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However,,you've been educated here that that is incorrect.....

Afraid not. Open your mind and learn something new :)

Socialism is socialism. There is nothing new in that. What is new is your spin, which you can't even coherently describe. Stalinism isn't socialism cus. The same reason you think fascism isn't socialism. It doesn't fit the Democrat agenda. You're saying nothing

You mean it doesn't fit your rightwing agenda to admit that fascism is a rightwing ideology? To bad most historians, fascists and political scientists disagree with you - your trying to rewrite history.

You have consistently failed to demonstrate that fascism is right wing, and you have even admitted that it isn't. You can't even define what is being measured on the right/left yardstick.

You've consistently failed to comprehend what you are reading: I've never "admitted" fascism is not rightwing. What I've stated - and provided sources to back it up, is that Nazism is it's own category.

You're just contradicting yourself constantly at this point. If you're going to change what you are saying in every post there's no point since you're arguing with yourself
Political Ideologies
fascism. Extreme right-wing ideology where the existing social order is protected by the forcible suppression of the working class.
communism. Extreme left-wing ideology based on the revolutionary socialist teachings of Marx. Collective ownership and a planned economy. Each should work to their capability and receive according to their needs.
Afraid not. Open your mind and learn something new :)

Socialism is socialism. There is nothing new in that. What is new is your spin, which you can't even coherently describe. Stalinism isn't socialism cus. The same reason you think fascism isn't socialism. It doesn't fit the Democrat agenda. You're saying nothing

You mean it doesn't fit your rightwing agenda to admit that fascism is a rightwing ideology? To bad most historians, fascists and political scientists disagree with you - your trying to rewrite history.

You have consistently failed to demonstrate that fascism is right wing, and you have even admitted that it isn't. You can't even define what is being measured on the right/left yardstick.

You've consistently failed to comprehend what you are reading: I've never "admitted" fascism is not rightwing. What I've stated - and provided sources to back it up, is that Nazism is it's own category.

You're just contradicting yourself constantly at this point. If you're going to change what you are saying in every post there's no point since you're arguing with yourself

Where have I said fascism is NOT rightwing? Let's start there.
Political Ideologies
fascism. Extreme right-wing ideology where the existing social order is protected by the forcible suppression of the working class.
communism. Extreme left-wing ideology based on the revolutionary socialist teachings of Marx. Collective ownership and a planned economy. Each should work to their capability and receive according to their needs.
Socialism is socialism. There is nothing new in that. What is new is your spin, which you can't even coherently describe. Stalinism isn't socialism cus. The same reason you think fascism isn't socialism. It doesn't fit the Democrat agenda. You're saying nothing

You mean it doesn't fit your rightwing agenda to admit that fascism is a rightwing ideology? To bad most historians, fascists and political scientists disagree with you - your trying to rewrite history.

You have consistently failed to demonstrate that fascism is right wing, and you have even admitted that it isn't. You can't even define what is being measured on the right/left yardstick.

You've consistently failed to comprehend what you are reading: I've never "admitted" fascism is not rightwing. What I've stated - and provided sources to back it up, is that Nazism is it's own category.

You're just contradicting yourself constantly at this point. If you're going to change what you are saying in every post there's no point since you're arguing with yourself

Where have I said fascism is NOT rightwing? Let's start there.

I asked you the difference between Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia and you said there wasn't any. Which is true, they are both socialism. They both call themselves socialist. They both centrally plan their economies. They are both left
However,,you've been educated here that that is incorrect.....

Afraid not. Open your mind and learn something new :)

Socialism is socialism. There is nothing new in that. What is new is your spin, which you can't even coherently describe. Stalinism isn't socialism cus. The same reason you think fascism isn't socialism. It doesn't fit the Democrat agenda. You're saying nothing

You mean it doesn't fit your rightwing agenda to admit that fascism is a rightwing ideology? To bad most historians, fascists and political scientists disagree with you - your trying to rewrite history.

You have consistently failed to demonstrate that fascism is right wing, and you have even admitted that it isn't. You can't even define what is being measured on the right/left yardstick.

You've consistently failed to comprehend what you are reading: I've never "admitted" fascism is not rightwing. What I've stated - and provided sources to back it up, is that Nazism is it's own category.

Before we continue this farce, just answer this one question: What is being measured on the left/right axis of your political paradigm?
...you FAIL.
LOL Whatever fantasy you want to believe in your "Education sucks" world. People who know history know Hitler hated socialists and communists which is why he imprisoned them and went to war against the USSR.
I already prove he didn't hate communists. Go back and read the quote where he says he likes to admit them immediately to the party.
You're just contradicting yourself constantly at this point. If you're going to change what you are saying in every post there's no point since you're arguing with yourself

Where have I said fascism is NOT rightwing? Let's start there.[/QUOTE]

It does not matter what you post, the FACTS are the Nazi party and the leftist liberal democrat party in this country employ EXACTLY the SAME methods. IT IS A HISTORIC FACT the only place that FASCISIM is aligned with conservatisim is in your shallow low IQ minds. You can reach to the closest galaxy and still not be right. The idea that fascisim is aligned with the conservatives is another liberal talking point started long ago just like RACIST SEXIST HOMOPHOBE ISLAMAPHOBE, and all the rest of your small minded labels. WORTHLESS, and exactly what the German socialist party used to propel hitler to power NAZI.
You're just contradicting yourself constantly at this point. If you're going to change what you are saying in every post there's no point since you're arguing with yourself

Where have I said fascism is NOT rightwing? Let's start there.

It does not matter what you post, the FACTS are the Nazi party and the leftist liberal democrat party in this country employ EXACTLY the SAME methods. IT IS A HISTORIC FACT the only place that FASCISIM is aligned with conservatisim is in your shallow low IQ minds. You can reach to the closest galaxy and still not be right. The idea that fascisim is aligned with the conservatives is another liberal talking point started long ago just like RACIST SEXIST HOMOPHOBE ISLAMAPHOBE, and all the rest of your small minded labels. WORTHLESS, and exactly what the German socialist party used to propel hitler to power NAZI.

Historians, political scientists and even fascists themselves state they are a rightwing ideology. Go rant to them about how they're all wrong.
...you FAIL.
LOL Whatever fantasy you want to believe in your "Education sucks" world. People who know history know Hitler hated socialists and communists which is why he imprisoned them and went to war against the USSR.
I already prove he didn't hate communists. Go back and read the quote where he says he likes to admit them immediately to the party.

Ya...he didn't hate them, he just killed them :cuckoo:
Yes all of the liberal labelers do try to defame the conservatives the same way, so what is your point since the link to the UK site you gave is such a site With monoplanic liberal theory in every word and section. What REAL historic evidence can you present that connects the two. Just like all liberal labels it is woven out of fantasy and lies.
The question was whether he was against socialism, not whether he'd killed a socialist. ...
Yes, because everyone knows socialists murder socialists and RWNJs murder RWNJs. /sarcasm

...It's interesting that you call "Divine.Wind" most people call "noxious intestinal gas." To each his own
Awesome insult for a person with a GED.
...you FAIL.
LOL Whatever fantasy you want to believe in your "Education sucks" world. People who know history know Hitler hated socialists and communists which is why he imprisoned them and went to war against the USSR.
I already prove he didn't hate communists. Go back and read the quote where he says he likes to admit them immediately to the party.

Ya...he didn't hate them, he just killed them :cuckoo:
He admitted them to the party immediately. How does that show he hates them?

So when are you going to answer my question?
The question was whether he was against socialism, not whether he'd killed a socialist. ...
Yes, because everyone knows socialists murder socialists and RWNJs murder RWNJs. /sarcasm

...It's interesting that you call "Divine.Wind" most people call "noxious intestinal gas." To each his own
Awesome insult for a person with a GED.
Yep, socialists murder socialist all the time. Stalin murdered millions of socialists.
Yes all of the liberal labelers do try to defame the conservatives the same way, so what is your point since the link to the UK site you gave is such a site With monoplanic liberal theory in every word and section. What REAL historic evidence can you present that connects the two. Just like all liberal labels it is woven out of fantasy and lies.

Providing facts is "defaming conservatives"? Are you defaming liberals?
...you FAIL.
LOL Whatever fantasy you want to believe in your "Education sucks" world. People who know history know Hitler hated socialists and communists which is why he imprisoned them and went to war against the USSR.
I already prove he didn't hate communists. Go back and read the quote where he says he likes to admit them immediately to the party.

Ya...he didn't hate them, he just killed them :cuckoo:
He admitted them to the party immediately. How does that show he hates them?

Early on, then when he got to power he murdered them. Guess he really loved them.
The question was whether he was against socialism, not whether he'd killed a socialist. ...
Yes, because everyone knows socialists murder socialists and RWNJs murder RWNJs. /sarcasm

...It's interesting that you call "Divine.Wind" most people call "noxious intestinal gas." To each his own
Awesome insult for a person with a GED.
Yep, socialists murder socialist all the time. Stalin murdered millions of socialists.

Remind me...did Stalin specifically oppose socialism or communism? Hitler did. Killed them, and denounced socialism in entirety.
The question was whether he was against socialism, not whether he'd killed a socialist. ...
Yes, because everyone knows socialists murder socialists and RWNJs murder RWNJs. /sarcasm

...It's interesting that you call "Divine.Wind" most people call "noxious intestinal gas." To each his own
Awesome insult for a person with a GED.
Yep, socialists murder socialist all the time. Stalin murdered millions of socialists.

Remind me...did Stalin specifically oppose socialism or communism? Hitler did. Killed them, and denounced socialism in entirety.
Nope. Hitler opposed capitalism. He claimed to be a socialist. He never denounced it. If you think he did, then produce the quote where he does so.
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The question was whether he was against socialism, not whether he'd killed a socialist. ...
Yes, because everyone knows socialists murder socialists and RWNJs murder RWNJs. /sarcasm

...It's interesting that you call "Divine.Wind" most people call "noxious intestinal gas." To each his own
Awesome insult for a person with a GED.
Yep, socialists murder socialist all the time. Stalin murdered millions of socialists.

Remind me...did Stalin specifically oppose socialism or communism? Hitler did. Killed them, and denounced socialism in entirety.
Nope. Hitler opposed capitalism. He claimed to be a socialist. He never denounced it. If you think he did, then produce the quote where he does so.

Hitler as the Scourge of Socialism
Richard Evans, in his magisterial three volume history of Nazi Germany, is quite clear on whether Hitler was a socialist: “…it would be wrong to see Nazism as a form of, or an outgrowth of, socialism.” (The Coming of the Third Reich, Evans, p.173). Not only was Hitler not a socialist himself, nor a communist, but he actually hated these ideologies and did his utmost to eradicate them. At first this involved organizing bands of thugs to attack socialists in the street, but grew into invading Russia, in part to enslave the population and earn ‘living ‘ room for Germans, and in part to wipe out communism and ‘Bolshevism’. More on the early Nazis.

The key element here is what Hitler did, believed and tried to create. Nazism, confused as it was, was fundamentally an ideology built around race, while socialism was entirely different: built around class. Hitler aimed to unite the right and left, including workers and their bosses, into a new German nation based on the racial identity of those in it. Socialism, in contrast, was a class struggle, aiming to build a workers state, whatever race the worker was from. Nazism drew on a range of pan-German theories, which wanted to blend Aryan workers and Aryan magnates into a super Aryan state, which would involve the eradication of class focused socialism, as well as Judaism and other ideas deemed non-German.

When Hitler came to power he attempted to dismantle trade unions and the shell that remained loyal to him; he supported the actions of leading industrialists, actions far removed from socialism which tends to want the opposite. Hitler used the fear of socialism and communism as a way of terrifying middle and upper class Germans into supporting him. Workers were targeted with slightly different propaganda, but these were promises simply to earn support, to get into power, and then to remake the workers along with everyone else into a racial state. There was to be no dictatorship of the proletariat as in socialism; there was just to be the dictatorship of the Fuhrer.

The belief that Hitler was a socialist seems to have emerged from two sources: the name of his political party, the National Socialist German Worker’s Party, or Nazi Party, and the early presence of socialists in it.

Hitler was not a socialist, even if he did stash champagne
Rather, consider this dialogue between Hitler and the Strasser brothers in 1930 – when the Nazis were approaching the margins of power. Otto and Gregor Strasser represented the wing of Nazism that certainly did self-define as socialist. The Strasserites went so far as to demand the nationalisation of industry and even cooperation with the Soviet Union. If Hitler was a socialist then we’d expect the men to have flourished in his government. Instead, Otto was purged in 1930 and Gregor died along with the remnants of their ideology in the Night of the Long Knives in 1934.

In May 1930, Hitler met with the Strassers in Berlin to try to persuade them to shut up about a socialist revolution. Hitler began with a lecture on art, arguing that true art conformed to eternal ideas. There were no “breaks” in true art but continuity through inheritance. By implication there could be no “revolution” but simply an assertion of the one truth that mattered to Hitler: racial superiority reflected in authority. Dan Hannan quotes Hitler then telling the Strassers "I am a socialist!", which sure reads like a smoking gun. But consider what Hitler goes on to say about the working-class:

“The great masses of workmen want nothing else than bread and amusement; they have no understanding of idealism; and we can never count on being able to gain any considerable support among them. What we want is a picked number from the new ruling class, who – unlike you – are not troubled with humanitarian feelings, but who are convinced that they have the right to rule as being a superior race, and who will secure and maintain their rule ruthlessly over the broad masses.”

As for class relations, Hitler asserted that workers had no right to have a say in their own management as it was a perversion of that eternal natural order of the survival of the fittest. The industrialists: “have worked their way to the top by their own abilities, and this proof of their capacity – a capacity only displayed by a higher race – gives them the right to lead.” And on the subject of reforming the economic system, Hitler offered this not very Left-wing observation: “Socialism is in itself a bad word [if it is used literally]. But it is certainly not to be taken as meaning that industry must be socialised.” So long as industrialists acted in the national interest, they can keep their property. Indeed, “it would be little short of a crime to destroy the existing economic system.”
The question was whether he was against socialism, not whether he'd killed a socialist. ...
Yes, because everyone knows socialists murder socialists and RWNJs murder RWNJs. /sarcasm

So when Hitler killed a socialist who was speaking against him, you actually believe the issue was that he was a socialist, not that he was speaking against him. Go ahead, say it, say that's what you believe. That would be stupid that's funny

...It's interesting that you call "Divine.Wind" most people call "noxious intestinal gas." To each his own
Awesome insult for a person with a GED.

Sorry man, didn't mean to pick on you then. I didn't know
The question was whether he was against socialism, not whether he'd killed a socialist. ...
Yes, because everyone knows socialists murder socialists and RWNJs murder RWNJs. /sarcasm

...It's interesting that you call "Divine.Wind" most people call "noxious intestinal gas." To each his own
Awesome insult for a person with a GED.
Yep, socialists murder socialist all the time. Stalin murdered millions of socialists.

Remind me...did Stalin specifically oppose socialism or communism? Hitler did. Killed them, and denounced socialism in entirety.

All you've come up so far is that Hitler killed socialists who were against him. Now you're repeating that he "denounced socialism," the claim you couldn't back up last time I asked

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