really that you on the laugh have such low IQ'S OR is it that the FREE SHIT the ABNORMALS give out to buy their voters is just too much of a temptation for you people to care about the country as a whole?
I really do get tired of this subversive IRS bullshit.....the man KNOWS he is under the microscope and has an army of accountants to MAKE SURE EVERYTHING is on the up and up.....why do you not believe these things?.
Because Trump is a life-long moron whose many past transgressions are bursting into view

There's Another Whistleblower Complaint — This Time, Dealing With Trump's Taxes
Jesus you asshole Trump is STILL out of jail and his taxes, as I said were gone over by an ARMY OF ACCOUNTANTS to make sure every dot was dotted....did Christine Balsy-Ford make this second complaint?....Anyone with an IQ over 80 (this leaves Georgie out!) realizes all of this shit is strictly made up....next they will want his high school report card where a 98 year old teacher said he changed the grade!....
Jesus you asshole Trump is STILL out of jail and his taxes, as I said were gone over by an ARMY OF ACCOUNTANTS to make sure every dot was dotted....did Christine Balsy-Ford make this second complaint
Was he a corrupt thug whose success in life stems from an accident of birth?

There's Another Whistleblower Complaint — This Time, Dealing With Trump's Taxes

Rep. Richard Neal, the chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, sent a letter in August to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin regarding a complaint that was sent to him from a whistleblower within the Internal Revenue Service.

"At the time, the matter didn’t make much headway in terms of news coverage, but with the recent Ukraine whistleblower complaint being given so much attention, this other concern is being given renewed scrutiny.

"Neal described the IRS whistleblower complaint as containing alleging “evidence of possible misconduct” within the bureau, Business Insider reported.

"The complaint has to do with the mandatory audit process that all presidents and vice presidents are subject to.

"Neal and other Democrats have previously expressed worries over the process not being handled in an appropriate manner for Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.

"IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig called those concerns 'unfounded.'"

Do you believe Donald Trump is corrupt?
Well Georgie, their are ALLEGATIONS that some Anti-American named George POSSIBLY goes around smelling little boys hair and possibly whispers some sexually erotic things in their ears that COULD BE mistaken as ABUSE.

YOU wouldn't know anything about those ALLEGATIONS of ABUSE would you. Georgie?

Good lord, and the cow jumped over the moon!

No, Trump is not anything like the Surrender Monkey, so no corruption there...ALLEGIALLY!
And you think that proves the IRS has been letting perhaps the most visible, most high profile wealthy person in the country off the hook?

The IRS isn't looking for the same things on their audits, that Congressional oversight and the American voters should be looking for. The IRS is looking to see that all of the income received is reported, and that all deductions taken are legal. They aren't looking at who the President owes money to, what the sources of those revenues really are, and whether there is anything in the statements which would make the President vulnerable to blackmail, or coercion.
I really do get tired of this subversive IRS bullshit.....the man KNOWS he is under the microscope and has an army of accountants to MAKE SURE EVERYTHING is on the up and up.....why do you not believe these things?....Is it really that you on the laugh have such low IQ'S OR is it that the FREE SHIT the ABNORMALS give out to buy their voters is just too much of a temptation for you people to care about the country as a whole?
I really do get tired of this subversive IRS bullshit.....the man KNOWS he is under the microscope and has an army of accountants to MAKE SURE EVERYTHING is on the up and up.....why do you not believe these things?.
Because Trump is a life-long moron whose many past transgressions are bursting into view

There's Another Whistleblower Complaint — This Time, Dealing With Trump's Taxes
Jesus you asshole Trump is STILL out of jail and his taxes, as I said were gone over by an ARMY OF ACCOUNTANTS to make sure every dot was dotted....did Christine Balsy-Ford make this second complaint?....Anyone with an IQ over 80 (this leaves Georgie out!) realizes all of this shit is strictly made up....next they will want his high school report card where a 98 year old teacher said he changed the grade!....

Keep repeating the Trump talking points, none of which are relevant. The SOURCES of the President's income don't matter to the IRS, but they do to the American people. Are most of his sales to Russian Oligarch. What about thousands of hotel rooms rented to the Saudi's. Who is financing his deals? The IRS doesn't care. Those who want full disclosure and ethics in the American President, need this information.
He has been in BUSINESS FOR 55 YEARS, and NONE of your bullshit questions means Jack shit to the American voters that find because of his tax cuts, They have more money in their pockets. The economy is better than ANY TIME under the socialist Surrender Monkey. And the only ones that care are paid DNC posters and brain dead idiots like yourself!
And you think that proves the IRS has been letting perhaps the most visible, most high profile wealthy person in the country off the hook?

The IRS isn't looking for the same things on their audits, that Congressional oversight and the American voters should be looking for. The IRS is looking to see that all of the income received is reported, and that all deductions taken are legal. They aren't looking at who the President owes money to, what the sources of those revenues really are, and whether there is anything in the statements which would make the President vulnerable to blackmail, or coercion.
I really do get tired of this subversive IRS bullshit.....the man KNOWS he is under the microscope and has an army of accountants to MAKE SURE EVERYTHING is on the up and up.....why do you not believe these things?....Is it really that you on the laugh have such low IQ'S OR is it that the FREE SHIT the ABNORMALS give out to buy their voters is just too much of a temptation for you people to care about the country as a whole?
I really do get tired of this subversive IRS bullshit.....the man KNOWS he is under the microscope and has an army of accountants to MAKE SURE EVERYTHING is on the up and up.....why do you not believe these things?.
Because Trump is a life-long moron whose many past transgressions are bursting into view

There's Another Whistleblower Complaint — This Time, Dealing With Trump's Taxes
Jesus you asshole Trump is STILL out of jail and his taxes, as I said were gone over by an ARMY OF ACCOUNTANTS to make sure every dot was dotted....did Christine Balsy-Ford make this second complaint?....Anyone with an IQ over 80 (this leaves Georgie out!) realizes all of this shit is strictly made up....next they will want his high school report card where a 98 year old teacher said he changed the grade!....

Keep repeating the Trump talking points, none of which are relevant. The SOURCES of the President's income don't matter to the IRS, but they do to the American people. Are most of his sales to Russian Oligarch. What about thousands of hotel rooms rented to the Saudi's. Who is financing his deals? The IRS doesn't care. Those who want full disclosure and ethics in the American President, need this information.

You should be asking why American tax money is subsidizing many of the worlds social programs.
Why should Americans pay higher drug prices, while helping to subsidize Europe's for theirs to be cheaper?
The IRS isn't looking for the same things on their audits, that Congressional oversight and the American voters should be looking for. The IRS is looking to see that all of the income received is reported, and that all deductions taken are legal. They aren't looking at who the President owes money to, what the sources of those revenues really are, and whether there is anything in the statements which would make the President vulnerable to blackmail, or coercion.
I really do get tired of this subversive IRS bullshit.....the man KNOWS he is under the microscope and has an army of accountants to MAKE SURE EVERYTHING is on the up and up.....why do you not believe these things?....Is it really that you on the laugh have such low IQ'S OR is it that the FREE SHIT the ABNORMALS give out to buy their voters is just too much of a temptation for you people to care about the country as a whole?
I really do get tired of this subversive IRS bullshit.....the man KNOWS he is under the microscope and has an army of accountants to MAKE SURE EVERYTHING is on the up and up.....why do you not believe these things?.
Because Trump is a life-long moron whose many past transgressions are bursting into view

There's Another Whistleblower Complaint — This Time, Dealing With Trump's Taxes
Jesus you asshole Trump is STILL out of jail and his taxes, as I said were gone over by an ARMY OF ACCOUNTANTS to make sure every dot was dotted....did Christine Balsy-Ford make this second complaint?....Anyone with an IQ over 80 (this leaves Georgie out!) realizes all of this shit is strictly made up....next they will want his high school report card where a 98 year old teacher said he changed the grade!....

Keep repeating the Trump talking points, none of which are relevant. The SOURCES of the President's income don't matter to the IRS, but they do to the American people. Are most of his sales to Russian Oligarch. What about thousands of hotel rooms rented to the Saudi's. Who is financing his deals? The IRS doesn't care. Those who want full disclosure and ethics in the American President, need this information.

Should I sell my Russian stock holdings?

I don't know. I don't follow the stock market in criminal regime countries like Russia.
The IRS isn't looking for the same things on their audits, that Congressional oversight and the American voters should be looking for. The IRS is looking to see that all of the income received is reported, and that all deductions taken are legal. They aren't looking at who the President owes money to, what the sources of those revenues really are, and whether there is anything in the statements which would make the President vulnerable to blackmail, or coercion.
I really do get tired of this subversive IRS bullshit.....the man KNOWS he is under the microscope and has an army of accountants to MAKE SURE EVERYTHING is on the up and up.....why do you not believe these things?....Is it really that you on the laugh have such low IQ'S OR is it that the FREE SHIT the ABNORMALS give out to buy their voters is just too much of a temptation for you people to care about the country as a whole?
I really do get tired of this subversive IRS bullshit.....the man KNOWS he is under the microscope and has an army of accountants to MAKE SURE EVERYTHING is on the up and up.....why do you not believe these things?.
Because Trump is a life-long moron whose many past transgressions are bursting into view

There's Another Whistleblower Complaint — This Time, Dealing With Trump's Taxes
Jesus you asshole Trump is STILL out of jail and his taxes, as I said were gone over by an ARMY OF ACCOUNTANTS to make sure every dot was dotted....did Christine Balsy-Ford make this second complaint?....Anyone with an IQ over 80 (this leaves Georgie out!) realizes all of this shit is strictly made up....next they will want his high school report card where a 98 year old teacher said he changed the grade!....

Keep repeating the Trump talking points, none of which are relevant. The SOURCES of the President's income don't matter to the IRS, but they do to the American people. Are most of his sales to Russian Oligarch. What about thousands of hotel rooms rented to the Saudi's. Who is financing his deals? The IRS doesn't care. Those who want full disclosure and ethics in the American President, need this information.
He has been in BUSINESS FOR 55 YEARS, and NONE of your bullshit questions means Jack shit to the American voters that find because of his tax cuts, They have more money in their pockets. The economy is better than ANY TIME under the socialist Surrender Monkey. And the only ones that care are paid DNC posters and brain dead idiots like yourself!
He has been in BUSINESS FOR 55 YEARS, and NONE of your bullshit questions means Jack shit to the American voters that find because of his tax cuts, They have more money in their pockets
For how long?

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 - Wikipedia

"The individual and pass-through tax cuts fade over time and become net tax increases starting in 2027 while the corporate tax cuts are permanent. This enabled the Senate to pass the bill with only 51 votes, without the need to defeat a filibuster, under the budget reconciliation process."

If Americans "have more money in their pockets" because of Trump, why is consumer debt at record levels?

The State of the American Debt Slaves, Q1 2019

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