Farewell Ron Paul...Thanks For The Ride!...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
A touching farewell to the Good Doctor. Those of you who are members of the Ron Paul Revolution, will truly understand the writer's sentiment.

By dexterszyd
Daily Paul Liberty Forum

Ron Paul,

About 5 years ago I was walking down a dirt road in a dense fog. I was not the only one. There were so many of us lost and wandering down this road but we took comfort in being together in the same predicament. We would pass familiar signs and landmarks keeping us moving forward and reenforcing our way on the right path.

We were all too afraid to leave the road not knowing exactly what might be out there. I recall other saying if we veered or took a different path we would be sure to starve, freeze or worse.

As I was walking along the shoulder of this road something caught my attention down in a ravine. It was dim light flickering through the fog. I was comfortable up on the road but something inside me poked at my curiosity. A small group of fellows along the roadside were beckoning me to head down the ravine. They were the outcasts that we were told of...We just had it engrained in our heads that these people were fringe and crazy. But something happened to me. something called me. So when no one was looking I stepped off the road into the brush. It was the biggest moment of my life.

Little did I know that first step was off a steep grade of rocks, mud, thorns, thicket and tree branches. I must have slid a quarter of a mile or so tearing up my arms, legs and hitting my head. Up above on the road I could hear insults of how stupid I was, how I was a kook and then laughter. I tried to climb back up but realized it was useless.

Once at the bottom of this ravine I found you. You were holding a lantern on the edge of a dock where a raft was waiting with a few others that left the road. I was confused and in disbelief. You reached out and grabbed me, and helped me on the way to the raft. You showed me how the road I was following was a vicious circle full of deceit. You explained the best paths to take to break the cycle and forge a new path.

We set out over the body of water into the blackness. There were all sorts of creepy things along the way. Rough water, snakes, wind and hail. You never changed course. You stood firm and pointed this vessel to a point of light that was getting brighter and brighter as we approached.

Ahead was a beautiful sunrise penetrating the fog and trees. Once we made landfall we stepped off into a green meadow with spring buds and fresh aquifers running over the smooth rocks sparkling in the sunlight.

Over the course of the next 5 years, I made this trip back and forth with you. I stood upon the road and beckoned others. Each day you stepped onto that raft to head over to the dirt road to rescue more. Day in , day out, you were tireless.

Today I woke up to join you on the raft when I realized you were not coming. You had taken your last trip. As I pushed off to head into the blackness like we always have it hit me. This is what you wanted from us all along. We are now the raftsmen in the sea of despair. We are multiplying and rescuing more and more people. More than any one man could do. You have created an army of enlighten men and women.

You deserve to stay on shore. You did your part. I must say I am a bit sad to see you stay. I don't know how I can ever repay you. You have changed my life forever and the seed you planted will grow in my children and children's children for many years to come.

Salute Ron Paul!
The rEVOLution lives inside all of us and we are only getting stronger.


Farewell Ron Paul ...thanks for the ride! | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Revolution
I guess it's time to pass the torch to his son Rand. I truly hope Rand sticks to his Dad's core values & beliefs. Time will tell.
I'm not passing this torch to Rand. I think the author is implying that while RP was the flicker of light that showed people the way, it is up to those who are remaining that will carry the torches. Millions strong, all carrying the torch. Lighting the way for others and lighting their torch as we go.

Rand can go fuck himself. Twice.
I suggest you guys get to know Michigan Congressman Justin Amash. I think he is going to be our next RP. He is a young version of Ron.
I'm not passing this torch to Rand. I think the author is implying that while RP was the flicker of light that showed people the way, it is up to those who are remaining that will carry the torches. Millions strong, all carrying the torch. Lighting the way for others and lighting their torch as we go.

Rand can go fuck himself. Twice.

I hear ya, but i'm willing to give Rand more of a chance. His record in Congress so far, has been pretty good. He fought very hard against the Patriot Act & NDAA. But is he is Father? Not likely. There will always be only one Ron Paul. But i'm sure his Dad will be a heavy influence on him. I hope so anyway.
A touching farewell to the Good Doctor. Those of you who are members of the Ron Paul Revolution, will truly understand the writer's sentiment.

By dexterszyd
Daily Paul Liberty Forum

Ron Paul,

About 5 years ago I was walking down a dirt road in a dense fog. I was not the only one. There were so many of us lost and wandering down this road but we took comfort in being together in the same predicament. We would pass familiar signs and landmarks keeping us moving forward and reenforcing our way on the right path.

We were all too afraid to leave the road not knowing exactly what might be out there. I recall other saying if we veered or took a different path we would be sure to starve, freeze or worse.

As I was walking along the shoulder of this road something caught my attention down in a ravine. It was dim light flickering through the fog. I was comfortable up on the road but something inside me poked at my curiosity. A small group of fellows along the roadside were beckoning me to head down the ravine. They were the outcasts that we were told of...We just had it engrained in our heads that these people were fringe and crazy. But something happened to me. something called me. So when no one was looking I stepped off the road into the brush. It was the biggest moment of my life.

Little did I know that first step was off a steep grade of rocks, mud, thorns, thicket and tree branches. I must have slid a quarter of a mile or so tearing up my arms, legs and hitting my head. Up above on the road I could hear insults of how stupid I was, how I was a kook and then laughter. I tried to climb back up but realized it was useless.

Once at the bottom of this ravine I found you. You were holding a lantern on the edge of a dock where a raft was waiting with a few others that left the road. I was confused and in disbelief. You reached out and grabbed me, and helped me on the way to the raft. You showed me how the road I was following was a vicious circle full of deceit. You explained the best paths to take to break the cycle and forge a new path.

We set out over the body of water into the blackness. There were all sorts of creepy things along the way. Rough water, snakes, wind and hail. You never changed course. You stood firm and pointed this vessel to a point of light that was getting brighter and brighter as we approached.

Ahead was a beautiful sunrise penetrating the fog and trees. Once we made landfall we stepped off into a green meadow with spring buds and fresh aquifers running over the smooth rocks sparkling in the sunlight.

Over the course of the next 5 years, I made this trip back and forth with you. I stood upon the road and beckoned others. Each day you stepped onto that raft to head over to the dirt road to rescue more. Day in , day out, you were tireless.

Today I woke up to join you on the raft when I realized you were not coming. You had taken your last trip. As I pushed off to head into the blackness like we always have it hit me. This is what you wanted from us all along. We are now the raftsmen in the sea of despair. We are multiplying and rescuing more and more people. More than any one man could do. You have created an army of enlighten men and women.

You deserve to stay on shore. You did your part. I must say I am a bit sad to see you stay. I don't know how I can ever repay you. You have changed my life forever and the seed you planted will grow in my children and children's children for many years to come.

Salute Ron Paul!
The rEVOLution lives inside all of us and we are only getting stronger.


Farewell Ron Paul ...thanks for the ride! | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Revolution

Ron Paul as John Galt. The author inflating himself into Ragnar Danneskjöld. It even has the same quality of redundancy.

But, at least it is not as long as Atlas Shrugged.

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A touching farewell to the Good Doctor. Those of you who are members of the Ron Paul Revolution, will truly understand the writer's sentiment.

By dexterszyd
Daily Paul Liberty Forum

Ron Paul,

About 5 years ago I was walking down a dirt road in a dense fog. I was not the only one. There were so many of us lost and wandering down this road but we took comfort in being together in the same predicament. We would pass familiar signs and landmarks keeping us moving forward and reenforcing our way on the right path.

We were all too afraid to leave the road not knowing exactly what might be out there. I recall other saying if we veered or took a different path we would be sure to starve, freeze or worse.

As I was walking along the shoulder of this road something caught my attention down in a ravine. It was dim light flickering through the fog. I was comfortable up on the road but something inside me poked at my curiosity. A small group of fellows along the roadside were beckoning me to head down the ravine. They were the outcasts that we were told of...We just had it engrained in our heads that these people were fringe and crazy. But something happened to me. something called me. So when no one was looking I stepped off the road into the brush. It was the biggest moment of my life.

Little did I know that first step was off a steep grade of rocks, mud, thorns, thicket and tree branches. I must have slid a quarter of a mile or so tearing up my arms, legs and hitting my head. Up above on the road I could hear insults of how stupid I was, how I was a kook and then laughter. I tried to climb back up but realized it was useless.

Once at the bottom of this ravine I found you. You were holding a lantern on the edge of a dock where a raft was waiting with a few others that left the road. I was confused and in disbelief. You reached out and grabbed me, and helped me on the way to the raft. You showed me how the road I was following was a vicious circle full of deceit. You explained the best paths to take to break the cycle and forge a new path.

We set out over the body of water into the blackness. There were all sorts of creepy things along the way. Rough water, snakes, wind and hail. You never changed course. You stood firm and pointed this vessel to a point of light that was getting brighter and brighter as we approached.

Ahead was a beautiful sunrise penetrating the fog and trees. Once we made landfall we stepped off into a green meadow with spring buds and fresh aquifers running over the smooth rocks sparkling in the sunlight.

Over the course of the next 5 years, I made this trip back and forth with you. I stood upon the road and beckoned others. Each day you stepped onto that raft to head over to the dirt road to rescue more. Day in , day out, you were tireless.

Today I woke up to join you on the raft when I realized you were not coming. You had taken your last trip. As I pushed off to head into the blackness like we always have it hit me. This is what you wanted from us all along. We are now the raftsmen in the sea of despair. We are multiplying and rescuing more and more people. More than any one man could do. You have created an army of enlighten men and women.

You deserve to stay on shore. You did your part. I must say I am a bit sad to see you stay. I don't know how I can ever repay you. You have changed my life forever and the seed you planted will grow in my children and children's children for many years to come.

Salute Ron Paul!
The rEVOLution lives inside all of us and we are only getting stronger.


Farewell Ron Paul ...thanks for the ride! | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Revolution

Ron Paul as John Galt. The author inflating himself into Ragnar Danneskjöld. It even has the same quality of redundancy.

But, at least it is not as long as Atlas Shrugged.


Yeah, like you actually read it. You're very boring & predictable. And you're not a member of the Ron Paul Revolution anyway. But you should be.
he definitely made these past two races more interesting. Good luck to him in his future in whatever endevour he pursues.
Not even allowed a fair well without some handful of shit stains on the underpants of society showing up in the thread to take final jabs at the guy. You're worse than fucking playground bullies. You dont even know when you've won and when to just STFU and move on.

I used to shove turds like that in lockers after I pulled their shirt up over their head in high school.
Although I did not agree with all of Ron Paul's positions, the Ron Paul I came to know and admire is one of a kind.

Steadfast and unwavering in his beliefs, he is an honorable man. Honor. Honorable. A rare quality in these times.

I truly appreciate the man. I will miss him on the political stage.
Ron Paul as John Galt. The author inflating himself into Ragnar Danneskjöld. It even has the same quality of redundancy.

But, at least it is not as long as Atlas Shrugged.


Yeah, like you actually read it. You're very boring & predictable. And you're not a member of the Ron Paul Revolution anyway. But you should be.

I actually have read Atlas Shrugged. And as I have said before, I have been around Libertarians probably longer than you have been alive.

That's how I know they are a bunch of flakes.:badgrin:

Not even allowed a fair well without some handful of shit stains on the underpants of society showing up in the thread to take final jabs at the guy. You're worse than fucking playground bullies. You dont even know when you've won and when to just STFU and move on.

I used to shove turds like that in lockers after I pulled their shirt up over their head in high school.

Was this before or after you read Rand's romance novels?
Ron Paul as John Galt. The author inflating himself into Ragnar Danneskjöld. It even has the same quality of redundancy.

But, at least it is not as long as Atlas Shrugged.


Yeah, like you actually read it. You're very boring & predictable. And you're not a member of the Ron Paul Revolution anyway. But you should be.

I actually have read Atlas Shrugged. And as I have said before, I have been around Libertarians probably longer than you have been alive.

That's how I know they are a bunch of flakes.:badgrin:


Your stupidity is startling. Congrats on your special short bus plaque. Did you wear a helmet too?
Not even allowed a fair well without some handful of shit stains on the underpants of society showing up in the thread to take final jabs at the guy. You're worse than fucking playground bullies. You dont even know when you've won and when to just STFU and move on.

I used to shove turds like that in lockers after I pulled their shirt up over their head in high school.

Was this before or after you read Rand's romance novels?

it was before. But that doesn't matter really now does it, turd.
What's funny here, is that shit stains like you dont even realize you're a shit stain.

It's like watching a blind african american speak supportingly at a KKK meeting.
The best thing about Libertarians is that they give up easily.

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