Fantastic Businessman Trump Loses 55 Year Golf Event To Mexico

I will be interested in what course the PGA chooses in Mexico. I stopped playing golf about ten years ago because of arthritis in my hands, but I still like reading a book on Sundays and watching it on tv. I've never been to Mexico, and have no desire to go, but if I still played and there was a resort down there with a really nice course .....

Trump cooked his own goose with uncivil things he said, but it makes sense for the PGA to hold an event down there.

American golf has always been stuffy. You can't buy your way onto a lot of the courses the PGA has tourneys on, but in Britain you can play on British Open courses so long as you have a letter from your club pro and book ahead. Or you could ten years ago.

It's been years since I've been to Mexico, but two things stand out, one was the traffic congestion and two was the smog at 5,000ft. If those two things remain, the only time a visitor will be comfortable is staying close to the course wherever it may be.
You said trump will win because to many businesses move to mexico. I asked if it's okay to use his powers to force business back to the states is legal and right.
He will make it more profitable to remain here. Some will still remain off shore but the majority will want to stay here.

And that's fine, but it also points out that bring Ford back for instance or Apple is nothing but pie in the sky because what ever monitary penalty he levies against them will just be passed on to the consumer. The fact that Fox won't ask him about that, and trump can't answer is one of the reasons he won't make it all the way.
The PGA announced they are moving their tour event held at Miami's famed Trump National Doral course for the last 55 years to Mexico City. In 2013, the PGA announced a ten year extension to the Trump National Doral to be held through 2023, but when Cadillac, the sponsor did not renew sponsorship of the event, it was dropped.

Trump National Doral was unable to find a sponsor and criticized the move when Donald Trump said "he hopes they have good kidnapping insurance." Tour moves event from Trump Doral to Mexico
That course has been around for a long time. Long before Trump stapled his name onto it. And now he's destroyed a tradition that existed long before he came along.

Dipshit can't even make a golf course great again. Get ready for the same to be done to America.
Can you be more specific? How did he destroy the tradition?

I can't say positively. If Cadillac or the PGA would add more information to the move it could be substantiated that his words did him in. Beyond that, the fact that he couldn't find a sponsor or sponsor it himself says a lot. He certainly didn't do anything to save it, that alone demonstrates he didn't have high regard for the tradition.
Sounds like you are making shit up. There was no where else in the US for the PGA tour? I suspect Mexico offered a better deal and they took it.
The PGA picked Mexico for a specific reason, and the reason is Trump.
What's your source, besides the shit that flies out of libturd asses.
The PGA announced they are moving their tour event held at Miami's famed Trump National Doral course for the last 55 years to Mexico City. In 2013, the PGA announced a ten year extension to the Trump National Doral to be held through 2023, but when Cadillac, the sponsor did not renew sponsorship of the event, it was dropped.

Trump National Doral was unable to find a sponsor and criticized the move when Donald Trump said "he hopes they have good kidnapping insurance." Tour moves event from Trump Doral to Mexico
That course has been around for a long time. Long before Trump stapled his name onto it. And now he's destroyed a tradition that existed long before he came along.

Dipshit can't even make a golf course great again. Get ready for the same to be done to America.
Can you be more specific? How did he destroy the tradition?

I can't say positively. If Cadillac or the PGA would add more information to the move it could be substantiated that his words did him in. Beyond that, the fact that he couldn't find a sponsor or sponsor it himself says a lot. He certainly didn't do anything to save it, that alone demonstrates he didn't have high regard for the tradition.
Sounds like you are making shit up. There was no where else in the US for the PGA tour? I suspect Mexico offered a better deal and they took it.
Business is business. One would think the world's greatest businessman would have been up to the challenge.
How do you know he wasn't? You're just talking shit, you don't what they wanted or what he offered or anyone else in the US. The PGA goes across the border and libtards think it's Trump's fault. LOL.
Thus political.
So, it sounds like the pga democratic supporting ceo is making it political then, doesn't it?
Sounds like you are making shit up. There was no where else in the US for the PGA tour? I suspect Mexico offered a better deal and they took it.
The PGA picked Mexico for a specific reason, and the reason is Trump.
the PGA explicitly said it's mission was to reach out to all people. The PURPOSE of the PGA to get PEOPLE TO PLAY GOLF. It has nothing to do with politics.

The Tour hinted in December that a venue shift was possible shortly after Trump made inflammatory remarks toward Mexicans and immigrants and called for a temporary ban on Muslims from entering the United States.

"We continue to stand by our earlier statement, and the statement of other golf organizations, that Mr. Trump's comments are inconsistent with our strong commitment to an inclusive and welcoming environment in the game of golf," the statement read. "The PGA Tour has had a 53-year commitment to the Doral community, the greater Miami area and the charities that have benefited from the tournament. Given this commitment, we are moving forward with holding the 2016 event at the Blue Monster. Immediately after the completion of the 2016 tournament, we will explore all options regarding the event's future."
No. The PGA is not political. It wants dems, goper, indeps, muslims, Mexicans, even illegal aliens to PLAY GOLF. That's all they care about. Apparently the see Trump as not helping with that. Wonder why. LOL
They want illegals to play golf in Mexico? You don't make sense.
If Trump is really serious about bringing jobs back to the US, then why are his clothing line and his wife's perfume line being made outside of this country and being made in places like Mexico (where he wants to build a wall against) and China (who he said he will be so tough on)?

Trump is a con man.

His job performance as CEO was measured by profits to the shareholders.

His job performance as President will be measured by how well he serves the interests of his constituents.

Different jobs, different responsibilities, thus different actions.

I'm glad I was here to help you with these hard questions.

Corrie......... That doesn't change a diddly shit..........N.

Err yes, it does.

When I was young I was a busboy in a restaurant.

When I graduated college and applied for a job in my field, the interviewer was not concerned that I would show up to work and go to kitchen and start washing dishes instead of doing my new job.

ONly a complete lunatic would worry about that.
If he can't "close that deal' why should we expect him to be able to close deals win Washington?
He won't. He will deal with a gridlocked congress just like presidents before him. Hopefully he wouldn't act like Obama and rule by decree.

As much of his policy is enforcing existing laws, he won't need approval from congress.

And if Congressmen want to go on record as supporting shipping jobs overseas, Trump can work with that.

Or, work with the NEXT congress.
Thus political.
So, it sounds like the pga democratic supporting ceo is making it political then, doesn't it?
The PGA picked Mexico for a specific reason, and the reason is Trump.
the PGA explicitly said it's mission was to reach out to all people. The PURPOSE of the PGA to get PEOPLE TO PLAY GOLF. It has nothing to do with politics.

The Tour hinted in December that a venue shift was possible shortly after Trump made inflammatory remarks toward Mexicans and immigrants and called for a temporary ban on Muslims from entering the United States.

"We continue to stand by our earlier statement, and the statement of other golf organizations, that Mr. Trump's comments are inconsistent with our strong commitment to an inclusive and welcoming environment in the game of golf," the statement read. "The PGA Tour has had a 53-year commitment to the Doral community, the greater Miami area and the charities that have benefited from the tournament. Given this commitment, we are moving forward with holding the 2016 event at the Blue Monster. Immediately after the completion of the 2016 tournament, we will explore all options regarding the event's future."
No. The PGA is not political. It wants dems, goper, indeps, muslims, Mexicans, even illegal aliens to PLAY GOLF. That's all they care about. Apparently the see Trump as not helping with that. Wonder why. LOL
They want illegals to play golf in Mexico? You don't make sense.
The PGA wants EVERYONE to play EVERYWHERE. That's the only reason it even exists.

It has touneys world wide.
World Golf Championships-Mexico Championship debuts in 2017
First, why is Trump blamed for 55 year loss when it has only been in Miami since 2007? And second, do you know how many courses exist in Florida, and how many are PGA courses without Trumps name atttached?
In Mexico City, a body hanging from a bridge portends a shift in violence
what do you bet attendance will be wayyyyy down?

The pga realizes their costs will be much lower and the profits much higher in Mexico City.
This is false diatribe against Trump.
From PGA-

“Since the debut of the World Golf Championships in 1999, the intent has always been to conduct these tournaments around the world,” said PGA TOUR Commissioner Tim Finchem. “Once it became apparent that we would not be able to secure sponsorship at levels that would sustain the event and help it grow at Trump National Doral, we began having serious discussions with Ricardo and Benjamin Salinas, who expressed strong interest in bringing a tournament to Mexico City to benefit golf and its development throughout Mexico. We are very excited about this new opportunity and what it brings to the World Golf Championships.”

Oh really?

PGA Tour commissioner Timothy Finchem said Mr Trump's current profile had made it "difficult" to attract sponsors.

"It's fundamentally a sponsorship issue," said Mr Finchem.

Luxury car maker Cadillac has reportedly not renewed its sponsorship deal.


Mr Trump said the decision marked a "sad day for Miami, the US and the game of golf".

"This decision only further embodies the very reason I am running for president of the United States," he said.
Trump angry as golf tournament is moved to Mexico - BBC News

Not quite as benign as you seem to want to make it appear.

I hope the share holders of Cadillac are happy that their corporate officers are focused on politics instead of their shareholder value and dividends.
The PGA announced they are moving their tour event held at Miami's famed Trump National Doral course for the last 55 years to Mexico City. In 2013, the PGA announced a ten year extension to the Trump National Doral to be held through 2023, but when Cadillac, the sponsor did not renew sponsorship of the event, it was dropped.

Trump National Doral was unable to find a sponsor and criticized the move when Donald Trump said "he hopes they have good kidnapping insurance." Tour moves event from Trump Doral to Mexico

The Donald does not lose well.

Good. I'm tired of losing well.

I want to fucking win, no matter how "badly".
That course has been around for a long time. Long before Trump stapled his name onto it. And now he's destroyed a tradition that existed long before he came along.

Dipshit can't even make a golf course great again. Get ready for the same to be done to America.
Can you be more specific? How did he destroy the tradition?

I can't say positively. If Cadillac or the PGA would add more information to the move it could be substantiated that his words did him in. Beyond that, the fact that he couldn't find a sponsor or sponsor it himself says a lot. He certainly didn't do anything to save it, that alone demonstrates he didn't have high regard for the tradition.
Sounds like you are making shit up. There was no where else in the US for the PGA tour? I suspect Mexico offered a better deal and they took it.
The PGA picked Mexico for a specific reason, and the reason is Trump.
What's your source, besides the shit that flies out of libturd asses.
I've posted the link twice on this thread you fockign idiot piece of dog turd. Now fock off. Or better yet figure out how to google it for your lazy ass self. JFC. I've had Mexican lawn care people with more skills.
Jesus.. so if I rent my reception hall to a group, and their sponsors pull out and they cancel, it's my fault?

It is if you make public statements which piss off the membership of the group and its sponsors.

Conservatives are always saying "Let the free market decide". Yet when the free market decides, you say that they're just the PC police trying to force their views on the rest of us. Every. Single. Time.

I notice that to the Trumbots, nothing is ever The Donald's fault. Drum of similarly refuses to accept responsibility for his actions.

It's not just the PGA and its sponsors that will refuse to do business with Trump, and if he is elected President, the USA. Your country will become an international pariah if he is elected.
So, it sounds like the pga democratic supporting ceo is making it political then, doesn't it?
Can you be more specific? How did he destroy the tradition?

I can't say positively. If Cadillac or the PGA would add more information to the move it could be substantiated that his words did him in. Beyond that, the fact that he couldn't find a sponsor or sponsor it himself says a lot. He certainly didn't do anything to save it, that alone demonstrates he didn't have high regard for the tradition.
Sounds like you are making shit up. There was no where else in the US for the PGA tour? I suspect Mexico offered a better deal and they took it.
The PGA picked Mexico for a specific reason, and the reason is Trump.
the PGA explicitly said it's mission was to reach out to all people. The PURPOSE of the PGA to get PEOPLE TO PLAY GOLF. It has nothing to do with politics.

The Tour hinted in December that a venue shift was possible shortly after Trump made inflammatory remarks toward Mexicans and immigrants and called for a temporary ban on Muslims from entering the United States.

"We continue to stand by our earlier statement, and the statement of other golf organizations, that Mr. Trump's comments are inconsistent with our strong commitment to an inclusive and welcoming environment in the game of golf," the statement read. "The PGA Tour has had a 53-year commitment to the Doral community, the greater Miami area and the charities that have benefited from the tournament. Given this commitment, we are moving forward with holding the 2016 event at the Blue Monster. Immediately after the completion of the 2016 tournament, we will explore all options regarding the event's future."

80% of golfers are white, and they strongly trend male and older.

Or in other words, Trump's base.

Liberals are putting their personal political agenda ahead of their professional responsibility.

As is common.
Thus political.
So, it sounds like the pga democratic supporting ceo is making it political then, doesn't it?
Sounds like you are making shit up. There was no where else in the US for the PGA tour? I suspect Mexico offered a better deal and they took it.
The PGA picked Mexico for a specific reason, and the reason is Trump.
the PGA explicitly said it's mission was to reach out to all people. The PURPOSE of the PGA to get PEOPLE TO PLAY GOLF. It has nothing to do with politics.

The Tour hinted in December that a venue shift was possible shortly after Trump made inflammatory remarks toward Mexicans and immigrants and called for a temporary ban on Muslims from entering the United States.

"We continue to stand by our earlier statement, and the statement of other golf organizations, that Mr. Trump's comments are inconsistent with our strong commitment to an inclusive and welcoming environment in the game of golf," the statement read. "The PGA Tour has had a 53-year commitment to the Doral community, the greater Miami area and the charities that have benefited from the tournament. Given this commitment, we are moving forward with holding the 2016 event at the Blue Monster. Immediately after the completion of the 2016 tournament, we will explore all options regarding the event's future."
No. The PGA is not political. It wants dems, goper, indeps, muslims, Mexicans, even illegal aliens to PLAY GOLF. That's all they care about. Apparently the see Trump as not helping with that. Wonder why. LOL

Because they are assholes.
Jesus.. so if I rent my reception hall to a group, and their sponsors pull out and they cancel, it's my fault?

It is if you make public statements which piss off the membership of the group and its sponsors.

Conservatives are always saying "Let the free market decide". Yet when the free market decides, you say that they're just the PC police trying to force their views on the rest of us. Every. Single. Time.

I notice that to the Trumbots, nothing is ever The Donald's fault. Drum of similarly refuses to accept responsibility for his actions.

It's not just the PGA and its sponsors that will refuse to do business with Trump, and if he is elected President, the USA. Your country will become an international pariah if he is elected.

This isn't the free market.

This is lefties putting their personal partisan political agenda ahead of their professional responsibilities.

As is common.
Thus political.
So, it sounds like the pga democratic supporting ceo is making it political then, doesn't it?
The PGA picked Mexico for a specific reason, and the reason is Trump.
the PGA explicitly said it's mission was to reach out to all people. The PURPOSE of the PGA to get PEOPLE TO PLAY GOLF. It has nothing to do with politics.

The Tour hinted in December that a venue shift was possible shortly after Trump made inflammatory remarks toward Mexicans and immigrants and called for a temporary ban on Muslims from entering the United States.

"We continue to stand by our earlier statement, and the statement of other golf organizations, that Mr. Trump's comments are inconsistent with our strong commitment to an inclusive and welcoming environment in the game of golf," the statement read. "The PGA Tour has had a 53-year commitment to the Doral community, the greater Miami area and the charities that have benefited from the tournament. Given this commitment, we are moving forward with holding the 2016 event at the Blue Monster. Immediately after the completion of the 2016 tournament, we will explore all options regarding the event's future."
No. The PGA is not political. It wants dems, goper, indeps, muslims, Mexicans, even illegal aliens to PLAY GOLF. That's all they care about. Apparently the see Trump as not helping with that. Wonder why. LOL

Because they are assholes.
I doubt Trump has much appeal to Latinos and Muslims who play golf.
I can't speculate beyond that because the PGA isn't offering details. The fact that Donnie, the world's greatest businessman, mover, shaker, the guy who hires all the best people, who makes yuuuge decisions every single day, couldn't save Doral, the City of Miami, and the thousands of people who depended on the event for subsistence, couldn't do a thing to make this business decision a success. It is a prime example of bluster and noise making and not much else. This is what you get for a president, someone who can't even turn an event that hurts him into a positive outcome.
^ that easyt65
one reason Donnie bought Doral was because it was a very successful operation (long before he came along) and a PGA Tour event course is a major draw ... think national television for two days crowds in the thousands Thursday thru Sunday ... list is endless.

good job Donnie, keep taking. Trumpbots love it, sponsors hate it. Now Mexico can pay for your wall with your $$.

Is the PGA supposed to be a political organization?

The PGA is supposed to appeal to the broadest spectrum of people. Allowing bigotry to dominate is a business killer.

Enforcing the law is not bigotry.

That is political bias talking on your part.

Calling Mexicans "rapists, murderers and drug dealers" is bigoted and racist.

Banning all Muslim immigration into the US, is both bigoted and unconstitutional.

Saying you would go after terrorists' families is advocating committing war crimes.

No company which hopes to appeal to all Americans will want their company or its products associated with someone like this. The majority of white people won't even vote for him, much less people of colour.

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