Fact Checked

Do you believe AG Barr is obstructing justice?

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What was the reason?
What was the reason for the FBI to investigate? The fact that the Russians launched a disinformation campaign against the United States during election time.

Would you have preferred that they just ignore it and do nothing?

They had been doing that all along. Year after year. But our last president assured us it wasn’t a problem,

This is an issue now because Trump beat Hillary. These campaigns are nothing new. They are run by many countries against us, and we run them aim other countries. Token negro even bragged about doing it in Israel.

Really?! I don’t remember emails being hacked and released to the public in a drip smear campaign during past elections. Can you tell me what the Russians or any other foreign government did to mess with any of our past elections that rose to that level?

You really gotta stop with parroting the trump talking points. They are so obvious and false. The FBI doesn’t open investigations for pure political purposes with no evidence to substantiate the effort. To think that’s true is plain silly

So than, what was the evidence that opened the investigation? What was it that led the FBI to seek authorization to spy (surveil) the trump campaign?

I’m happy to answer your questions but not if you are going to completely ignore mine. Do we agree that the Russians did more to mess with this election than anything that had been done in the past and an investigation into the matter was warranted?

I’ll ask you this way, if this were the DA where you live running a murder investigation like this one was run, would you feel okay about it? Remove the politics.
Yes, the AG seems to be acting not as the lawyer for the nation, but as Trump's personal defender. It is clear that Barr's opinion on the matter was formed months before he was nominated, in the "resume" for AG he sent to the White House, telling the President he would be his wing man.
You"re confused. Holder said publicly that he was Obama's wing man. Do you have a copy of Barr's "resume?" LOL
What was the reason for the FBI to investigate? The fact that the Russians launched a disinformation campaign against the United States during election time.

Would you have preferred that they just ignore it and do nothing?

They had been doing that all along. Year after year. But our last president assured us it wasn’t a problem,

This is an issue now because Trump beat Hillary. These campaigns are nothing new. They are run by many countries against us, and we run them aim other countries. Token negro even bragged about doing it in Israel.

Really?! I don’t remember emails being hacked and released to the public in a drip smear campaign during past elections. Can you tell me what the Russians or any other foreign government did to mess with any of our past elections that rose to that level?

You really gotta stop with parroting the trump talking points. They are so obvious and false. The FBI doesn’t open investigations for pure political purposes with no evidence to substantiate the effort. To think that’s true is plain silly

So than, what was the evidence that opened the investigation? What was it that led the FBI to seek authorization to spy (surveil) the trump campaign?

I’m happy to answer your questions but not if you are going to completely ignore mine. Do we agree that the Russians did more to mess with this election than anything that had been done in the past and an investigation into the matter was warranted?

Okay, here is my take, and kind of my dear old Dads. He is from Scotland, my Na is English. They moved here in the mid seventies and became yuppies. He idolized everything American. I am the only kid out of 8 borne here. So the old man hates Trump. Never liked him. His issue go’s back to the art of the deal. What he didn’t like about Trump was there was never a successful deal with trump where both sides walked away happy, instead it was complete and utter victory. He compared it to that dude Michael Keaton played in that movie about McDonalds. Anyway, as much as the old man hates Trump, he will flat out say that what has happened here is shit that would happen in east Berlin and other parts of Europe in the old days. It sickens him. No, he won’t vote for Trump, nor any of those the DNC put up. It’s sad to because this last election was his first time voting. He is a die hard libtard democrat and even he will say this whole thing stinks, even though he hates it. So if you can admit that this investigation is odd, that there at least appears to be bad behavior then there is no point in discussing it. O don’t want you to like Trump. I think Trump is a snake oil peddler who just took the swamp, repackaged it and stamped TRUMP on it and went on to business as usual. But I will admit right now that this investigation was and is crooked. I will also say it scares the shit out of me. If they can do this to a President, why can’t they do it to you or me? Long as hell sorry.

I can appreciate everything you are saying. I think this investigation went on way too long and has been waaaay too politicized. I was saying months ago that it needed to be wrapped up. But the reality is they found a bunch of crooked shit, not only with trump but with Russians and others in trumps sphere.

Regarding my original point... the Russians did some messed up stuff during the election. Did you really not want or expect the FBI to investigate it?
What was the reason for the FBI to investigate? The fact that the Russians launched a disinformation campaign against the United States during election time.

Would you have preferred that they just ignore it and do nothing?

They had been doing that all along. Year after year. But our last president assured us it wasn’t a problem,

This is an issue now because Trump beat Hillary. These campaigns are nothing new. They are run by many countries against us, and we run them aim other countries. Token negro even bragged about doing it in Israel.

Really?! I don’t remember emails being hacked and released to the public in a drip smear campaign during past elections. Can you tell me what the Russians or any other foreign government did to mess with any of our past elections that rose to that level?

You really gotta stop with parroting the trump talking points. They are so obvious and false. The FBI doesn’t open investigations for pure political purposes with no evidence to substantiate the effort. To think that’s true is plain silly

So than, what was the evidence that opened the investigation? What was it that led the FBI to seek authorization to spy (surveil) the trump campaign?

I’m happy to answer your questions but not if you are going to completely ignore mine. Do we agree that the Russians did more to mess with this election than anything that had been done in the past and an investigation into the matter was warranted?

I’ll ask you this way, if this were the DA where you live running a murder investigation like this one was run, would you feel okay about it? Remove the politics.

In what aspect? Like would I expect there to be an investigation?
They had been doing that all along. Year after year. But our last president assured us it wasn’t a problem,

This is an issue now because Trump beat Hillary. These campaigns are nothing new. They are run by many countries against us, and we run them aim other countries. Token negro even bragged about doing it in Israel.

Really?! I don’t remember emails being hacked and released to the public in a drip smear campaign during past elections. Can you tell me what the Russians or any other foreign government did to mess with any of our past elections that rose to that level?

You really gotta stop with parroting the trump talking points. They are so obvious and false. The FBI doesn’t open investigations for pure political purposes with no evidence to substantiate the effort. To think that’s true is plain silly

So than, what was the evidence that opened the investigation? What was it that led the FBI to seek authorization to spy (surveil) the trump campaign?

I’m happy to answer your questions but not if you are going to completely ignore mine. Do we agree that the Russians did more to mess with this election than anything that had been done in the past and an investigation into the matter was warranted?

Okay, here is my take, and kind of my dear old Dads. He is from Scotland, my Na is English. They moved here in the mid seventies and became yuppies. He idolized everything American. I am the only kid out of 8 borne here. So the old man hates Trump. Never liked him. His issue go’s back to the art of the deal. What he didn’t like about Trump was there was never a successful deal with trump where both sides walked away happy, instead it was complete and utter victory. He compared it to that dude Michael Keaton played in that movie about McDonalds. Anyway, as much as the old man hates Trump, he will flat out say that what has happened here is shit that would happen in east Berlin and other parts of Europe in the old days. It sickens him. No, he won’t vote for Trump, nor any of those the DNC put up. It’s sad to because this last election was his first time voting. He is a die hard libtard democrat and even he will say this whole thing stinks, even though he hates it. So if you can admit that this investigation is odd, that there at least appears to be bad behavior then there is no point in discussing it. O don’t want you to like Trump. I think Trump is a snake oil peddler who just took the swamp, repackaged it and stamped TRUMP on it and went on to business as usual. But I will admit right now that this investigation was and is crooked. I will also say it scares the shit out of me. If they can do this to a President, why can’t they do it to you or me? Long as hell sorry.

I can appreciate everything you are saying. I think this investigation went on way too long and has been waaaay too politicized. I was saying months ago that it needed to be wrapped up. But the reality is they found a bunch of crooked shit, not only with trump but with Russians and others in trumps sphere.

Regarding my original point... the Russians did some messed up stuff during the election. Did you really not want or expect the FBI to investigate it?

Why would we? Hell anyone with more then two brain cells knows the US has been meddeling in other countries elections for decades and we knew Putin hated Hillary so who cares?

Really?! I don’t remember emails being hacked and released to the public in a drip smear campaign during past elections. Can you tell me what the Russians or any other foreign government did to mess with any of our past elections that rose to that level?

You really gotta stop with parroting the trump talking points. They are so obvious and false. The FBI doesn’t open investigations for pure political purposes with no evidence to substantiate the effort. To think that’s true is plain silly

So than, what was the evidence that opened the investigation? What was it that led the FBI to seek authorization to spy (surveil) the trump campaign?
I’m happy to answer your questions but not if you are going to completely ignore mine. Do we agree that the Russians did more to mess with this election than anything that had been done in the past and an investigation into the matter was warranted?

Okay, here is my take, and kind of my dear old Dads. He is from Scotland, my Na is English. They moved here in the mid seventies and became yuppies. He idolized everything American. I am the only kid out of 8 borne here. So the old man hates Trump. Never liked him. His issue go’s back to the art of the deal. What he didn’t like about Trump was there was never a successful deal with trump where both sides walked away happy, instead it was complete and utter victory. He compared it to that dude Michael Keaton played in that movie about McDonalds. Anyway, as much as the old man hates Trump, he will flat out say that what has happened here is shit that would happen in east Berlin and other parts of Europe in the old days. It sickens him. No, he won’t vote for Trump, nor any of those the DNC put up. It’s sad to because this last election was his first time voting. He is a die hard libtard democrat and even he will say this whole thing stinks, even though he hates it. So if you can admit that this investigation is odd, that there at least appears to be bad behavior then there is no point in discussing it. O don’t want you to like Trump. I think Trump is a snake oil peddler who just took the swamp, repackaged it and stamped TRUMP on it and went on to business as usual. But I will admit right now that this investigation was and is crooked. I will also say it scares the shit out of me. If they can do this to a President, why can’t they do it to you or me? Long as hell sorry.
I can appreciate everything you are saying. I think this investigation went on way too long and has been waaaay too politicized. I was saying months ago that it needed to be wrapped up. But the reality is they found a bunch of crooked shit, not only with trump but with Russians and others in trumps sphere.

Regarding my original point... the Russians did some messed up stuff during the election. Did you really not want or expect the FBI to investigate it?

Why would we? Hell anyone with more then two brain cells knows the US has been meddeling in other countries elections for decades and we knew Putin hated Hillary so who cares?
Wow man, that’s just pathetic. Fine though, you don’t think we should have investigated Russian interference because we meddle in other elections. You’re entitled to you’re opinion. I just think that is so weak
So than, what was the evidence that opened the investigation? What was it that led the FBI to seek authorization to spy (surveil) the trump campaign?
I’m happy to answer your questions but not if you are going to completely ignore mine. Do we agree that the Russians did more to mess with this election than anything that had been done in the past and an investigation into the matter was warranted?

Okay, here is my take, and kind of my dear old Dads. He is from Scotland, my Na is English. They moved here in the mid seventies and became yuppies. He idolized everything American. I am the only kid out of 8 borne here. So the old man hates Trump. Never liked him. His issue go’s back to the art of the deal. What he didn’t like about Trump was there was never a successful deal with trump where both sides walked away happy, instead it was complete and utter victory. He compared it to that dude Michael Keaton played in that movie about McDonalds. Anyway, as much as the old man hates Trump, he will flat out say that what has happened here is shit that would happen in east Berlin and other parts of Europe in the old days. It sickens him. No, he won’t vote for Trump, nor any of those the DNC put up. It’s sad to because this last election was his first time voting. He is a die hard libtard democrat and even he will say this whole thing stinks, even though he hates it. So if you can admit that this investigation is odd, that there at least appears to be bad behavior then there is no point in discussing it. O don’t want you to like Trump. I think Trump is a snake oil peddler who just took the swamp, repackaged it and stamped TRUMP on it and went on to business as usual. But I will admit right now that this investigation was and is crooked. I will also say it scares the shit out of me. If they can do this to a President, why can’t they do it to you or me? Long as hell sorry.
I can appreciate everything you are saying. I think this investigation went on way too long and has been waaaay too politicized. I was saying months ago that it needed to be wrapped up. But the reality is they found a bunch of crooked shit, not only with trump but with Russians and others in trumps sphere.

Regarding my original point... the Russians did some messed up stuff during the election. Did you really not want or expect the FBI to investigate it?

Why would we? Hell anyone with more then two brain cells knows the US has been meddeling in other countries elections for decades and we knew Putin hated Hillary so who cares?
Wow man, that’s just pathetic. Fine though, you don’t think we should have investigated Russian interference because we meddle in other elections. You’re entitled to you’re opinion. I just think that is so weak

Okay do this one time when you are bored. Google “Russian meddling in “X” election and see what happens. Then do it with “country of your choice” in “X’s“ election and see what happens. So this has been an issue since elections have been going on in this country really. And yes it’s been investigated many countries have. And you have to be honest, zero evidence of a foreign country tilting out elections has been produced, not with John F Kennedy, not with Trump. So yeah, it should be looked at and taken VERY seriously, but like him or not, trump wasn’t installed by Putin. A better case can be made that Obama was if your honest about it.
Several points are laid out very clearly in the report. You can soon all you want but if you want to be taken seriously then you should acknowledge facts.
Just demonstrate some way in which Robert Mueller was stopped from conducting his investigation. Some way in which he was impeded or hindered.
That is if you want to be taken seriously.

My personal opinion is to move on. Yes Trump tried to obstruct the investigation because he wanted it over. But the core of what they Im estimated never amounted to anything so let’s get on with life. You should be making the same point instead of denying reality and trying to point the finger back at Mueller. Trump ain’t no saint, we all know it.
Objecting to an investigation, because of it's politicized nature, is not nearly the same thing as taking steps to halt it. Mueller got his money, his authority, his people and he stopped when he decided it was time to stop. No one told him to. No one told him where his investigation must go
and who it should question. It was an entirely independent operation.

It's the difference between telling your child that eating cookies for dinner is a bad thing and literally slapping a cookie out of his or her hand. You seem relatively smart. You can't see the difference?
So than, what was the evidence that opened the investigation? What was it that led the FBI to seek authorization to spy (surveil) the trump campaign?
I’m happy to answer your questions but not if you are going to completely ignore mine. Do we agree that the Russians did more to mess with this election than anything that had been done in the past and an investigation into the matter was warranted?

Okay, here is my take, and kind of my dear old Dads. He is from Scotland, my Na is English. They moved here in the mid seventies and became yuppies. He idolized everything American. I am the only kid out of 8 borne here. So the old man hates Trump. Never liked him. His issue go’s back to the art of the deal. What he didn’t like about Trump was there was never a successful deal with trump where both sides walked away happy, instead it was complete and utter victory. He compared it to that dude Michael Keaton played in that movie about McDonalds. Anyway, as much as the old man hates Trump, he will flat out say that what has happened here is shit that would happen in east Berlin and other parts of Europe in the old days. It sickens him. No, he won’t vote for Trump, nor any of those the DNC put up. It’s sad to because this last election was his first time voting. He is a die hard libtard democrat and even he will say this whole thing stinks, even though he hates it. So if you can admit that this investigation is odd, that there at least appears to be bad behavior then there is no point in discussing it. O don’t want you to like Trump. I think Trump is a snake oil peddler who just took the swamp, repackaged it and stamped TRUMP on it and went on to business as usual. But I will admit right now that this investigation was and is crooked. I will also say it scares the shit out of me. If they can do this to a President, why can’t they do it to you or me? Long as hell sorry.
I can appreciate everything you are saying. I think this investigation went on way too long and has been waaaay too politicized. I was saying months ago that it needed to be wrapped up. But the reality is they found a bunch of crooked shit, not only with trump but with Russians and others in trumps sphere.

Regarding my original point... the Russians did some messed up stuff during the election. Did you really not want or expect the FBI to investigate it?

Why would we? Hell anyone with more then two brain cells knows the US has been meddeling in other countries elections for decades and we knew Putin hated Hillary so who cares?
Wow man, that’s just pathetic. Fine though, you don’t think we should have investigated Russian interference because we meddle in other elections. You’re entitled to you’re opinion. I just think that is so weak

My opinion is weak? It's all about fake Russian memes that no one seen or remember, you guys act like you never ever seen fake news before...

It's all about Hillary rigging the DNC nomination getting caught and spinning it around saying it was Trump's fault.

It's All about Hillary meddeling in Russia election and Putin paying her back

No my opinion is strong, yours is the one that is weak
Yes, the AG seems to be acting not as the lawyer for the nation, but as Trump's personal defender. It is clear that Barr's opinion on the matter was formed months before he was nominated, in the "resume" for AG he sent to the White House, telling the President he would be his wing man.
You"re confused. Holder said publicly that he was Obama's wing man. Do you have a copy of Barr's "resume?" LOL

Yep, and so will you if you use google. I don't give a shit about what Holder said or did, grow up and do what I raised my kids on:

Learn from the Past
Live in the President
Plan for the Future

I plan to vote for whoever can defeat Trump, since his administration will be recorded the most chaotic in our nation's history.
Several points are laid out very clearly in the report. You can soon all you want but if you want to be taken seriously then you should acknowledge facts.
Just demonstrate some way in which Robert Mueller was stopped from conducting his investigation. Some way in which he was impeded or hindered.
That is if you want to be taken seriously.

My personal opinion is to move on. Yes Trump tried to obstruct the investigation because he wanted it over. But the core of what they Im estimated never amounted to anything so let’s get on with life. You should be making the same point instead of denying reality and trying to point the finger back at Mueller. Trump ain’t no saint, we all know it.
Objecting to an investigation, because of it's politicized nature, is not nearly the same thing as taking steps to halt it. Mueller got his money, his authority, his people and he stopped when he decided it was time to stop. No one told him to. No one told him where his investigation must go
and who it should question. It was an entirely independent operation.

It's the difference between telling your child that eating cookies for dinner is a bad thing and literally slapping a cookie out of his or her hand. You seem relatively smart. You can't see the difference?
One doesn’t have to succeed in obstruction for it to be a crime. Attempt to obstruct can be criminal. That’s up to a judge/jury to decide. Mueller obviously thought there was enough in Trumps attempts to obstruct to warrant the consideration of action so he laid out the facts pushed it to congress who is the only body able to act on it.
I’m happy to answer your questions but not if you are going to completely ignore mine. Do we agree that the Russians did more to mess with this election than anything that had been done in the past and an investigation into the matter was warranted?

Okay, here is my take, and kind of my dear old Dads. He is from Scotland, my Na is English. They moved here in the mid seventies and became yuppies. He idolized everything American. I am the only kid out of 8 borne here. So the old man hates Trump. Never liked him. His issue go’s back to the art of the deal. What he didn’t like about Trump was there was never a successful deal with trump where both sides walked away happy, instead it was complete and utter victory. He compared it to that dude Michael Keaton played in that movie about McDonalds. Anyway, as much as the old man hates Trump, he will flat out say that what has happened here is shit that would happen in east Berlin and other parts of Europe in the old days. It sickens him. No, he won’t vote for Trump, nor any of those the DNC put up. It’s sad to because this last election was his first time voting. He is a die hard libtard democrat and even he will say this whole thing stinks, even though he hates it. So if you can admit that this investigation is odd, that there at least appears to be bad behavior then there is no point in discussing it. O don’t want you to like Trump. I think Trump is a snake oil peddler who just took the swamp, repackaged it and stamped TRUMP on it and went on to business as usual. But I will admit right now that this investigation was and is crooked. I will also say it scares the shit out of me. If they can do this to a President, why can’t they do it to you or me? Long as hell sorry.
I can appreciate everything you are saying. I think this investigation went on way too long and has been waaaay too politicized. I was saying months ago that it needed to be wrapped up. But the reality is they found a bunch of crooked shit, not only with trump but with Russians and others in trumps sphere.

Regarding my original point... the Russians did some messed up stuff during the election. Did you really not want or expect the FBI to investigate it?

Why would we? Hell anyone with more then two brain cells knows the US has been meddeling in other countries elections for decades and we knew Putin hated Hillary so who cares?
Wow man, that’s just pathetic. Fine though, you don’t think we should have investigated Russian interference because we meddle in other elections. You’re entitled to you’re opinion. I just think that is so weak

My opinion is weak? It's all about fake Russian memes that no one seen or remember, you guys act like you never ever seen fake news before...

It's all about Hillary rigging the DNC nomination getting caught and spinning it around saying it was Trump's fault.

It's All about Hillary meddeling in Russia election and Putin paying her back

No my opinion is strong, yours is the one that is weak
Your opinion is complete bullshit as evidenced by the fact that your only response to trumps allegations is to blame hillary. But Hillary isn’t in jail is she? Despite all the lock her up chants and Trumps promise to throw her in jail during the campaign, and despite all the deflections back to her about russiagate like you’re doing... in a trump controlled DOJ there is nothing being done to hillary. That’s because all that shit is pure hot air. You’re a joke
I’m happy to answer your questions but not if you are going to completely ignore mine. Do we agree that the Russians did more to mess with this election than anything that had been done in the past and an investigation into the matter was warranted?

Okay, here is my take, and kind of my dear old Dads. He is from Scotland, my Na is English. They moved here in the mid seventies and became yuppies. He idolized everything American. I am the only kid out of 8 borne here. So the old man hates Trump. Never liked him. His issue go’s back to the art of the deal. What he didn’t like about Trump was there was never a successful deal with trump where both sides walked away happy, instead it was complete and utter victory. He compared it to that dude Michael Keaton played in that movie about McDonalds. Anyway, as much as the old man hates Trump, he will flat out say that what has happened here is shit that would happen in east Berlin and other parts of Europe in the old days. It sickens him. No, he won’t vote for Trump, nor any of those the DNC put up. It’s sad to because this last election was his first time voting. He is a die hard libtard democrat and even he will say this whole thing stinks, even though he hates it. So if you can admit that this investigation is odd, that there at least appears to be bad behavior then there is no point in discussing it. O don’t want you to like Trump. I think Trump is a snake oil peddler who just took the swamp, repackaged it and stamped TRUMP on it and went on to business as usual. But I will admit right now that this investigation was and is crooked. I will also say it scares the shit out of me. If they can do this to a President, why can’t they do it to you or me? Long as hell sorry.
I can appreciate everything you are saying. I think this investigation went on way too long and has been waaaay too politicized. I was saying months ago that it needed to be wrapped up. But the reality is they found a bunch of crooked shit, not only with trump but with Russians and others in trumps sphere.

Regarding my original point... the Russians did some messed up stuff during the election. Did you really not want or expect the FBI to investigate it?

Why would we? Hell anyone with more then two brain cells knows the US has been meddeling in other countries elections for decades and we knew Putin hated Hillary so who cares?
Wow man, that’s just pathetic. Fine though, you don’t think we should have investigated Russian interference because we meddle in other elections. You’re entitled to you’re opinion. I just think that is so weak

My opinion is weak? It's all about fake Russian memes that no one seen or remember, you guys act like you never ever seen fake news before...

It's all about Hillary rigging the DNC nomination getting caught and spinning it around saying it was Trump's fault.

It's All about Hillary meddeling in Russia election and Putin paying her back

No my opinion is strong, yours is the one that is weak

Here's my opinion. As Sect. of State HRC was strong in here dealings with Putin and the Russian efforts to reestablish what was the Soviet Union, Putin is following the ultra conservative strategy used by prior fascist leaders.

The evidence was clear, given the tit for tat closing missions in both nations and sending home the peace makers (diplomats) that the Obama Administration was strong and held Putin accountable.

I doubt anyone whose aware of the reality does not believe Russia impacted the election of 2016, and used agent provocateurs and biddable fools within our borders to further divide our divided nation.

It worked, and the primary source is in the threads and posts on this message board, and the pages of Face Book and other social media sites.

Odd isn't it, the demise of democracy in the United States might be blamed - in the final inquisition - on our First Amendment.
Okay, here is my take, and kind of my dear old Dads. He is from Scotland, my Na is English. They moved here in the mid seventies and became yuppies. He idolized everything American. I am the only kid out of 8 borne here. So the old man hates Trump. Never liked him. His issue go’s back to the art of the deal. What he didn’t like about Trump was there was never a successful deal with trump where both sides walked away happy, instead it was complete and utter victory. He compared it to that dude Michael Keaton played in that movie about McDonalds. Anyway, as much as the old man hates Trump, he will flat out say that what has happened here is shit that would happen in east Berlin and other parts of Europe in the old days. It sickens him. No, he won’t vote for Trump, nor any of those the DNC put up. It’s sad to because this last election was his first time voting. He is a die hard libtard democrat and even he will say this whole thing stinks, even though he hates it. So if you can admit that this investigation is odd, that there at least appears to be bad behavior then there is no point in discussing it. O don’t want you to like Trump. I think Trump is a snake oil peddler who just took the swamp, repackaged it and stamped TRUMP on it and went on to business as usual. But I will admit right now that this investigation was and is crooked. I will also say it scares the shit out of me. If they can do this to a President, why can’t they do it to you or me? Long as hell sorry.
I can appreciate everything you are saying. I think this investigation went on way too long and has been waaaay too politicized. I was saying months ago that it needed to be wrapped up. But the reality is they found a bunch of crooked shit, not only with trump but with Russians and others in trumps sphere.

Regarding my original point... the Russians did some messed up stuff during the election. Did you really not want or expect the FBI to investigate it?

Why would we? Hell anyone with more then two brain cells knows the US has been meddeling in other countries elections for decades and we knew Putin hated Hillary so who cares?
Wow man, that’s just pathetic. Fine though, you don’t think we should have investigated Russian interference because we meddle in other elections. You’re entitled to you’re opinion. I just think that is so weak

My opinion is weak? It's all about fake Russian memes that no one seen or remember, you guys act like you never ever seen fake news before...

It's all about Hillary rigging the DNC nomination getting caught and spinning it around saying it was Trump's fault.

It's All about Hillary meddeling in Russia election and Putin paying her back

No my opinion is strong, yours is the one that is weak

Here's my opinion. As Sect. of State HRC was strong in here dealings with Putin and the Russian efforts to reestablish what was the Soviet Union, Putin is following the ultra conservative strategy used by prior fascist leaders in the past.

The evidence was clear, given the tit for tat closing missions in both nations and sending home the peace makers (diplomats).

I doubt anyone whose aware of the reality does not believe Russia impact the election of 2016, and used agent provocateurs and biddable fools within our borders to further divide our divided nation.

It worked, and the primary source is in the threads and posts on this message board, and the pages of Face Book and other social media sites.

Odd isn't it, the demise of democracy in the United States might be blamed - in the final inquisition - on our First Amendment.
That was way too deep a statement to waste on a troll like bear but I’ll give you props for a keen observation and well stated argument
One doesn’t have to succeed in obstruction for it to be a crime. Attempt to obstruct can be criminal. That’s up to a judge/jury to decide. Mueller obviously thought there was enough in Trumps attempts to obstruct to warrant the consideration of action so he laid out the facts pushed it to congress who is the only body able to act on it.
So you tacitly admit there was no obstruction. That's some strong case you lay out there. :icon_rolleyes:
Firing Jim Comey does not/did not obstruct Mueller. Neither did any negative comments about a "witch hunt" that Trump made. You guys have to grow up someday and stop grasping at straws. The nation is passing you zealots by.
One doesn’t have to succeed in obstruction for it to be a crime. Attempt to obstruct can be criminal. That’s up to a judge/jury to decide. Mueller obviously thought there was enough in Trumps attempts to obstruct to warrant the consideration of action so he laid out the facts pushed it to congress who is the only body able to act on it.
So even you tacitly admit there was no obstruction. That's some strong case you lay out there. :icon_rolleyes:
Firing Jim Comey does not/did not obstruct Mueller. Neither did any negative comments about a "witch hunt" that Trump made. You guys have to grow up someday and stop grasping for straws. The nation is passing you zealots by.
Ok let’s try again, read this very slowly and try to comprehend ok??? Attempts to obstruct do not need to be successful for laws to be broken. The attempt itself can be a crime per our laws. This isn’t partisan option, it’s just a fact
One doesn’t have to succeed in obstruction for it to be a crime. Attempt to obstruct can be criminal. That’s up to a judge/jury to decide. Mueller obviously thought there was enough in Trumps attempts to obstruct to warrant the consideration of action so he laid out the facts pushed it to congress who is the only body able to act on it.
So you tacitly admit there was no obstruction. That's some strong case you lay out there. :icon_rolleyes:
Firing Jim Comey does not/did not obstruct Mueller. Neither did any negative comments about a "witch hunt" that Trump made. You guys have to grow up someday and stop grasping at straws. The nation is passing you zealots by.
Here, edjamacate yourself...

Obstruction of justice
18 U.S.C. § 1503 defines "obstruction of justice" as an act that "corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice."

Someone obstructs justice when that person has a specific intent to obstruct or interfere with a judicial proceeding. For a person to be convicted of obstructing justice, that person must not only have the specific intent to obstruct the proceeding, but that person must know (1) that a proceeding was actually pending at the time; and (2) there must be a connection between the endeavor to obstruct justice and the proceeding, and the person must have knowledge of this connection.

§ 1503 applies only to federal judicial proceedings. Under 18 U.S.C. § 1505, however, a defendant can be convicted of obstruction of justice by obstructing a pending proceeding before Congressor a federal administrative agency. A pending proceeding could include an informal investigation by an executive agency.
Educate yourself. I know what obstruction is and I will restrain myself from tossing any ad homs at you though they seem fitting in light of your post.
Kindly point out where Donald Trump hindered or thwarted Bob Mueller's nearly two year investigation.
One doesn’t have to succeed in obstruction for it to be a crime. Attempt to obstruct can be criminal. That’s up to a judge/jury to decide. Mueller obviously thought there was enough in Trumps attempts to obstruct to warrant the consideration of action so he laid out the facts pushed it to congress who is the only body able to act on it.

So you tacitly admit there was no obstruction. That's some strong case you lay out there. :icon_rolleyes:
Firing Jim Comey does not/did not obstruct Mueller. Neither did any negative comments about a "witch hunt" that Trump made. You guys have to grow up someday and stop grasping at straws. The nation is passing you zealots by.

Mueller was hired to investigate Russian interference in our 2016 election, below is the mandate for the limits of his appointment:

By virtue of the authority vested in me as Acting Attorney General, including 28 U.S.C. §§ 509, 510, and 515, in order to discharge my responsibility to provide supervision and management of the Department of Justice, and to ensure a full and thorough investigation of the Russian govemmenfs efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election, I hereby order as follows:

(a) Robert S. Mueller III is appointed t() serve as Specia] Counsel for the United States Department of Justice.

(b) The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confinned by then-FBI Director James 8. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:

(i) any links and/or coordination bet ween the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and

(ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and

(iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).

(c) If the Special Counsel believes it is necessary and appropriate, the Special Counsel is authorized to prosecute federal crimes arising from the investigation of these matters.

(d) Sections 600.4 through 600. l 0 of Title 28 of the Code of Federal Regulations are applicable to the Special Counsel.


Trump claimed ad nausea that this investigation was a witch hunt and a hoax.

Why would any American believe what is beyond a reasonable doubt, Russian interference in our election, should not be fully investigated so as to prevent future cyber attacks?

Why did trump going full throttle in the defense of Putin, and taking Putin's word that Russian did not influence the outcome of the election until a couple of weeks ago?

Why has Trump declared war on are nation's national security employees, the DOJ and the FBI with the exception of his selection of the AG?

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