Fatherless Children in America

There is an epidemic of fatherless kids in America. This has a devastating affect on children.

I raised mine without their mother. Still raising the disabled one and will be forever as far as I know.
My kids are way better than I was. But you had better watch out yer stepping over the boundaries of the family rule in the TOS, fool.
Am I?

You introduced your family not me

I only commented on you

But if it offends you I will erase my post
No matter how you spin it, having two good parents in a steady environment is better for the kids.

I didn't try and spin it any other way.

Worst case is over 70% of Children in the Black community born outside legit marriage. Uncle Sugar set it up that way offering a payment plan. Yes, EVERY case can be different. Deeply sighing.

We gave millionaires, millions more to make them billionaires. Until we stop that I have no desire to listen to your complaints about the poor.
We gave millionaires, millions more to make them billionaires. Until we stop that I have no desire to listen to your complaints about the poor.

READ..... I am not interested in wrongs that don't sit well with my social beliefs, I only want to keep deflecting to the ones that do.
One does not equate with the other. Just because the parent's aren't officially married does not mean the child grows up without a father.

“Fifty-one percent of all children in America right now are born out of wedlock, 51%,” Vallotton, the senior associate leader of Bethel Church in Redding, California, says. “In 1950, 4% of Americans were born out of wedlock.”

The results of children growing up without fathers in the home are devastating,
We gave millionaires, millions more to make them billionaires.

You Tax what you don’t want To flourish. Cigarettes, booze, Gasoline, you want even more Tax on Successful business creations, Wealthy Americans. Till what? They stop creating goods? GDP down. Like North Korea eh?

So you want to drive the successful entrepreneurs out of the USA into other countries? I’ll l wait while you show all the big success stories out of Cuba….their billionaires? Making pencils in a factory more likely, you ignorant OX.

Success in America can be rewarded…..profits used to fund 1000s’ of other startups. But you would rather fund the babyfactory in South CHI as the males run from welfare mommy to the next one? 7 kids, five fathers.

you folks is ignorant.

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