Fatal flaw in mental health info. for gun background checks…...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I posted an article about the British police wanting more powers to search the homes of the few gun owners they have left when I happened upon the fatal flaw in any attempt to use mental health problems to keep dangerous people from owning guns……

The problem…the anti gun extremists will not stop at just adding names of people adjudicated mentally ill. Since criminals and mass shooters get their guns regardless of the law, once the mentally ill keep shooting innocent people….the gun grabbers will move on to wanting a law that mandates people get a mental health permit, in order to own guns.

This is now the discussion point in Britain, with one person pointing out that mental health professionals will not want to give that certificate to anyone because of the legal and professional risks involved.

And so, there is a fatal flaw in any argument for mental health records going into the NICS system…

Police Have Failed The Public On Gun Licensing, Say Inspectors

Worryingly, the police also want to end doctor-patient confidentiality, which is where the apples-and-oranges comparison between bus drivers and licensed firearms owners comes in.

“The Home Office should ensure that licensing does not take place without a current medical report from the applicant’s GP,” said HMIC. Their detailed plan is for no firearm or shotgun certificate to be issued without the applicant paying for a doctor’s report which will amount to the doctor saying “I certify this person is not insane”.

No sensible medic is going to take that risk, meaning such reports won’t be issued, and so the number of gun owners will fall, which is the police’s real aim here. The current system, where doctors only contact police where mental health concerns exist, is broadly fit for purpose but does need some improvement.

So…..the British are showing us where the next step in control goes after an almost total ban….
I posted an article about the British police wanting more powers to search the homes of the few gun owners they have left when I happened upon the fatal flaw in any attempt to use mental health problems to keep dangerous people from owning guns……

The problem…the anti gun extremists will not stop at just adding names of people adjudicated mentally ill. Since criminals and mass shooters get their guns regardless of the law, once the mentally ill keep shooting innocent people….the gun grabbers will move on to wanting a law that mandates people get a mental health permit, in order to own guns.
Anti-gun loons hate the idea of an armed populace, as it precludes the state having a monopoly on force.
That being the case, they will do everything they can to restrict the rights of the law abiding - however inane, ineffective or unconstitutional it may be.
The objective of the left is not reducing gun ownership for safety considerations. Perhaps ordinary bed wetters believe that bullshit, but the criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths they vote for know better.

The objective is to eliminate the ability for the "human resource" to defend itself when these sociopaths decide we need to be culled.


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